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Sdlit Jantejn 39,

Horn Dubenky
588 52

panielova 1315/25,
Praha 6, 163 00
IO: 64940799
DI: CZ64940799
400x 60

Suspension Light PC929
Components included with unit:


5x plastic grommet, 2x hex screw, 1x hex key, 3x wire connector

terminal, 5x light source, 5x glass shade, 5x wooden body, 1x metal
ceiling canopy with ceiling hanger, 5x silicone pad


Installation Steps:


1. Install the hanger for the metal ceiling canopy (fig. 1).
- With regard for various types of ceiling materials, we recommend
consulting an expert when securing the canopy hanger to the ceiling. The manufacturer assumes no liability for incorrect installation
or defects in the material to which the canopy hanger is to be secured.
1. Install the hanger for the metal ceiling canopy (fig. 1).
- With regard for various types of ceiling materials, we recommend
consulting an expert when securing the canopy hanger to the ceiling. The manufacturer assumes no liability for incorrect installation
or defects in the material to which the canopy hanger is to be secured.
Because the glass components of the light are hand-crafted,
there is some variation in the inner diameter of the individual
shades. Therefore, each shade is carefully matched to its respective wooden body prior to shipping. The correct match is indicated with colored rubber bands. During assembly, care must be
taken to ensure that each shade is paired with the wooden body
of the corresponding colored rubber band (fig. 2b).
2. Light Assembly
- Select one of the glass shades and its corresponding wooden
- Attach the glass shade to the wooden body by pulling the power
cord through the shade.
- If the shade is slightly misaligned, try carefully turning it on the
wooden body, or correct the misalignment with one of the silicone
pads by adhering it to the outer side of the wooden body so that it is
situated between the shade and body (fig. 2a).
- Pull the power cords of the individual lights through the metal
ceiling canopy and secure them using the plastic grommets.
- Connect the light to the building wiring.
- Using the hex screws and the hex key, attach the ceiling canopy to
the ceiling hanger (fig. 1).

3. Restore power at the main circuit panel and ensure that the
light is working properly.

The technological methods used in creating the light are based on several hundred years of traditional Czech
handmade glass production. Respect for the material and its traditional production is characteristic for Brokis. Imperfections in the glass are the result of these technological methods and have no effect on the quality
or functionality of the light.
Wood: wooden body made of European oak (QUERCUS SPP)
Wood is a natural material that reacts to changes in relative humidity levels and temperature in the surrounding environment. When the relative humidity is extremely low (below 30%), the wood gradually dries
out and cracks will appear. Therefore, we recommend maintaining a relative humidity of between 40-60%
and a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
The light may be cleaned with common cleaning agents. Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning
agents (powders).
Prior to shipping, the functionality of each light and its components is thoroughly tested. The manufacturer assumes no liability for the mishandling of products.
Technical support:
Use this holes for the fixing rack onto the ceiling.

cealing rack

canopy cover


M4 screws



Sdlit Jantejn 39,

Horn Dubenky
588 52

panielova 1315/25,
Praha 6, 163 00
IO: 64940799
DI: CZ64940799
400x 60

Svtidlo visac PC929
Komponenty, kter jsou soust balen:


5x plastov prchodka, 2x imbusov roub, 1x imbusov kl,

3x pipojovac svorkovnice, 5x svteln zdroj, 5x sklenn stnidlo,
5x devn montura, 1x kovov baldachn vetn drku, 5x silikonov oka


Montn postup:


Mont sm provdt pouze pracovnk sodbornou elektrotechnickou kvalifikac.

Ped mont vypnte pslunm jistiem pvod elektrickho
Pi nedodren montnho nvodu vrobce neru za ppadn
vznikl kody!
1. Ke stropu piroubujte drk stropnho baldachnu (obr. 1).
- S ohledem na rzn typ i st materil strop doporuujeme
mont konzultovat s odbornkem. Vrobce svtidla neodpovd za
nevhodn zvolen pracovn postup i vady materilu, do kterho se
nosn komponent instaluje.
Vnitn prmry jednotlivch stntek se mrn li; to je
pirozenm dsledkem run vroby sklennch st svtla.
Ztoho dvodu je kad stntko ped expedic peliv provno s pslunou devnou monturou. Sprvn kombinace je
vyznaena barevnmi gumikami. Pi kompletaci je proto nezbytn dodret shodnost barevnho oznaen sklennho stntka
a devn montury (obr. 2b).
2. Kompletace svtla.
- Vyberte sprvnou kombinaci sklennho stntka a devn montury.
- Prothnte napjec kabel skrz sklenn stnidlo a usate
devnou monturu.
- Pokud je sklo mrn vyoseno, opatrn s nm na devn montue
pootote, poppad pouijte silikonovou oku (obr. 2a), kterou
nalepte na vnj st devn montury (mezi sklo a devnou monturu).
- Elektrick kabely jednotlivch svtidel prothnte kovovm baldachnem a zafixujte zajiovacmi plastovmi oky.
- Zite elektrick propojen svtidla s elektroinstalac.
- Pomoc imbusovch roubk a imbusovho kle piroubujte baldachn kstropnmu drku (obr. 1).

3. Zapnte pslun jisti a ovte funknost svtidla.

Uit materily
Uit technologick postupy vychzej z nkolikasetlet tradice esk rukodln sklsk vroby.
Tento respekt kmaterilu a jeho tradin vrob je pro firmu Brokis pznan. Ppadn nedokonalosti skla jsou zapinny zvolenmi technologickmi postupy a nemaj vliv na kvalitu a
funknost svtidel.
Devo: montura zdubu evropskho (QUERCUS SPP)
Devo je prodn materil, kter reaguje na zmny okolnho prosted zejmna vlhkosti a teploty. Pi
extrmn nzk relativn vlhkosti vzduchu (pod 30 %) dochz k vysychn deva a nsledn tvorb
trhlin. Proto doporuujeme udrovat relativn vlhkost vzduchu mezi 40 - 60 % a teplotu od 15 do 25 C.
Svtidlo je mon oetovat bnmi isticmi prostedky. Nepouvejte rozpoutdla a abrazivn
istic prostedky (prky).
U kadho svtidla vetn jeho komponent je ped expedic dkladn zkontrolovna funknost.
Vrobce nenese odpovdnost za nesprvn zachzen sprodukty.
Technick podpora:

cealing rack
Use this holes for the fixing rack onto the ceiling.

canopy cover

M4 screws



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