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Three Definition of Discrimination in the work place

and justify which definition you are working with

Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or

against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to
which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.
Discrimination means treating some people differently from others. It isn't
always unlawful - after all, people are paid different wages depending on
their status and skills. However, there are certain reasons for which your
employer can't discriminate against you by law.
Discrimination is an action or a decision that treats a person or a group negatively
for reasons such as their race, age or disability. These reasons are known
as grounds of discrimination. Federal employers and service providers, as well
as employers and service providers of private companies that are regulated by the
federal government, cannot discriminate against individuals for these reasons.
unequal treatment of a person for a reason which has nothing to do
with legal rights or ability. (favoring them or being unfair to them)
Discrimination is defined as less favourable treatment. An employee is
said to be discriminated against if he/she is treated less favourably
than another is, has been or would be treated in a comparable
situation on any of the above 9 grounds. To establish direct
discrimination, a direct comparison must be made, for example, in the
case of disability discrimination the comparison must be between a
person who has a disability and another who has not, or between
persons with different disabilities.

2. History of Discrimination in the work place

3. Types of Discrimination in the work place
Direct not emploeed based

Indirect=if you have a terminal illness you are not employees or they dont
insure you as your are at a high risk of getting sick

4. Identify ethical issues in discrimination in the work

Hiring: You apply for a job for which you have experience and excellent qualifications, but you are
not hired because some of the company's long-time clients are more comfortable dealing with the
opposite gender.
Firing: you are told that you are laid off due to company cutbacks and reorganization, while people
from the opposite sex in the same job and with less seniority than you keep their jobs.
Promotions you have worked for your company for several years, receiving exemplary reviews and
an employee-of-the-year award, yet each of the five times you have applied for promotions, the
positions you applied for are instead filled by less qualified men.
Pay: You worked your way up from the position of cook's helper to chef. A male chef with similar
training and work experience was recently hired, and you find out that he will be paid more than you.
Benefits: Your company's health insurance policy does not cover your spouse, because it is
assumed that he will have his own benefits, while your male coworkers have their wives covered by
the policy. Because your husband is between jobs, you have to pay increased health benefits on his
behalf that your coworkers do not pay for their wives.
Responsibilities being diminished: Are you asked to keep the meeting minutes or make team
social arrangements because of your gender while possessing the same job title as men on the
team? If you're in sales, have your responsibilities become less sales-oriented while the same cannot
be said of the men on the sales team? The outdated notion that women are better suited for
administrative rather than negotiation-related tasks is discriminatory.
Giving last minute jobs or impossible deadlines: Giving last minute jobs or impossible deadlines
to a woman in an effort to prove that she cannot complete tasks due to child care issues is a form of
Glass ceiling the term "glass ceiling" refers to an invisible barrier that exists in a workplace that
prevents qualified women from advancing into top management positions solely because of their sex.
For example, women can only climb so far on the corporate ladder before they hit a glass ceiling that
blocks them from moving forward. If women cannot arise above a certain position, then they are
being discriminated against in promotion and hiring. If you feel that you have been discriminated
against because of a "glass ceiling" at your company, you may be able to bring a claim under Federal,
State and/or local laws for sex discrimination. (\
Sexual harassment
Refusal of loan based on gender

5. Discuss why Discrimination in the work place is an

ethical issue and how it affect business stakeholders
Discrimination in the work place is an ethical issue as it goes against man dignity as
acoording to the fact that we have out dignity we are all equal and thus should be
treated equally.
It is unjust as justice involve giving people there dues while discrimination denies
people their dues
Utilitarian arguments, which claim that discrimination leads to an inefficient use of
human resources

6. Give practical solutions on the ethical issue. Or how

would you address the issue in your company?
7. Conclusion

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