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d20 System Espionage Role-Playing Game

Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera, and Kevin Wilson

Spycraft Errata V1.7

Spycraft Errata
Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are and 2002
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by AEG.
Reproduction without AEG's written permission is expressly forbidden,
except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is
clearly stated. Vitality points, wounds, Defense, and other rules from the Star
Wars roleplaying game and other items not covered by the Open Gaming
License used with permission from Wizards of the Coast. Star Wars is a trademark of Lucasfilm, Ltd. The mention of or reference to any company or product in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as
settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment
purposes only.

Additional Assistance:
Art Director:
Graphic Designer:
Cover Artist:
Brand Manager:
Production Manager:

Alex Flagg, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera,

Clayton A. Oliver, Kevin Wilson
Al Beddow, Steve Crow, Jerry Ham
D.J. Trindle, Patrick Kapera
jim pinto
Steve Hough
Veronica V. Jones
Patrick Kapera
Mary Valles

themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and
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The Open Game Content

This printing of the Spycraft errata is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game License and
the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark Logo Guide and
System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent
printings of this work will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document.
AEGs intention is to open up as much of the Spycraft errata as possible to be used as Open Game
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with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth below.
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product
Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all
Spycraft logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Spycraft product and
product line names including but not limited to The Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Spycraft Lite,
Control Screen, Modern Arms Guide, Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Fixer/Pointman Class Guide,
Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Season Book #1: Gentlemens Agreement and subsequent Season
books, The Agency Sourcebook, The Battlegrounds Sourcebook, The Mastermind Sourcebook,
The U.S. Militaries Sourebook, The World Militaries Sourcebook, and all Spycraft logos; any
elements of the Spycraft or Shadowforce Archer settings, including but not limited to capitalized
names, department names, section names, threat names, characters, gadgets (including but not
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open Game Content.
DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, all portions of the Spycraft errata are designated as Open Game Content except the rules for action dice,
backgrounds, favor checks, education checks, inspiration checks, acquiring equipment, weapons,
and vehicles (except for the description of threat codes), the rules for gadgets and individual gadget mechanics, and all NPC statistics.
USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Alderac
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Star
Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm Ltd.; Authors Andy
Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. The Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Copyright 2001 Alderac
Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson. The Shadowforce Archer
Worldbook, Copyright 2001 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin

Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, and are used with permission.
All contents of this work, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by Alderac
Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of
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limited license above.

The Open Game License

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All Rights Reserved.

Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) Derivative Material means copyrighted material including
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General Information
The following errata and clarifications are in effect as of
December 1, 2004.
All new text as of this edition is highlighted in blue.

The Order
of Agent Creation
1. An agent may assign or select the facets of each level
(i.e. skills, feats, department bonuses, class abilities, etc.) in any
order, but all the facets of a level must be assigned before the
agent can proceed to the next level.

Reference page numbers are included at the end of each entry,

unless unavailable.
Shadowforce Archer are Stargate SG-1 errata are handled in
separate documents, which can be found at the official Spycraft
and Stargate SG-1 RPG website and forums, respectively.
Special Note: This is a FLUID document, and subject to
change at any time. Please check back often for new versions and
before running any official Spycraft or SFA events.

Example: At level 1, an agent spends 4 skill points to raise a

cross-class skill to rank 2, then chooses the Talented feat for
that skill (making it a class skill, raising it to rank 3, and raising his maximum skill rank with it from 4 to 5). Then the agent
applies the D-2 department bonus to the same skill, raising it
one last time to rank 4.

Table Of Contents
General Corrections and Advisories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Spycraft Lite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04
Spycraft Espionage Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Spycraft Control Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Spycraft 1960s Decade Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Spycraft Agency Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Spycraft Battlegrounds Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Spycraft Faceman/Snoop Class Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Spycraft Gentlemens Agreement Season Book . . . . . . 35
Spycraft Mastermind Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Spycraft Modern Arms Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Spycraft U.S. Militaries Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Modern Arms Guide: Chapter 9 (PDF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
NPC Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
XP Rewards and Serial Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Skill-Based Effects
and Requirements
1. Unless specifically stated otherwise, whenever a rule refers to
a characters skill value (e.g. skill-based feat requirements,
DCs based on a characters skill, synergy bonuses, etc.), it refers
to the characters ranks with the skill, not the characters
total skill bonus.
Example: When a feats prerequisites include Computers 4+,
it means that a character must possess 4 or more ranks with
the Computers skill in order to choose the feat.

Bonuses and Skill Use

1. When an agent uses a skill for which his supporting ability
score or skill rank is increased by any agent option or other
rule, he only benefits from the bonus if the bonus is in effect
for the duration of the skill use.
Example: Donovans gains a +2 bonus to his Intelligence for 5
minutes. Three minutes into the bonus duration, he makes
a 2-minute Search check. He gains the bonus +1 ability
modifier for this Search check (as it begins and ends while his
Intelligence is boosted).


Example 2: Donovans gains a +2 bonus to his Intelligence for

5 minutes. Three minutes into the bonus duration, he makes
a 5-minute Search check. He does not gain the bonus +1
ability modifier for this Search check (as while it begins while
his Intelligence is boosted, it ends after his Intelligence boost
has expired).

Allies and Teammates

1. Some abilities make reference to an agents allies and his
teammates. There is a difference between these terms,
as follows.

Limited Abilities

Allies: Unless specified by the agent option or rule in use,

the GC chooses an agents allies from among any characters
within the agents line of sight when the agent uses an
ability that affects allies.

1. Several Spycraft and Shadowforce Archer class abilities

mainly in the case of NPC classes are classified limited
abilities. Each of these abilities is close to a full ability with a
similar name possessed by a base, prestige, or senior
agent class. A limited ability may not be used to meet the
prerequisites for a class, feat, or other agent option that
requires the full ability.

Teammates: Unless specified by the agent option or rule

in use, the agent chooses his teammates from amongst all
agents and special NPCs within the agents line of sight when
the agent uses an ability that affects teammates.

Example: The raider NPC classs limited familiarity ability may

not be used to meet the prerequisites of the Test Lap feat.

2. Once per session, a mastermind or henchman may designate

1 squad of minions commanded by him to be his teammates,
as if they were special NPCs.

Spycraft Errata
Trump Abilities

feat Prerequisites

1. Several Spycraft and Shadowforce Archer class abilities

such as the snoops flawless search, the sentrys big brother,
and the drifters non-entity abilities are considered trump
abilities. In the rare event that two such trump abilities come
into conflict (e.g. a sentry tries to identify a drifter using surveillance video enhanced with his big brother ability), the GC
should make every effort to accommodate both agents.
When a clear distinction of which agent bests the other is
absolutely necessary, the agents make an opposed skill check
as standard to determine the winner, as the two abilities
cancel each other out. In this case, both agents are considered
to have used their abilities once during the current session.

1. A feat with the prerequisite, Agent Level 1 only may only be

acquired by a 1st-level agent. Unless specified otherwise,
an agent who acquires such a feat at level 1 keeps the feat

Attacks of Opportunity
1. There are no attacks of opportunity in Spycraft. Instead,
during each round, each agent may take 1 full action or 2 half
actions, as well as 1 or more free actions (as allowed by the

Die Modifiers
Level-Based Feats
1. When an effect increases or decreases a rolled total by a
specific amount per die, possibly to a minimum of a specific
amount per die (e.g. the agent suffers 1 less point of damage
per die (to a minimum damage of 1 point per die)), then the
modifiers are applied to each die separately, adding the dice
totals together to produce a grand total.

1. Agents receive 1 level-based feat at 1st-level, a second levelbased feat at 3rd-level, and an additional 1 level-based feat
for every 3 agent levels they gain thereafter. The feat gained
at 1st-level is in addition to any feats received from class or
2. A feat gained by virtue of agent level may be chosen from any
tree available to the agent.

Example: Donovan suffers 6d6 damage. He benefits from

a gadget that reduces this damage by 2 points per die
(to a minimum damage of 1 point per die). When rolled,
the damage dice come up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively.
Donovan suffers 12 points of damage (the dice inflict 1, 1, 1,
2, 3, and 4 points of damage, respectively).

Temporary Feats
1. Regardless of their source, temporary feats may never be used
to meet the requirements of prestige classes or the prerequisites of other feats.

Modifiers and Multipliers

2. Any feat gained from a class ability possessed by another

agent is always considered a temporary feat (e.g. Lay Down
Cover provided by a grunt on the same team is considered a
temporary feat).

1. When an effect applies both a modifier (e.g. +1, +2, etc.)

and a multiplier (e.g. 2, 3, etc.), all multipliers are
applied before any modifiers.
Example: A result of 12 is modified by +4 and multiplied by 2.
The total result is 26 ((12 2) +4).

Class Requirements

Contact Information

1. All prestige classes possess the requirements Agent Level: 5+.

even when it is not included in the printed requirements.

1. Most of Alderacs employee email addresses have changed

since our early Spycraft and SFA releases were printed. John
Zinser can now be reached at, though
questions about Spycraft and SFA OGL/OGC applications
and uses may also be directed to Patrick Kapera at

Virtual Feats
1. All feats classified as virtual grant identical threat range
bonuses. Specifically, they should read as follows:
The agents threat range with these skill checks becomes


Any virtual feat threat range bonus description that varies

from this format is modified to read as scripted here.
These include the aces Aviator feat, the detectives Gumshoe
feat, the examiners Investigator feat, the field analysts
Analyst feat, and the sentrys Watcher feat, as well as any
other virtual feat that deviates from this universal format.

Playing Spycraft
Attack Options

Virtual feats grant standardized threat ranges that may not be

modified by other rules, agent options, or game effects.
Further, their benefits never stack with one another.

1. An agent may use the strafe attack action to target a number

of squares up to 1/2 the remaining ammunition in his weapon
(rounded down). (page 22).

Spycraft Handbook
Fixer Class
1. On the fixers class skill list, Boating is now replaced with
Mechanics. (page 24).


2. The fixer may use his procure ability a number of times per
session equal to his agent level divided by 4 (rounded down,
minimum 1). If the fixer gains the procure ability from 2 or
more classes, the number of times per session he may use the
ability is equal to the sum total of all procure uses gained
from all of his classes. (page 24).

Chapter 1: Agent Creation

3. When a fixer uses his procure ability, he must declare all items
to be requisitioned at the same time, before he or any of his
teammates take any additional actions. Each shopping list of
requisitioned items is considered 1 use of the fixers procure
ability. (page 24).

The Home Office

Department (D0)
1. If an agent possessing this department uses his special talent
to turn Craft, Hobby, Knowledge, Profession, or Sport into a
class skill for him, all of that skills specializations are considered to be class skills for him. (page 17).

4. The fixers uncanny dodge ability also applies against invisible

opponents. (page 25).
5. Unless otherwise stated, the bonus speed gained from the
fixers fast movement special ability does stack with bonus
speed gained from most other sources, such as the Increased
Speed feat. It does not stack with the bonus speed gained
from fast movement special abilities granted by other classes
(such as the ninja prestige class). (page 25).

2. The home office bonus to action die rolls is applied only to

each single action die spent and rolled. (page 17).
Example: Donovan possesses a +1 department bonus to his
action die rolls and rolls a 6 with 1d6, then rolls a 1. His total
action die result is 8 (6 + 1 + 1).

7. The fixers master thief special ability may not be applied to

maneuver checks made during a chase. (page 26).

Computer Espionage
Department (D-3)

8. Some of the fixers special abilities may be chosen multiple

times and some may not, as follows (page 25):

1. The bonus laptop talent offered by this department now reads

(page 18):

Fast Movement: This ability may only be chosen once.

The agent gains 1 bonus desktop or laptop computer with a

base power rating of +1 (see page 44 for more information
about using computers in play). The agent may spend
personal budget BP to increase this computers base power
rating at the standard upgrade cost listed on page 128 of the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, to a maximum power rating
of +4. The agent must pay for all personal budget
upgrades during the Gearing Up phase of each mission, or the
computers personal budget upgrades are lost (though they
may be reacquired during the Gearing Up phase of a
following mission, as standard).

Feat: This ability may be chosen each time the fixer gains a
special ability choice.
Improvisation: This ability may be chosen each time the fixer
gains a special ability choice.
Master Thief: This ability may be chosen each time the fixer
gains a special ability choice.
Skill Mastery: This ability may be chosen each time the fixer
gains a special ability choice.
Stash It: This ability may only be chosen once.

Further, this computers base power rating is automatically

upgraded by an additional +1 at 4th level, and for every 4
agent levels gained thereafter.

These limits apply to all abilities with the same name,

even when the agent gains them from different classes.
9. The fixers master thief ability may be used during opposed
skill checks, in which case the fixer's skill check result is
considered to be exactly 1 higher than his opponent's total.
If both agents possess this ability, and use it to augment the
same opposed check, they make the opposed check as
standard to determine the winner, as the two abilities cancel
each other out. In this case, both agents are considered to
have used their master thief ability once during the current
session. (page 26).

This computers total power rating, including automatic and

personal budget upgrades, may exceed the standard limit for
computers of its type.
If the agents bonus computer is lost or destroyed, it is replaced
at the beginning of the following serial.

Faceman Class
1. The facemans base Fortitude and Will saves should be +7 at
15th level and +8 at 17th level. (page 23).

10. The fixers stash it special ability may only be applied to 1 item
at a time. (page 26).

2. When using the cold read ability, the faceman must ask all 3
of his questions before receiving the first answer. He may not
ask the same question multiple times. (page 22).

Spycraft Errata
Pointman Class

9. The pointman may only select cross-class abilities from base

classes allowed in the game. If for some reason the GC rules
that a base class isnt available in his campaign, then all pointmen in the campaign lose access to cross-class abilities listed
for that class. This general rule applies to the Living Spycraft
campaign as well (see the Living Spycraft Master Rules
Document for a class-by-class breakdown). (page 28).

1. When the pointman uses his generous ability to spend one of

his action dice to increase another characters die roll,
the pointman spends and rolls the action die, not the
benefitting character. This action die is subject to talents,
feats, abilities and other agent options possessed by the
pointman only, not the benefitting character. (page 27).

10. A pointman may not select a cross-class ability hes already

gained from the class hes trying to emulate. (page 28).

Example: Donovan, a 1st-level home office pointman, uses his

generous ability to grant the result of 1 of his action dice to
another character. Donovan spends and rolls the action die,
the result of which is increased by +1.

Example: Donovan, whos already a 1st-level faceman, gains a

cross-class ability. He may not choose faceman: linguist +2.

Example 2: Dade, a 1st-level military operations pointman,

uses his generous ability to grant the result of 1 of his action
dice to Donovan, a 1st-level home office pointman. Dade
spends and rolls the action die, the result of which is not
increased by +1.

Example 2: Gauge, whos already a 4th-level faceman, gains a

cross-class ability. He may not choose faceman: linguist +2,
faceman: cold read 1/session, faceman: quick change
1/session, or faceman: backup 1/session.
11. If a cross-class ability option is listed as a sequence
(e.g. soldier: bonus feat 1, 2, 3), and the pointman
already possesses one or more steps in the sequence from the
class hes trying to emulate, he may choose the next step in
the ability sequence with a use of his cross-class ability.
(page 28).

This applies to talents, feats, abilities and other agent options

that increase the number of action dice rolled as well
(such as the facemans adaptable ability and the soldiers
accurate ability).
2. When the pointman uses his generous ability to spend 1 of
his action dice to increase another characters die roll,
the pointman chooses the number to which the action die is
applied, not the benefitting agent. As with all other standard
action die applications, the pointman must make this decision
before he rolls the action die. (page 27).

Example: Freedom, whos already a 1st-level soldier, gains a

cross-class ability. He may choose soldier: bonus feat 2.
12. Cross-class abilities with effects based upon the pointmans
class level function as if the pointman possesses the
minimum number of levels in the emulated class required to
gain the chosen ability. (page 28).

3. If the pointman uses his versatility class ability to turn Hobby

into a class skill for him, all Hobby specializations are
considered to be class skills for him. (page 27).

Example: Donovan, a 7th-level pointman, chooses faceman:

backup 1/session as one of his cross-class abilities. When he
uses this backup ability, his class level is considered to be 4.

4. The bonus granted by the pointmans assistance ability is

considered a cooperation bonus (even though the pointman
need not be cooperating with another agent to use it),
and does not stack with bonuses gained from the assistance
abilities of other agents. Additionally, the pointman may not
provide additional cooperation bonuses such as standard
cooperation check bonuses to the result of any check
benefitting from this ability. Further, the pointmans
assistance ability may be used to reduce the interval of
unopposed complex skill checks, but may not be used to
reduce the interval of opposed complex skill checks.
Finally, this ability may not be used to reduce the time
required to make a favor check. (page 27).

Levels gained in the emulated class do not stack with this

assumed class level.
Example: Following the previous example, Donovan gains
2 levels as a faceman. When using the backup cross-class
ability, his class level is still considered to be 4.
When and if the pointman gains a number of levels in the
emulated class equal to or exceeding this assumed class
level, his levels in the emulated class take over, becoming his
class level with the chosen cross-class ability.
Example: Following the two previous examples, Donovan
gains 2 more levels as a faceman. His faceman class level of 4
now equals his assumed class level with the backup crossclass ability, and takes over as his class level with the ability.
When and if Donovan gains additional levels in the faceman
class, his class level with the backup ability will rise in tandem.

5. The pointmans lead ability may be used to target the

pointman's teammates and/or a number of standard NPCs
equal to the pointmans class level. (page 28).
6. The pointman's lead class ability may not be used in
conjunction with any psionic skill. (page 28).

When and if the pointman gains a number of levels in a class

other than the one being emulated that typically stack with
his class level using a chosen cross-class ability, the new levels
apply as standard.

7. The pointmans tactics ability may affect a number of allies

equal to his Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum 1). The pointman
may include himself in this number. If the pointman is the only
character to be affected, he need not vocalize the order.
(page 28).

Example: Harrier, a 6th-level pointman/2nd-level faceman

possessing the faceman: backup 1/session cross-class ability,
gains a level in the journalist prestige class. Due to the journalists acquaintances ability, Harriers class level when using
his backup cross-class ability is considered to be 5 (i.e. 4 levels
from the cross-class ability and 1 level from the journalist).

8. The progression of the pointmans cross-class is accurately

depicted on his class table, but not in the ability text description. The following clause is added to this ability (page 28):
The pointman gains an additional cross-class ability at 9th
level, and for every 3 class levels gained thereafter.

Spycraft Handbook
Snoop Class

13. When and if the pointman gains a specific class ability he

already possesses as a cross-class ability (e.g. he possesses the
cross-class ability, soldier: bonus feat 1 and gains his first
level as a soldier), he does not regain the specific class ability,
nor is the specific class ability enhanced. Instead, the pointman may make another cross-class choice, per the standard
cross-class ability rules written here. (page 28).

1. The following clause is added to the snoop's flawless search

ability (page 29):
If this agent possesses the flawless search ability from 2 or
more classes, each flawless search ability the agent possesses
beyond the first reduces his error ranges with all Spot and
Search checks by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Example: Redirect, a 6th-level pointman possessing the crossclass ability, fixer: uncanny dodge (Dexterity bonus to
Defense), gains his 4th level in the fixer class. He does not
regain uncanny dodge (Dexterity bonus to Defense), nor is
his uncanny dodge improved in any way. Instead, he may
choose another pointman cross-class ability as standard.

2. Some of the snoops special abilities may be chosen multiple

times and some may not, as follows (page 30):
Comb the Streets: This ability may be chosen each time the
snoop gains a special ability choice.
Electronics Familiarity: This ability may only be chosen once.

14. The pointmans cross-class ability list now reads as follows

(page 28):

Feat: This ability may be chosen each time the snoop gains a
special ability choice.

Explorer: All over the world (World Traveler); direction sense

+2, +3; bookworm (1/2 time); bonus feat 1, 2; uncanny
dodge (Dexterity bonus to Defense).

Intercept Communication: This ability may be chosen each

time the snoop gains a special ability choice.
Intelligence Analysis: This ability may only be chosen once.

Faceman: Linguist +2; cold read 1/session; quick change

1/session, 2/session; backup 1/session.

Skill Mastery: This ability may be chosen each time the snoop
gains a special ability choice.

Fixer: Procure; evasion (no damage with successful save);

sneak attack +1d6, +2d6; uncanny dodge (Dexterity bonus to

These limits apply to all abilities with the same name,

even when the agent gains them from different classes.

High Roller: Playboy (The Look), (Gorgeous); more than luck

1/session; high life +2; hallmark.

Soldier Class

Martial Artist: Martial arts; discipline of the body; bonus feat

1, 2; ploy.

1. Each time a soldiers damage reduction completely absorbs

a single attack, the soldier suffers 1 or 2 points of subdual
damage (as described on page 178, and on page 21 of this
document). (page 32).

Scientist: Learned (Scholarly); Ph.D. (1 skill); improvise +2, +3;


2. When a soldier wears armor, his damage reduction is

combined with that of the armor and applied as one value
against the damage of each attack made against him.
(page 32).

Sleuth: Interview +2, +3; sources 1/session; human nature

1/session; bonus feat; awareness +2.
Snoop: Flawless search; intuition 1/session; back door 1;
Jury-rig +2, +3.

3. The bonus granted by the soldiers weapon specialization

ability is unnamed and therefore stacks with all other bonuses
to damage. However, if any weapon designated by this ability
falls into more than one of the following categories, the
abilitys bonus is reduced to +2. (page 32).

Spin Doctor: Public relations +2, +3; behind the scenes (DC 5);
bonus feat; cover up 1/session; smooth talker 1/session.
Soldier: Bonus feat 1, 2, 3; damage reduction 1/;
armor use +1.
Wheelman: Daredevil; kick start 1/session; bonus feat 1, 2;
familiarity +1.

Unarmed Attacks
Grappling (grappling attacks, trip attacks, and garrotes).

Wire: Flawless search; intuition 1/session; jury rig +2; undivided

attention 1/session; intercept communications 1/session.

Unarmed strikes (all unarmed attacks).

15. The examples for possible benefits gained from the pointmans
serendipity ability should read (page 28):

Melee Weapons

Some examples include 1 contact (providing information or

help equivalent to a successful favor check or street deal with
a DC equal to the pointmans class level + 10, or less), 1 hint
(providing insight equivalent to 1 successful inspiration check
with a DC equal to the pointmans class level + 10, or less),
1 piece of standard-issue gear (with a BP cost equal to 2
the pointman's class level, or less), 1 gadget, 1 vehicle, or
1 intelligence resource (with a GP cost equal to 1/2 the
pointman's class level, rounded down, or less), or 1 successful
skill check (even if the pointman didn't make a skill check,
or is untrained with the appropriate skill). The pointman may
share the results of a serendipitous skill check with his lead
class ability.

Axes (all axes, including battle axes, broad axes, fire axes,
hatchets, large axes, lumber axes, medium axes, and throwing
Chains (chains, chain weapons, and rope weapons).
Clubs (all types of clubs, baseball bats, batons, hammers,
lead pipes, maces, monk cudgels, nightsticks, police flashlights, tonfa, weighted canes, and wolf teeth clubs).
Coil weapons (flails, nunchaku, scourges, whips, and all
weapons with the coil quality).
Fencing weapons (fencing foils, rapiers, sabers, scholars
swords, seven piece swords, straight sword piercers, and sword

Spycraft Errata
Wheelman Class

Greatswords (chainsaws, claymores, half-staff swords, large

swords, scimitars, two-handed swords, and zweihanders).

