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Buys. L, Bigby. C, Boulton - Lewis G, Tedman – Jones. J, Edwards. H, Knox.M. (2008).

Issues of active ageing: Perceptions of older people with intellectual disability.

Australian Journal of Ageing, 27(2), 67 -71.

The researchers aimed to present the issues of active ageing of people with permanent

intellectual disabilities. The methodology used was case study analysis. The researchers

were from different universities and have a sound knowledge about research and ageing.

They conducted 16 case studies, for the analysis. They had done purposive sampling with

“intellectual disability” as inclusion criteria. They had informed consent from the subjects.

The data was collected by a face – to – face – semi – structured interview lasted for 60 – 90

minute, audio tapped and transcribed verbatim. The topics were focused on daily activities,

how ageing affected them and how they want life in future. The questions were open ended,

ensuring an opportunity to express clients. The analysis was done by comparative methods.

The results revealed that, independence emerged with empowerment; elderly are

concerned about financial and emotional security then future care. Many of the participants

want to learn more about what they know; where as some are interested in new things.

Subjects were worried about the environment they live in as they had bitter taste in age care

facility previously. Though the older people were disappointed with the facilities they receive

now, they are not worried about health and fitness but need support from family and friends.

The possible audience are researchers, health professionals and general public. Though the

researchers were funded from governmental organisations, there was no bias found. Only 11

references were there. The figure, which represents the results of the study, makes good

understanding. The researchers included a lot of participants’ quoting, which helps in

understanding the attitude of clients towards the questionnaire used.

Bajorek B., Krass.I., Ogle.S.J., Duguid.M.J., Shenfield.G.M. (2006). Warfarin use in the

elderly: the nurses’ perspective. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(3), 19 – 25.

Warfarin is very commonly used in elderly. The aim of this research was to explore

the issues of long-term use of Warfarin in elderly, by examining the aged care nurses. This

qualitative study was done by doctors and pharmacists with aged care working background.

A semi structured group interview and questionnaire were used in data collection and

managed by audio tapping and transcribed verbatim.

Sampling technique was opportunistic and purposive, ensured with screening. The

subjects had given written informed consent for participation. Phenomenological approach

was used for data analysis, and resulted in emerging 5 themes. Patient had different attitudes

towards Warfarin therapy. Patients were powerless in making decision regarding Warfarin

therapy. Patients had limited ability to use Warfarin wisely. Nurses were not confident

enough to involve in anticoagulant therapy. They believed in “follow – up” not in the

“initiation” of the anticoagulant therapy to the patient. Though there were more suggestions

for Warfarin use in elderly, no nurse was interested for future education in the same field.

The possible audiences for this are nurses and other health professionals, researchers

and elderly. The weakness of his article is the non involvement of nurses and the data

collection was done long time ago. The tables provided for the results are able to provide

with the results of the study. The researchers developed a theme based analysis for the

presentation of their findings. They included direct quotations to explore the mind of the

nurses participated. Moreover, the study was all about nurses and a pioneer study with

regards to nurses’ perspective in aged care.

Johnstone. M. J, Kaintsaki. O (2009). Population ageing and the politics of demographic

alarmism: implications for the nursing profession. Australian Journal of Advanced

Nursing, 26(3), 86 – 92.

This scholarly paper examines the prejudices and politics framing “Population Ageing

in Australia” and the role of nursing profession on that. Authors argue that “Demographic

Time Bomb” portrayal of ageing population is incorrect and misleading and professional

nursing has a fundamental role in correction of these.

The scholars argue that the Australian Productivity Commission (APC) believes

blindly that elderly means sick and disabled with no productivity and are an economic burden

which is incorrect. The authors underpin strong evidences for stating that older people are

significant contributors to society. The very recent study of South Australia regarding

economic contribution of people aged 65 – 101 years revealed that, they contribute $ 4.9 –

8.1 billion compared to the cost of their care, which was just $1.8 billion.

Nursing have a fundamental role in promotion of health and social welfare of old age,

not only by giving direct care but also by being involved in public policy debates with respect

to matters concerning elderly. Reflective and critical thinking on this issue is needed. The

scholars had done an excellent work to engage Australian nurses to work for elderly. The

possible audience are the government, health professionals, elderly and family. To provide a

better understanding they use “Pyramid to Coffin”, which narrates a balanced ageing

population with others. They had a good reference for the article. The implication to nursing

was the second objective of the paper but was not dealt in the article as elaborative as of the

first objective. Some bias found to act against the APC and Australian Government and

Elliot. J. (2009). First Physical Activity Recommendations for Older Australians. Media

Release, 23 March 2009, retrieved on 02/02/2010.


World’s one of the long life expectancy is in Australia. To keep the elderly health Australian

government’s minister of Ageing Honourable Justine Elliot MP officially announced the “ First

Physical Activity Recommendations for Older Australians” at the annual health congress on

23 March 2009, in Sydney.

It is the first time Australian Government is releasing a physical activity recommendation for

elderly. The new recommendation initiates older Australians to be active for at least 30 minutes in a

day, so that the life expectancy can be expanded to 81.4 years in women by 2060. This

recommendation was developed by National Ageing Research Institute, Melbourne. Mrs. Elliot

mentioned that the recommendation aimed to increase the knowledge of older Australians regarding

their special activity needs. The new recommendation is expected that, it will reduce the risk of

chronic conditions in elderly and for its management such as obesity, CVD, Osteoporosis. The new

recommendation is going to be published soon. For mean time what the elderly has to do is clearly

informed in the release which is a positive point of the media release.

The possible audience for this are general public, health professionals, aged care workers and

service providers for aged care. The weaknesses of the media release are that may not make an

interest by male population because it is mentioning more about females’ health and life expectancy,

there were no quoted references about the program by experts and funding for the program. The

author has credibility release this as she is the minister of ageing and a department is behind her to

Byles. J, Powers. J, Chojenta. C, Warner – Smith. P. (2006). Older women in

Australia: ageing in urban, rural and remote environments. Australian Journal of

Ageing, 25(3), 151 – 157.

The National Strategy for Ageing Australia (2002) recognises that maintaining and

improving functional ability of older people will help them in living independently. This

research paper aims in, exploring the quality of life and health services’ use for the older

women living in urban, rural and remote areas of Australia. The researchers have a sound

knowledge in research and health of ageing.

This is a case study analysis with a sample size of 8387 women aged between 70 – 75

years when enrolled. Survey was the tool for the data collection done in 1996, 1999 and

2002. Women living in rural and remote area were oversampled twice to that of urban. Death

during study was monitored. The study was based on socio demographic characteristics,

living arrangements, health status and behaviours, access to health care and physical activity.

Results revealed that women’s health problem slightly differs from the area of origin

but the service usage was same. The health quality of life were changing almost same with a

marked deterioration as age progressing. Urban women had a good access to GP and

specialists than others. The authors had funds from Australian Government, Department of

Health and Ageing, but no bias found. The possible audience for this are Australian

Government, Department of Health and Ageing, health professionals, researchers, students

and other health care service providers. Though there were tables included most of them are

confusing. The study had only longitudinal data to present which is one of the limitation of

the study. There was a good reference for the study and the study was a need based one.

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