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Review Philosophy

1. Act consequentialism, right action is the one that results in the

best affairs, rule- the right action in the set of rules(you must
follow rules that lead to good consequences). Sum ranking, is the
sum of well being (hedons and dolars). Then rank the state of
affairs. (alternative)-the well-fare the least advantage that
counts. (one among many). Hedonism- belief that pleasure is
intrinsically valuable and nothing else. Act utilitarianism- made
of three series. Utility matters.
2. One doctrines swine- Only pigs persuade pleasure (humans are
not here just for pleasure, they are here for more like
achievements and true beliefs)(we value it more). Life is not just
pleasures alone. Certain achievements are intrinsically valuable
even though no pleasure. Too high for humanity- the idea is that
it should proximity better for humanity. It cannot be because
humans are too selfish. Motives do not matter at all in terms of
actions. (only consequence that matters). There is not enough
time to calculate that effect on people. Mills objections- you
dont have to do it every day.
3. Mill states pain brings pleasurable results. Accomplishments and
autonomy, are higher pleasures. They deliver higher quality
pleasures. Hedonism is correct and is not simplistic.
4. Super errogation- action that is good but is not required, above
and beyond the call of duty. The idea of charity goes away. You
got to do it or you have to avoid to do it, Trivial actions- breakfast
menu, turns everything into a moral situation(oat toasties).
Promises to dead men-promise is to keep if its maximizing your
happiness, if it doesnt then dont. (Rule utilitarianism ) situations
can be found where lying is right. the problem of interpersonal
comparision- measuring pleasure is problamitic it cannot be
measured directly. You can never know. It cannot be specific.
5. Hypothetical oughts- if you are thirsty you get water.
Humanitarian- deceiving a person. Disrespecting them. By lying
you are using a person as a means.
6. If you live in a world where promise keeping is not real. Then
everybody would do and the means would distinguished. Brings
a contradiction-the istituition of promise keeping does not exist.
What you want to do does not apply it would be impossible.
Ought not to make false promises. There is no occasion to lie.
7. How organ donor is wrong- organ market using the person as a
8. It commodifyies a child, it commodifies the womans labor. Like
slavery. Dont use people as a means. Use a woman as a
incubator. Anderson- agencies have to repress emerging
maternal love (it is different ).

9. Three reasons- twins and clones are the same. Nature and twins
occur naturally. Clones are not natural. You have a right to
genetic uniqueness (if you found out that you have a clones you
would hurt) If you belief something wrong then it is your fault.
Clone world might be preferable when the risk for genetic lottery
is bad. Better a chance for normal genes. Right to open futureRight to have unbound possibilities (when you clone you know
the preferences).

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