1. To designate a vehicle as familiar, the wheelman must operate

the vehicle for 4 hours per day for a number of days equal to
its total GP cost (including any modifications or gadgets
installed). This number of days is reduced by the agents
Wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 1 day). (page 34).

Guard weapons (all melee weapons with the guard quality).

Improvised weapons (all improvised weapons).
Polearms (all polearms and pole weapons).
Small blades (broken bottles, curved daggers, daggers, iron
combs, iron rings, kama, punch daggers, scalpels, short swords,
sickles, stilettos, straight razors, switchblades, and all types of

2. The bonus gained from the wheelmans familiarity ability also

applies to Balance and Handle Animal checks relevant to a
personal vehicle or mount designated as familiar. (page 34).
3. The wheelmans soup her up ability has no effect upon a
vehicles GP cost, occupancy, or Bonus GP statistics, nor does
it impact any numerical quality or mod the vehicle possesses
or gains. (page 34).

Spears (double-headed spears, flying forks, harpoons, light

lances, spears, tiger forks, tridents, and wolf spears).
Staffs (bo sticks, quarterstaffs, short staffs, and staffs).
Swords (bastard swords, broadswords, eastern broadswords,
ghost head broadswords, katana, medium swords, nine-ring
broadswords, unicorn horn swords, and wooden swords).

Multi-Classed Agents
1. When entering a prestige class for the first time, the agent
must fulfill all requirements for the new class before gaining
any of the new classs benefits, including skill points. The skill
points granted by a new class may not be used to fulfill the
requirements of that class. (page 34).

Hurled Weapons
Archery weapons (all bows and crossbows).

2. The text under Acquiring a New Class is misleading. When an

agent gains a new class, the following rules apply (page 34):

Thrown blades (ball bearings, chakram, spike balls, throwing

arrows, throwing darts, throwing knives, and all types of

The agent does gain 1 the new classs vitality points per
level (but does not gain the maximum possible vitality, as at
1st level).

Thrown weapons (bola, boomerangs, javelins, slings,

slingshots, throwing axes, and throwing disks).

The agent does gain 1 the new classs skill points per level
(but does not gain 4 x the classs skill points per level, as at
1st level).


The agent does gain the class budget bonus listed on the
new classs table (but does not gain the base personal budget
of 40 or the agents Charisma modifier 5).

Assault rifles.
Bolt-action rifles.

Chapter 2: Skills


Opposed Skill Checks

Sniper rifles.

1. If an agent is forced into an opposed skill check by the actions

of another character, and is required to use a skill that cannot
be used untrained in order to oppose the other characters
actions, he may make the check as if the skill could be used
untrained. If the agent possesses 0 ranks with the skill in
question, he is still considered to be untrained, as described on
page 38 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook. (page 36).


Tactical Weapons
Explosives (including mines).

2. When two agents make an opposed complex skill check,

each adds his results to his own running complex skill check
result at the end of each complex skill check interval. The skill
check results are not compared in any way. (page 36).

Grenade launchers.
Guided missiles.

Critical Successes


1. If an agent rolls a threat, but the check is a failure because the

total does not equal or exceed the DC, the threat may not be
activated. (page 39).

Rocket launchers.
This list is exclusive, and contains all possible weapon specializations the soldier may choose from.

Critical Failures

4. The soldiers weapon specialization ability may not be applied

to any gadget weapon. (page 32).

1. If an agent rolls an error, but the check succeeds because

the total equals or exceed the DC, the error may not be
activated. (page 39).

Spycraft Handbook
Taking 10

Diplomacy Skill

1. When an agent takes 10 with a skill, the time required is not

10 the standard amount of time required for the skill use,
but 1 the standard amount of time required for the check.
This option is the act of accepting an average roll for the
activity. (page 39).

1. An agent who possesses 5 or more ranks in Appraise gains a

+2 synergy bonus with Diplomacy checks made to cut black
market deals (see the Spycraft Modern Arms Guide, page 26).
(page 49).

2. An agent may not spend action dice to increase a skill check

result generated by taking 10. (page 39).

First Aid Skill

1. When using the First Aid skill to stabilize a dying person,
success against the standard DC of 15 stabilizes the target at
his current wound level (e.g. a character currently at
8 wound points remains at 8 wound points after hes
stabilized). Should the agent using First Aid beat the DC by
10 or more (i.e. succeed against a DC of 25), the dying
character is restored to 0 wound points (unconscious).
With a critical success, the agent restores the dying character
to 1 wound point (conscious). (page 52).

3. You may not score a threat or suffer an error when taking 10.

Taking 20
1. Unlike taking 10, taking 20 does in fact take 20 the standard
amount of time required for the skill use. This option is the act
of working slowly and methodically toward a goal to procure
the best possible result. (page 39).
2. An agent may not spend action dice to increase a skill check
result generated by taking 20. (page 39).

2. The First Aid skill may be used untrained, despite references to

the contrary under in the basic skill description header and
under Stabilize a Dying Agent. (page 52, 177).

3. You may not score a threat or suffer an error when taking 20.

Hobby Skill
Skill Synergy
1. The following clause is added to this skills Special entry
(page 55):

1. Synergy bonuses are named bonuses. An agent may only

benefit from 1 synergy bonus at a time when making a skill
check. (page 39).

If you possess 5 or more ranks in an appropriate Hobby skill,

you gain a +2 synergy bonus with associated Profession
checks (per the GCs discretion). If you possess 10 or more
ranks in an appropriate Hobby skill, you may make associated
Profession skills even if youre untrained (again, per the GCs

Appraise Skill
1. An agent who possesses 5 or more ranks in Diplomacy gains a
+2 synergy bonus with Appraise checks made to cut black
market and street deals (see the Spycraft Modern Arms Guide,
page 26, and the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 71,
respectively). (page 40).

Jump Skill
1. In Spycraft, intent of jumping is not to consistently move
farther or more efficiently than on foot. The intent is to reach
areas you cannot typically reach, and to perform certain
maneuvers that require jumping. (page 57).

Computers Skill
1. When using a computer to gather information, an agent
uses the Computers skill with the DCs described under the
Gather Information skill, increasing all the listed DCs by +5.
(page 44).

2. Unless otherwise stated, a Jump action begins and ends

during the same initiative count. It does not carry over into a
new round unless unless a rule, ability, or effect says it does.
(page 57).

2. The Languages skill may only be used to learn languages

spoken and written by humans. Computer languages are
governed by the Computers skill, using the standard
Languages skill rules. Some possible computer languages
include Assembly, Basic, C++, Cobol, Escher, HTML, Fortran,
Java, Pascal, Perl, and Python. (page 44, 58).

3. When an agent makes a running jump, he must spend at least

1 half action during the same round to move the distance
required to trigger the jump. This does mean that some agents
are not capable of some jumps. (page 57).
4. When an agent makes a horizontal jump, he is automatically
assumed to leap in an arc, clearing a vertical distance of up to
1/2 his jump distance (rounded down). (page 57).

Demolitions Skill
1. The following text is added to this skills Special entry (page 49):

Example: Donovan makes an 8-ft. horizontal jump. The arc of

his leap is assumed to take him 4 ft. up into the air as well.

You may always disarm your own explosive devices, unless

you declare that you cant when you create them. Having a
devices creator available to talk you through the disarming of
the device grants you a +5 cooperation bonus with such
checks. You may always spend 1 action die to activate a
Demolitions error scored against one of your devices, even
when youre not present.

5. This skills Critical Success entry is replaced with the following

(page 57):
Critical Success: You leap the maximum possible distance
for your type of jump, or the distance indicated by the
result (even if it exceeds the maximum possible distance),
whichever is greater.

Spycraft Errata
6. This skills Critical Failure entry is replaced with the following
(page 57):

2. The +1 modifier to Listen check DCs per 10 ft. between a

listener and a noise does not apply to gunshots and other
explosively loud sounds (per the GCs discretion). (page 58).

Critical Failure: If jumping across a gap, you fall in,

suffering damage per the distance fallen. If leaping over solid
ground, you land badly and skid to a halt, suffering 1d6+1
subdual damage.

3. When two or more agents are required to make Listen checks,

the GC may choose to have them all make one team Listen
check. In this case, the GC asks only one agent to make a
Listen check for his entire team. The GC should choose the
agent closest to, or most likely to hear, the target noise,
per his discretion. When the GC requests a team Listen check
and designates the agent to make the Listen check, no other
agent may make the same Listen check. (page 58).

7. The following clause is added to this skills Special entry

(page 57):
If, for any reason (including the use of gadgets, feats, or class
abilities), your total jump distance is not limited by your
height and exceeds your regular speed, your jump movement
replaces your speed for this action, and you move the full
jump distance in a single leap.

Move Silently Skill

1. This skills basic check should read (page 60):

Languages Skill

Check (Varies): Your Move Silently check is opposed by the

Listen skill of each character who might hear your. While
attempting to move silently, you suffer no penalty with your
skill check when you move at up to 1/2 your speed (rounded
up). When moving faster than 1/2 your speed, up to your full
speed, you suffer a 5 circumstance penalty with your Move
Silently check. If you attempt to move faster than your full
speed (e.g. when you run or charge), your Move Silently check
automatically fails.

1. Each agent begins his career knowing how English as a native

speaker, plus a number of additional languages as a native
speaker equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 0).
(page 58).
2. An agent may only make a Languages check to see if he
already knows a language once. If he fails this check, he must
devote 1 or more skill ranks acquired at a later time to learning the language, as described here.

Open Lock Skill

3. Each time an agent gains 1 rank in the Languages skill

whether at 1st level or any time thereafter he may adjust
his current language list in one of two ways, as follows
(page 58):

1. This skill may be used to hotwire a vehicle, using the standard

DCs and modifiers for lock quality. If the agent possesses 5 or
more ranks in the Mechanics skill, he gains a +2 synergy bonus
with this skill check. (page 60).

The agent may learn 1 new language that he does not

already speak (even if hes previously failed a Languages check
to know it, as described earlier in this section). He learns
to speak this language fluently. If he wishes to speak it as
a native, he must devote a second rank in the Languages skill
to it.

Search Skill
1. The Modern Arms Guides gear concealment rules supercede
the rules for frisking someone described under this skill
(see page 36 for updated gear concealment rules). (page 63).

The agent may upgrade a language that he speaks fluently

to a language he speaks as a native.

2. When two or more agents are required to make Search checks,

the GC may choose to have them all make one team Search
check. In this case, the GC asks only one agent to make a
Search check for his entire team. The GC should choose the
agent closest to, or most likely to notice, the target event,
per his discretion. When the GC requests a team Search check
and designates the agent to make the Search check, no other
agent may make the same Search check. (page 63).

The agent must choose how to devote new skill ranks in the
Languages skill immediately when they are acquired. If the
agent chooses not to devote new skill ranks immediately,
he retains the skill ranks, but loses the option to learn or
improve any languages.
The agent may only devote up to two skill ranks to any single

Spot Skill

4. The Languages skill may only be used to learn languages

spoken and written by humans. Computer languages are
governed by the Computers skill, using the standard
Languages skill rules. (page 44, 58).

1. When two or more agents are required to make Spot checks,

the GC may choose to have them all make one team Spot
check. In this case, the GC asks only one agent to make a
Spot check for his entire team. The GC should choose the
agent closest to, or most likely to notice, the target event,
per his discretion. When the GC requests a team Spot check
and designates the agent to make the Spot check, no other
agent may make the same Spot check. (page 64).

Listen Skill
1. The following entries are added (or modified) on the standard
Listen check table (page 58):
Gunshot in same room (up to 50 ft. away)
Gunshot in same city block (up to 500 ft. away)
Distant gun shots (up to 1 mile)
Remote gun shots (over 1 mile)



Spycraft Handbook
Surveillance Skill

Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting (Basic Combat Feat)

1. When two or more agents are required to make Surveillance

checks, the GC may choose to have them all make one
team Surveillance check. In this case, the GC asks only one
agent to make a Surveillance check for his entire team.
The GC should choose the agent closest to, or most likely to
notice, the target event, per his discretion. When the GC
requests a team Surveillance check and designates the agent
to make the Surveillance check, no other agent may make
the same Surveillance check. (page 64).

1. This feats Benefit section should read as follows (page 69):

Benefit: Instead of gaining 1 bonus single attack action
during the round with an off-hand weapon (see Attacking
With Two Weapons, page 165), you gain 2 bonus single attack
actions during the round with an off-hand weapon, though
the second single attack suffers an additional 5 penalty.

Mark (Style Feat)

Survival Skill

1. The last sentence of this feats Benefits section should read as

follows (page 93):

1. A Survival check made to spot a natural danger which in

this instance means paying enough attention to avoid it
entirely (e.g. checking for signs of hostile wildlife, making sure
the food supplies dont attract animals, etc.) requires only
1 minute, not 1 day. (page 65).

You may use this feat ability a number of times per session
equal to your Wisdom modifier (though you may only use it
once per round), and you may use it on the same person more
than once.

2. A Survival check made to determine position and direction

requires only 1 minute, not 1 day. (page 65).

(Basic Combat Feat)

Swim Skill

1. The bonus granted by this feat lasts until the the start of the
agents initiative count during the following round, rather
than until the agents next action. (page 70).

1. The DC penalty for each cumulative round an agent spends

underwater doesnt apply until after the first 30 rounds
elapse. This modifier is negated when the agent wears an
underwater breathing apparatus (e.g. scuba gear, certain
gadgets, etc.). (page 66).

Surge of Speed
(Basic Combat Feat)
1. The bonus action granted by this feat may not be any action
that requires an attack roll. (page 71).

Tumble Skill
1. All distance moved as part of a Tumble check is subtracted
from the agents total available movement for the round. If an
agent doesnt possess enough remaining movement to make a
desired Tumble check, he may not make the check during the
current round. (page 66).

2. The bonus action granted by this feat may not be taken

during a surprise round or in conjunction with a bonus half
action gained when pressing (see the Modern Arms Guide,
page 10). (page 71).

Weapon Focus
(Basic Combat Feat)

Chapter 3: Feats

1. When using this feat in conjunction with the firearms

presented in the Spycraft Modern Arms Guide, the agent must
choose a specific weapon by make and model. His choice
includes all variations of that weapon based on caliber, as well
as all weapons listed as part of the main weapon's family.
(page 71).

(Basic Combat Feat)
1. The bonus granted by this feat lasts until the start of the
agents initiative count during the following round, rather
than until the agents next action. (page 69).

Example: Donovan chooses the Glock 17. His Weapon Focus

benefits apply to all Glock models and calibers.

Extreme Range
(Ranged Combat Feat)

2. This feat also grants a +1 competence bonus with attempts to

build, repair, or modify the chosen weapon. (page 71).

1. The effects of this feat do not stack with those of the Far Shot
feat they replace them. (page 75).

(Melee Combat Feat)

Example: Donovan possesses the Far Shot feat. His ranged

weapons ranges are increased to 1.5 standard. Later, when
Donovan gains the Extreme Range feat, his ranged weapons
ranges are increased to 2 standard, not 3.5 standard.

1. Additional attacks granted by this feat are single attacks

resolved after the action that produces them. (page 72).
Example: Donovan possesses the Cleave feat. He makes a
whirlwind attack against 3 opponents and drops the second
opponent. His additional Cleave attack is resolved after the
whirlwind attack is completed.

Improved Disarm
(Basic Combat Feat)
1. The following clause is added to this feat (page 69):
Further, the threat ranges of all attacks and skill checks made
while attempting to disarm an opponent are increased by
1 (i.e. a threat range of 20 becomes 1920).


Spycraft Errata
Snake Strike
(Melee Combat Feat)

2. This feats adrenaline burst ability should read as follows

(page 79):

1. This feat may be used at any time during a combat, so long as

the agent has not previously attacked the same target during
this combat, and so long as he uses a weapon that has not yet
been drawn. (page. 74).

Adrenaline Burst: You may spend and roll 1 action die while
making a melee or unarmed attack, adding the action dies
result to both the attack roll and to your Defense until the
start of your initiative count during the following round.

2. The following text is added to the end of this feats Benefit

section (page 74):

Dodging Basics
(Unarmed Combat Feat)

If your feint succeeds, your next attack against the same

target gains a +1d6 sneak attack bonus to damage. This bonus
is subject to the same restrictions as the fixers sneak attack
bonus, and likewise stacks with sneak attack bonuses gained
from other sources (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
page 24).

1. When an attacker scores a threat with an attack against which

the agent wants to use his deflect arrows ability, the deflect
arrows attempt is resolved before the attacker may activate
his threat as a critical success. (page 79).

Dodging Mastery
(Unarmed Combat Feat)

Increased Precision
(Ranged Combat Feat)

1. This feats iron man ability should read as follows (page 79):
1. In addition to its printed Benefit description, this feat also
increases the number of range increments at which the agent
may attempt a ranged disarm action by 1. (page 76).

Iron Man: When youre struck by an attack that inflicts at

least 1 point of damage (after damage reduction and other
effects are applied), you may, as a free action, tense your body
to reduce the damage being inflicted by a number equal to
your unarmed base attack bonus (to a minimum inflicted
damage of 0).

Lightning Draw
(Ranged Combat Feat)
1. The following text is added to the end of this feats Benefit
section (page 76):

Example: Donovan, an agent possessing the Dodging Mastery

feat, has an unarmed base attack bonus of +6. A successful
attack against him inflicts 8 points of damage. He uses his iron
man ability to reduce the damage to 2 points.

If your feint succeeds, your next attack against the same

target gains a +1d6 sneak attack bonus to damage. This bonus
is subject to the same restrictions as the fixers sneak attack
bonus (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 24).

You may only use this ability once per combat.

Holding Basics
(Unarmed Combat Feat)

Shot on the Run

(Ranged Combat Feat)

1. This feats one-handed choke ability does not allow the agent
to grapple more than 2 opponents. Instead, it negates the
standard 4 penalty when the agent attempts to grapple a
second opponent (see page 22). Further, this feat ability
grants the agent a +2 bonus when making a hold check to
perform any of the following grapple actions: attack with a
light weapon, disarm, force opponent prone, inflict damage,
move, or pin.

1. When the agent uses this feat, he may move up to a number

of feet equal to 1/2 his speed (rounded down). (page 77).

Blocking Basics
(Unarmed Combat Feat)
1. Use of this feats break weapon ability is a free action, but the
agent may only use it a maximum number of times per round
equal to twice his Dexterity bonus (minimum 1). (page 78).

Throwing Basics
(Unarmed Combat Feat)

2. Use of this feats break weapon ability occurs after the attack
that triggers it. (page 78).

1. The trip action made to activate this feats foot sweep ability
is a named attack called foot sweep, and may not be used in
conjunction with another named attack. (page 81).

3. This feats break weapon ability may target melee weapons.

(page 78).
4. Use of this feats shifting throw ability is a free action.
Further, the agent may only use this ability against an opponent who is unsuccessful with a melee or unarmed attack,
and who is located adjacent to the agent. (page 78).

Relentless Pursuit
(Chase Feat)
1. This feat may only increase the minimum lead the prey needs
to make any finishing maneuver to a maximum of 30 lengths.
(page 84).

Blocking Mastery
(Unarmed Combat Feat)
1. Adrenaline burst and redirection are named abilities granted
by this feat. Both ability names should be printed in italics.
(page 78).


Spycraft Handbook
Hidden Run (Covert Feat)

gained during a missions Gearing Up phase or GP loaned

from another agent. If these gadget points are ever reassigned, the gadget or vehicle and this feats benefits
are lost. (page 87).

1. This feat allows the agent to make a Move Silently check

while moving faster than his full speed (e.g. when running or
charging). When doing so, the agent suffers a 5 circumstance
penalty with his Move Silently skill check. Typically, the Move
Silently skill may not be used while an agent is moving faster
than his full speed. (page 85).

2. When a signature gadget or vehicle is upgraded with 1 or

more masterwork modifications, the total cost of all such
modifications is added to the total number of GP that must be
allocated out of the agents non-mission GP in order for him
to retain it from one mission to the next. (page 87).

Jump Up (Covert Feat)

3. If an agent chooses this feat 2 or more times, he may requisition 1 or more additional signature gadgets or vehicles (up to
the number of Signature Vehicle feats he possesses),
or upgrade or swap an existing vehicle (as noted in the feats
description). Alternatively, if the agent previously assigned
non-mission GP to the cost of an existing signature gadget or
vehicle, he may use bonus GP from a subsequent Signature
Vehicle feat to pay for some or all of the existing signature
gadget or vehicles cost, returning any GP freed up in this
manner to the agents non-mission GP pool. (page 87).

1. This feats Benefit entry should read as follows (page 85):

Benefit: Up to twice per round, you may, as a free action,
enter a crouching stance or stand up from a prone position.
Additionally, this feat gains a Normal entry that reads:
Normal: Standing from a prone position requires 1 half
action. An agent is normally considered to be crouching only
after taking a crouching movement action (see the Modern
Arms Guide, page 11).

4. When requisitioned with mission budget, vehicular gadgets

and other modifications installed within a signature vehicle
are returned to the home office at the end of the current
serial. (page 87).

Traceless (Covert Feat)

1. This feat in no way affects the difficulty of finding items the
agent leaves behind (e.g. bugs, explosives, etc.), whether he
leaves them behind deliberately or not. (page 86).

Advanced Skill Feats

Signature Gear (Gear Feat)

1. Several advanced skill feats have 1 or more basic skill feats as

prerequisites, and grant bonuses to the skills associated with
that basic skill feat. Several prestige classes offer virtual basic
skill feats. These virtual skill feats are valid prerequisites for
advanced skill feats, and grant the same bonuses to the associated skills as their standard counterparts. (page 89).

1. An agent may allocate personal budget in order to afford a

signature weapon or piece of signature gear costing more
than 8 BP. The agent must be able to afford the weapon or
items full cost without resorting to mission budget or BP
loaned from another agent. If these budget points are ever
reassigned, the weapon or item and this feats benefits
are lost. (page 86).

Quick Use
(Advanced Skill Feat)

2. When a signature weapon or item is upgraded with 1 or more

masterwork modifications, the total cost of all such modifications is added to the total number of BP that must be
allocated out of the agents personal budget in order for him
to retain the weapon or item from one mission to the next.
(page 86).

1. When a class ability grants this feat for a specific skill (but not
when the agent gains a bonus feat that allows him to choose
Quick Use), the feat applies to all uses of the specified skill,
even those that normally require more than 1 minute to use.
(page 90).
2. This feat no longer reduces the time required to perform 1 half
action to 1 free action. (page 90).

3. If an agent chooses this feat 2 or more times, he may requisition 1 or more additional signature weapons or items (up to
the number of Signature Gear feats he possesses), or upgrade
or swap an existing item (as noted in the feats description).
Alternatively, if the agent previously assigned personal budget
to the cost of an existing signature weapon or item, he may
use bonus BP from a subsequent Signature Gear feat to pay
for some or all of the existing signature weapon or items cost,
returning any BP freed up in this manner to his personal
budget pool. (page 86).

