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Contoh Kalimat Narative

Contoh Narrative Text Fable Tentang Hewan
The Ant And The GrasshopperOne summer day, there was a
grasshopper who chirped and sang about its heart content. Then,
an ant passed by, bearing a sweet candy that he was taking to his
nest.Why dont you come and sing with me instead of moiling and
toiling away? The grasshopper said.
I am preparing the foods for the winter. You have to do the same.
the ant replied.
Why? I dont have any worries about winter. I have got plenty of
foods. said the grasshopper.
But the ant left the grasshopper and continued its toil. Then, the
winter came, the grasshopper found there was no food left to eat. It
was so hungry. The grasshopper remembered when it saw the ants
collecting the foods in summer for the stock in winter.
Then the grasshopper knew he was so wrong didnt follow the ant in
collecting the foods
Moral Value : Work today and you can get the benefits tomorrow.

The Apple Tree And A Boy

Once upon a time, there was a huge apple tree which gave tasty
apples to the people around it. There was also a little boy who
became a close friend to the apple tree. The boy used to play with
apple tree, climb its branches, sleep under its shadow, pluck its
apples, etc. Every day he visited the apple tree, and ate some
apples. The apple tree was kind to the boy and enjoying spending
time together.One day, the boy joined in school and didnt have a
time to spend with apple tree. After several days, the boy came to
the tree. The apple tree was so happy to see the boy. It asked the
boy to play.
Unfortunately, the boy said he was not a child anymore. He didnt
want to play with the tree. But he asked another request to the
apple tree.
The tree asked what the boy wanted. The boy said he needed toys,
but his parents didnt have money to buy it for him.
The tree said, Dear my boy, i dont have any money to buy it for
you, but you can pick my apples, then sell them, get money and
buy the toys you want.
The boy went happily to his home after plucking apples. The tree
was waiting to see the boy return. But he never came back for
many years.
The apple tree was sad and it didnt produce any apples anymore.
Moral value : Never forget about someone kindness.

2. Contoh Kalimat Report

Contoh Report Text Tentang Media
Do you know what is media? What do people make benefits from it?
Media consists of various constantly updated streams which
become the most important thing at the present time.
Media creates, produces, and delivers products to viewers. They can
be news, weather reports, research info, TV shows, musics, films,
even communication channels such as phone calls and chats.
The primary purpose of the media is to make money by advertising
the products and services.

Contoh Report Text Tentang Hewan Unta

Camel is a large and strong animal which is commonly seen in
There are two kinds of camel; Arabian camel and Bactrian camel.
The first kind of camel has one hump and the second has two
Camel are able to travel in great distances across hot and dry
deserts with little food or water. They walk easily on soft sand the
Camels are trained as means of transportation by carrying people
and loads on their backs. They also serve the people of the desert in
many other ways.

3. Contoh Kalimat Analytical

Compromise in Our Live
In daily live, every people faces many problem. To solve the problem,
there are alot of ways that can be used, one of them is compromise.
Compromise is one of the way people solve a problem by making a winwin solution to each side. Although not all the problems can be solved by
compromise, but compromise can be choosen as the way to solve a
problem sometimes such as in the traditional market between seller and
buyer, between two or more people when they are working in a group and
in traffic acccident. In many situation, compromise is necessary.
In the traditional market, a lot of sellers and buyers meet to do trading
process. In this place, the problem they have to solve is about how to get
the deal about the price of some goods. Seller and buyer usually use
compromise to solve the problem of the goods prices which the seller
sells or the buyer wants to buy. In this case, compromise occur when
buyer asks the price of goods.If the price is too high for the buyer, the
buyer do not agree of the price and she or he will bargain for the lowest
price they can get. If there is a deal between two sides, compromise has
done. Both sides will get the advantages of the transaction they have
done, but if there is no deal, the reverse happens. In the transaction

above, both seller and buyer want the benefit from it. To get benefit from
trading process, whether they are aware or not, they use compromise.
After there is a deal between the two sides, both of the get advantages.
Compromise makes both seler and buyer can solve the problem withuot
one of them be disappointed.
Compromise also necessary when we work in group and discussing a
problem. A group consist of two or more people with different behaviour
and emotional. They have their own way or idea to solve the problem. In
this situation, compromise is needed to get the best way to solve the
problem. Compromise happens when every part of te group give their idea
about how to solve the problem they are discussing. After all the idea
received, there is just one idea reputed as the best way. Sometimes we do
not agree to the result of the dicussing, but we have to accept it. When we
can accept the result of the discussing whether or not agree to the result,
we also do compromise. Compromise in this situation can solve the
problem in a group, the problem about the difference of idea. Sometimes
we can not think about just ourselves, we also think about group, because
we are the groups part.
In traffic accident situation compromise also can be the best way for us to
solve our problem. When people get accident in the road, sometimes they
prefer to do compromise than bring the problem to the police office.
Compromise in this situation is the best way to solve the problem. If they
bring this problem to the police office, it will make the problem more
complex than before. Compromise done when the victim and the suspecy
of the accident get the deal about the way they solve the problem, such as
by giving some money to the victim. Compromise make the problem
between the victim and suspect are solved in peace. The victim of the
accident got the money for recovery and for his or her car repair. The
suspect can avoided by getting some more problem with the police. There
we can see that compromise can used as the simplest way to a problem.
Compromise makes both sides, the victim and the suspect of the accident
csn solve the problem well.
In conclusion, although not all the problems can be solved by using
compromise, it is important for us to use it as the best and first way to
solve the problem. The problem such as in the traditional market, work in
gruop, and in the traffic can solve by using compromise. Compromise
makes the problem solved in simple way and also give benefit to both
sides. We should consider to use compromise as the way we solve our

Cars should be banned


Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution,
and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
(Mobil harus dilarang di kota. Seperti yang kita ketahui, mobil membuat
polisi dan membuat banyak kematian di jalan dan kecelakaan.)
Argument 1
Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to the most of the pollution
in the world. Cars emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchritis,
lung cancer, and triggers off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad
that people can die from them.
(Pertama, mobil, sebagai mana kita ketahui, menyumbang polusi
terbanyak di dunia. Mobil mengeluarkan gas mematikan yang
menyebabkan penyakit seperti bronchitis, kanker paru-paru, dan pemicu
asthma. Beberapa penyakit tersebut sangatlah buruk bagi manusia yang
bisa menyebabkan kematian.)
Argument 2
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die. Cars
today are our roads biggest killers.
(Yang kedua, kota sangatlah sibuk. Pejalan kaki berjalan ke mana-mana
dan mobil umumnya menabrak pejalan kaki di kota, yang menyebabkan
kematian. Mobil hari ini adalah pembunuh terbesar di jalan.)
Argument 3
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to
sleep at night, or to concentrate on your homework, and especially when
you talk to someone.
(Yang ketiga, mobil sangatlah berisik. Jika kamu tinggal di kota, kamu
mungkin akan menjumpai sangat lah susah untuk tidur di malam hari atau
untuk berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaan rumah kalian, dan khususnya ketika
kamu berbicara kepada seseorang.)
In conclusion, cars should be benned from the city for the reason listed.

4. Contoh Kalimat Advertisiment

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5. Poster

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