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Custom Forms

Custom forms application will allow authorized business users to generate the
promotion / campaign / newsletter/store web forms based on predefined
functionality, and to promote the generated forms to their respective production
And the CFA (custom form admin) is your solution for creating forms as needed
without the need for any development resource. It is the single source system
at Wolters Kluwer for managing and storing any custom forms you created
along with the associated customer data.
The technologies involved in this are
1 frame work 2.0
2 Sql Server 2005
Roles: There are three kinds of roles are there.
1. Administrator2. Business admin3. Internal user Reporting only

access to all options in cfa

access to all except application configuration
Access to Forms master maintenance, Create forms and

Business users are needs login in to custom forms to generate promotion /
campaign / newsletter/store web forms based on predefined functionality,
and to promote the generated forms to their respective production
Business user need to provide valid login (Email address) and password to login

After User given the correct credentials then he will directed to CFA main

Understanding Document:

Pages: UserLogin.aspx, UserLogin.aspx.cs


In cfa main page there are six main menus will be there they are

Master maintenance
Form maintenance
Create forms

While login into the page we will see the welcome screen as welcome to custom
form web application.

The home page is called as master page and the master page is having links to
different menus so these are displayed by writing a source code on the master

1. Master maintenance:
In the master maintenance menu there are 9 sub menus are there

Form fields
Business configuration
Store forms mapping
Market segments
Market sub segments
Product types

Understanding Document:

Archive/recall data


Form felids:

1. When a user tries to login first the authentication will be checked and
membership also checked here
2 After the checking we are redirected to default.aspx page i.e. we are
redirected to master page
3 If the page is not authenticated the details are not visible to us else if the
page is authenticated it will check for the roles
4 If the role is administrator or business admin mastermaintainence is
visible for them else the role is internal user it is false and for admin and
businessadmin form maintenance and create forms reporting ,login , help
also becomes visible
In the form fields page we are having a form which is to be filled by the user i.e.

1. When user wants to go to form fields while clicking the form fields the
page will navigate to form fields.aspx
2. When we want to go to this page again the authentication will be
checked once again then it goes to get all business groups by user
3. Then by using get data access we are returning the get all business
groups by user
4. Then it calls the data access method which is having the class data
access helper here it will check the connection string setting if it is
correct then it goes to get the details of the data access link and it get
back the link to da layer then
5. Now we are getting the info regarding the business groups here we are
returning the value of the groups as the names and their ids
6. After getting all the bgnames and ids now for checking that in the drop
down list we are writing a function checking from the cookie value
7. After this we are getting all field name control types here also we are
getting all the data access and all field name control types are to be
returned here

Understanding Document:

8. Here we are for getting all field name controls we are establishing
connection string and here we are writing a stored procedure for
getting all the field name controls and ids from
tblfilednamecontroltypes the procedure is getallfieldcontroltypes
and returning the fileds after getting it
9. After getting all the field controls now we are suppose to select the
type of the field i.e. interger, varchar, etc .
Now we are retriving the sales logix data base list i.e. taa etc
from it and

It goes to get the fields by business groups and here we are
getting the required filed display width and filed length accepted filed
validation expression filed inculsion code filed name label and return
their sequence number and returning the filed name control type name
After getting all these the page is displayed and fill the fields and save it
then after saving it goes to the save method in the fields page there after
getting executed we get a message called successfully saved
Then we will again redirect to the page we can edit and delete the fields that
we aerated there

For editing and deleting it goes to grid view and again calls the edit option
there and checking the authentications also
Tables used
Stored procedures used
Understanding Document:


1. When user wants to go to market segments while clicking the market

segment on master maintenance the page will navigate to form market
2. When we want to go to this page again the authentication will be
checked once again then it goes to get all global list
3. For getting the data reg all global list the data access method is called
and the global list values are returned
4. We are taking the id and name of the global i.e. global id and name
from the label
5. When we try to add a new market segment it goes again to master
page and check for authentication and comes to market page and there
it goes to grid view and there checking for insert then it goes for get
global list
6. And taking values for the input parameters
7. Then we will get the page with different market segments we can add
edit delete and update them