3. This feat has no effect on complex skill checks. (page 90).

(Advanced Skill Feat)
1. When the skill points granted by this feat are spent to increase
the agents skill ranks, the agent gains 1 skill rank per point
spent (as if the skill is a class skill), even if the skill is actually
a cross-class skill for the agent. (page 91).

4. When requisitioned with mission budget, accessories and

other options attached to a signature weapon or item are
returned to the home office at the end of the current serial.
(page 86).

2. This feat does not affect the agents maximum possible ranks
with any skill. Skill points gained from this feat may only raise
a skill to the maximum number of ranks the agent may
typically acquire. (page 91).

Signature Gadget or Vehicle

(Gear Feat)
Unlocked Potential
(Advanced Skill Feat)

1. An agent may allocate GP gained from his class, feats, or other

non-mission bonuses in order to afford a gadget or vehicle
costing more than 3 GP. The agent must be able to afford the
gadget or vehicles full cost without resorting to gadget points

1. This feat may only be applied to any 1 skill up to 3 times.

(page 91).


Spycraft Errata
Fortunate (Style Feat)

4. Action dice may never be spent to increase ability damage

rolls (though they may be spent to increase standard damage
rolls). (page 99).

1. The bonus action die granted by this feat is always a d4,

even if the characters agent level is 6 or higher, or if the
character possesses other feats or abilities that typically
increase the die type of some or all his other action dice.
(page 92).

5. An agent may only spend 1 action die to increase his Defense

at the start of a round (before anyone's action), or at the
start of his initiative count. (page 100).

Chapter 5: Gear

Safe House
(Style/Gear Feat)

1. This feat was printed as a style feat, but it is actually a gear
feat. (page 94).

1. When using weapons from the Spycraft Modern Arms Guide,

the following changes are made to Bundle C (page 106):

2. When an agents safe house in a city is blown, destroyed,

or otherwise eliminated from play, the Agency replaces it at
the start of the following serial. (page 94).

The .357 revolver is replaced with a S&W Model 10 .38.

The 919mm pistol is replaced with a Berreta Model 92.

3. An agent team gains 1 safe house in each city per agent who
possesses the Safe House feat.

The ammunition supply is increased to 200 shots of

standard military ball.

Example: Donovan and Garrick both possess the Safe House

feat. Their team benefits from 2 safe houses in each city.

2. When a bundle calls for an agent to make any number of

choices, he must make those choices when he requisitions the
bundle. He may not wait to define them later.

Further, any feats that modify an agents safe houses apply

only to that agents safe houses. The team may not combine
the effects of safe house feats to produce super safe houses.

Further, when an agent chooses a bundle featuring one or

more options as part of his personal gear, he may re-choose
the bundles options between serials.

Example: Donovan possesses the Safe House Armory feat and

Garrick possesses the Safe House Infirmary feat. The agents
may visit a safe house with an armory and/or a safe house
with an infirmary in each city, but may not visit a safe house
with both an armory and an infirmary.

Example: During agent creation, a Living Spycraft agent

chooses the electronic intelligence (ELINT) bundle as part of
his personal gear. He decides to include a satellite communications terminal. After he completes his first serial, but before
the start of his second serial, the agent may choose to include
the satellite communications terminal, or the military field
radio, or the SIGINT terminal.

Optionally, and at the GCs discretion, an agent possessing 1 or

more feats that modify safe houses may apply the benefits of
these feats to 1 specific safe house belonging to another
agent, at the cost of 1 action die per feat applied. No other
agent may pay this action die cost. This effect lasts only until
the end of the current session.

Budget Points
1. Unspent personal budget points are lost they do not
transfer to the agents mission budget. (page 104).

Chapter 4:
Finishing Touches

2. All items, services, and other things requisitioned with mission

budget are lost at the end of the current mission. The Agency
takes an extremely dim view of agents who use official funds
to increase their personal possessions. (page 104).

1. An agent may never regain more skill points from a background than he initially invested. When an agent benefits
from an ability that reduces the cost of a background and
completes that background, he gains back the number of skill
points invested in the background, and no more. (page 96).

Field Expenses
1. All items, services, and other things purchased with field
expenses are lost at the end of the current mission.
The Agency takes an extremely dim view of agents who
use field expenses to increase their personal possessions.
(page 105).

2. No ability or effect may reduce the skill point cost of any

single background below 1. (page 96).

Action Dice

2. Field expenses may be used to rent cars and standard-issue

gear (except weapons and other items banned by local law).
When a rented item is damaged or destroyed, however,
the agent teams field expenses for the next mission are
reduced by an amount equal to the full value of the rented
vehicle or gear (to a minimum of 1/4 of the agent teams standard field expenses, rounded down). Further, the Agency rarely
has the opportunity to clean or otherwise sanitize
rented vehicles or gear; agents who return bloodied or
otherwise suspect rentals will draw the attention of local
authorities, per the GCs discretion. (page 105).

1. Action dice used for any application are lost, and may not be
used again for any other application. (page 99).
2. All action dice left unused at the end of each session are lost.
(page 99).
3. Regardless of talents, abilities, feats, or any other agent option
or rule, an agent may never roll more than 2 action dice per
1 action die spent to increase any single roll. (page 99).
Example: When used in conjunction with either the devastating
psion skill or the aces battle born core ability, the soldiers
accurate core ability produces no more than 2 action dice for
every 1 action die spent.


Spycraft Handbook
Carrying Capacity

Exotic Weapons

1. The following combat condition is applied to an agent

carrying an extremely heavy load (pages 107, 177):

1. The sword cane illustration is erroneously included in the

exotic weapons picture spread. The sword cane is actually a
melee weapon. (page 122).

Overloaded: An agent carrying more than double his

maximum heavy load cannot take move actions of any sort
(and even loses the ability to take his 5 ft. bonus step during
each round). Further, he loses his Dexterity bonus to Defense,
and suffers a 9 circumstance penalty with all attack rolls and
skill checks.

2. The following clause is added to the shuriken description

(page 123):
When an agent using shuriken benefits from bonus damage
granted by a successful sneak attack, the bonus damage is
automatically reduced to 1 point per die (e.g. a sneak attack
bonus of +2d6 damage becomes 2 points of damage when
using shuriken).

An agent carrying more than triple his maximum heavy load

is considered helpless except when taking an action to drop or
remove gear.

Standard-Issue Gear

This combat condition applies whether the agent is forced to

carry the load or chooses to do so voluntarily.

1. A laptop computer may be upgraded to a maximum power

rating of +3 using field expenses, but may be upgraded to a
maximum power rating of +5 using budget points. The BP cost
for upgrading a laptop is equal to the computers new power
rating +2 (e.g. upgrading from a power rating of +1 to +2
costs 4 BP while upgrading from a power rating of +3 to +4
costs 6 BP). (page 128).

Melee Weapons
1. A garrote is a two-handed weapon. Damage inflicted with this
weapon is increased by the attackers Strength modifier 1.5
(rounded up). (page 110).

2. A desktop computer may be upgraded to a maximum power

rating of +3 using field expenses, but may be upgraded to a
maximum power rating of +8 using budget points. The BP cost
for upgrading a desktop system is equal to the computers new
power rating +1 (e.g. upgrading from a power rating of +1 to
+2 costs 3 BP while upgrading from a power rating of +3 to
+4 costs 5 BP). (page 128).

1. When an agent attempts to conceal a pocket pistol,
the DCs of Spot checks made to notice the weapon on the
agents person is +4, not 4. (page 111).

Firearms Ammunition

3. An agent must pay for all computer power rating upgrades

separately, even if he requisitions several upgrades at one
time. (page 128).

1. Under no circumstances may an agent mix and match different ammunition types within the same attack. If an agents
ammunition load indicates that more than one type of ammunition is being fired during a single attack, the GC chooses
which ammunition effect to apply. (pages 115116).

Example: An agent upgrades a laptop computer from power

rating +1 to power rating +4. This costs a total of 15 BP
(4 BP to upgrade to power rating +2, plus 5 BP to upgrade to
power rating +3, plus 6 BP to upgrade to power rating +4).

2. When using a shotgun loaded with shot ammunition, an agent

may target up to a total of 2 adjacent targets (including the
intended target). Shot ammunition does not allow an agent to
attack 3 or more targets. (page 116).

Example 2: An agent upgrades a desktop computer from

power rating +1 to power rating +4. This costs a total of
12 BP (3 BP to upgrade to power rating +2, plus 4 BP to
upgrade to power rating +3, plus 5 BP to upgrade to +4).

3. When attacking 2 targets using a shotgun loaded with shot

ammunition, an agent must have line of sight to both targets.
(page 116).

4. The demolitions kits BP cost is 10 per 1/4 lb. bomb, not 10 BP

per 1 lb. bomb. (page 126, 129).

4. Shot ammunition has no additional effect when used during

an autofire or strafe attack. (page 116, 165, 167).

5. All demolitions kits contain all the items necessary to disarm

or build a bomb the only difference between demolitions
kits is whether they can produce a bomb, and if so, what type
of bomb they can produce. (page 126, 129).

Tactical Weapons
1. The final paragraph under the rocket launchers description
belongs to the Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM), and is not
part of the base weapons description. (page 119).

6. A liquid skin patch heals vitality damage only, not wounds.

When a liquid skin patch is applied to an agent who has lost
1 or more wounds and 1 or more vitality, only the vitality is
healed. (page 126).
7. Within the tripods description, both instances of should
read in. (page 130).
8. The digital camera described in this section is dropped in favor
of the two models shown on Table 1: Digital Cameras
(see below). (page 127, 129).

Table 1: Digital Cameras

Digital, standard
Digital, professional


1 lb.
2 lb.

Actual Cost


Spot Check Cap


Range Increment
40 ft.
50 ft.

Spycraft Errata
Snowmobile, two-man
SUV, commuter
SUV, off-road
Truck, commuter
Truck, flatbed
Truck, off-road
Truck, pick-up
Truck, racing
Van, full
Van, mini-van
Water skis

9. The following new gear type is added to this section (page 130):
Per Hour
Rented Transportation
ATC (3-wheeler)
ATV (quad, 4-wheeler)
Bicycle, off-road
Bicycle, racing
Bicycle, touring
Board, boogie
Board, surf
Boat, catamaran
Boat, fishing, private
Boat, house, single
Boat, house, family
Boat, racing
Boat, sail (Large)
Boat, sail (Huge)
Boat, speed
Boat, swamp
Car, classic
Car, commuter (compact)
Car, commuter (mid-size)
Car, commuter (sedan)
Car, commuter (station wagon)
Car, commuter (sub-compact)
Car, economy
Car, electric
Car, electric-gas conversion
Car, high-performance
Car, luxury
Car, off-road
Car, sports (classic)
Car, sports (modern)
Dog sled
Hang glider
Helicopter, commercial
Helicopter, light
Helicopter, service
Horse, domesticated (riding)
Jeep, civilian
Jeep, Humvee
Jet-ski, one-man
Jet-ski, two-man
Limousine, Cadillac
Limousine, Humvee
Motorcycle, chopper
Motorcycle, commuter
Motorcycle, off-road
Motorcycle, racing
Motorcycle, scooter/moped
Motorcycle, street
Motorcycle, touring
Prop plane, 1-seater
Prop plane, 2-seater
Prop plane, 4-seater
Recreational vehicle
Ship, yacht (Huge)
Ship, yacht (Gargantuan)
Skates, in-line
Skates, quads
Snowmobile, one-man





Actual Cost
Per Day Per Week






These options apply in most civilized First World regions.

Outside these regions, the GC should determine the cost of
rented transportation including these options and many
others as appropriate.
A rented vehicle may never be acquired with gadgets or
personal ordnance. A rented vehicle may never be acquired
with masterwork modifications, either, though an agent may
spend the time and resources in the field to add 1 or more
masterwork modifications to a rented vehicle if he likes.
Finally, a rented vehicle may never be included in an agents
personal gear.
10. The cost of snoop spray is reduced to 1 BP. (page 131).
11. When an agent uses a weapon upgraded with the silencer
described in this section, the penalty each opponent suffers
with Listen checks made to hear the weapon fire is 15, not 4.
(page 131).

1. When an agent uses the standard armored attach case as a
shield, he retains his class bonus to Defense in addition to the
gadgets listed benefit. (page 132).
2. The grenade cigarettes Spot DC was accidentally omitted.
It is 15. (page 135).
3. The standard clothing liner may appear as any type of
clothing the agent wishes with a cost of 5 BP or less. If an
agent wishes to requisition a clothing liner that looks like
a more expensive type of clothing, he must pay the BP
difference. (page 135).
Example: A standard clothing liner requisitioned to look like
a high-quality tuxedo costs an additional 5 BP (10 BP for
designer clothes, minus the clothing liners base allowance of
5 BP).
4. The chameleon suit clothing option should have a GP cost of
+8. Further, this gadget only repairs damage caused by an
injury that triggers its self-repair cycle. All other damage must
be repaired at the home office. Finally, an agent wearing this
gadget when its active is considered invisible (see page 20).
(page 136).
5. The putty in the womans compact acts as only 1/2 lb. of C4,
not 1 lb. of C4. (page 137).
6. When an agent requisitions a set of translator lenses, he must
choose all languages the lenses can read before the end of the
Gearing Up phase. (page 140).
7. The X-ray lenses cost 5 GP, not 2 GP. (page 140).
8. Attacks made with the shoe gadgets blade option benefit
from talents, abilities, feats, and other agent options that
grant bonuses when using a stiletto blade. (page 141).


Spycraft Handbook
Vehicular Gadgets

9. A bullet tracer gun has a recoil of 0, accuracy of +0, error

range of 1, threat range of 20, a range of 15 ft., and no
qualities or modifications. When using this weapon, an agent
is subject to critical success and critical failure results as if
making a Hide check to conceal the tracer shot. (page 143).

1. Unless otherwise noted, a vehicular gadget that modifies the

vehicles performance (such as improved handling) may only
be requisitioned once for each vehicle. Vehicular gadgets that
add capabilities (such as weapons) may be taken more than
once with the GCs approval.

10. The laser watch may not be used on organic matter (including
characters). (page 144).

2. The nitrous oxide systems Mechanics entry should read as

follows (page 153):

11. The explosive watch acts as only 1/2 lb. of C4, not 1 lb. of C4.
(page 144).

Mechanics: When used during a chase, a nitrous oxide system

affects only the first maneuver check made following its
activation. If this maneuver check is successful, the lead is
either decreased by 1d6 lengths (if the agent is the predator)
or increased by 1d6 lengths (if the agent is the prey). If the
agent is required to make a crash check at any time until the
end of the following round, however, his crash check DC is
increased by an additional 5.

12. The umbrella gun gadgets cost pays only for the weapons
housing the agent must pay for the chosen gun separately.
(page 145).
13. When an agent adds 1 or more weapon enhancement gadgets
to a weapon, they apply to that weapon only the enhancements do not carry over to other weapons the agent currently carries, or weapons the agent later requisitions. If the agent
wants the enhancements to apply to another weapon,
he must requisition them again. (page 145).

The nitrous oxide system has no effect outside a chase.

If the agent makes no maneuver check by the end of the
round following the nitrous systems activation, the gadget
has no effect (though it is still considered to have been used.

14. The match grade weapon enhancement may no longer be

made permanent by spending 3 the standard GP cost.
Instead, the agent must pay for this gadget enhancement
during the Gearing Up phase of each mission, or the enhancement is lost (though it may be reacquired during the Gearing
Up phase of a later mission, as standard). (page 146).

3. Refilling the oil slick gadget takes 6 half actions. (page 153).
4. The Proteus Package gadget requires 1 half action to activate.
The time required to assume the form of another vehicle
depends on the vehicle categories involved, as follows
(page 153):

15. The weapon accurizing enhancement may no longer be made

permanent by spending 3 the standard GP cost. Instead,
the agent must pay for this gadget enhancement during the
Gearing Up phase of each mission, or the enhancement is lost
(though it may be reacquired during the Gearing Up phase of
a later mission as standard). (page 146).

Assuming the form of another vehicle within the same

category e.g. a jeep assuming the form of a van, a bi-plane
assuming the form of a stealth fighter, etc. requires 1
additional half action.
Assuming the form of another vehicle of the same type, but
within a different category e.g. a tug boat assuming the
form of a mini-sub, an attack fighter assuming the form of a
cargo helicopter, etc. requires 1 full round.

1. When the team requisitions a vehicle, the team gains access to
a like vehicle in every scene until the end of the current
mission (even if subsequent scenes take place on different
continents). The GC may rule that a vehicle isnt available
during a scene, in which case the gadget points spent on the
vehicle are returned to the team (minus 2 per scene in which
the vehicle was available). If the GC rules that a vehicle isnt
available during a scene, the vehicle is no longer available
during any later scene (unless the agents requisition it again).

Assuming the form of another vehicle of a different type

e.g. a gunship helicopter assuming the form of a hydroplane
boat, a street motorcycle assuming the form of a one-man
hovercraft, etc. requires 2 full rounds.
5. Refilling the smoke screen gadget requires 6 half actions.
(page 154).

2. The hang gliders MPH entry should read 5/10, not 50/100.
(page 150).

The Usual Refinements

1. The example for this system is flawed, positing a 4-option
usual refinements package, which is impossible given the
5-option minimum. (page 151).
2. The Proteus Package gadget reduces the vehicles maximum
possible option slots to 1/2 standard (rounded down).
(page 153).
3. The Proteus Package may only transform a vehicle into another vehicle of the same size, or within 1 size category larger or


Spycraft Errata
Attacking With
Two Weapons

Chapter 6: Combat

1. There seems to be some confusion about how the various feats

and use of light weapons interact. Heres a breakdown (page

1. In all cases when an agents damage rolls are increased by his
Strength modifier, fractions are rounded up. (page 156).

Feat/Light Weapon

Free Actions
1. The following text is added to the description of free actions.
(page 160):

Hand Hand

Normal attack modifiers with

two weapons
With Ambidexterity feat only
With Two-Weapon Fighting feat only
With light weapon only
With both Ambidexterity and
Two-Weapon Fighting
With both Ambidexterity
and light weapon
With both Two-Weapon Fighting feat
and light weapon
With all three Ambidexterity,
Two-Weapon Fighting, and light weapon
With Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
(which includes Ambidexterity and
Two-Weapon Fighting)
With Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
and light weapon

A free action is any action that does not impact an agents

ability to take 2 half actions or 1 full action during the same
round. Free actions are typically actions that can easily be
performed simultaneously with other actions (such as talking
while moving), or more complicated actions that can be
performed nearly by reflex (including many abilities granted
by feats).
An agent may take free actions during his initiative count, or
when directed to do so by a feat, skill, or class ability.
If an agent is instructed to take a free action at a time
other than during his initiative count, he may only take the
specific free action indicated by the prompting talent, feat,
skill, ability, or other agent option or rule.
2. When an agent gains a single attack, he may never take a full
action attack as that single attack. (page 160).

Initiative Actions








2. The second paragraph under Attacking with Two Weapons,

If your off-hand weapon is smaller, is incorrect. It should
read as follows (page 165):

1. An agent may not regroup when blind, entangled, grappled,

helpless, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. (page 163).

If the weapon in the agents off-hand is 1 size category

smaller than him, it is considered a light weapon, and his
primary and off-hand penalties are each reduced by 2.

2. When an agent declares a ready action at the start of his

initiative count, he may, as a free action, immediately make a
Concentration check (DC 20). He may take 20 with this check,
but he may not take 10 (as combat is a stressful situation).
With success, when the agents declared ready trigger occurs,
he may take either 1 half action or 1 full action. With failure,
when the agents declared ready trigger occurs, he may only
take 1 half action. The agent must define his half or full action
immediately after making or forgoing the Concentration
check. He may not wait until the ready trigger occurs to
decide on his course of action thereafter. (page 162).

3. Handguns are Small-sized weapons, and are therefore considered light weapons for Medium-sized agents. (page 165).
4. The additional single attacks made with an agents off hand
may be used for any half action attack possible with the
weapon wielded, including firing a burst or attempting to
disarm an opponent. Additionally, they may be used to strike
an object, even though striking an object is not considered an
attack action (see page 19). If the agent's off hand is empty,
he may also use off-hand attacks to make unarmed attacks or
trip attempts. (page 165).

3. If an agent is still on overwatch (i.e. waiting for a ready

trigger to occur) by the end of a round, the overwatch/ready
action continues as described until the start of the agents
initiative count during the following round. Should the agent
decide to end his ready action between the start of the
following round and the start of his initiative count during
the same round, he must make the Reflex save as noted in the
ready actions description. (page 162).

1. When an agent rolls a natural 20 when making an autofire
attack, a minimum of 1 volley hits the target, but the agents
attack result must still be compared to the targets Defense to
determine whether any additional volleys hit. A natural 20
does not indicate that a bonus volley hits the target the
minimum volley is considered to be the first hit if the attack
result equals or exceeds the targets Defense. (page 165).

Multiple Attacks
1. The sentence, Multiple attacks are usually gained through the
use of feats. can be misinterpreted. Assuming the agent takes
no initiative, movement, or other actions, he may typically
take 2 half action attacks or 1 full action attack per round.
Feats grant additional actions beyond this standard number
per round. (page 165).

2. An agent may never benefit from sneak attack damage

or any other sneak attack benefit when making an autofire
attack. (page 165).
3. Shot ammunition has no additional effect when used during
an autofire attack. (page 116, 165).


Spycraft Handbook

Strafe Attack

1. This actions rules text is replaced with the following (page


1. When an agent rolls a natural 20 while making a strafe attack,

he automatically hits 1 of the strafe targets of his choice,
but the agent must still compare his attack result to the
Defense of each of the other targets to determine whether the
attack hits each. (page 167).

Disarm (Half Action)

This action replaces an attack, and allows you to attempt to
take away your opponents weapon.
Certain range limitations apply to this action, as follows.

The target must be within your reach in order for you to

attempt an unarmed or melee disarm action (i.e. physically
seize the targets weapon).

The target must be within 1 range increment in order for you

to attempt a ranged disarm action (i.e. shoot the weapon out
of your targets hands).

2. When an agent scores a critical hit with a strafe attack, only the
damage inflicted against the combatant in the first target
square is applied directly to wounds; the damage inflicted
against the combatants in the second and each subsequent
target square are applied to remaining vitality first, as standard.
(page 167).
3. An agent may never benefit from sneak attack damage
or any other sneak attack benefit when making a strafe
attack. (page 167).

A disarm action never inflicts any damage upon the target.

When attempting a disarm action, you must make an attack
roll with the weapon you currently carry, opposed by an attack roll
made by the target using the weapon he currently carries.
The following conditional modifiers apply to this check.

4. Shot ammunition has no additional effect when used during

a strafe attack. (page 116, 167).

Strike an Object
(half Action)

If you wield a melee weapon of a different size than your

targets melee weapon, then the character with the larger
weapon gains a +4 bonus per size category difference.
If you are unarmed, your disarm size category is 2 smaller than
your size (e.g. if you are Medium-size, your disarm size
category is Tiny).

