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1. Are you the best person for this job? Why?

As I looked over your company overview, I asked myself this question. What is the best? Are you
looking for an individual who can, with ease, perfectly implement any system or structure given to
them? I understand you're looking for the best, nothing less. I'm here to tell you, I offer exactly what
that best is for your company. I am an individual who understands the basic concepts of Computer
Science (algorithm design, data structure, code optimization), Front-end development (HTML5, CSS3,
Javascript/jQuery), and Back-end coding (Ruby on Rails, mySQL database) but with much more to
offer. A creative outlook that not only perspires through his passion to understand all perspectives of a
situation but also through the development of poetic code. That is, through discipline and ambition I
learn everyday. Striving for perfection but knowing full well an artist will always be in a state of
discontent. There is always much more I can do to improve, I admit that. As an individual studying and
majoring in Computer Science, you must understand the idea of adaptation. The world around us is
constantly going to change and my capacity and enthusiasm to learn will never come to a halt due to
this fact. I want to learn everything and anything. As much as I'm trying to learn, I love to teach along
the way and help others understand something in which I understand. This life is not meant to be
selfish so the act of holding back your knowledge and information to others is nothing less than a crime
against humanity. I'm productive, I'm time-efficient, and I'm dedicated to my crafts. There is no better
individual qualified for this job other than myself because there is no better person to help grow and
develop than myself.
2. Are you overqualified for this job?
I am not an overqualified candidate for this job. I submit to humility while exuding the passion to grow
and understand that my growth as an individual will never stop. If you want a candidate who stagnates
once he accumulates a massive amount of information, than do not hire me. If you want an individual
who understands that the more he knows, the less he knows than I am your person and I am the right
amount of qualified.
3. Describe a difficult experience at work and how you handled it.
My old job was at a movie theater and to give more context, the most popular one in my city. With that
said, I experienced a high volume of customers on a daily basis and dealt with not only managing the
floor or concessions with fellow employees but providing the best customer service with
I recall a situation where a customer came to my side infuriated and I asked him if everything was okay
which he then proceeded to prompt me that No, everything is not okay. I stopped the current task I
was doing to attend to this upset customer despite the extreme business of that day. He told me of a
disruption happening in his theater, which turned out to be a dispute between two customers. I followed
him to the location of the dispute and before entering, I alerted my manager so my higher up could
follow along with us to sort everything out. We entered the theater where the dispute was happening
and ended up escorting the two individuals out of the premises. Given the precarious event to attend to
the customers extraordinary needs, we fell behind in cleaning up theaters where the movie had already
ended. I had to exert a little more energy than usual to catch up cleaning the remainder of theaters that
did get out so other customers could watch their film on time. So despite the situation at hand, I was
able to control the situation and continue with the ongoing tasks at hand. I was able to serve the needs
and safety of customers while making sure no other customers were left unattended or unnoticed.
4. Describe yourself.
In it's most basic sense, I'm an individual with the enthusiasm to learn! I've helped lead development
projects at my University for the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), I taught middle

schoolers around my University's town, San Marcos the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 so they could
develop a basic website with functionality, I participate in weekly presentations for the ACM where a
guest speaker would teach on topics Computer Science related or to listen to an industry speaker come
by and explain their methodologies and etc. If given the opportunity to learn something new, I always
take it. I promote the well being of others and their ideas, on top of mine, because insight of others
mentality gives me insight on my own mentality. I'm a leader who wants to earn the respect of his
followers before he leads.
With these traits of mine said, I also would like to picture myself as a visionary. I'm constantly thinking
of ideas that may or not even be possible. I enjoy thinking past my normal frame of thought to the outer
bounds of my imagination. In this field I'm pursuing, I hope to promote the innovation of tomorrow.
Through my ambition I would like to bring that enthusiasm into your workplace and hopefully learn
together with like minds and be able to inspire one another while accomplishing nothing less than
5. Describe your best boss and your worst boss.
I would not say I have ever had a worst boss. I'm willing to try and understand how everyone perceives
life and am not hostile toward anyone who doesn't see a certain subject my way. There is no worse way
of doing something compared to another supposed best way. It's essential to understand who is in
charge and to be able to work with structure but needless to say that doesn't mean to not be wary of
unqualified judgments and to be afraid to speak when need be.
However, my best bosses have been the ones that respect my decisions and understand my capabilities
instead of limiting me. My old job, at Edwards Cinema, had plentiful managers but the reason my
best boss there was my higher manager Ronda Espinoza is because she challenged me. There was
never a time she made me feel lesser at the expense of me working extremely hard. Her methods
helped me develop a work ethic that I hold onto even today. She showed me to be productive, you have
to be able to perform the given tasks yourself because if you assume people will do them for you, you
become less efficient and more dependent on others. To be a productive individual in a work place is
not necessarily to work with great effort. It's to understand your work ethic and the ethic of others
around you so you can help flourish that environment through positivity.
6. Describe your career goals.
As a child, I told my parents I was going to become a scientist one day. It's funny because I didn't even
fully understand what a scientist was or what they did. All I knew was that they were the creators and
innovators of the future and I wanted to be apart of that future. Entering college, when I began
majoring in Computer Science I immediately knew where I wanted to take this degree with me. My
career goal is to be in the forefront of developing the new Software that will provide a better tomorrow
for our society and everyone around me. I want to be a have direct influence and make a contribution to
the world. I want to be the leader and have people help me toward my vision of a better tomorrow.
7. Describe your work style
-I am very productive while I'm alone but love working with others to share and collaborate ideas.
-I believe in time-efficiency and productivity when starting projects, from small to large.
-I like to plan and document my ideas onto paper so I can map out how I could best approach projects,
or identify the various ways of completing it.
-I am organized with keeping my ideas and thoughts structured as well as developing organized and
clean code so I can read it better and so can others.
8. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

I can manage both working alone or on a team. If I had to choose between one or the other, I would
choose to work on a team because I admit I'm not a perfect individual. So I know that working by
myself, I can't necessarily be as proficient because I'm subject to make mistakes which is why the team
is there to create infrastructure within your projects and to help produce more with less effort from a
single individual. While I will admit, I have a better personal work flow when I can zone everything
out and stay in tune with my own thought process.

9. Do you take work home with you?

If I'm working on a project and I'm required to meet certain deadlines, I will easily take my work home
and do the best to finish it without a problem. I'm also a perfectionist so, even if I have finished an
assignment given to me, I wouldn't doubt that I would review over it more at home and add details or
search for bugs.
10. Give some examples of teamwork.
I've been apart of a self-taught group of dancers for about 5 years now and we've won various
competitions throughout California. We did this by taking time out of our own schedules to practice
together and to understand we were all different individuals with different ways of thinking.
Everywhere we enter and perform, people give us compliments on how great we did and how
structured we come off as. It takes a lot of teamwork and dedication to stay dedicated to a group of
friends while continuing my education and other fulfillment. From not just me but the entire group of

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