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Effects of temperature on the enzyme catalyze activity

In this experiment we used an enzymes called Catalyze and put it into hy
drogen peroxide on at room temperature and an other at below 00C. We timed it to
see how fast it would go up to the rim of small vial. My hypothesis was that t
he cold hydrogen peroxide will make the catalyze disk rise much slower to the to
p then the room temperature. Since the back ground information is that the catal
yzes speed up the rate of the chemical reaction, Also since it is mostly protein
s in the catalyze. Then thereâ s enzymes that ate protein controlling biochemical
reactions: any complex chemical produced by living cells that is a biochemical c
Temperature effects the catalyze because if its too cold or hot the it
causes the enzymes active site to change shape not allowing substrates to bond.
So the only way that substrates can bond is at the perfect temperature. If we di
dnâ t have enzymes some cells would not be able to make chemical reactions . Substr
ates are what the chemicals act upon. The way that enzymesâ work is that thereâ s sub
strates and reactants must chemically fit so that a bond may be able to occur. W
here this happens is called the active site. A when you do this experiment a few
time snow the hydrogen peroxide starts to release air. The purpose of this lab
is to show us how the enzymes spend up the chemical reaction. It also helps use
understand that it will only do this if it is at a certain temperature. That it
once it is very cold or hot it will not be able produce any longer.
Hydrogen Peroxide (room temperature)(below 0 C
Catalyst solution (made from beef liver)
Small Glass vials
Stop watch
Plastic well trays
Paper towels
Filter paper disks
Plastic Petri dish
Room Temperature (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Take out three filter paper disks from the plastic vial using the forceps
Place them on the plastic Petri dish
Get the glass vial filled up with hydrogen peroxide(room temperature) from the t
Pick one paper filter disk with the forceps and dip it in the catalyze
Then dab the disk on the paper towel four times
Put it on the bottom of the vial and hold it there for a few second
Start the stop watch once the disk is released
Wait until the disk is at he rim of the vial and make sure to stop the stop watc
Then record the time for it
Since we messed up the first time we had to do this procedure four times
Do this procedure two or for us three more time
Cold(Hydrogen peroxide)
Dump the hydrogen peroxide into the sink and wash it out and dry it
Take out three paper filter disks from the vial and place it on the Petri dish
Get the glass vial filled up with hydrogen peroxide (cold) from the teacher
Pick one paper filter disk with the forceps and dip it in the catalyze
Then dab the disk on the paper towel four times
Put it on the bottom of the vial and hold it there for a few second
Start the stop watch once the disk is released
Wait until the disk is at he rim of the vial and make sure to stop the stop watc
Then record the time for it
Repeat this two more times
Record the times on the worksheet
The results of this lab activity was that the iced hydrogen peroxide to
ok a long time to get to the rim of the vial then the room temperature one did.
For the room temperature on we did it four times since we messed up the first ti
me since we started the stop watch later then we should have. It turns out that
the average of the room temperature is 2:29 and the average temperature for the
iced hydrogen peroxide was 1:45 estimated to the nearest hundredth.

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