8. While editing it checks for authentication from master page then if the
user is authenticated then it goes for grvMarketSegment_Row
Command method in the grid view block and the id and value are
checked once agin and it shows us to edit
9. When we edit some thing there and click to update then again it comes
back for authentication and then it comes to the method
grvmarketsegment_rowupdating it checks for each market segment if
we give a null value there then it shows in valid market segment name
10. After adding it it goes to tblmsglobal there by using stored procedure
spUpdateGlobalID we are updating the market sements and their ids

Understanding Document:

For editing or deleting or updating it performs similarly

Tables used
Stored procedures used

1.5 Market sub segments:

1. When user wants to go to market segments while clicking the market

sub segment on master maintenance the page will navigate to form
market sub segment.aspx
2. When we want to go to this page again the authentication will be
checked once again then it goes to get global list
3. For getting the data reg global list the data access method is called
and the global list values are returned
4. Here the msid ids are returned according to the msid mss values are
returned i.e. the market segment ids are compared and according to its
market sub segment names are added to it
5. For each market segment there are different market sub segments are
6. After selecting all the page is displayed and now we can select the
respective market sub segment and market segment

Understanding Document:

7. When we select a market segments the again it checks for

authentication and then it displays all the available market sub
segments and their ids
8. When we perform edit or delete it goes for method to check the insert
value is to edit then it checks that which id is going to edit
9. After updating the value and press update button then it calls row
updating method in it we are converting the updated value to string
and we are checking the string is empty or null and the html code of
the string if the length is zero or string is empty then it will displayed
the error message
Then after getting the values we call the update global id
procedure to update in the table tblMSSGlobal
After that it returns the entire list to display the details

Tables used
Stored procedures used

1.6 Product Types:

1. When user wants to go to market segments while clicking the product

types on master maintenance the page will navigate to form

Understanding Document:

2. For loading into that page it is again redirected to master page

3. After redirecting into master page we are calling the method get all
product types
4. In this methods we are writing constructors for product name ,
acronym, id
5. Each constructor will return the respective values
6. And finally the page will open and we can perform edit and delete and
7. When we edit the product we are redirected to master page for
authentication and then call edit method and goes for constructor to
check which product is going to edit and return the product in display
mode and after editing when we update
8. Then it call the method for updating it will check the entered value is
empty or not and it empty or not and it converts the value to string
and returns the value for satisfied conditions or else display the error
9. Then it check the product id from the list and it will goes for a loop to
check whether the id is matched with any one or not
When we add a product checks the value= insert and page is
valid or not then it trims and stores in a string and then it check s in
the list for whether this product is exists previously or not then it will
display the product in the list
If we delete the product it calls the delete method and from the
grid it calls the grid delete method and it execute and check the
acronym once and finally it deletes

Pages: ProductTypes.aspx, ProductTypes.aspx.cs

MasterPageFile: Masterpage.Master, Masterpage.Master.cs

Tables used
Stored procedures used
Understanding Document:

1.7 Departments:

1. When user wants to go to market segments while clicking the

departments on master maintenance the page will navigate to form
2. For loading into that page it is again redirected to master page
3. And it calls the get global list and here the constructors for the msid
and mss name are called
4. Then after getting them it calls ddlMarketSegments_OnDataBound
method and it returns the parent value ie market segment and pvalue
5. After this the page is displayed and after select the market segmnet it
again goes into the code for calling the method
ddlMarketSegments_OnDataBound and after getting the required
market segmentit displays
6. And then we are suppose to select sub segmnet
7. Then we can add departmnet for them if we add a department then it
goes into method btnEmptyAdd_Click
8. It checks the parent value i.e. market segment value in the drop down
list and then It checks the department is exists already or not
9. For edit update and delete it calls the methods for insert and update
delete mehtods there we are performing the related actions

1.8 Titles:

1. When user wants to go to market segments while clicking the titles on

master maintenance the page will navigate to form titles.aspx
2. For loading into that page it is again redirected to master page

Understanding Document:

3. We will see the dependencies i.e. Market segment, Market sub segment,
Departments and we add the titles to them and we can update, delete and
add new titles to them.