1. While an agent makes an attack roll to strike an object, this

combat action is not considered an attack action, and may
not be augmented by class abilities, feats, and other agent
options that grant additional attacks or improve attacks,
except for agent options that expressly state they affect this
action (e.g. Iron Fist, Shattering Blow, etc.). (page 168).

If your target holds his weapon with both hands, he gains a

+4 bonus (generally, unless he holds something in his other
hand, a character is assumed to have both hands on his

Table 6.5: Attack Modifiers

1. The word Loses currently located above Ranged over the
second column should be located above Dex Bonus? over
the third column. (page 170).

If the opposed attack roll results in a tie, the winner is determined by the type of disarm action being attempted, as follows.

If youre attempting a melee or unarmed disarm action, compare your Strength to your targets Strength. The character
with the higher score wins the opposed attack roll.

If youre attempting a ranged disarm action, compare your

Dexterity to your targets Strength. The character with the
higher score wins the opposed attack roll.

2. All Melee attack modifiers also apply to Unarmed attacks.

(page 170).
3. An agent may voluntarily drop prone with 1 half action.
When voluntarily prone, an agent suffers a 2 penalty with
melee attacks, but may brace any ranged weapon as a free
action. No other modifiers apply to a voluntarily prone agent,
including the modifiers listed on Table 6.5. (page 170).

If even this comparison results in a tie, the winner is

determined by a random die roll.
If you win the opposed attack roll, your target is disarmed and
the weapon lands in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target
(determined randomly, or by the GC). The target must move into
that square and use 1 half action to retrieve his weapon.
If you score a threat with an unarmed or melee disarm check,
you now hold your targets weapon. If you score a threat with a
ranged disarm check, your targets weapon is thrown 1d4+1
squares (in a random direction, or in a direction determined by the
GC). If the weapon lands in an occupied square, it lands at the feet
of the person occupying the target square. The target must move
into that square and use 1 half action to retrieve his weapon.
If you lose the opposed attack roll when making a melee disarm check, your target may immediately make a disarm attempt
against you as a free action, using the method described here.

4. An agent who is knocked prone suffers a 2 penalty with

melee and ranged attacks, and must spend 1 half action to
brace any ranged weapon as standard. An agent who was
knocked prone may spend 1 half action rising to his feet or to
a crouching position, or righting himself so that he remains
prone and gains the benefits of being voluntarily prone
(see earlier in this section). No other modifiers apply to a
voluntarily prone agent, including the modifiers listed on
Table 6.5. (page 170).
5. Any agent who makes a melee attack upon a prone target
whether the target is voluntarily prone or was knocked prone
gains a +4 bonus. (page 170).
6. Any agent who makes a melee attack upon a crouching or
kneeling target gains a +2 bonus. (page 170).
7. Any agent who makes a ranged attack upon a prone target
whether the target is voluntarily prone or was knocked prone
suffers a 1 penalty per range increment to the target,
including the first. (page 170).
8. Any agent who makes a ranged attack upon a crouching or
kneeling target suffers a 1 penalty. (page 170).


Spycraft Errata
9. If an agent moved than twice his speed as part of his most
recent action, he is considered to be running. (page 170).

7. A character may only perform a sneak attack upon a hidden

agent when he is knows the hidden agents location and the
hidden agent is flat-footed or otherwise loses his Dexterity
bonus to Defense.

Hidden Agents
1. When an agent makes a successful Hide check to slip out of
sight during combat, he gains the benefits of total concealment (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, pages 170171).

Invisible Agents
1. An agent who is considered invisible e.g. an agent wearing
a chameleon suit gains the benefits of total concealment.
Additionally, there is a 50% that any attack against him
misses (as if the attacker were blind). An invisible agent need
not make a Hide check to remain hidden when moving,
though he must still make a successful Move Silently check
opposed by the Listen skills of observers within 100 ft.

2. To remain hidden while taking a move action of any kind, the

agent must make a successful Hide check opposed by the Spot
skills of observers with line of sight to him. Further, he must
make a successful Move Silently check opposed by the Listen
skills of observers within 100 ft. If the agent possesses either
the Gray Shadow or Silhouette feat, or both, he need only
make a successful Hide check (the Move Silently check is not
necessary in this case).

2. An invisible agent may be located at any time with a successful full action Search check, opposed by the invisible agents
Hide skill. If the invisible agent fails this opposed check, he is
considered to possess only nine-tenths concealment against
attacks made by the character who made the successful
Search check.

3. A hidden agent may be located at any time with a successful

full action Search check, opposed by the hidden agents Hide
skill. If the hidden agent fails this opposed check, he is
considered to possess no concealment against attacks made
by the character who made the successful Search check.

3. An invisible agent who has been located may spend 1 full

action to slip out of view, regaining the benefits of total
concealment against all characters who are currently aware of
his location and within whose line of sight the invisible agent
is not currently located.

4. As a half action, a character who has located a hidden agent

may communicate the hidden agents location to all teammates and allies with line of sight to both he and the hidden
agent. Thereafter, the concealment bonus granted to the
agent for being hidden is negated against all characters who
receive this communication (though the hidden agent may
still benefit from other concealment bonuses, as well as cover,
as standard).

4. As a half action, a character who has located an invisible

agent may communicate the invisible agents location to all
teammates and allies with line of sight to both he and the
invisible agent. Thereafter, the concealment bonus granted to
the agent for being invisible is reduced to nine-tenths against
all characters who receive this communication. The hidden
agent may still benefit from total concealment gained from
other sources, as well as cover, as standard.

5. When a hidden agent makes a melee or unarmed attack

against an opponent who is aware that enemies are present,
he is considered to be flanking his target, even if no teammate
or ally is located on the opposite side of the target. Note that
some feats and class abilities such as the fixers uncanny
dodge ability prevent a character from being flanked, even
in this case.

5. When an invisible agent is located within scenery that the GC

determines is likely to reveal his presence (e.g. standing or
moving through rain, or walking across sand), his concealment
is reduced by one additional degree (e.g. from total to ninetenths, or from nine-tenths to three-quarters).

Following this attack (whether the attack is successful or not),

the target may, as a free action, make a Spot check opposed
by the hidden agents Hide skill. The target gains a +10
circumstance bonus with this check. With success, the target
locates the hidden agent, after which the agent is no longer
considered hidden and must make another Hide check as
described earlier in this section to once again become

6. When an invisible agent makes a melee or unarmed attack

against an opponent who is aware that enemies are present,
the attacker is considered to be flanking his target, even if no
teammate or ally is located on the opposite side of the target.
Additionally, the target loses his Dexterity bonus to Defense.
This applies to hurled attacks made by the invisible agent only
if his weapon is also invisible. Note that some feats and class
abilities such as the fixers uncanny dodge ability prevent
a character from being flanked, even in this case.

6. When a hidden agent makes a melee or unarmed attack

against an opponent who is unaware that enemies are
present, the attacker is considered to be flanking his target,
even if no teammate or ally is located on the opposite side of
the target. Additionally, the target is considered to be flatfooted. Note that some feats and class abilities such as the
fixers uncanny dodge ability prevent a character from
being flanked, even in this case.

Following this attack (whether the attack is successful or not),

the target may, as a free action, make a Spot check opposed
by the invisible agents Hide skill. The target gains a +5
circumstance bonus with this check. With success, the target
locates the invisible agent, after which the agent is considered
to benefit from only nine-tenths cover against the target and
any characters to whom the target communicates this
information (see earlier errata in this section for details
about communicating the location of an invisible agent and
an invisible agent slipping back out of view).

Following this attack (whether the attack is successful or not),

the target is considered to be aware that enemies are present,
though he may not make a Spot check to locate the hidden
agent until and unless the hidden agent makes a second


Spycraft Handbook
7. When an invisible agent makes a melee or unarmed attack
against an opponent who is unaware that enemies are
present, the attacker is considered to be flanking his target,
even if no teammate or ally is located on the opposite side of
the target. Additionally, the target is considered to be flatfooted. Note that some feats and class abilities such as the
fixers uncanny dodge ability prevent a character from
being flanked, even in this case.

Further, the agents error range is increased by 1 per

intervening character beyond the first (to a maximum error
range increase of +8). If the agent suffers a critical failure
with an attack under these circumstances, the GC randomly
determines which of the intervening characters (of any type)
is hit by the agents attack. (page 171).

Blast Damage

Further, the GC may rule that this attack is an extremely

dangerous situation (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
page 179).

1. The blast diagram displayed on page 172 of the Spycraft

Espionage Handbook is flawed. A semi-corrected version is
included in the Modern Arms Guide. See page 22 for the fully
corrected diagram. (page 172).

Following this attack (whether the attack is successful or not),

the target is considered to be aware that enemies are present,
though he may not make a Spot check to locate the invisible
agent until and unless the invisible agent makes a second
8. A character may only perform a sneak attack upon an invisible agent when he is knows the invisible agents location and
the invisible agent is flat-footed or otherwise loses his
Dexterity bonus to Defense.

2. When an agent makes an attack with a grenade or explosive

possessing a blast increment of 2 or more squares (10 or more
ft.), the agent chooses the target square and the explosions
center radius of effect. With a hit, the effect is applied as the
agent declares. With a miss, the GC randomly determines the
attacks deviation, as described on page 173 of the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, and chooses the explosions center
radius of effect. (page 172).



1. When making a melee or unarmed attack, an agent only gains

the standard flanking bonus when he and 1 ally are on
opposite sides of, and immediately adjacent to, the target.
(page 171).

1. This actions rules text is replaced with the following (page 172):

Grapple (Full Action)

This action allows an agent to wrestle with an enemy, usually
with the hope of pinning him.
In order to take a grapple action, the agent must either have
two hands free or be wielding a light weapon that may specifically
be used when grappling (such as a garrote).
When an agent takes a grapple action, he chooses 1 adjacent
opponent who is no more than 1 size category larger than him,
then follows these steps:

2. When making a ranged attack, an agent only gains the

standard flanking bonus when he and 1 ally are on opposite
sides of the target, each is located within a number of squares
from the target equal to his Dexterity modifier, and none of
the squares between the agent and the target, or the ally and
the target, are occupied. If either flanking characters
Dexterity modifier is less than +1, he must be adjacent to
the target in order to qualify for his part in generating a
flanking bonus. An ally may not extend this benefit if he is
blinded, entangled, grappled, helpless, pinned, or stunned.
(page 171).

1. Enter the targets square. The agent must move into his
targets square to take a grapple action. This is an exception to
the square occupancy rules and counts as part of the agents
movement for the round (though the agent may use his bonus
5-ft. step to enter the square if he takes no other movement
actions during the same round).

Shooting or Throwing
Into a Melee

2. Make a grab check. The agent makes 1 melee touch attack.

In place of the standard size modifier, the agent gains a
+4 circumstance bonus per category of size difference
between he and his target (if the agent is larger than his
target) or suffers a 4 circumstance penalty per category of
size difference between he and his target (if he is smaller than
his target). With success, the agent moves on to Step 3.
With failure, his grapple action ends and he immediately shifts
to an unoccupied, adjacent square (if no adjacent square is
unoccupied, the agent remains where he is until the first
adjacent square opens up, at which time he immediately shifts
to the unoccupied square (unless he is once again grappling,
or otherwise prevented from leaving his current location).
With a critical success, the agent gains the benefits of a successful grab check and a successful hold check (see the next
entry). With a critical failure, the agent suffers the effects of
a failed grab check and falls prone in his new square. Special
Note: If the target is already grappling someone else, then the
agents grab check automatically succeeds.

1. An agent may always attack any target within his line of sight.
Should an agent shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a
target who is adjacent to him or one or his teammates or
allies, he suffers the 4 penalty as described in this section.
(page 171).
2. When an agent makes a ranged attack through 1 square
occupied by a character (whether the character is a teammate,
ally, bystander, or an opponent), the character provides the
agents target with one-half cover. When an agent makes a
ranged attack through 2 or more squares occupied by
characters (whether the characters are teammates, allies,
bystanders, or opponents), the characters provide the agents
target with a base of one-half cover, which is improved by
1 grade per intervening character beyond the first (to a
maximum of total cover).
Example: Donovan fires a gun through 3 squares occupied by
teammates. His teammates provide his target with nine-tenths


Spycraft Errata
3. Make a hold check. Once an agent grabs his opponent, he
makes a second melee touch attack this one opposed by the
targets melee touch attack in order to start grappling.
The alternate size modifier described in Step 2 applies to this
check as well. With success, the agent and the target are
considered to be grappling and the agent may, as a free
action, immediately inflict his standard unarmed damage
upon the target (the agent may choose not to inflict this
damage if he wishes). With failure, the grapple action ends
and he immediately shifts to an unoccupied, adjacent square
(if no adjacent square is unoccupied, the agent remains where
he is until the first adjacent square opens up, at which time he
immediately shifts to the unoccupied square (unless he is once
again grappling, or otherwise prevented from leaving his
current location). With a critical success, the agent gains the
benefits of a successful hold check and his target becomes
pinned (see page 23). With a critical failure, the agent suffers
the effects of a failed hold check and falls prone in his new

Multiple grapplers may perform any grapple action by making

a successful grab check, as described under During a Grapple
(see later in this section). Multiple grapplers actions are resolved
in standard initiative order since all multiple grapplers are acting on the same initiative count, actions are resolved from highest
to lowest Dexterity.
Special Note: No more than 4 combatants may attempt
to grapple 1 target of the same size, while no more than
8 combatants may attempt to grapple a larger target, and no more
than 2 combatants may attempt to grapple a smaller target.
Grapple Action Timing
All of these steps occur during the agents initiative count;
they do not carry over into other initiative counts or rounds. Either
the agent successfully grapples his target during his initiative
count or he doesnt.
During a Grapple
While grappling, an agent loses his Dexterity and dodge
bonuses to Defense (if positive).
Further, opponents may move through squares adjacent to
him without halting their movement.
Also, a grappling agent may only move using one of the
following grapple moves.
Finally, the only action any agent involved in a grapple may
take is a full action hold check. The agent chooses 1 opponent
with whom hes currently grappling and 1 of the following
grapple moves, then makes a melee touch attack opposed by his
targets melee touch attack. The alternate size modifier described
in Step 2 applies to this check. With success, the agent performs
the grapple move and gains the listed benefit; otherwise,
his action is wasted and the grapple continues.

Multiple Grapplers
Multiple grapplers may attempt to initiate a grapple against
one target at the same time, assuming they may act during the
same initiative count and before the target. In this case, the grab
and hold checks are made using the standard cooperation rules
(see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 39), and if the
grapple action is successful, all involved characters are considered
to be grappling.
Alternately, any agent may join a grapple already in progress,
so long as there is still room (see the following special note).
The newcomer must declare the target of his grapple attempt when
he enters the target grapples square. The newcomers grab check
automatically succeeds, though he must still make a hold check to
enter the grapple as standard.

Blast Damage (Revised)

This agent suffers

This agent suffers no

12 points of damage.


6 12 12 12 6

6 12 24 12 6

6 12 12 12 6



points of damage.

points of damage.

This agent suffers 2

This agent suffers 10

5 10 10

5 10 10

This agent suffers 6

This agent suffers 1

points of damage.

point of damage.

24 points of blast damage with a blast increment of 1 square.

10 points of blast damage with a blast increment of 2 squares.


Spycraft Handbook
Attack With a Light Weapon*: The agent injures the target,
inflicting damage with 1 light weapon he currently wields.
Break a Pin**: The agent breaks free of the targets pin or frees
the target character from a pin (though he or the target character
is still considered to be grappling). This grapple move may not be
attempted by an agent already pinning a character.
Disarm: One weapon or object held in one or both of the targets hands is dropped, landing at the grappling characters feet.
Draw a Light Weapon or Object: The agent draws 1 light
weapon or object. This grapple move may not be attempted by an
agent already pinning a character.
Escape**: The agent slips out of the grapple and may take
1 standard half action move. He must at the very least move out
of his current square, into an adjacent unoccupied square. If no
adjacent square is unoccupied, the agent remains where he is until
the first adjacent square opens up, at which time he immediately
shifts to the unoccupied square (unless he is once again grappling,
or otherwise prevented from leaving his current location).
This grapple move may not be attempted by an agent already
pinning a character.
Force Opponent Prone: The target becomes prone and suffers
1d4 subdual damage. The agent may voluntarily become prone as
part of the same grapple move.
Inflict Damage*: The agent inflicts his standard unarmed
damage upon the target. This damage is subdual, though the
agent may declare that he wishes it to be normal before the
opposed melee touch attack is made in this case, the agent
suffers a 4 penalty with his melee touch attack.
Grapple Second Opponent: The agent moves into an adjacent
square containing 1 opponent and attempts a grapple action per
the rules described here. He suffers a 4 penalty with all melee
attacks made while attempting to simultaneously grapple 2 opponents (including all opposed attacks to prevent held characters
from escaping). This grapple move may not be attempted by an
agent already pinning another character. An agent may never
grapple more than 2 opponents at a time, regardless of feats, class
abilities, or other agent options or game effects.
Move: The agent takes 1 standard half move action.
Pin: The agent pins the target for 1 round (i.e. until the start
of his initiative count during the following round). This grapple
move may not be attempted by an agent already pinning another
Use Opponents Weapon*: The agent injures the target, inflicting damage with 1 light weapon the target currently wields.

Attacking into a Grapple

Shooting into a grapple is even more difficult than firing into
a melee combat. If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an
opponent who is engaged in a grapple, you suffer a 8 penalty
with your attack roll.
As standard, this penalty does not apply to melee attacks
targeting someone engaged in a grapple. Further, the benefits of a
sneak attack may apply to any melee attack targeting someone
engaged in a grapple.

Weapon Attacks
1. When an agent targets an occupied square with a grenadelike weapon, the agent must make his attack roll against the
occupying characters Defense (i.e. an agent may not target
a square that is occupied to roll against a fixed Defense).
All range and other standard combat modifiers apply.
(page 173).
2. When an agent targets an unoccupied square with a grenadelike weapon, the DC is 15. All range and other standard
combat modifiers apply. (page 173).
3. When an agents attack with a grenade-like weapon misses,
the attack scatters a random number of 5-ft. squares based on
the number of range increments between the attacker and the
target, as follows (page 173):
Range to Target
1-2 3-4
Scatter Distance* 1d2 1d4
* The attack shifts the designated number of squares away
from the target square, in a direction determined by the
Grenade-Like Weapon Deviation diagram on page 173 of the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook.

4. At the GCs discretion, a grenade-like weapon that does not

burst or explode on contact may bounce around corners,
ricocheting off of hard surfaces. If this attack is allowed, the
attacking agent declares 1 square, character, or vehicle as his
target. The targets standard Defense is increased by +2 for
each surface the weapon must ricochet against in order to
reach the target. Further, unless the attacking agent has line
of sight to the target, theres a 50% chance the attack automatically scatters from the intended point (whether the
attack is successful or not).

* Sneak attack damage may not be applied to this attack.

** If the agent possesses 5 or more ranks in the Escape Artist
skill, he gains a +2 bonus with his hold check to perform this
grapple move.
If more than 1 opponent is grappling the agent, the agents
melee touch attack result must exceed the melee touch attack
results of each the grappling opponents in order for him to escape.
While pinned, a character is held immobile (but not
helpless), and the only action he may attempt is the break a pin
grappling move. Further, the pinning agent chooses whether the
pinned character may speak at the end of the agents initiative
count during each round. Finally, all opponents gain a +4 circumstance bonus with melee attacks made against a pinned character
(including melee attacks made to perform hold checks), though
they also suffer a 4 circumstance penalty with ranged attacks
made against a pinned character. An agent pinning another
character may voluntarily release him at any time, resulting in the
same outcome as an escape grapple move (see earlier in this

1. The first sentence under How Far Can You Move? should
read as follows (page 174):
An agent of any size may move a number of feet per round
equal to his speed.
2. An agent may move through any square occupied by a
stunned character. (page 175).
3. So long as an agent is not also adjacent to 1 or more upright,
aware opponents, he may move away from a helpless or
stunned opponent without restriction. (page 175).
4. The charge action may only be used with a melee or unarmed
attack. Further, the movement required to make the charge
and the attack are combined as 1 full action. (page 175).


Spycraft Errata
Other Common Actions

Damage and Dying

1. The aim and standard attack actions each require 1 half action
to complete, and may not be combined as 1 half action.
These two actions may be taken within the same round, but
only as 2 separate half actions. Unless otherwise indicated,
when an agent aims as his first half action and then attacks
with his second half action during the same round (with no
delay between actions), his target is not considered to have
moved between the aim action and the attack. If, however,
an agent aims as his last action during a round, or his attack
thereafter is somehow delayed, and his opponent moves
more than 5 ft. between the aim action and the attack, the
benefits of the aim action may not be applied to the attack.
(page 176).

1. An agent becomes fatigued when he reaches 0 vitality.

Additionally, an agent becomes fatigued the first time he
suffers 1 or more points of wound damage during any combat
(even if he has vitality points remaining). (page 178).
2. When fatigued, an agent is unable to run or charge, and suffers a 2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Each time an
agent suffers damage that causes him to become fatigued
(e.g. when he suffers the first wound after becoming fatigued
from 0 vitality, or when he reaches 0 vitality after being
fatigued from previous wounds), he must make a Fortitude
save (DC 10) or become stunned for 1d6 rounds. (page 178).
3. When an agent becomes fatigued and fails a Fortitude
save, he is stunned for only 1d6 rounds, not 2d6 rounds.
(page 157, 159, 178, 182).

2. The first sentence of the brace a weapon actions description

should read as follows (page 176):

4. The loss of wounds due to 0 vitality is not an aspect of the

fatigued condition (though the two happen concurrently
when an agent drops to 0 vitality). (page 178).

In order to take this action, an agent must be able to level his

ranged weapon against a stable surface or corner.
3. An agent need not aim a weapon in order to brace it.
(page 176).


4. Contrary to the brace a weapon action description, an agent

gains the +2 circumstance bonus using a braced weapon
regardless of the speed or movement of any of his targets
during the round, so long the agent does not move himself.
(page 176).

1. When an agent is not engaged in combat and spends 1 or

more action dice to regain wound points, he regains 2 wound
points per action die spent, not 1. (page 179, 180).

Combat Example
5. An agent may not spend action dice to increase refresh rolls
made to regain vitality. (page 177).

1. Parts of the combat example indicate that you suffer 2 points

of subdual damage every time you take damage when wearing armor. This is incorrect. You suffer 2 points of subdual
damage each time your armor completely absorbs a single
attack, as correctly described on page 178. (page 180).

6. The First Aid skill may be used untrained, despite references to

the contrary under in the basic skill description header and
under Stabilize a Dying Agent. (page 52, 177).

Combat Conditions

Chapter 7: Chases

1. When an agent becomes prone as a result of any attack or use

of force (e.g. due to a weapon with the takedown quality or
to the environmental effects of wind), he immediately
becomes flat-footed. The agent remains flat-footed until he
next acts or is successfully attacked, as standard. (page 177).

