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Assessment 03.

04 Module Three Quiz

1) Below, you are given a mapping diagram.
Hint: How do the domain
values determine if a relation
is a function or not?

Create and justify a relation that represents a function with the given range. Write your
answers as ordered pairs.
(1, 11) (2, 20) (3, 34) (4, 41)
The reason for this being a relation and function because of the x value or input values. And its
a relation because it has equally as many input values as output values.

Create and justify a relation that does not represent a function with the given range.
ordered pairs.
(1, 11)your
(2, 20)
(3, 34) (2, as
Now the reason why this is a relation but not a function, is because it has two of the same
input values or x values in its domain making it not a function due to that rule.

2) Find the equation of the line in the graph and mathematically model the

scenario using function notation where cost is a function of number of




write the equation in slope intercept
F(x)= 1/20 x + 20

3) A textbook company keeps track of its daily cost for printing whole textbooks to

different schools but can only print up to 500 books a day. The daily cost (C) to

Assessment 03.04 Module Three Quiz

print x number of textbooks is given by

C(x) = 3.50x + 1200.
Using the function, determine one possible daily cost by evaluating the function for any
input of your choice.
= 3.50x
+ 1200
of x X=500
does C(x) = 1900?
C (500) = 3.50(500) + 1200
C (500) = 1750 +1200
C (500) = 2950
Interpret the statement C (20) = 1270.
What does the 20 represent?

What does the 1270 represent?

What does the entire equation represent?

Well if x= 20. That means 20 has to

represents the number of textbooks. Due
to it being were x should be.
$1270 has to represents the cost to print 20
textbooks per day I suppose.
The entire equation represents the amount of
money printing 20 books per. Day.

Interpret the statement C (w) = p.

What does the w represent?

The number of textbooks

What does the p represent?

P represents price or money

What does the entire equation represent?

The cost of printing w books equals p

Explain whether C (40.5) = 1341.75 is correct and possible given the context of this
Hint: Can you make .5 of a textbook?
Well yes and no depending on the situation generally you cannot make
have a book and then sell it but in the process of actually making a book
yes, but im going to have to say for this situation no.

Assessment 03.04 Module Three Quiz

4) Bill is able to save $35/week after working part-time and paying his expenses.

These two formulas show his weekly savings:

F (1) = 35, f (n) = f (1) + f (n-1) for n > 1
F (n) = 35n
Part 1: Which one of these formulas show the sequence written recursively and which
shows it written explicitly? Justify your explanations.
The one that is written explicitly is F (n) = 35n the reason for this is because you can generate any term in a sequence just
by inputting any number. The recursive one is longer formula because you could generate terms one at a time by relating the
term to one or more previous terms.

Part 2: Use the recursive formula to make a table of values for 1 n 5. Show your

F (n)= f(1) + f (n-1)
f (1-1)
F (1)= 35 + f (0)
F (1)= 35
F (n)= f(1) + f (n-1)
f (2-1)
F (2)= f(1) + f(1)
F (2)= 35+ 35
F (2)= 70
F (n)= f(1) + f (n-1)
f (3-1)
F (3)= f(1) + f(2)
F (3)= 35 + 70
F (3)= 105
F (n)= f(1) + f (n-1)
f (4-1)
F (4)= f (1) + f(3)
F (4)=35+ 105
F (4)=140
F (n)= f(1) + f (n-1)
f (5-1)
F (5)=f(1) + f(4)
F (5)= 35 + 140
F (5)=175

Answer (f(n))
n >1

n >1

n >1

n >1

n >1

Part 3: Use the explicit formula to demonstrate the most direct method to find f (40).
Explain that is the best method and what your answer means. Show your calculations.
F (40)
F (40) = 35(40)
F (40) = 1400
This means f (40) equals 1400.
The reason why this is the best method is because its simple and basic your just inputting
numbers of value to generate any sequence of numbers depending on the situation.

Assessment 03.04 Module Three Quiz

Part4: Given the sequence of numbers: 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 20, 26, 33, 41, explain whether or
A sequence a
is afunction.
function from a subset of the natural numbers to the real numbers
not this sequence can be considered
so yes in general it is. I looked that part up.

Hint: is a sequence a function?

What I think is that the sequence of numbers are placed in sir tent order of
adding one more than once in order which would make it finite sequence or
function in this case.

5. Create your own equation written in standard form.

4x + 2y= 120
1) Determine any point that is a solution and will be on this line. Justify your answer algebraically.
Well one of the points will be (20, 20) to e solution I truly dont know what exactly that means but I know that it will be
on my line because my slope is negative and goes downward from the y-intercept coordinate.
2) Explain how to find the x- and y- intercept(s) using complete sentences. Write the intercepts as ordered


To find the two intercepts you must fist have an equation that its in standered format. Once its standared form
(Ax+By = C) you must try to find the x value when y equals 0 and try to find the y value when x equals 0. Once this is
applied you will come up with two sets of ordered pairs. This then can be graphed and you could find the x intercept and y
For example
4x + 2y= 120
4x + 2(0) = 12
S0 the x intercept is (30, 0)
And the y intercept is (0, 60)
3) Rewrite the equation using function notation.
Hint: Find the slope and use the y-intercept
2y = -4x + 120
2y= -4x + 120
Y=-4x/2 + 60
F(x) =-4x/2 + 60

4x + 2y= 120
4(0) + 2y = 120
2y =120
2 2
y= 60

Assessment 03.04 Module Three Quiz

4) Graph the function and show the intercepts (You can use Geiger to graph the
equation). Show your graph


6) Compare the graph from question 2 (the cell plan) and the equation from question
5. How are the graphs similar and different? Determine which has the greater y-value
when x is 160 and explain how you determined it.


Cell Phone value

all the components

when x= 60
The difference is mine F(x)= 1/20 x +20
F(60)= 1/20 (60)
is just a series of
numbers put together F(60)= 3 + 20
F(60)= 23
in an equation to make

needed to make it a

a simple graph. The

graph x values and y

other graph has

values and their

purpose and variables


with like cell phones

Well of course the

obvious similarity is
that the graphs have


Your equation value

when x=160
F(x)=-4/2x + 60
F(160)=-4/2x + 60
F(160)=-4/2(160)+ 60
F(160)= -260

Assessment 03.04 Module Three Quiz

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