4. Updateglobalinit is the stored procedure which is used to update the

data into the globalinit table
5. And in the same way previously the edit, update and delete are called
from different methods and after getting updated then it will goes for
grid updating and the process is as similar as previous ones

1.9 Archive/Recall form data:

1. When user wants to go to archiverecallforms while clicking the titles on
master maintenance the page will navigate to form
2. In this we will get all the business layers
3. I.e. business group name and business group id there it will check for
the conditions like page is post back or nor select cookies are not null
selected business group string is empty or not
4. Then after these checks the page is navigated to the main page and
there after filling the details and click the button archive it calls archive
button click event
5. Here it will checks the archive or recall if it is archive then recall all the
6. By using the Stored Procedure dbo.spGetAllArchiveRecallForms we can
call the data from the table tblCustomFormMaster
7. Then it checks post back or nor select cookies are not null selected
business group string is empty or not
8. Then it displays the page with form id form title form name check box
option here we can select the forms from this list and then after
selecting process the selected web forms option if we select this option
then it goes to processing mode
9. Then it goes to the btn_processformclick event there we are building a
string builder to add the processed strings from the data grid
After selecting then it is processed and it will give the message
that all selected forms processed successfully
Then if we want to see the data in recall click on it and click show
data button then again u will see the processed data there

Understanding Document:

Then again if we click the check box and then click process the
selected forms then it will goes to archive data

Tables used
Stored procedures used

2. Form Maintenance
In the form maintenance we will see these options will provide further

Industry / Market segment (Normalized)
Market sub segments (Normalized)
Departments (Normalized)
Titles (Normalized)
Feedback Types
Firms / Businesses
Form / Newsletters

2.1 Products:

1. When user wants to go to products while clicking the titles on master

maintenance the page will navigate to form products.aspx

Understanding Document:

2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality we are
using stored procedure spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. Now we are calling the custom form for business group method here
it returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id
7. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice in this we are using
8. Then it goes to products class from there it get all the product types
method then we write for concatination for displaying product acronym
and id and then we are adding the acronym and id by constructor then
after it will displays the page
9. Then by selecting business group ddlBusinessGroups1_TextChanged
will be executed it checks the expired or not about the value
ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender is called after tis it backs to
again it will checks for form title and id then after selecting it into
this it will loads and press copy button
then it goes to btnCreateCopy_Click it checks for various cases
that if the data already exists or no data or data successfully copied it
will display that message
when we add or update or delete the product from there it goes
into grid view

then it will call the product types and goes for the edit view and
then if we update it goes for the required
spInsertProducts and
spCopyLocalData are the two procedures which are used insert the

Understanding Document:

products in the tblProducts and copying the data according the value is
market segment or sub segment or department or titles or courses
Tables used

Stored procedures used


2.2 Industry /Market Segments (Normalized):

1. When user wants to go to industry market segments while clicking the

titles on master maintenance the page will navigate to form
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list we are using stored procedure spGetAllBusinessGroups to
retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then

Understanding Document:

GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using

8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for getalllocallist method which returns the market
segment and it value here
Then we are calling the getgloballist to return market segment
value it returns mss name and ms id
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy market market segments
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
When we go for add/update/delete the data in the existing form
after selecting the form we will go for the page validations and
ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender
ddlBusinessGroupsX_PreRender.if we perform edit or delete or update
Then it goes for grvMarketSegment_RowCommand og grid view
there it checks the command is insert or delete or update then again
go for the page validations and ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender ddlBusinessGroupsX_PreRender
And calling the methos for getlocallist and getgloballist and it
displays the data
We can add the market segments there it self