1. As a general rule, the acts of navigating and plotting a course
from one point to another are performed with the skill used
to control the vehicle within which the agent is traveling
(e.g. Pilot is used when the agent is in a plane, Boating is used
when the agent is aboard a ship, etc.). The two exceptions to
this general rule are as follows:

2. The following combat condition is applied to an agent

carrying an extremely heavy load (pages 107, 177):
Overloaded: An agent carrying more than double his
maximum heavy load cannot take move actions of any sort
(and even loses the ability to take his 5 ft. bonus step during
each round). Further, he loses his Dexterity bonus to Defense,
and suffers a 9 circumstance penalty with all attack rolls and
skill checks.

Navigating and plotting a course through city streets always

calls for a Driver check (even when the agent is on foot, riding
a motorcycle, or flying a plane at a very low altitude).
Navigating and plotting a course through the wilderness at
ground level always calls for a Survival check.

An agent carrying more than triple his maximum heavy load

is considered helpless except when taking an action to drop or
remove gear.

In all cases, if the agent possesses 5 or more ranks in the

appropriate Knowledge (Area) skill, he gains a +2 synergy
bonus with skill checks made to navigate or plot courses
through the area.

This combat condition applies whether the agent is forced to

carry the load or chooses to do so voluntarily.

Chase Speed
Damage Reduction
1. The chase speed during each chase round is equal to the base
speed of the chase (determined by terrain type and the fastest
vehicles top speed), modified by each maneuver taken during
the same round. All chase speed modifiers applied by maneuvers are dropped at the end of each chase round; they do not
carry into the following chase round. (page 186).

1. When an agent suffers only 1 point of damage, which is

absorbed by his damage reduction, he suffers only 1 point of
subdual damage due to bruising. (page 178).
2. Unless otherwise stated, damage reduction applies to all
successful hits, even critical hits. (page 178).


Spycraft Handbook


1. The cut off maneuver should not have the Daredevil

requirement. Its title line should read, Cut Off (Finishing).
(page 187).

1. Whenever a maneuver or other rule prompts a crash check

(or states that a character automatically fails a crash check),
the crash check DC is determined as described under Crashes.
(page 193).

2. Since a predator vehicle must succeed with an opposed

maneuver check to activate the ability listed for the cut off
maneuver, the prey is assumed to have lost the same check
and collides with the predator vehicle as described in the cut
off maneuver description. (page 187).

2. If a predator vehicle crashes, lands upright, and any 1 occupant whether the driver or a passenger either fails or
forfeits his Jump or Tumble check to exit the vehicle, then the
driver or 1 of the other remaining occupants may resume the
chase. In this case, the lead is increased by 6 lengths. If this
increases the lead to 31 or more lengths, the prey is assumed
to escape during the crash (as if hed performed a successful
vanish maneuver); otherwise, the chase continues into the
following round using the modified lead. The crashed vehicle
may or may not come to a complete stop in the process,
per the GCs description (though whether it does or not has
no mechanical effect upon the remainder of the chase).
(page 193).

3. When an agent succeeds with a ram maneuver and damage to

the target vehicle is determined, the target vehicles driver is
assumed to have failed a crash check by an amount equal to
the difference between the maneuver results. (page 188).
4. The second sentence within the redline maneuvers Success
entry currently reads, The predators engine suffers 4 points
of damage (see Step 6). Daredevil drivers are skilled at feathering the throttle, and their engines take only 2 points of
damage from redline. This sentence should read as follows
(page 188):

3. If a prey vehicle crashes, lands upright, and any 1 occupant

whether the driver or a passenger either fails or forfeits his
Jump or Tumble check to exit the vehicle, then the driver or 1
of the other remaining occupants may resume the chase.
In this case, the lead is decreased by 6 lengths. If this decreases the lead to 1 or less lengths, the predator is assumed to
position himself to prevent the prey from fleeing and the
chase ends (as if the predator performed a successful box in
maneuver); otherwise, the chase continues into the following
round using the modified lead. The crashed vehicle may or
may not come to a complete stop in the process, per the GCs
description (though whether it does or not has no mechanical
effect upon the remainder of the chase). (page 193).

Unless the predator possesses the daredevil ability, his vehicle

suffers 1 engine critical (see Step 6). Vehicles driven by daredevil drivers suffer no ill effects from the redline maneuver.

The second sentence within the bootleg reverse maneuvers

Success entry currently reads, The preys tires suffer 4 points
of damage (see Step 6). Daredevil drivers are highly practiced
at controlled spins, and their tires take only 2 points of
damage from pulling a bootleg reverse. This sentence should
read as follows (page 189):
Unless the prey possesses the daredevil ability, his vehicle
suffers 1 tires critical (see Step 6). Further, each tire
suffers an additional 1d4 damage beyond the effects of this
critical. Vehicles driven by daredevil drivers suffer no ill effects
from the bootleg reverse maneuver.

4. If a driver succeeds with a maneuver, but his vehicle crashes in

the process, the effects of the successful maneuver are still
applied, as are the effects of the crash (either one of which
may end the chase). (page 193).

6. The predator and prey Thats Impossible! maneuvers may

only be selected by agents possessing the wheelmans
Thats Impossible! class ability, or a limited version of that
ability granted by a prestige class. Each selection of this
maneuver counts as one use of the agents Thats Impossible!
ability for the current session. Note that a wheelman may
only ever gain 1 use of the Thats Impossible! ability from his
base class, though he (or a non-wheelman agent) may gain
additional uses of the ability through multi-classing.
(page 189, 190).

5. If a driver succeeds with a finishing maneuver, but his vehicle

crashes in the process, he succeeds in ending the chase only if
his vehicle is upright following the crash. Otherwise, the GC
and players should follow the rules described in #s 2 and 3,
earlier in this section, to determine the chase rounds
outcome. (page 193).

Chase Example
1. Sideshocks redline maneuver didnt succeed, so he does not
suffer an engine critical as described under the redline
maneuver. (page 197).

Attacking a Vehicle
1. Unless otherwise specified, a vehicles tires do not benefit
from the vehicles hardness rating, and suffer the full damage
of any successful attack. (page 191).

2. There are a number of mistakes in Round 2 of this example.

The following corrections apply (page 197):
This rounds base chase speed for is 105 mph, not 125.

2. Within the engine critical hit description, the example mentions

that when a vehicle suffers 3 engine criticals, it loses 30% of its
top speed. This should be 20% (as the first critical hit doesnt
reduce the vehicles top speed). (page 192).

During Step 2, after the chase speed is increased to 115

MPH by Skybreaker's pull ahead maneuver, the rounds chase
speed is greater than the maximum speed of Sideshock's
vehicle, not Skybreaker's. Also, Sideshock's sedan suffers
4 additional points of damage than described.

3. Unless otherwise specified, whenever a vehicles performance is

reduced by damage or a critical hit, all fractions are rounded
down. (page 192).

During Step 6, Feather and Sideshock both suffer a 4 circumstance penalty with their attacks because the current
chase speed exceeds 100 MPH (as opposed to the 2 penalty
because the current chase speed exceeds 50 mph, as listed).
Also, Feather rolls an 8 for damage (this corrects his totals
during later rounds after adjusting the speed damage from
Step 2).


Spycraft Errata
Poison and Disease

Chapter 8: Tradecraft
1. The basic Spycraft poisons feature the following secondary
damage onset times (page 238):

Favor Checks

Contact poison
Knockout drops
Knockout gas
Lethal poison I
Lethal poison II
Nerve gas
Paralytic poison
Truth serum
Weakening poison gas

1. Unless otherwise stated, multiple agents may not cooperate

when making favor checks. (page 217).
2. Unless otherwise stated, the time required for the home to act
upon an agents request is based upon the favor checks DC,
as follows (page 217):

Time Required*
3d20 minutes
1d6 hours
2d6 hours
3d6 hours
4d6 hours

Onset Time
1d4 minutes
1d4 rounds
1d4 rounds
1d4 minutes
1d4 minutes
2d6 rounds
2d6 rounds
1d4 + (1/4 Con, rounded up) rounds
2d6 rounds

1. The XP rewards listed on Tables 9.119.13 are replaced by the
detailed breakdown beginning on page 56 of this document.
If the GC wishes to use the printed tables anyway, the following revisions are necessary (page 239):

* Assuming the agent has immediate phone access to his home


The GC is entitled and encouraged to use common sense to

modify these times.

The XP rewards listed on Table 9.11 are sample rewards for

an entire mission, and incorporate the rewards listed on
Tables 9.12 and 9.13. The rewards listed on Tables 9.12 and
9.13 stack only with one another, not with the rewards listed
on Table 9.11.

3. When an agent scores a critical success with any favor check,

the time required to make the favor check is reduced to 1/2
standard (rounded down, minimum 1 minute). (page 217).
4. When agent suffers a critical failure with any favor check, the
agent may not attempt another favor check of the same type
during the next 24 hours. (page 217).

The XP rewards listed on table 9.11 are per agent. They are
not divided between agents.
The XP rewards listed on tables 9.12 and 9.13 are per team.
They are divided between agents.

Chapter 9: Control

2. The XP reward listed under Action Die Bonuses is incorrect

at the end of each serial, each agent receives an extra 25 XP
his agent level per action die the GC rewarded him during
the serial. (page 101, 240).

Water Dangers
1. The kill checks described in the rules for underwater combat
should read, skill checks. (page 231).

Mastermind System
Table 9.8: Doors
1. Talents, abilities, feats, and other agent options possessed
by special NPCs masterminds, henchmen, and foils
are applied in addition to all mastermind system rules and
effects. (page 242).

1. The hardness and wounds of some doors are reduced,

as follows (page 234):
Wood, simple



2. A minion types MP cost is paid only once per minion type per
serial (whether the minion type is constructed using 1 or more
NPC classes or not). Once a GC pays the MP cost for a minion
type, he may include any number of squads constructed with
that minion type in the serial. If the GC wishes to include 1 or
more squads of the minions in a second serial, he must pay the
minion types cost again, and so on. (page 244).

1. When an agent deliberately leaps down from any height
over 10 ft., the Jump check DC is 15. This Jump check DC
never applies during a fall the agent doesnt initiate himself.
(page 236).

3. A minion constructed with the standard combat minion type

included in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook gains
initiative and Defense bonuses as a soldier of the same agent
level. (page 244).
4. One squad of 1st-level minions possess a challenge rating (CR)
of 1/2. (page 244).


Spycraft Control Screen

5. The bonus MP granted by Multiple Villain Options per Serial
may only be spent to construct the character added to the
season, or to construct or improve minions, threat resources,
action sites, and other threat features directly under his
command. (page 247).

3. At any time, when the GC determines that an agents actions

or the situation warrants, an agent may make a new disposition check to improve or worsen an NPCs current disposition
toward him. An agent may never make more than 1 disposition check targeting any 1 NPC per session, unless he uses an
agent option that expressly allows him to do so. (page 270).

Example: The GC adds a foil to the 2nd serial of a season

featuring a team of agents with an average agent level of 4.
He gains 6 MP, which may only be spent to construct the foil
or the foils minions, threat resources, action sites, etc.

Example: Following the previous example, later during the

same serial (but not during the same session), Donovan saves
the NPCs life and the GC allows him to make another disposition check. This second check results in a standard success,
improving the NPCs temporary disposition toward Donovan
from friendly to helpful. At the end of the current session,
however, the NPCs disposition falls back down to its new
permanent standard of friendly.

6. When a villain survives a serial and is still at large, the GC may

voluntarily add the villain to a later serial during the same
season. This increases the agents XP reward for the later
serial by an amount equal to the bonus listed in the Multiple
Villain Options per Serial sidebar. (page 247).

4. Any talent, feat, ability, or other agent option that calls for the
agent to make a disposition check may be used in addition to
the standard limit of 1 disposition check per session.
(page 270).

7. Under Design Your Henchman, henchmen are erroneously

referred to as standard NPCs. They are actually special NPCs.
(page 247, 265).
8. Under Foil Level, foils are erroneously referred to as standard
NPCs. They are actually special NPCs. (page 248, 265).

5. Masterminds are immune to disposition effects, including

seduction. This immunity extends to any henchmen, foils, or
other special NPCs who are either the principal villains of a
serial or critical to the GCs campaign. To be fair, the GC should
identify these characters before play begins (though only to
himself otherwise the players will know where to direct
their attacks). (page 270).

Julian Bosque
(Sample Threat)
1. The corporate enforcers statistics are changed as follows
(page 249):
Defense: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 class)


Table 9.17:
NPC Statistic Ranges
1. The random range for determining a criminals class should be
as follows (page 267):







Base Breaking DCs Chart

1. The instance of Food should read Good.

1. Henchmen and foils are sometimes erroneously referred to as
standard NPCs. They are actually special NPCs. (page 247,
248, 265).


The Disposition System


1. Unless stated otherwise, all disposition effects including

those imposed by talents, feats, abilities, and other agent
options are temporary, lasting only until the end of the
current session. (page 270).

1. Alex Flagg helped to write this book.

Chapter 3:
Balance of Power

2. When an agent scores a critical success or critical failure when

influencing an NPCs disposition, 1 of the 2 grades shifted is
permanent. (page 270).

Europe Political Map

Example: Donovan encounters an NPC for the first time.

The NPCs starting disposition is neutral. Donovan scores a
critical success with his disposition check, improving the NPCs
disposition toward him by 2 grades, to helpful. At the end of
the current session, the NPCs disposition toward Donovan is
shifted back down by 1 grade, to friendly, where it remains
until and unless another effect imposes a new change.

1. Scotland was somehow omitted (page 50).

Chapter 4: Turning Points

Signs of the Times
1. The Golden Age espionage climates effect should read as
follows (page 75):
Effect: All agents roll d8s instead of d4s when determining
mission budget.


Spycraft Errata
Menace (Prestige Class)

Chapter 6:
New Agent Options

1. Contrary to the menaces requirements and the follow the

plan! ability text, only 1 menace may be part of any 1 organization at any time. Should 1 character already possessing
1 or more levels in the menace prestige class already belong to
an organization, no other character may gain levels in the
prestige class until the menace dies or leaves the organization
(in which case, the same rule applies to the former menace
after another character refills the organizations menace slot).
Further, no character possessing 1 or more levels in the
menace prestige class may join an organization whose ranks
already include another character with 1 or more levels in the
class. (Special Note: Unless the GC determines otherwise, this
means that the Agencys menace slot is likely already filled,
if not by the DCI or equivalent NPC, then by the most devious
of the Agencys loyals. Thus, special approval is required for any
agent to gain levels in the menace prestige class, and only
1 agent in any standard Spycraft team may possess levels in
the class.) (page 153).

Agent Options From

Other Products
1. Under Spycraft Espionage Handbook, the revised Bundles B
and C inaccurately include tactical radios. These should be
replaced with survival radios (see the 1960s Decade Book,
page 166). (page 121).
2. Under Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, the revised Bush bundle
inaccurately includes water filtration tablets. These should be
replaced with one 8-oz. boiling pan, one box of 50 matches,
and an additional 3 days military rations. (page 126).

New Weapons
1. Under Assault Rifles, the M14A1 and M14A2 possess identical
statistics (as shown on Table 6.13). (page 168).

2. The follow the plan ability now reads as follows (page 153):

Komitet Gosudarstvenndi

Follow the Plan!: At 2nd level, the menaces organization

may benefit from 1 level with any 1 agenda chosen by the
menace for the duration of the current serial (see the
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 104, for more about threat
agendas). If the chosen threat agenda impacts the organizations personnel in any way, its effects only apply to NPCs
possessing an agent level lower than that of the menace.

1. This macro-departments Future History entry states that

the KGB underwent a massive reorganization between 1989
and 1981. This should read, between 1989 and 1991.
(page 143).

All benefits of this class ability are lost if the menace is killed.

Wire (Base Class)

At 5th level, the menaces organization may benefit from 1

additional level with the chosen threat agenda (for a total of
2 levels with the chosen threat agenda), for the same duration
and with the same restrictions.

1. The wire gains intercept communication at 3rd, 7th, 11th,

15th, and 19th levels, and jury rig +2 at 5th level, +4 at 9th
level, +6 at 13th level, and +8 at 17th level. The table is wrong
in this regard. (page 149).

High Society Contacts

(Style Feat)

2. Some of the wires special abilities may be chosen multiple

times and some may not, as follows (page 149):

1. This feats text is replaced with the following (page 165):

Comb the Streets: This ability may be chosen each time the
snoop gains a special ability choice.

High Society Contacts

Electronics Familiarity: This ability may only be chosen once.

You have allies amongst the rich and famous who can help
you out when you're in trouble.
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 6+ ranks, The Look.
Benefit: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus with all high
society favor checks and street level assistance checks involving
street sources (for more information about high-society favor
checks, see the African Alliance Chamber Book, page 60, and for
more information about street level assistance, see the
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 71).

Feat: This ability may be chosen each time the snoop gains a
special ability choice.
Intelligence Analysis: This ability may only be chosen once.
Phone Bug: This ability may only be chosen once.
Skill Mastery: This ability may only be chosen once.
Wired for Sound: This ability may only be chosen once.
These limits apply to all abilities with the same name,
even when the agent gains them from different classes.

New Gadgets
1. The urban camouflage and wake baffler vehicular gadgets
each require 1 option slot. (page 174).


Agency Sourcebook
Chapter 3: Operative


(Prestige Class)
1. The eavesdropper does not gain the inconspicuous class
ability. This ability should have been deleted from the class
during edits but was accidentally left in the final copy.
(page 64).

Training Programs
1. Training programs may only be requisitioned during the
Gearing Up phase of a mission before and after that,
the resources to complete them are unavailable without a
special rule or ability.

2. Two versions of the wallflower ability are included in the

printed eavesdropper class. Only the second one which
grants bonuses to the agents Innuendo, Listen, and Read Lips
skills is part of the class. The other wallflower ability should
be ignored. (page 64).

2. Once an agent successfully completes a training programs

final exam, he need never take that programs final exam
again. Thereafter, he may recertify simply by paying the listed
GP cost and spending the listed training time during the
Gearing Up phase of a future mission.

3. The flawless lie detector ability was accidentally left off the
eavesdroppers class table at level 8. (page 65).
4. On the eavesdroppers class table, Casual Eavesdroppin
should read Casual eavesdropping. (page 65).

3. When completing a training program, an agent may always

make any skill check required by a final exam untrained, even
if he possesses no ranks in the skill. Further, he is always
considered proficient with any weapon he is asked to fire
during a training program final exam, even if he doesnt
possess the appropriate Weapon Group Proficiency (feat).
Unless the training program specifically extends these skills
and proficiencies to the agent, however, he may not benefit
from this rule after the final exam ends.

5. On the eavesdroppers class table, the 3rd-level ability

The grapevine should read The grapevine (Gather
Information). Also, the 7th-level ability the grapevine
should read the grapevine (education, Knowledge).
(page 65).

Black Cat (Chance Feat)

1. When two or more agents in the same team possess this feat
and they are located within each others lines of sight,
each agent possessing this feat targets only 1 opponent,
as determined by the feats Benefit description.

4. All standard Spycraft rules apply during a training program

final exam. Weapons must be reloaded, movement must be
calculated as standard, all appropriate modifiers are applied,
etc. When a training program description does not contain a
necessary piece of information (such as the ammunition
capacity of a training weapon), the GC determines the detail,
making the choice based on the strengths and weaknesses of
his agent team.

Example: Two agents in the same team possess the Black Cat
feat and are located within each others lines of sight.
Their two highest-level opponents are affected by the Black
Cat feat ability.
Example 2: Three agents in the same team possess the Black
Cat feat and are located within each others lines of sight.
Their three highest-level opponents are affected by the Black
Cat feat ability.

Chapter 1: Specialist
Expert (Prestige Class)
1. The second sentence of the experts bamboozle ability should
read as follows (page 9):

Tough Luck (Chance Feat)

1. This feats Benefit entry should read as follows (page 67):

The experts error range is not increased when he makes Bluff

checks untrained (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
page 38).

Benefit: Any opponent affected by your Black Cat feats must

spend 1 additional action die to activate any threat he scores
as a critical success.

2. The experts breakthrough ability may be not used to target

any psion skill use. (page 9).

Chapter 4: Handler
Backgrounds Revisited
Raised in the Saddle
(Style Feat)

1. On Table 1.12: Suggested Background Qualities, under True

Identity, reputation should read suspect. (page 21).

1. The final line of this feats Benefit entry should read as follows
(page 91):

Chapter 2: Recruit

Further, when you requisition a vehicle or mount of the

chosen type, the cost is reduced by 1 GP (to a minimum cost
of 1 GP), and is never increased when requisition requests are
made in the field.

Youth Agent (Style Feat)

1. All reference to the Career Agent feat should read Career
Operative. (page 40).


Spycraft Errata
Warrior Line (Style Feat)
1. This feat now reads as follows (page 91):


Warrior Line
Trained in the combat arts from an early age, you have a leg
up on your colleagues when thrust into dangerous situations.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4 or higher, Family
Business, at least 3 feats from a single combat feat tree (e.g. basic,
melee, ranged, or unarmed).
Benefit: Once per round, if you miss an attack roll by 2 or less,
you may re-roll the attack. You must accept the second result,
even if it is lower than the first. You may not use this feat ability
if your original attack roll resulted in an error.
Special: This feat may be chosen as a bonus basic combat

Chapter 1:
Prestige Classes
Journalist (Prestige Class)
1. Each of the journalists on assignment abilities may be chosen
only once (page 18).

Politico (Prestige Class)

Chapter 5: Control

1. The bodyguards granted by the politicos entourage ability

are considered to be standard minions for the purpose of
determining all statistics not already established in the ability
text. (page 27).

An Old Dog
(Advanced Skill Feat)
1. The agent does not lose this feats one-time bonus when he
gains Advanced Skill Mastery, Grand Skill Mastery, and Perfect
Skill Mastery feats. Thus, the agents Advanced Skill Mastery
feats grant a combined bonus of +4, the agents Grand Skill
Mastery feats grant a combined bonus of +5, and the agents
Perfect Skill Mastery feats grant a combined bonus of +6.
(page 112).

2. When the politico requisitions an intelligence resource

(see the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 113), he may use
his executive decision ability to provide a number of GP equal
to his agent level + his Charisma modifier. These bonus GP
may only be spent to requisition the declared intelligence
resource. (page 28).

Profiler (Prestige Class)


1. The profilers understanding ability should read as follows

(page 29):
Understanding: When the profiler spends 1 action die to
make an inspiration check, he may also roll that action die
and add its result to the inspiration checks result. This is the
profilers core ability..

Chapter 6: New Rules

NBC Training Feat

Sentry (Prestige Class)

1. The following terrain training feat was left out of the
Battlegrounds Sourcebook:

1. The sentrys eye in the sky ability provides a number of

GP equal to his agent level, which may only be spent to
requisition satellite reconnaissance intelligence resources
(see the Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 118). The sentry
may divide these bonus GP between 2 or more satellite
reconnaissance intelligence resources. (page 32).

NBC Training
(Terrain Training Feat)
You are experienced in the use of chemical warfare protective
gear and ways to survive in contaminated environments.

