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November 20, 2014
6:15 PM
Present: Connie Beyor, Chairperson, Nola Gilbert, David Roddy, Liza Comiskey and
Richard Flint.
Others Present: Marcel Choquette, Principal, Karen Casavant, Assistant Principal,
Winton Goodrich, Superintendent, Lora McAllister, Assistant Business Manager,
Becky Hart, Business Manager, John Ho, Libby Bonesteel, FNWSU Director of
Curriculum of Instruction, Heather Larivee, Jerry, Channel 16 Cameraman,
Pierrette Bouchard, School Board Secretary
Connie Beyor called the Meeting to Order at 6:21pm.
Agenda Amendments Libby Bonesteel-New Standards Based Report Cards
John Ho- Energy Efficiency
Tractor Quotes
Resolution-two year cap
New Standards-Based Report Cards-Libby Bonesteel
Libby reported that teaching is in accordance with Common Core State Standards
so aligning with a standards-based report card. The Supervisory Union is creating a
uniform K-6 report card. A letter informing parents about the report card was
sent home along with frequently asked questions and a sample of the report card.
Libby presented a short video on standards-based report cards to the board. The
video will be on the website for parents and the community to view. The
administration will plan additional communication methods to provide information to
(Libby left @ 7:25pm.)
John Ho works for Efficiency Vermont, which is a state regulated energy utility.
John provided a Highgate Elem. School electrical use summary from 2007 to 2014.
He would like to work with Highgate to reduce their energy costs. Liza Comiskey
moved, seconded by Nola Gilbert to direct the buildings and grounds committee, the
principal, and the director of the facilities to work with John Ho, and Efficiency
Vermont to assess usage, create a report of energy efficient actions taken, and to
present the findings to the board. The board approved the motion on a 5-0 vote.
(John Ho left at 7:45pm)

Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes

David Roddy moved, seconded by Richard Flint to approve the amended October
16th minutes. The board approved the motion on a 5-0 vote.
Check Warrants:
The board reviewed the check warrants. Concern was raised
that writing many small checks cost excessive staff time and money. In order to
save money, Win recommended that Highgate buy their custodial supplies in bulk
He would like to see this practice instituted supervisory union wide. The board
tabled the check warrants.
Principals Report
- Marcel reported that Grade 6 is inviting the board to a student
showcase of their classroom work on November 24
from 11am to 12:30pm. The
Physical Education skating program for grades 1-6 was a huge success with 30
volunteers helping Mrs. Tatro. Highgates Spelling Bee Team finished in third place
at the regional competition at Frederick Tuttle Middle School. Eighteen guest

readers and fifteen parents/community members participated in (Drop Everything

and Read) DEAR event. Many staff members and students dressed in green to
promote Green Thoughts related to the Social Thinking Curriculum.
Thanksgiving dinner was served to 176 adults and 276 students.
The Professional Learning Community (PLC) is focused on writing. Teachers are
participating in a writing workshop with Libby Bonesteel; paraprofessional training
on Dec. 2
and Dec. 16
. Karen Casavant, along with Cheryl Ostrander and Monica
Sweet, attended the national PBIS conference in Chicago. They are working
collaboratively with the Social Thinking Committee to organize curriculum scope and
sequence. In addition, SWIFT is providing a framework on how we should assess
Highgate School performance. Both committees plan to meet once a month to
revitalize PBIS in Highgate.
A SWIFT facilitator assessed the growth of the Highgate School through a FIT
(Fidelity of Implementation Tool). Marcel handed out the data comparison from
2013 to 2014 on the five domains assessed:
Administrative leadership,
Multi-tiered support,
Integrated education,
Family engagement and
Inclusive policy.
Win was very complementary of the PLC work to date, growth mind set, and utilizing
data that helps all students to learn and grow. On December 2
, Marcel will be
meeting with the SWIFT State LEA representatives about the FIT data and on
Dec. 3
, they will be presenting to the leadership team. They will be presenting to
the staff team on December 10
. The leadership team along with the SWIFT
representatives will select a couple of focuses to address this year.
Superintendents Report:
Win Goodrich shared different tractor quotes from vendors for board
Win explained that representatives from VSBA, VSA, VT League of Cities and
Towns, Legislators, and economists etc. met and developed a resolution for
sustainable education funding reform in Vermont. The advocacy group supports
capping education property taxes at FY2014 levels for the next two years to allow
legislators time to make the necessary funding reforms to sustain our educational
system in the future. Win will bring the resolution back to Decembers board
meeting along with a recommendation.
Win went over the Cassidy land use proposal and criteria he developed. Richard
Flint proposed that they allow the MVU Agriculture Department to use the land and
harvest the crop to feed their animals. Additionally, MVU, along with Highgate
students, could use the land to put in a garden. The board tabled the Cassidy land
Next Meeting Dates: Highgate Board Meeting- December 11
at 6:15pm
Next Franklin Northwest Supervisory Union Board meeting-Dec. 3
at 6:30pm in

Executive Session:
Motion to enter executive session for contract and
negotiations update at 8:45pm. The board invited Marcel Choquette, Becky Hart,

Lora McAllister and Win Goodrich to participate. Richard Flint moved, seconded by
Liza Comiskey, to enter executive session. The board approved the motion on a 5-0
The board exited executive session at 10:44pm.
David Roddy moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to authorize the board chair to
sign the paraprofessional contract. The board approved on a 5-0 vote.
The board directed the business managers to make changes in the next draft of
the budget as discussed in executive session.
Connie Beyor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Nola Gilbert
Highgate School Board Clerk

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