Understanding Document:

2.3 Market Sub Segments (Normalized):

1. When user wants to go to industry market sub segments while clicking

the titles on master maintenance the page will navigate to form
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list we are using stored procedure spGetAllBusinessGroups to
retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then
GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using
8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
Then it goes for getalllocallist method which returns the market
segment and it value here and the parent is market segment
Now we are directed to GetLocalMSSList method to return cfid
and local parent name and we are calling GetAllGlobalMSS method
return all market subsegment values and ids
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
Understanding Document:

After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy market sub segments
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
When we try to load the data then we need to add business
configuration and custom form title then it will goes to
ddlContactFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method which is
used to display the parent market segment and then goes to
ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method and
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender ddlBusinessGroupsX_PreRender and
get local list method is called
when we called parent market segment there then it again goes
for ddlMarketSegment_SelectedIndexChanged and inside it
ddlGlobalMarketSubSegment we are calling the data from this method
id copied to drop down
The data source id is odsGlobalMSSbyMSandForm and then it
displays the local market sub segment name for repective global
market sub segment and local market sub segment id we edit and
delete here and we can add new sub segment here

2.4 Departments (Normalized):

1. When user wants to go to industry market departments normalized

while clicking the titles on master maintenance the page will navigate
to form ndepartments.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
Understanding Document:

4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to

select the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
1. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure we are using stored
procedure spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then

GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using

8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local
parent market sub segment and it value here and the parent is
market segment
And local list value is department and id is cfid
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy departments
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
Understanding Document:

alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
When we try to load the data then we need to add business
configuration and custom form title then it will goes to
ddlContactFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method which is
used to display the parent market segment and then goes to
ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method and
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender ddlBusinessGroupsX_PreRender and
get local list method is called
when we called parent market sub segment there then it again
goes for ddlMarketsubSegment_SelectedIndexChanged and inside it
ddlGlobalMarketSubSegment we are calling the data from this method
id copied to drop down
depatrments are copied to here we can add depatments and edit
and delete and update them
2.5 Titles (Normalized):
1. When user wants to go to titles while clicking the titles on master
maintenance the page will navigate to form ntitles.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure
spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then
Understanding Document:

GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using

8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local
parent market sub segment and it value here and the parent is market
And local list value is department and id is cfid
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy titles
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
And it calls the stored procedure SP_COPYLOCALDATA to copy the
local data Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
When we try to load the data then we need to add business
configuration and custom form title then it will goes to
ddlContactFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method which is used to
display the parent market segment and then goes to
ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method and

Understanding Document:

ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender ddlBusinessGroupsX_PreRender and

get local list method is called
In this method SP_GETLOCALLIST stored procedure is called it get
all the local data
And the methods like add or delete or update while performing
them we are directed to the methods of the grid view there by we can
add or delete or update the titles

2.6 Feedback Types:

1. When user wants to go to feedback types while clicking the titles on
master maintenance the page will navigate to form
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure
spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then
GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using
8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice

Understanding Document:

Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local
parent market sub segment and it value here and the parent is market
And local list value is department and id is cfid by using stored
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy titles
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
And it calls the stored procedure SP_COPYLOCALDATA to copy the
local data Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
And the stored procedure SP_GETLOCALLIST is used to reptive
the local data
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
In this method SP_GETLOCALLIST stored procedure is called it get
all the local data
And the methods like add or delete or update while performing
them we are directed to the methods of the grid view there by we can
add or delete or update the feedback types for inserting we use
sp_insertlocal stored procedure and for deleting also we use
2.7 Courses:
1. When user wants to go to courses while clicking the titles on master
maintenance the page will navigate to courses.aspx
Understanding Document:

2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure
spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then
GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using
8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local
And local list value is department and id is cfid by using stored
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy titles
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
And it calls the stored procedure SP_COPYLOCALDATA to copy the
local data Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
Understanding Document:

btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form

into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
And the stored procedure SP_GETLOCALLIST is used to reptive
the local data
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
In this method SP_GETLOCALLIST stored procedure is called it get
all the local data
And the methods like add or delete or update while performing
them we are directed to the methods of the grid view there by we can
add or delete or update the courses for inserting we use sp_insertlocal
stored procedure and for deleting also we use SP_DELETELOCALID

2.8 Firms / Businesses:

1. When user wants to go to firm business while clicking the titles on
master maintenance the page will navigate to firmbusiness.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure
spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then

Understanding Document:

GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using

8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local values
And local list value is department and id is cfid by using stored
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
After selecting the business and form fields that are to be copied
and from which fields that are copied are also be selected after wards
selecting them there is a button copy titles
Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
And it calls the stored procedure SP_COPYLOCALDATA to copy the
local data Then it goes into page authentication and after it we go for
btnCreateCopy_Click event first we are converting the selected form
into local id value there it checks for different cases i.e. if the data is
alredy exists or source data does not exists or some error or sucessful
Then ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender method is called for page
validation and cookies etc
And the stored procedure SP_GETLOCALLIST is used to reptive
the local data
If the data is already exists then it shows that data already exists
and please try for edit or delete or update data
In this method SP_GETLOCALLIST stored procedure is called it get
all the local data
And the methods like add or delete or update while performing
them we are directed to the methods of the grid view there by we can
add or delete or update the firm/business for inserting we use
sp_insertlocal stored procedure and for deleting also we use

Understanding Document:


1. When user wants to go to firm business while clicking the titles on

master maintenance the page will navigate to firmbusiness.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. And again it call getallbusinessgroup for returning business groups for
second list in this we are using stored procedure
spGetAllBusinessGroups to retriving them
6. And in this page we are having two lists so it goes for two times and
agsin the names and ids are returned and the same type method
ddlBusinessGroups2_PreRender is called with same functionality
7. Now we are calling get custom forms for business group method here it
returns the custom form title and id here it returns four times and
again it calls get all business groups by user method again it returns
name and id for four times it returns the values and then
GetAllBusinessGroupsByUser in this we are using
8. Then it goes for ddlBusinessGroupX_PreRender and here the checking
of cookies and null will done then GetCustomFormsForBusinessGroup
and again it returns the form title and id for twice
9. Then it goes for getlocallist method which returns the local values
And local list value is department and id is cfid by using stored
Then it diaplays the page and after displying get the fileds that
are to be select
When we select a business on the page then it checks for the
authentication and calls the method
ddlBusinessGroups_SelectedIndexChanged and calls the stored

Understanding Document:

for ddlBusinessGroups_TextChanged method and next it goes for

ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender method
When we select the custom form name then
ddlFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method is called

3. Create forms:
This option will provide further submenus.

Forms configuration
Forms configuration extended
Response email
Define fields and finish

3.1 Forms Configuration:

1. When user wants to go to create forms while clicking the titles on

master maintenance the page will navigate to cformsconfig.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. After getting this it is going to call GetFormTypeList method we are
using SP_GETFORMTYPES stored procedure from this procedure we are
calling form id and form name from the table formtypes
6. After this GetGlobalList method is executed to call the global data by
7. Then it retrieves the products and then it finally displays the page

Understanding Document:

8. There first business group ddlBusinessGroups_SelectedIndexChanged

is called for selecting the required business group
ddlBusinessGroups_TextChanged method is called for the changing of
business group text ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender is called for
checking the selected group is empty or it is post back or not and etc.
9. After there is a field for contact form title when we select that thing
then ddlFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method is called for if the
form exists and after wards GetCustomFormConfig is used to call the
configuration of the form by using SP_GETCUSTOMFORMCONFIG stored
Then it goes for get global list data i.e. market sub segments,
email, etc.