Chapter 2: New Rules

Prerequisites: Concentration 2+ ranks, Survival 2+ ranks.

Benefit: Concentration is always a class skill for you. Further,
the error ranges of your skill checks made while operating in
a deadly environment are not increased by 2. Finally, the time
required for you to put on or take off any item of non-armor
protective gear is reduced to 1/2 standard (or reduced to a
free action, if a specific item requires 1 half action to put on
or take off).

Department of Homeland
Security (Department)

Normal: When operating in a deadly environment, the error

ranges of all your skill checks are increased by 2.

Appraise (Skill Use)

1. The Well-Funded feat granted by this department

was accidentally omitted from the Faceman/Snoop Class
Guide. It is printed on page 163 of the 1960s Decade Book.
(page 40).

1. In this skills second check description, the pointer to skill

check caps should be page 56, not page 58. (page 42).


White Collar Contacts
(Style Feat)


1. This feats text is replaced with the following (page 53):

White Collar Contacts

Your past careers in the private sector grant you easier access
to specialists in the field.
Prerequisite: Bureaucracy 6+ ranks, Ordinary Past.
Benefit: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus with all specialist
favor checks and street level assistance checks involving professional sources (for more information on street level assistance,
see the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 71).

Chapter 1:
Prestige Classes
Forward (Prestige Class)

Chapter 3: Investigation

1. When calculating the number of GP granted by this ability,

the forward should round up. (page 10).

The Deduction system

Ninja (Prestige Class)

1. At the completion of a successful interview, the agents gain a

number of investigation points (IP) equal to 1 per piece of
information gained, to a maximum number of IP gained equal
to the interviews check cap divided by 10 (rounded down).
(page 85).

1. The second sentence of the ninjas ambusher ability should

read as follows (page 18):
Opponents only cease to be flat-footed after they take at
least 1 action during the current combat or when theyre successfully attacked by an opponent who does not benefit from
this ability.

Table 3.17:
Investigation Point Benefits

2. The bonus speed gained from the ninjas fast movement

special ability does not stack with the bonus speed gained
from fast movement special abilities granted by other classes
(such as the fixer base class). (page 18).

1. The benefit, Discover exact ratings of all agendas pursued by

targets parent organization grants the agents knowledge of
how far the organization has progressed with each agenda it
possesses (e.g. Dr. Kholeras organization has two agendas
destruction, which is 2/5 prepared, and megalomania, which is
4/5 prepared).

Smuggler (Prestige Class)

1. The smugglers class table inaccurately lists the in the markets
uses as 1/session. This ability is in operation all the time,
so it doesnt feature a specific number of uses. (page 28).

Chapter 4:
Intelligence Guide

2. The first sentence of the smugglers wheel and deal ability

should read as follows (page 28):

2Signal Detection
and Location

The smugglers knowledge about the black market gives him

the upper hand in most illicit transactions.

1. Determining direction with a single detector requires 2 full

rounds. (page 112).

Chapter 2: New Rules

2. Triangulating a signals origin point with 2 or more detectors

requires 1 full minute. (page 112).

Orphan (Department)
1. This departments talent to take 10 with an additional class
skill is gained at 5th level and for every 5 agent levels gained
thereafter, not at 4th level and every 4 agent levels gained
thereafter. (page 33).

Face-to-Face Infiltration
1. At the start of each infiltration round, the side with the
highest running skill check result chooses the option for
that interval (not the side with the highest skill check result
during the previous infiltration round, as described in the
book text). In the event of a tie, the infiltrator chooses this
intervals option). (page 125).

European Mafia (Department)

1. This departments bonus feat should be Political Favors,
not Political Ties. (page 35).


Spycraft Errata
Craft (Poison) (Skill Use)

5. The following text is added to this skill check's Special entry

(page 38):

1. The options for poison effects are expanded to include the

following, which also replace the existing temporarily
blinded or deafened and paralyzation or unconsciousness
options (page 38):
Poison Type

An agent possessing 1 or more ranks in this skill may include

a poison hes created in his personal gear. This poisons Craft
skill check DC may not exceed the agents total Craft (Poison)
bonus +10 (or +20 if the agent possesses the Poison Basics
feat). Each prepared dose of the poison costs 4 BP, plus the
cost of all materials used to reduce the Craft checks DC,
and remains potent for the duration of the current serial.
(page 39).

Craft Check
DC Modifier

Momentary blindness (2d6 rounds)

Temporary blindness (1d6 minutes)
Lingering blindness (2d6 hours)
Momentary deafness (2d8 rounds)
Temporary deafness (1d8 minutes)
Lingering deafness (2d8 hours)
Momentary disorientation* (2d4 rounds)
Temporary disorientation* (2d4 minutes)
Lingering disorientation* (2d4 hours)
Momentary nausea** (2d6 rounds)
Temporary nausea** (1d6 minutes)
Lingering nausea** (2d6 hours)
Lasting nausea** (4d6 hours)
Momentary paralysis or
unconsciousness (1d4 rounds)
Temporary paralysis or
unconsciousness (1d4 minutes)
Lingering paralysis or
unconsciousness (1d4 hours)
Lasting paralysis or
unconsciousness (3d4 hours)
* Disoriented agents are considered to be staggered, but need
not make a Fortitude save during each round (see the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, page 177, for more about this condition).
** Nauseated agents are considered to be entangled, but not
anchored (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 177, for
more about this condition).

New Pointman Cross-Class

Ability Options (Sidebar)
1. In the Spin Doctor entry, legal manipulation (political favors)
should be replaced with behind the scenes (DC 5 or less).
(page 44).

Bludgeon (Covert Feat)

1. This feats benefits may only be applied to melee and unarmed
attacks. (page 43).

Chip Away (Style Feat)

1. The final sentence of this feat should read as follows (page 49):
Further, if you choose to double an interrogation checks time
interval, your error range is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1)
and the subject must spend 2 additional action dice to
activate your errors and his own critical successes with skill
checks made to resist interrogation.

Office Gossip (Style Feat)

1. When making the bonus favor check granted by this feat,
the agent applies all applicable bonuses and modifiers he
would typically apply, except his agent level. (page 49).

2. The onset time for a crafted poison's secondary damage

generates a multiplier that is applied to the total Craft check
DC, as follows (page 38):
Secondary Damage Onset Time
Instant (1d4 rounds)
Fast (2d4 rounds)
Standard (1d4 minutes)
Slow (3d6 minutes)
Delayed (2d6 hours)
* Rounded up.

Craft Check
DC Multiplier

Personal Lieutenant
(Style Feat)
1. A personal lieutenant is considered a special NPC when
determining teammate and ally status (see page 3), but does
not gain level-based feats and ability score increases as a
special NPC. (page 50).
2. The personal lieutenant may gain levels in NPC classes.
(page 50).

3. The Craft check DC modifier for a poisons initial damage may

never exceed the Craft check DC modifier for the poisons
secondary damage (after the Craft check DC modifier of the
poisons secondary damage is multiplied as described earlier in
this section).

3. A personal lieutenants ability scores are assigned by the

player owning the Personal Lieutenant feat, using the Living
Spycraft ability score selection system with 28 points (see the
Living Spycraft Master Rules Document (MRD) for details).
(page 50).

The second example in the printed Craft (Poison) skill description is therefore wrong, as the Craft check DC modifier for the
proposed poisons initial damage (paralyzation, +8) is higher
than the Craft check DC modifier for its secondary damage
(1d4 Con damage, +3). If the secondary damage were boosted
to 1d6 Con (+4), with an instant onset time (2), the Craft
check DC modifier for the initial damage would be +8,
equal to the Craft check DC modifier for paralyzation
(and therefore permissible). (page 38).

4. The following text is added to this feats Special entry (page 50):
The personal lieutenant is considered to be a teammate of the
agent possessing this feat, as well as each of that agents
A personal lieutenant may never gain the Personal Lieutenant
feat himself."
5. Each agent may take the Personal Lieutenant feat only once,
and may only benefit from 1 personal lieutenant at a time,
even if other talents, feats, abilities, or other agent options
indicate otherwise. (page 50).

4. The maximum Craft (Poison) DC reduction that may be gained

from spending BP and/or cash is 10 (i.e. 5 BP, $500, 2 BP and
$300, etc.). (page 38).


6. A personal lieutenants threats may only be activated by the
agent possessing the corresponding Personal Lieutenant feat.
(page 50).

7. All modifiers on the Street Deal Modifiers table are actually

DC modifiers, not check modifiers, and should be reversed.
Thus, the table should read as follows (page 73):
DC Modifier
Agent cutting deal possesses
the procure ability
Agent cutting deal possesses
the backup ability
Street contact is typical
Street contact is trustworthy
Street contact is scrupulous
Meet occurs on street contacts turf
Meet occurs in neutral territory
Meet occurs on agents turf
* These modifiers are not applied when determining the cost of
the street deal (see the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, page 73).
** The Diplomacy checks error range increases by 2 (an error
range of 12 becomes 14).
The Diplomacy checks error range decreases by 2 (an error
range of 13 becomes 1).

Infiltration Gear
1. Installing a motion sensor hood requires 1 full action.
(page 57).

New Personal Gadgets

1. A holographic loop lens costs 1 GP, not 3 GP. (page 58).

Chapter 3: Tradecraft
1. During a brainwashing attempt, each participants complex
skill check DC should be equal to (the oppositions agent
level 5) + (the oppositions full ranks in the Concentration
skill 2). (page 71).

8. Under Information Support, the Additional Modifiers table

should read as follows (page 75):

Taking to the Streets

Desired Information

1. Only 1 agent the leader of the effort must spend an

action die (or use his procure ability) to launch the search for
a street contact. Teammates and allies who cooperate with a
support check need not spend action dice to do so (though
they may spend action dice to increase their cooperation
check results, as standard). (page 71).

Background or Dirt on Character(s)

Target character(s) is known to few
(e.g. witness protection program benefactor)
Target character(s) is known to some
(e.g. average citizen)
Target character(s) is known to many
(e.g. politician or celebrity)
Target character(s) have performed one or more
obvious, public actions in last month
(e.g. drunken spectacles, shocking speeches)
Target character(s) act with discretion
(e.g. common activities)
Target character(s) has taken steps to hide
background (e.g. working through intermediaries)

2. When an agent uses the procure ability to find a street contact,

his teammates may still cooperate to reduce the time involved.
3. An agent may use the assistance ability to reduce the time to
find a street contact or arrange a meet. Reducing both of
these periods requires 2 uses of the ability. (page 71).
4. Under Locating a Street Contact, the second paragraph should
read as follows (page 71):
A support checks DC is determined by the level of support and
discretion required by the agents, the legality of their request,
and how reliable the agents need their street contact to be, as
shown on Table 3.6: Street Negotiator DCs (see page 73).
5. When an agent uses the procure ability to find a street contact,
the agent may choose whether to meet on his turf, in neutral
territory, or on the street contacts turf. Otherwise, the street
contact chooses the meets location. (page 71).
6. A street contacts Sense Motive skill bonus is equal to the teams
average agent level +3 (per the GCs discretion). (page 73).


DC Modifier


Spycraft Errata
Identity, Location, or Plans of Character(s),
Item Carried by Character(s)
Target character(s) hiding in safe house
Target character(s) hiding in obscure location
(e.g. sewers)
Target character(s) hiding in obvious location
(e.g. cheap hotel)
Target character(s) going about
normal business (e.g. acting like citizen(s))
Target character(s) performing covert,
illegal actions (e.g. break-ins)
Target character(s) performing obvious
illegal actions (e.g. chases)
Target character(s) performing acts of
obvious violence (e.g. shootouts)
Per target character beyond the first
Per vehicle in use by target character(s)
Target character(s) using open phone lines
Target character(s) using commercial transportation
(e.g. planes, trains, rental cars)
Target character(s) using traceable ID
(e.g. credit cards)
Target character(s) using the black market
Target character(s) seeking medical aid
Target character(s) burned by parent organization
within last 1130 days
Target character(s) burned by parent organization
within last 10 days


Arrange Safe House

City of more than 1,000,000 people
City of 100,0001,000,000 people
City of 10,000100,000 people
City of up to 10,000 people
Agents are the focus of a citywide alert
Agents are the focus of a citywide manhunt
Agents are the focus of a nationwide manhunt


Forge Document, Item or Cover Identity

Items complexity is high
(e.g. Forgery DC 26+, power rating +4 to +6)
Item complexity is average
(e.g. Forgery DC 1125, power rating +2 to +3)
Items complexity is low
(e.g. Forgery up to 10, power rating +1)
Incriminate, Kidnap, or Threaten Person,
Slow Persons Movement Through City
Citys disposition toward person is adversary
Citys disposition toward person is unfriendly
Citys disposition toward person is neutral
Citys disposition toward person is friendly
Citys disposition toward person is ally




Smuggle Item
Items size is Huge is bigger
Items size is Diminutive or smaller
Items design/appearance is obvious
Items design/appearance is nondescript
Items design/appearance is subdued
* A decoy may not target more than 100 people.
** This supercedes the number of characters who may be
targeted in the corresponding body text (see the Fixer/Pointman
Class Guide, page 78).

9. Under Services Support, the Additional Modifiers table should

read as follows (page 77):

Arrange Decoy
Decoy targets 51100 people*
Decoy targets 2150 people
Decoy targets up to 20 people

Arrange Scenery (Ambush)

Ambush required within 1 hour
Ambush required from 1 to 12 hours hence
Ambush required over 24 hours hence
Ambush location features high security
(e.g. Spot skill +21 or higher, locate/disable DC 26+)
Ambush location features medium security
(e.g. Spot skill +1120, locate/disable DC up to 25)
Ambush location features low security
(e.g. Listen/Spot skill up to +10, no locate/disable DC)
Ambush location is heavily trafficked
(over 100 visitors each day)
Ambush location is moderately trafficked
(21100 visitors each day)
Ambush location is lightly trafficked
(up to 20 visitors each day)
Ambush location is abandoned (no visitors)

Previous Events at Street Location, Background of Events

at Street Location
Event was low profile (e.g. character sighting)
Event was standard profile (e.g. break-in)
Event was high profile (e.g. murder)
Event was covered by newspapers or radio news
Event was covered by television news
Event was covered up
Event location features high security
(e.g. Spot skill +21 or higher, locate/disable DC 26+)
Event location features medium security
(e.g. Spot skill +1120, locate/disable DC up to 25)
Event location features low security
(e.g. Listen/Spot skill up to +10, no locate/disable DC)
Event location is heavily trafficked
(over 100 visitors each day)
Event location is moderately trafficked
(21100 visitors each day)
Event location is lightly trafficked
(up to 20 visitors each day)
Event location is abandoned (no visitors)
* Per BP spent, to a maximum of 10.
** Per character injured, to a maximum of 20.
Per successful Forgery check, to a maximum of 20 (see the
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, page 44).

Desired Service

Arrange Medical Treatment

Per character to receive treatment beyond first**
Severe injury (e.g. burns, 31+ normal damage)
Moderate injury (e.g. gunshots,
1630 normal damage)
Light injury (e.g. beatings, up to 15 normal damage)

DC Modifier


Gentlemens Agreement
Mad Schemes
Threat Agendas

10. Under Specialist Support, the Modifiers table should read as

follows (page 80):

1. When an agenda advances to its highest rating (i.e. when an

organization possessing an agenda is ignored for 5 serials),
the agenda is considered to be fully prepared, and the organization may choose a new agenda at the start of the following
serial. A fully prepared agenda does not mean that the
organization has achieved any of its goals, per se (though the
GC may determine that this is the case, if it suits his
campaign). Instead, it means that the organization is as
prepared as it can be to launch its master stroke toward
completing the agendas associated goals. (page 104).

Desired Service
DC Modifier
Agent cutting the deal possesses the lead ability
Agent cutting the deal possesses blackmail info
about the specialist
Specialist is happily employed**
Specialist doesnt like his current job**
Specialist is unemployed**
Specialist is financially secure**
Specialist could use some extra cash
Specialist is destitute
* Blackmail power rating.
** The GC always determined whether a specialist is currently
employed, as well as the specialists financial status, based on
the needs of the serial at hand and his campaign as a whole.

Action Sites
1. When used in conjunction with the Mastermind System,
each action site is treated as a separate serial for the purpose
of determining overall MP available to build the commanding
threat. Whether each action site appears as the focus of a
separate serial during the resulting season, or is included in
existing serials, is left up to the GC. (pages 98, 111).

11. The minimum DC for any street deal including all modifiers
is 5. (page 73).

Chapter 4: Mission Guide

Building Blocks:
Creating a Threat

Streamlined Assault

1. Under Raising the Bar, the second paragraph should read as

follows (page 94):

1. On the conditions table in the Patrols section, the sites alarm

has been triggered condition should apply a 2 modifier, not
a +2 modifier. (page 123).

To increase the difficulty of a particular serial within a

season, the GC may increase the number of MP spent on
elements of the serial by the serial's numerical placement
within the season (e.g. by 1 for the first serial, by 2 for the
second serial, etc.), plus 3 the team's average agent level at
the start of the season.


Example: The GC chooses to increase the difficulty of a

season's second serial for a team whose average agent level is
4 at the seasons start. He gains 14 additional MP to spend on
the serial (2 + (3 x 4)).

Appendix: Volcano Rules

2. The rules described within the Building a Power Base section

may also be used to develop a foils organization. The scope of
the foils organization may not exceed a number equal to the
scope of the masterminds organization minus 1. (page 94).

Dangers of Eruption Lava

1. The following clause is added to this section (page 85):
A single agent may make the required Survival check for
the entire team. This checks result is modified by 1 per
additional agent for whom the Survival check is made.

Threat Resources
1. Under Hierarchy Levels, it is erroneously stated that minor
headquarters and action sites may possess a hierarchy level
ranging from 1 to 9. Since a threats scope may range from 0
to 10, a minor headquarters or action site may have a hierarchy level with the same range. (page 99).

Dangers of Eruption Ash

1. The second to last paragraph in this section should read as
follows (page 86):
Should the prey (i.e. the agents) succeed with a finishing
maneuver, whether in a vehicle or on foot, they escape the ash
cloud and the chase ends normally.

2. Threat resources may not be assigned to sites with a hierarchy

level of 0. (page 99).
3. A threat with a scope of 0 always features only 1 action site,
the masterminds headquarters, which possesses a hierarchy
level of 0. If such a threat features 1 or more henchmen, these
characters automatically operate out of the masterminds
headquarters, or are mobile in the field, with no headquarters
of their own. (page 99).

New Vehicular Gadgets

1. The lava coat and molten skin vehicular gadgets each require
1 option slot. (page 88).


Spycraft Errata
Chapter 4:
Playing a Villain Campaign


Political Clout (Style Feat)

1. The first sentence of this feats Benefits entry should read as
follows (page 125):

Training Programs

The bonus with Charisma-based skill checks gained from

Political Favors is increased by an additional +2 (to a total
bonus of +3).

1. Training programs may only be requisitioned during the

Gearing Up phase of a mission before and after that,
the resources to complete them are unavailable without a
special rule or ability.


2. Once an agent successfully completes a training programs

final exam, he need never take that programs final exam
again. Thereafter, he may recertify simply by paying the listed
GP cost and spending the listed training time during the
Gearing Up phase of a future mission.

Chapter 1: New Rules

3. When completing a training program, an agent may always

make any skill check required by a final exam untrained, even
if he possesses no ranks in the skill. Further, he is always
considered proficient with any weapon he is asked to fire
during a training program final exam, even if he doesnt
possess the appropriate Weapon Group Proficiency (feat).
Unless the training program specifically extends these skills
and proficiencies to the agent, however, he may not benefit
from this rule after the final exam ends.

Triggerman (Prestige Class)

1. The following requirement is added to this prestige class
(page 8): Agent Level: 5+.

Fluid Initiative
1. The following clause is added to the Pressing section (page 10):
If an agents initiative total ever reaches 50 or greater,
the agent must press for an additional action during his next
initiative count, or at his earliest opportunity (whichever
comes first).

4. All standard Spycraft rules apply during a training program

final exam. Weapons must be reloaded, movement must be
calculated as standard, all appropriate modifiers are applied,
etc. When a training program description does not contain a
necessary piece of information (such as the ammunition
capacity of a training weapon), the GC determines the detail,
making the choice based on the strengths and weaknesses of
his agent team.

2. Each time an agent fires a bolt-action rifle, he suffers a

2 fluid initiative penalty. (page 11).

Gear Qualities
1. The DC for the takedown qualitys Fortitude saving throw is
equal to the damage rolled (before applying damage reduction), or to the damage rolled + 10 if the attack inflicts at least
1 point of wound damage. (page 17).

Chapter 1: Legion
Table 1.9:
Base Minion Type Feats

2. When carrying a weapon with the whisper-lock quality, an

agent possessing the appropriate Weapon Group Proficiency
feat may enable or disable the quality as a free action. When
enabled, the whisper-lock quality imposes a 30 gear penalty
to Listen checks when the weapon is fired in single-shot mode.
(page 17).

1. The Weapon Group Proficiency feats listed for the stealthy

and strong minion types are reversed. (page 16).

Chapter 3: Organization
Table 3.3:
Assassination Agenda

3. The following new weapon quality may be applied to any

standard or exotic melee weapon, or any standard or exotic
hurled weapon possessing a sharp edge (e.g. an arrow, a bolt,
a shuriken, etc.), using the toxin-laced masterwork modification (see later in this section):

1. The Special entry for level 8 should read as follows (page 69):
+1 to each special characters attack roll threat ranges
(+2 total)

Toxic (TO): This weapon is laced with a toxin, but not necessarily designed to deliver one. When a target is successfully
attacked with a weapon possessing the toxic quality, he must
make a Reflex save (DC equal to the attacks damage, before
damage reduction is applied, or equal to the the attacks
damage + 10 if the attack inflicts at least 1 point of wound
damage). With failure, the target must make a save against
the toxins effects as standard (in addition to the weapons
standard damage).

Table 3.50: Minion Type

1. Under the 1618 result, the sentence If the commanding
special NPCs first base class was faceman or fixer, his minions
gain the smart minion type. should read If the commanding
special NPCs first base class was faceman or fixer, his minions
gain the stealthy minion type.


Modern Arms Guide

The weapons toxin must be reapplied or refilled after each
use, a process which requires 1 full action. Each dose of the
toxin must either be requisitioned as standard, or created
using the Craft (Poison) skill, as described on page 38 of the
Fixer/Pointman Class Guide.

3. The following new masterwork modification may be applied to

any standard or exotic melee weapon, or any standard or exotic hurled weapon with a sharp edge (e.g. an arrow, a bolt, a
shuriken, etc.):
Toxin-Laced: This modification is applied using the standard
masterwork rules, but substituting all uses of the Craft
(Weaponsmithing) skill with the Craft (Poison) skill. Once this
modification is successfully applied, the target weapon gains
the toxic quality (see earlier in this section for more information about this new weapon quality). Cost: 10 BP or $600.