And then ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender is used for page is post
back or null or empty


After selecting the type of the form i.e. 1. Promotional


Campaign 3. Newsletter sign up 4. Store form.

ddlFormTypes_SelectedIndexChanged is selected and then it
goes in to ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender for checking the value is
empty or null or post back or not and after clicking the check box for
route leads it goes into chkRouteLeads_CheckedChanged there it
checks ddlMarketSegments.Enabled = !ddlMarketSegments.Enabled;
rfvMarketSegment.Enabled = ddlMarketSegments.Enabled;
ddlMarketSubSegments.Enabled = !
rfvMarketSubSegment.Enabled = ddlMarketSubSegments.Enabled;
ddlProductTypes.Enabled = !ddlProductTypes.Enabled;
rfvProductType.Enabled = ddlProductTypes.Enabled;

Understanding Document:

ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender method is called and after wards
while selecting market segments ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender is
called again and from there GetGlobalList is called and then
ddlMarketSubSegments_DataBound for market sub segments
then after wards while coming to the page again we are having
the txt fields to be filled as per the requirement there product type,
Include dsm in cc, cc email id, offer number, market plan, acronym,
campaign code, promotion code, terms and conditions
and then meta tags are there in that title, description, keywords,
finally there is button for save form configuration is there if we
click on it then
CvContactFormName_ServerValidate is called to validate the server and
creating new instances for the entered fields
And then from get global list is also called and market segments and
market sub segments are data bound here finally it shows form
configuration saved successfully

3.2 Form Configuration Extended:

1. When user wants to go to form configuration extended while clicking

the titles on master maintenance the page will navigate to
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. After getting this it is going to call GetFormTypeList method we are
using SP_GETFORMTYPES stored procedure from this procedure we are
calling form id and form name from the table formtypes
6. After this GetGlobalList method is executed to call the global data by

Understanding Document:

7. DdlBusinessGroups_PreRender is called and then after this

GetFormConfigExt is called in this we are calling the stored procedure
8. After this we get the displaying page in this business group and custom
form are entered and then DdlBusinessGroups_PreRender is called and
then GetFormConfigExt is called
9. Then finally the extended cc and version are displayed there so we can
edit them and delete and add them also

3.3 Response Email:

1. When user wants to go to response email while clicking the titles on

master maintenance the page will navigate to emailresponse.aspx
2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. It calls ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender This function is created to select
the index in the dropdown from the cookie value
5. Then it goes for the page and there business group and form title are
selected then ddlFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged method is called
and then again it goes to
6. ddlBusinessGroups1_PreRender by filling the subject and body we can
save the email response

3.4 Define Fields and Finish:

1. When user wants to go to define field and finish while clicking the titles
on master maintenance the page will navigate to cformfeild.aspx

Understanding Document:

2. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
3. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
4. Then after in the page we are selecting business group and form title then
ddlFormTitles_SelectedIndexChanged is selected and
ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender is called and then field view are selected and
GetPageFieldsForCustomFormAndBusinessGroup method is called and then it
get the all the fields that are to be displayed and then while selecting the
style sheet , header, left navigation ,footer
5. Then there are 3 fields which are db dependent , order of the form , required
we check this fields and we can give the order of the fields also to be
6. And there are three buttons at the bottom which are save and preview
configuration page, save

2. When user wants to go to define field and finish while clicking the titles
on master maintenance the page will navigate to cfornfeild.aspx
3. Here for displaying the business groups we are calling get all business
groups method
4. Here the method returns all the group names and ids for every group
and ddlBusinessGroups_PreRender is called and then it goes to the page
5. There business group and form title and from and to date then market
segment and product type are to be given then for displaying results
matching any or matching all radio buttons are there and finally show leads
submit button is there while clicking it after filling all the values
6. It shows in a grid view the generated report

7. Logout
Logout will remove the user session and redirect the user to login form.

8. Help
User can get help on creating contact form through Help link available in the
menu. User has option to select the topic or he can search for topic for help.
Understanding Document:

Understanding Document:

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