A weapon possessing this quality is not obviously toxic. Each

observer must make a successful Spot check against the Craft
(Poison) check result that modified the weapon in order to
notice the upgrade and realize its purpose.
No current Spycraft weapons enter play possessing the toxic
quality, unless the GC determines that an NPC modified them

The Black Market

1. All instances of class bonus within this section should read,
competence bonus. (page 25).

4. The following new weapon quality may not be added to a

weapon. Instead, it is a natural function of certain weapons
intended to deliver poison and other toxins.

2. The agents must either be located in a city of 1,000 people or

more, or have access to a cell phone, in order to find a broker.
(page 25).

Toxin Delivery (TX): This weapon is designed to deliver a

toxin. When a target is successfully attacked with a weapon
possessing the toxin delivery quality, he must make a Reflex
save (DC equal to the attacks damage + 10, before damage
reduction is applied, or equal to the attacks damage + 20
if the attack inflicts at least 1 point of wound damage).
With failure, the target suffers the toxins standard effects
(in addition to the weapons standard damage).

3. When an agent uses backup to locate a broker, the brokers

reliability is automatically typical. (page 26).
4. The favor check made to locate a broker is an asset favor
check. (page 26).
5. Unless otherwise stated, finding a broker requires 24 hours,
minus 1 hour per agent who helps search beyond the first
(to a minimum of 12 hours per broker). If the agents use backup to locate a broker, it takes 2d6 hours. If the agents use
instant backup to locate a broker, it takes 1 hour.

Each weapon possessing this quality delivers the toxin in one

of two ways, as follows:
The toxin is contained within each shot prepared for
the weapon (e.g. each dart for a dartgun or blowgun, or each
chemical grenade). In this case, the standard ammunition and
reloading rules apply (or in the case of chemical grenades, the
weapon self-detonates, eliminating the need for reloading).

6. The Diplomacy check made to cut a deal on the black market

may alternately be made with Appraise, using the same rules.
(page 26).

The toxin must be reapplied or refilled after each use (e.g. a

hypodermic needle cannot be used again before it is refilled).
In this case, the agent must spend 1 full action reloading the
weapon after each use.

7. Gadgets, weapons of mass destruction, and items that may

only be built by the Agency or a villain organization may not
be found on the black market, unless the GC specifically
allows them to be. (page 27).

In both cases, each dose of the toxin must either be requisitioned as standard, or created using the Craft (Poison) skill,
as described on page 38 of the Fixer/Pointman Class Guide.

Gear Concealment
1. The gear concealment rules supercede the rules for frisking
someone described on page 63 of the Spycraft Espionage
Handbook. (page 22).

A weapon possessing this quality is obviously toxic (at least,

potentially). Each observer immediately recognizes that the
weapon or its ammunition, as appropriate, may be laced with
a violent contagion.

2. The last two paragraphs of this section should read as follows

(page 22):

At present, only the hypodermic needle (standard melee), dart

gun (standard hurled), chemical grenade (standard hurled),
and blowgun (exotic hurled) naturally possess the toxin
delivery quality, without additional modification. The BP and
actual costs of these weapons remain unchanged, despite the
added quality.

There are two ways in which an agent may attempt to

conceal something on or around his person, each with its own
benefits, as follows.
When an agent attempts to hide something on his person
(in his hands or within his clothing, not within the
surrounding scenery), the items concealment DC is increased
by a number equal to 1/4 of the agents total Sleight of Hand
skill bonus (rounded down). If the agent possesses 5 or more
ranks in the Disguise skill, the items concealment DC is
increased by an additional +2.

Masterwork Modifications
1. The following masterwork modifications may not be applied to
revolvers: automatic action, locking slide, rebuilt action,
smoothened action, suppressor. (page 17).

When an agent attempts to hide something within the surrounding scenery (not in his hands or within his clothing),
the items concealment DC is increased by a number equal to
1/4 of the agents total Hide skill bonus (rounded down). If the
agent possesses 5 or more ranks in the Spot skill, the items
concealment DC is increased by an additional +2.

2. A weapon or item possessing the disassembly option modification is useless when taken apart (except possibly as a standard
improvised weapon, and then only at the GCs discretion). None
of the weapons other qualities or modifications have any affect
until the weapon or item is reassembled. (page 19, 20, 21).


Spycraft Errata
Unless a searcher declares otherwise, he must make a Spot
check against a hidden items concealment DC. This kind of cursory observation requires 1 half action (or 1 free action, at the
GCs discretion). Alternately, a searcher may voluntarily take 2
full actions or more to make a Search check against the hidden
items concealment DC, gaining a circumstance bonus equal to
+1 per full action dedicated to the search (minimum +2).

Chapter 5: Firearms
.40 S&W Caliber
1. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the damage of
all firearms loaded with .40 S&W ammunition is incorrect.
These weapons should inflict 1d12 normal damage. This modification does not affect any of the weapons other traits,
including BP cost.

Chapter 2: Melee Weapons

Table 2.1: Melee Weapons

1. Several entries are added to this table, as shown on Table 2:
New Melee Weapons (see page 38). (page 35).

1. The H&K USP service pistol should have an ammunition

capacity of 13. (page 62).

2. The error range for a throwing knife is 12, not 1v2.

(page 42).

2. Its exceptionally easy to swap barrels with the Magnum

Research Lone Eagle target pistol, but the gun doesnt ship
with multiple barrels. Each additional barrel assembly weighs
1 lb. and costs $300 or a number of BPs equal to 1/3 its
calibers maximum damage (rounded up). (page 64).

Chapter 4: Exotic Weapons

Archaic Weapons

Example: The .243 Winchester caliber possesses a damage of

4d4+1, with a maximum damage of 17. Requisitioning 1 additional barrel assembly in this caliber costs $300 or 6 BPs.

1. This sections Abilities entry should read as follows (page 44):

Abilities: An agents Strength modifier is applied to all
archaic melee weapon attack rolls, while an agents Dexterity
modifier is applied to all archaic ranged weapon attack rolls.
An agents Strength modifier is applied to all archaic damage
rolls, whether melee or ranged.


In the sniper rifle category description, the second sentence

should read as follows (page 65):
Many sniper rifles come standard with a telescopic sight
and/or bipod in these cases, the built-in accessories are
mentioned in the weapons description, and the accessories
effects are factored into the weapons listed accuracy, cost,
and qualities.

Martial Arts Weapons

1. This sections Abilities entry should read as follows (page 44):
Abilities: An agents Strength modifier is applied to all
martial arts melee weapon attack rolls, while an agents
Dexterity modifier is applied to all martial arts ranged weapon
attack rolls. An agents Strength modifier is applied to all
martial arts damage rolls, whether melee or ranged.

2. In all sniper rifle descriptions, enhancement bonuses now

become gear bonuses.

2. Sai possess the guard and trap qualities. (page 52).

Table 2: New Melee Weapons

Weapon Name
Improvised Weapons#







Qualities &





15 ft.


* See this weapons description for additional rules.

** This is subdual damage.
# If the agents base unarmed combat damage and threat range are higher than those of the weapon, the agents values are
used when he wields this weapon.

Table 3: Firearms Ammunition Revisions

Ammunition Type

BP Cost

Actual Cost

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) / Military Ball

1 per 50 shots
2 per 20 shots

$15 per 50 shots

$25 per 50 shots

No modifiers.
+1d4 damage (double targets damage reduction)


2 per 20 shots

$75 per 20 shots


1 per 20 shots

$40 per 20 shots

Special (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,

page 116, and page 13 of this document),
grants takedown quality
Grants takedown quality



Modern Arms Guide


Table 5.4: Target Pistols

1. The following clause is added to this weapon categorys Feats

entry (page 77):

1. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics

for the .44 Magnum Lone Eagle are slightly off. Thus, this
weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 91):

The Increased Precision and Precise Shot feats have no effect

upon attacks made with shotguns.

BP: 28
Damage: 2d6+2

2. The following clause is added this weapon categorys Feats

entry (page 77):

2. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics for

the .44 Magnum Thompson Center Contender are slightly off.
Thus, this weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 92):

Special Note: Shotguns are notoriously dangerous when

bystanders, hostages, or even allies are located anywhere near
the line of fire. When an agent firing a shotgun suffers an
error, and any character is present in any square adjacent to
the target, the GC or an opposing player may spend 1 action
die to activate the agents critical failure, causing the attack
to hit the adjacent character. If the character hit is located in
the same square as the target (e.g. the character hit and the
target are engaged in a grapple), this critical failure may be
activated at no action die cost.

BP: 28
Damage: 2d6+2

Table 5.5:
Hunting Revolvers
1. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics
for the .44 Magnum Colt Anaconda are slightly off. Thus, this
weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 92):

Shell Types

BP: 26
Damage: 2d6+2

1. The following clarifications and new rules apply to the new

shell types presented in the Modern Arms Guide (page 88):

2. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics for

the .44 Magnum Ruger Super Redhawk are slightly off. Thus,
this weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 92):

Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS): This ammunition

inflicts damage as a slug of the appropriate gauge.

BP: 27
Damage: 2d6+2

Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS):

This ammunition inflicts damage as a slug of the appropriate

3. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics

for the .44 Magnum S&W Model 29 are slightly off. Thus, this
weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 92):

Beanbag: This ammunition inflicts damage as a slug of the

appropriate gauge, and grants the takedown quality to any
weapon within which its loaded.

BP: 27
Damage: 2d6+2

Blank: When used to perform a coup de grace action, this

ammunition inflicts 1/2 the standard damage of a round of
shot of the appropriate gauge (rounded down).

Table 5.7: Assault Rifles

Flechette: This ammunition inflicts damage as a round of shot

of the appropriate gauge.

1. The H&K G11 also may be fired in single-shot, narrow burst,

and strafe modes. The weapon now costs 34 BP. (page 93).

Non-Lethal: This ammunition inflicts damage as a round of

shot of the appropriate gauge.

Table 5.13: Submachineguns

Rock Salt: This ammunition inflicts damage as a round of shot

of the appropriate gauge.

1. The FN P90s integral day-night sight is 1st generation. This

weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 102):
BP: 31
Qualities & Mods: DS, SL, SS

Shot: This ammunition inflicts damage as a round of shot of

the appropriate gauge, and grants the takedown quality to
any weapon within which its loaded.

Table 5.14:
Firearms Ammunition

Slug: This ammunition inflicts damage as a slug of the

appropriate gauge, and grants the takedown quality to any
weapon within which its loaded.

1. Several modification are made to this table, as shown on

Table 3: Firearms Ammunition Revisions (see page 38). (page
103, 104).

Table 5.3: Service Pistols

1. The Glock 31 is chambered for .357 Sig, not .357 Magnum.
Thus, this weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 90):
BP: 18
Damage: 2d6

Chapter 6: Accessories

Recoil: 15
Threat: 20

Bow Accessories
1. The dynamic shock absorbers recoil modifier is dropped. In its
place, this accessory grants the advanced aim (AA) quality to
the weapon to which its attached. (page 107).

2. Due to an improper muzzle energy conversion, the statistics

for the .44 Magnum Desert Eagle are slightly off. Thus, this
weapons statistics are modified as follows (page 90):
BP: 24
Damage: 2d6+2


Spycraft Errata
Holsters and Cases

Table 7.5: Mortars

1. Melee weapons always come with a sheath at no additional BP

cost. A sheath has no mechanical effect. Future supplements
may include sheaths with additional mechanical options.

1. The column labeled Blast Increment should be labeled

Range Increment. A mortars blast increment is determined
by the ammunition used. (page 134).

2. Several holsters refer to the Lightning Draw feat. All such

instances should read, Quick Draw. (page 109).

Chapter 8: Protective Gear

Hard and Soft Targets

Optical Weapon Accessories

1. The combined total of a character or objects hardness and
damage reduction is used to determine whether its a hard
target. (page 138).

1. The first paragraph of the day/night scopes description should

read as follows (page 110):
Day/Night Scope: This scope combines the benefits of a
night vision scope and a telescopic sight. It possesses 2 values
1 for use during the day (a standard telescopic sight) and
1 for use at night (a standard night vision sight). Switching
between day and night requires 1 half action. A day/night
scope is powered and must be attached to a firearms rail

Example: Donovan wears armor that grants him 4 points of

damage reduction, and also gains 2 points of hardness from
his surroundings. He is considered a hard target.
2. The only contributing factors that determine whether a
character or object is a hard target are hardness and damage
reduction granted by armor, scenery, and other physical
defenses. Damage reduction gained from talents, feats,
abilities, and other agent options, as well as from natural
sources (such as some animals tough hides), are not counted
for this purpose. (page 138).

2. The first paragraph of the night vision sights description

should read as follows (page 111):
Night Vision Sight: This sight allows the agent to see in
dim light or even total darkness. A 1st generation night vision
sight is heavy and durable, but less sophisticated, while later
generations grow lighter and less fragile. Though a night sight
in part relies upon ambient light, it is a powered accessory.

1. The Defense bonus granted by a helmet stacks with the
Defense bonus granted by a set of armor. Unless otherwise
stated, an agent may only benefit from 1 helmet and 1 set of
armor at any time, however. (page 142).

3. The Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) also operates

as a variable 4 to 16 telescopic sight. Changing this scopes
magnification requires 1 free action. (page 111).

Table 8.1: Protective Gear

Chapter 7:
Tactical Weapons\

1. The stab vests weaknesses should read, C, E, F, rather than

C, E, T. (page 142).

2. The number listed in the MDB column for the light standard
insert is a modifier, while the numbers in the same column for
the kevlar vest and assault vest inserts supercede the numbers
for the corresponding base armor. (page 142).

1. Unless specified otherwise, any machinegun with an integral

tripod is Huge-sized. Any machinegun without an integral
tripod is Large-sized. (page 124).

Example: Donovan wears a stab vest with a light standard

insert. His MDB is +3.

Table 7.2: Flamethrowers

1. The column labeled Blast Increment should be labeled
Range Increment. Flamethrower attacks do not have a blast
increment (page 132).

Example 2: Donovan wears an assault vest with an insert.

His MDB is +1.


Table 7.3:
Grenade Launchers
1. The column labeled Blast Increment should be labeled
Range Increment. A grenade launchers blast increment is
determined by the ammunition used. (page 132).

Chapter 1:
Prestige Classes

Table 7.4: Machineguns

1. The column labeled Blast Increment should be labeled
Range Increment. A machinegun has no blast increment.
(page 133).

Armorer (Prestige Class)

1. The following are now class skills for the armorer (page 7):

2. A second column of meaningless numbers was accidentally

inserted between the Budget Points and Accuracy columns.
This column beginning with 15 along the top row and
ending with 14 along the bottom row should be ignored.
(page 133).

Handle Animal



2. The breakdown class ability has no effect on vehicles (including power armor). (page 8).

3. An agent possessing levels in both the martial artist and street

fighter classes does not combine his class levels for the
purpose of determine ploy special abilities. (page 21).

3. The Quick Use feat granted by the armorers rush job ability
applies to all Craft (Gunsmithing) and Mechanics skill uses,
even those that normally require more than 1 minute to use.
(page 8).

Chapter 2: New Rules


Bodyguard (Prestige Class)

1. The arctic operations bundle should also include Waterproof

rucksack (to store bundle). (page 27).

1. The bodyguards vitality die should be 1d12, not 1d10.

(page 9).

Racer (Department)
Grunt (Prestige Class)

1. When an agent possessing the racer department adjusts a

critical hit location roll, he may modify it above the maximum
possible result or below the minimum possible result, causing
the result to cycle around to the other end of the chart
(from maximum possible result to minimum possible result or
vice versa). (page 29).

1. The first instance of Survival (Wis) in the grunt's class skill

list should be Search (Int). (page 10).
2. The second paragraph of the grunts bonus feat ability should
read as follows (page 11):
At 7th level, the grunt receives the Mastery feat corresponding
to the Basics feat he chose at 2nd level (i.e. if the grunt chose
Flames Basics at 2nd level, he gains Flamer Mastery at 7th level).
The same restrictions apply to this Mastery feat that applied to
the 2nd-level Basics feat choice.

Stick Jockey (Department)

1. When 2 or more agents possessing the stick jockey department attempt to learn about opponent maneuvers, the talent
uses cancel one another out, and both agents abilities are
considered to be used once. (page 29).

Hunter (Prestige Class)

Military Academy Training

1. The hunters 1st-level custom rider ability was accidentally

omitted from the class table. (page 13).

1. The second talent belonging to the Royal Military College of

Canada should read as follows (page 32):

Medic (Prestige Class)

The DCs of each skill check made to seduce the agent is

increased by +3. This bonus increases by an additional +1 at
2nd level, and for every 2 agent levels gained thereafter.

1. The medics medicine chest ability does not apply to toxins.

(page 16).
2. The second paragraph of the medics armor use ability should
read as follows (page 16):

Knowledge (Military History)

(Skill Use)

At 8th level, this Defense bonus increases by +1 (to a total

increase of +2) and this armor check penalty decreases by an
additional 1 (to a total decrease of 2).

1. This skills Special entry should read as follows (page 35):

Special: If the agent possesses 5 or more ranks in Knowledge
(Military History), he gains a +1 synergy bonus with initiative
checks. If the agent possesses 10 or more ranks in Knowledge
(Military History), he may automatically reposition himself at
the start of each combat, moving a number of feet equal to
his speed.

Slammer (Prestige Class)

1. The slammers feat requirements should be (page 17):
Feats: It Only Hit the Door!, Rough Rider, Weapon Group
Proficiency (Tactical).
The Crew Dog feat is not required to enter this class.

Mechanics (Skill Use)

1. When an agent suffers an error using the Mechanics skill to
add a masterwork modification to a vehicle, the agent in
question may no longer attempt to add the modification
(though other characters may). (page 35).

Stingray (Prestige Class)

1. The stingray does not possess the custom rider ability. It is
erroneously listed in his class table. (page 19).

Street Fighter
(Prestige Class)

Sport (Skydiving) (Skill Use)

1. Within this skills Special entry, the instance of Sport (Skiing)
should read Sport (Skydiving). (page 37).

1. The street fighters ploy ability is identical to the martial

artists ability of the same name. The street fighter may choose
from the additional options listed under the martial artists
version of this ability (see the Pan-Asian Collective, page 34).
(page 21).

Machinegun Basics
(Ranged Combat Feat)
1. This feat allows the agent to use only 2 rounds per burst when
firing in burst mode, not strafe mode. (page 39).

2. Each of the martial artists ploy abilities may be chosen only

once (page 21).


Spycraft Errata
Concealed Weapon
(Covert Feat)

Alternatively, the initiator may voluntarily decrease the

initial lead by a number of lengths up to his vehicles speed
divided by 1,000 (rounded up), or 1/2 his ranks with the
appropriate vehicle skill (rounded up), whichever is lower.
He may not decrease the initial lead to below 1 in this
fashion. For each length by which the lead is decreased,
the prey gains 1 smash point.

1. This feats Benefit entry should read as follows (page 41):

Benefit: Whenever you hide an item on your person,
the concealment DC to find the item is increased by 10.
This benefit is negated by full body mechanical sensors
(e.g. an x-ray machine).

Chapter 4:
Spycraft Vehicle Guide

Mine Basics/Mine Mastery

(Advanced Skill/Gear Feats)

Vehicular Qualities
1. Both of these feats are part of the gear feat tree, not the
advanced skill tree. (page 43).

1. The following vehicle quality was accidentally omitted from

this section (page 78):

Cargo Carrier (CGO): This vehicle is designed to haul massive
quantities of cargo. The vehicles cargo space is increased by
50% (rounded up). Further, this vehicle is considered to be 1
size category larger for the purpose of towing other vehicles
(see Connected Vehicles, page 52).

1. Though undetectable by x-ray, the attach case bomb may be

sensed by bomb sniffing dogs and gear (though the DC to
notice it rises by +10). (page 46).
2. The hardened joints gadget should cost 8 GP, not 2.
(page 48).

Vehicular Ordnance
3. The reflexive joints gadget should cost 8 GP, not 2.
(page 48).

1. When using a vehicular mine-layer, there is no Defense

the agent merely makes an attack roll to generate the total
attack value against which drivers later make vehicle skill
checks when moving through the target zone. As there is no
Defense, the agent may not fail his attack check and the dud
result should therefore be ignored. (page 88).

4. The reinforced joints gadget should cost 8 GP, not 2.

(page 49).

Chapter 3:
New Chase Options

2. The vehicular mine-layer rules may also be used by an agent

wishing to plant a minefield by hand. In this case, up to 4
agents may work in tandem using the standard cooperation
rules to generate a total attack value as described in entry #1
(see earlier in this section). Each agent laying the minefield
gains a +2 circumstance bonus per 10 full ranks they possess in
the Demolitions skill. (page 88).

1. All instances of the spiked quality should read, snow ready.
(page 54).


Table 4.2:
Master Vehicle Guide Table

1. The text under Racing the Track, Not the Cars should read
(page 58):

1. When a split entry appears in the Occupancy column, the

number before the slash indicates the vehicles minimum crew
and the number after the slash indicates additional room for

If a number of skilled competitors are closely matched, it may

be easier to pit them against the track rather than each other.
In this case, each drivers progress is monitored by the number
of points hes gained during the race. As the vehicles pass
through each segment of the course (see page 59), each
driver makes a vehicle skill check (DC 20). Success counts as
+1 point, a critical success counts as +3 points, a failure
counts as 2 points, and a critical failure removes the driver
from the race.

Example: A stealth bomber possesses an occupancy entry of

2/2. It requires a crew of 2 for normal operation and has the
capacity to carry an additional 2 passengers.
2. Under Personal Vehicles and Mounts, the Dog Sled entry
should read Dog, Sled. Further, this vehicles GP cost should
be 1, not 2. Finally, this vehicles size should be Medium,
not Large. (page 97).

The Upper Hand

1. At the outset of an aerial chase, the initiator of the chase
predator or prey, as determined by the GC or an opposed
initiative check) may voluntarily choose to gain 1 or more
smash points, or offer 1 or more smash points to his opponent,
by altering the chase conditions. The chase initiator has two
options, as follows (page 56):

3. Under Personal Ground Vehicles, the Dog Sled comes with no

sled dogs. The team must requisition a team of 4 to 8 sled dogs
separately at a cost of 1 GP each (see earlier entries in this
errata section for details). For rules concerning the use of a
dog sled with less than a full complement of sled dogs,
see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 71.

The initiator may voluntarily increase the initial lead by a

number of lengths up to his vehicles speed divided by 1,000
(rounded up), or 1/2 his ranks with the appropriate vehicle skill
(rounded up), whichever is lower. For each length by which the
lead is increased, the predator gains 1 smash point.


NPC Classes
Artillery Fire Support
(Mission Resource)


1. In this section, all instances of 120mm mortar should read

120mm cannon. (page 101).

New Bundles
1. The embassy guard bundles chemical sniffer entry should
read bomb sniffer or chemical analyzer. (page 106).

Chapter 1:
Department of Defense

2. There is some confusion regarding the use of the infantry

assault bundle. It is a set of gear carried by infantrymen
in combat to supplement the items already contained in
the infantry basic load bundle. Likewise, the infantry march
bundle is a collection of gear carried by infantrymen on an
extended overland move in addition to their infantry basic
load bundles. (page 106).

Table 1.3: Military

Personnel Worldwide
1. We apologize profoundly to the Canadian Forces for leaving
them off the Allies section of this table. Their entry should
read as follows (page 12):
Active Troops: 52,000

3. There should be a line break between "Reflective medic

armband emblazoned with Red Cross" and "Pencil and pad of
DD Form 1380..." (page 107).

Reserve Troops: 18,500

Heavy Tanks: 114
Armored Infanty Vehicles: 1,052

Table 7.15:
Standard-Issue Weapons

Airplanes: 258

1. Current events caught up with us. The .40 S&W SIG-Sauer

P-229 service pistol should be added to the Handguns section
of this table, deployed with the Coast Guard. This gun is listed
in the Modern Arms Guide only as a 9mmP weapon. Changes
for .40 S&W follow (page 110).

Helicopters: 141
Warships: 19
Amphibious, Major Mine, and Support Ships: 14

Table 1.5:
U.S. Military Ranks

BP Cost: 16

Recoil: 18

Damage: 1d12

Qualities & Mods: As 9mmP with takedown quality.

1. There are no warrant officers in the Air Force. Furthermore,
the Navy and Coast Guard only possess the W-2 through W-4
warrant officer grades.

Magazine Capacity: 12 shots.

Table 7.16:
U.S. Military Vehicles

Chapter 7: New Rules

1. The AC-130U Spooky Gunships weapons load should be

25mm (23mm) vehicular machinegun (gunner #1),
40mm cannon (gunner #2), 105mm cannon (gunner #3).
(page 116).

Rank and Promotion

1. If an agent uses the Political Favors feat to undo a conviction,
he does not suffer the associated promotion point penalty.
(page 80).


U.S. Navy (Department)

1. This department grants 4 bonus skill points at 1st level, not 1
bonus skill point (page 85).

Transport (Department)
Optics and Light Sources

1. This department's skill bonus benefit should be split into two

separate benefits, as follows (page 89):

1. The statistics for the IR/UV floodlight were accidentally left

off this downloads table. They cost 4 BP or $300 and weigh
10 lbs. (page 15).

+1 department bonus with all checks made with 1 of the

following skills, chosen at agent creation: Boating, Driver, or
Pilot. This bonus increases by an additional +1 at 4th level and
for every 4 agent levels gained thereafter. Additionally, the
chosen skill is always a class skill for the agent.

2. The statistics for the light amplification binoculars were

accidentally left off this downloads table. They cost 2 BP or
$250 and weigh 2 lbs. (page 15).

+1 department bonus with all checks made with 1 of the

following skills, chosen at agent creation: Electronics,
Knowledge (one chosen vehicle category), or Mechanic. This
bonus increases by an additional +1 at 4th level and for every
4 agent levels gained thereafter. This skill is not automatically
a class skill for the agent.


Spycraft Errata
Example 2: A minion type is created with 4 levels of the
aristocrat NPC class and 3 levels of the strong standard minion
type with a d8 vitality die. The minion types base MP cost is 26
(15, the highest vitality die cost + (4 2 MP per level for the
aristocrat) + 3 for the strong standard minion type levels).

Since the release of the Archer Foundation Chamber Book,
weve noticed that the base rules for NPC classes arent quite as
inclusive as wed like them to be, and that a few rules require
additional clarification. Thus, this new version of the NPC class
rules supercedes the material seen in the previous volume, and in
previous editions of the Spycraft and SFA errata documents.
The following rules include all combinations possible through

This MP cost does not include any extra MP spent to boost the
minion types ability scores (see the Spycraft Espionage
Handbook, page 245), or the cost to add extra feats to the types
standard minion package, if any.
When a foil, henchman, or mastermind is created with any
number of NPC classes, his MP cost is determined exclusively by
the mastermind system (i.e. 2 level for foils and henchmen and
5 level for masterminds). The details of the characters classes
have no bearing on its MP cost.

Villains vs. Standard

and Special NPCs

Note Ability Scores: Standard NPCs and minion types never

gain ability score increases as their agent levels rise. Special NPCs,
foils, henchmen, or masterminds, however, do gain ability score
increases as their agent levels rise.

Spycraft distinguishes between villains (NPCs the agents are

expected to combat or otherwise oppose) and the game worlds
general population (the standard and special NPCs commonly
treated as scenery). In all cases, rules are provided for creating the
former, which are carefully balanced against the agent team using
the Mastermind System (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
page 242). The creation of the worlds general population is left
mostly up to the GC, so that he might include the NPC types and
power levels he desires.

Class Skills: NPC class skills are designated either full skills or
half skills:

Full Skills: An NPC of this class has a number of ranks in each

of these skills equal to his class level. This may be further
modified by class abilities.

A Couple Restrictions

An agent (i.e. a player character) may never gain levels in an

NPC class.
A minion may only be created using the standard minion
type from the Spycraft Espionage Handbook (see page 245),
a minion type introduced in a later official Spycraft release, or an
NPC class. A foil, henchman, or mastermind may be created using
agent classes or NPC classes, as the GC desires.

Half Skills: An NPC of this class has a number of ranks in each

of these skills equal to 1/2 his class level (rounded up).

When a minion type is created with one or more NPC classes,

its full and half skill ranks are added to any skill ranks gained from
the standard minion type.
When a foil, henchman, or mastermind is created with one or
more NPC classes, his full and half skill ranks are added to any skill
ranks gained from agent classes.
Example: A minion type is created with 4 levels of the aristocrat
NPC class and 3 levels of the strong standard minion type.
It gains Diplomacy, 1 Hobby or Sport skill, Innuendo, and Profession
(Aristocrat) at 4 ranks, as well as Bluff, Bureaucracy, Intimidate,
1 Knowledge skill, Languages, and Sense Motive at 2 ranks from the
aristocrat class, and 24 skill points from the strong standard minion
type (which may be spent as standard). All skills listed here as well
as all class skills listed for the soldier class are considered class skills
for this minion type. This example assumes an Intelligence modifier
of +0.

NPC Class Descriptions

After a general summary of each NPC class are several pieces
of rule information, as follows.
MP Cost: When a minion type is created using one or more
NPC classes, the following statistics are added together to
determine the minion types MP cost:

The highest vitality die cost of any of the minion types

classes (NPC or otherwise).

The MP cost per level for each level of each NPC class the
minion type possesses.

The number of standard minion levels the minion squad


In all cases, a characters ability modifiers whether positive

or negative are applied to his skill bonuses.
In all cases, if the NPC possesses a positive Intelligence
modifier, he gains a number of additional skill points beyond those
granted by all other classes and types equal to his Intelligence
modifier his agent level. All full and half skills granted by an NPC
class are considered class skills for this purpose.
There is no penalty to characters designed with NPC classes for
possessing a negative Intelligence modifier.

As of the Mastermind Sourcebooks release, there are three

standard minion types (smart, strong, and stealthy see the
Mastermind Sourcebook, page 14). Each standard minion type
produces a vitality die cost of 5, 10, or 15 MP, while most NPC
classes produce an MP cost of between 5 and 20. Only the most
expensive of any one of these a minions customized standard
minion type or any single NPC class is applied to the minions
total MP cost.

Feats: A minion type may gain bonus feats as it gains levels

in an NPC class. If these feats are specific (i.e. named in the NPC
class ability), then the character need not meet its prerequisites,
such as minimum agent level, ability scores, or other feats. If these
feats are left open to be chosen by the GC, then the character
must meet the prerequisites. Additional feats may be added to the
minion type at the costs described on page 245 of the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, for which the character must meet all
prerequisites. A minion type never gains feats as its agent level

Example: A minion type is created with 4 levels of the aristocrat

NPC class and 3 levels of the blade NPC class. The minion types base
MP cost is 24 (10, the highest vitality die cost + (4 2 MP per level
for the aristocrat) + (3 2 MP per level for the blade)).


XP Rewards and Serials

Example: A minion type created with 4 levels of the aristocrat
NPC class gains the Filthy Rich feat, for which it need not meet
the prerequisites. The GC decides to add 2 additional feats at a
cost of +6 MP.


A foil, henchman, or mastermind only gains bonus feats as he

or she gains levels in an NPC or agent class, and may never
purchase additional feats using the mastermind system. However
unlike minion types a foil, henchman, or mastermind does
gain feats as his or her agent level rises.

Spycraft typically utilizes two experience point schemes

one for tabletop games and one for Living games. The following
presents both schemes, as they stand at this time, as well as
conversions between them. A third variant system is also included
here, for those who wish to experiment with alternate rewards in
addition to or in place of experience.

Note Feats: Like foils, henchmen, and masterminds, special

NPCs gain feats as their agent levels rise.
Vitality: Each NPC class grants a total number of vitality
points based on the NPCs level (see each NPC class table).
This value is pre-calculated by multiplying the average result
gained from the NPC classs vitality die by the characters level
in the class. In all cases, this vitality is added to the vitality
gained from other classes (e.g. from a minions standard type,
a henchmans levels with an agent class, etc.).
In all cases, a characters Constitution modifier whether
positive or negative is applied to the vitality he gains from each
level as standard.

Tabletop Spycraft
The tabletop version of Spycraft is geared to advance an agent
approximately 1 agent level per serial, assuming that most teams
playing at home are looking for shorter campaigns with faster
character growth and immediate gratification. This is reflected in
current promotional serials available through the official Spycraft
and Shadowforce Archer websites, as well as in SFA Interactive
serials. Using this scheme, each serial grants 110120% of the
experience needed to gain 1 level, based on the teams average
agent level.
Heres how this breaks down in practice

Saving Throws: In all cases, a characters appropriate ability

score modifiers (i.e. Constitution for Fortitude saves, Dexterity for
Reflex saves, and Wisdom for Will saves) whether positive or
negative are applied to the total save bonuses he gains from all
class levels, as standard.

Serial designed for

Maximum XP Reward*
Average agent level 1
1,1001,200 per agent
Average agent level 2 (or levels 13)
2,2002,400 per agent
Average agent level 3 (or levels 24)
3,3003,600 per agent
Average agent level 4 (or levels 35)
4,4004,800 per agent
Average agent level 5 (or levels 46)
5,5006,000 per agent
Average agent level 6 (or levels 57)
6,6007,200 per agent
Average agent level 7 (or levels 68)
7,7008,400 per agent
Average agent level 8 (or levels 79)
8,8009,600 per agent
Average agent level 9 (or levels 810)
9,90010,800 per agent
Average agent level 10 (or levels 911) 11,00012,000 per agent
Average agent level 11 (or levels 1012) 12,10013,200 per agent
Average agent level 12 (or levels 1113) 13,20014,400 per agent
Average agent level 13 (or levels 1214) 14,30015,600 per agent
Average agent level 14 (or levels 1315) 15,40016,800 per agent
Average agent level 15 (or levels 1416) 16,50018,000 per agent
Average agent level 16 (or levels 1517) 17,60019,200 per agent
Average agent level 17 (or levels 1618) 18,70020,400 per agent
Average agent level 18 (or levels 1719) 19,80021,600 per agent
Average agent level 19 (or levels 1820) 20,90022,800 per agent
Average agent level 20
22,00024,000 per agent
* Assuming the agents complete all the mission objectives (lesser
performance during a serial should potentially not even warrant 1
full levels worth of experience).

Class Abilities: Like standard agent classes, NPC classes

possess a variety of special abilities that define them. Due to the
much lower level of training (and challenge) in most NPCs daily
lives, however, they gain these abilities much more slowly than an
agent of comparable level. Also, NPC class abilities are currently
the only class abilities that a minion may benefit from.
NPC Gear, Gadgets, and Vehicles: Minions gain budget and
gadget points only from the organization they belong to, per the
mastermind system. Foils, henchmen, and masterminds gain bonus
budget and gadget points from their agent classes, if any. Should
the GC wish to generate an NPC quickly, he can simply give him
any 1 bundle.
Challenge Ratings: The challenge rating of any minion type
created with one or more NPC classes is unchanged (it remains
1 lower than the minion types total agent level see the
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 244). The challenge rating of
any foil, henchman, or mastermind created with one or more
NPC classes is lowered by 1 (i.e. it drops to one lower than the
characters total agent level).
NPC Advancement: NPCs generally only gain experience and
advance in level at the GCs discretion. This may reflect a trusted
ally gaining skill and experience as season progresses (or even
from season to season).

This XP is divided between scenes and mission objectives

throughout a tabletop Spycraft serial.
In this scheme, experience is rewarded at the end of each
scene (sometimes with a bonus during the serials Debriefing
phase, though we are now phasing this out of play).
In tabletop play, action dice rewards also grant XP as described
on page 240 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook and within this


Spycraft Errata
Second, like tabletop play, the maximum XP reward for any
single Living Spycraft serial is determined by the average agent
levels for which its designed, as follows

Tabletop Serials to the
Living Spycraft Scheme

Serial designed for

Tabletop Spycraft serials may be converted into Living Spycraft

serials by multiplying the standard tabletop XP as follows
Tabletop Serial designed for
Average agent level 1
Average agent level 2 (or levels 13)
Average agent level 3 (or levels 24)
Average agent level 4 (or levels 35)
Average agent level 5 (or levels 46)
Average agent level 6 (or levels 57)
Average agent level 7 (or levels 68)
Average agent level 8 (or levels 79)
Average agent level 9 (or levels 810)
Average agent level 10 (or levels 911)
Average agent level 11 (or levels 1012)
Average agent level 12 (or levels 1113)
Average agent level 13 (or levels 1214)
Average agent level 14 (or levels 1315)
Average agent level 15 (or levels 1416)
Average agent level 16 (or levels 1517)
Average agent level 17 (or levels 1618)
Average agent level 18 (or levels 1719)
Average agent level 19 (or levels 1820)
Average agent level 20

Maximum XP Reward*

Average agent level 1

1,1001,200 per agent
Average agent level 2 (or levels 13)
1,1001,200 per agent
Average agent level 3 (or levels 24)
1,1001,200 per agent
Average agent level 4 (or levels 35)
1,1001,200 per agent
Average agent level 5 (or levels 46)
2,2002,400 per agent
Average agent level 6 (or levels 57)
2,2002,400 per agent
Average agent level 7 (or levels 68)
2,2002,400 per agent
Average agent level 8 (or levels 79)
2,2002,400 per agent
Average agent level 9 (or levels 810)
3,3003,600 per agent
Average agent level 10 (or levels 911)
3,3003,600 per agent
Average agent level 11 (or levels 1012) 3,3003,600 per agent
Average agent level 12 (or levels 1113) 3,3003,600 per agent
Average agent level 13 (or levels 1214) 4,4004,800 per agent
Average agent level 14 (or levels 1315) 4,4004,800 per agent
Average agent level 15 (or levels 1416) 4,4004,800 per agent
Average agent level 16 (or levels 1517) 4,4004,800 per agent
Average agent level 17 (or levels 1618) 5,5006,000 per agent
Average agent level 18 (or levels 1719) 5,5006,000 per agent
Average agent level 19 (or levels 1820) 5,5006,000 per agent
Average agent level 20
5,5006,000 per agent
* Assuming the agents complete all the mission objectives (lesser
performance during a serial should potentially warrant less XP).

Multiply XP reward by
0.500 (rounding down)
0.333 (rounding down)
0.250 (rounding down)
0.400 (rounding down)
0.333 (rounding down)
0.285 (rounding down)
0.250 (rounding down)
0.333 (rounding down)
0.300 (rounding down)
0.275 (rounding down)
0.250 (rounding down)
0.300 (rounding down)
0.285 (rounding down)
0.266 (rounding down)
0.250 (rounding down)
0.294 (rounding down)
0.277 (rounding down)
0.263 (rounding down)
0.250 (rounding down)

Special Note: Regional mini-modules will grant no more than

1/2 the maximum XP reward for the target average agent levels
its designed to support (rounded down).

Special Note: These conversion rules are offered strictly to

increase the number of serials available to the casual player.
Absolutely no tabletop serial is sanctioned for official Living
Spycraft play.

By basing total experience gain during a serial on average

agent level, mixed teams usually tackle missions featuring appropriate challenges. All agents must be within 2 agent levels (up or
down) of one of the serials average agent level to participate.

Living Spycraft
Some campaigns such as the official Living Spycraft
campaign demand much slower agent progression than
standard tabletop Spycraft.
First, action dice rewards grant a flat 25 XP per action die
awarded, and the maximum XP gained from action dice during
any 1 serial is limited to 1 die per agent level per serial. The agent
may still use any action dice he gains beyond this limit, but is
granted no XP when he earns them.

Example: A team of 4 agents whose levels are 2, 4, 5,

and 5 may only play serials designed for average agent levels 3
and 4.
Example 2: A team of 4 agents whose levels are 1, 4, 5, and 5
may only play serials designed for average agent level 3.
Example 3: A team of 4 agents whose levels are 1, 4, 5, and 6
may not all play in the same serial.

Example: A 4th-level agent may gain experience from

up to 4 action dice (100 XP) during any single serial, though he
may gain and use any number of action dice during the same

Multi-tiered Living Spycraft serials may only be played at

one target average agent level. That is to say, even though were
tiering serials #5 and beyond for play by agents of nearly any
level, it is never possible for agents whose levels vary by more than
described above to play at the same table.
Though broken up by scene, mission objectives, and (more and
more rarely) the Debriefing phase, all Living Spycraft XP is
rewarded at the serials end. Living Spycraft agents may not gain
levels mid-mission.
A Living Spycraft agent may only gain 1 agent level at the end
of each serial, no matter how much XP hes accumulated. Excess
XP is not lost, however the agents total accumulated XP carried
into his next mission, after which he may, again, only gain 1 agent
level, and so on.


XP Rewards and Serials

Example 2: In the second example above, the 5th level serial
might feature a DC of 10. Thus, the second tier DC would be 15,
the third tier DC would be 20, and the fourth tier DC would be 25.
The statistics blocks would be designed to challenge agents of
levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, respectively, and the XP rewards would be

Living Spycraft Serials
to the Tabletop Scheme
Living Spycraft serials may be converted into tabletop
Spycraft serials by multiplying the standard Living Spycraft XP
as follows

Example 3: Alternately, in the second example above, the 5th

level serial might feature a DC of 15. Thus, the second tier DC
would be 20, the third tier DC would be 25, and the fourth tier
DC would be 30. Again, the statistics blocks would be designed to
challenge agents of levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, respectively, and the
XP rewards would be commensurate.

Living Serial designed for

Multiply XP reward by
Average agent level 1
Leave as is
Average agent level 2 (or levels 13)
Average agent level 3 (or levels 24)
Average agent level 4 (or levels 35)
Average agent level 5 (or levels 46)
2.5 (rounding up)
Average agent level 6 (or levels 57)
Average agent level 7 (or levels 68)
3.5 (rounding up)
Average agent level 8 (or levels 79)
Average agent level 9 (or levels 810)
Average agent level 10 (or levels 911)
3.333 (rounding up)
Average agent level 11 (or levels 1012)
3.666 (rounding up)
Average agent level 12 (or levels 1113)
Average agent level 13 (or levels 1214)
3.333 (rounding up)
Average agent level 14 (or levels 1315)
3.500 (rounding up)
Average agent level 15 (or levels 1416)
3.750 (rounding up)
Average agent level 16 (or levels 1517)
Average agent level 17 (or levels 1618)
3.400 (rounding up)
Average agent level 18 (or levels 1719)
2.700 (rounding up)
Average agent level 19 (or levels 1820)
3.800 (rounding up)
Average agent level 20

Some DCs are fixed according to the activity, and do not rise
by tier. These are listed with four identical DCs. For example,
Strength checks made to break things are constant, and a Break
check DC made to splinter a wooden door would be listed as
DC 13/13/13/13.

Variant Rewards
Special Training
Some GCs may wish to allow agents to trade in XP earned
during a mission for special training from the Agency. This training translates into specific agent benefits, allowing greater agent
customization at the cost of rapid agent advancement. GCs should
be aware that agents advanced using this system will be more
powerful (or versatile) than their level suggests.
Using this XP scheme, the GC allows each agent to opt for
special training during the Debriefing phase of each serial.
At this time, each agent may exchange up to a number of XP
determined by the GC for the following options.

Multi-Tiered Serials
Early promotional, SFA Interactive, and Living Spycraft serials
are designed for one target average agent level, with the expectation that most players would enter the game using 1st level
agents. Later serials, however, are designed for nearly any level of
play (though Living Spycraft players are still required to play with
others whose agent levels fall within the acceptable range
see Living Spycraft, page 57).
Multi-tiered serials present four versions of each DC, statistic
block, and XP reward. When writing these serials, the author
chooses one target average agent level within the first tier of play
(levels 15), then adds 5 to this number to determine the target
average agent level within the second tier of play (levels 610).
He adds an additional 5 to determine the target average agent
level within the third tier of play (levels 1115), and 5 more to
determine the target average agent level within the fourth and
final tier of play (levels 1620).


XP Cost
1,000 XP + (500 XP the total number of other
feats required before taking the desired feat,
including the feats listed prerequisites)*
Skill Points
25 XP x (the agents current rank with the
desired skill)
10 XP x (the agents current maximum vitality)
* This cost is unchanged even if the agent possesses the desired
feats prerequisites and other feats required before the feat may
be taken.

Example: Donovan is a 6th-level fixer with 8 ranks in Hide,

2 ranks in Climb, and 31 vitality. Increasing his Hide skill by 1 rank
costs 200 XP (25 8 ranks). Increasing his Climb skill costs 50 XP
(25 2 ranks). Gaining an additional point of vitality costs 310 XP
(10 31 maximum vitality). Learning the Point Blank Shot feat
costs 1,000 XP (because Point Blank Shot requires no other feats),
while learning the Advanced Skill Mastery (Acrobatics) feat costs
1,500 XP (as that feat requires 1 other feat).

Example: A serial author chooses level 3 as the target average

agent level within the first tier of play. Consequently, the serial is
also designed for level 8 in the second tier of play, level 13 in the
third tier of play, and level 18 in the fourth tier of play.

Possessing a feats prerequisites does not decrease the XP that

an agent must pay for the a feat it merely allows the agent to
acquire the feat using this system (or normal feat progression).

Example 2: A serial author chooses level 5 as the target average

agent level within the first tier of play. Consequently, the serial is
also designed for level 10 in the second tier of play, level 15 in the
third tier of play, and level 20 in the fourth tier of play.

Example: If Donovan already possesses all the other prerequisites, he could gain the Shot on the Run feat, but it would still
cost him 2,500 XP (as it requires Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
and Sidestep).

Generally, DCs increase by 5 for each tier of play above the

first, while statistics blocks and XP rewards are designed according
to each resultant target average agent level.

Using this scheme, each agent may gain no more than 1 bonus
feat, or 5 bonus skill points, or 5 bonus vitality points, during the
Debriefing phase of any single serial.

Example: In the first example above, the 3rd level serial might
feature a DC of 10. Thus, the second tier DC would be 15, the third
tier DC would be 20, and the fourth tier DC would be 25.
The statistics blocks would be designed to challenge agents of
levels 3, 8, 13, and 18, respectively, and the XP rewards would be

Special Note: This system is not official for any existing

Spycraft or Shadowforce Archer campaign, and may not be used
in SFA Interactive or Living Spycraft.


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