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Function of the human brain

The thinker and the prover

The human brain behaves as if were divided into two parts, the Thinker and the Prover.
The Thinker can think about virtually anything. The religion and philosophy show that
the Thinker can regard itself as mortal, as immortal, as both mortal and immortal
(reincarnation model), or even non-existent (Buddhism). The Prover is a much simpler
mechanism. It operates on one law only: whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.
If the Thinker thinks that the Sun moves around the Earth, the Prover will organize all
perceptions to fit that thought, if the Tinker changes its mind and decides the Earth moves
around the Sun, the Prover will reorganize the evidence. Businessmen, scientists are
believed to be objective. But they are passionate and prejudiced. The established
astronomers condemned Galileo. The majority of physicists rejected Einsteins Special
Relativity Theory in 1905. So, whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover will prove. And if
the Thinker thinks passionately enough, the Prover will prove the thought so conclusively
that you will never talk a person out such a belief. The perceived universe is a mixture of
the REAL UNIVERSE and our own Thinker-proving its pet beliefs.

Hardware and software: the brain and its programs

We will consider the human brain a kind of bio-computer an electro colloid computer.
Colloids are pulled together, toward a condition of gel, by their surface tensions. This is
because surface tensions pull all glue-like substance together. Colloids are also,
conversely, pushed apart, toward a condition of sol, by their electrical charges. This is
because their electrical charges are similar, and similar electrical charges always repel
each other. In the equilibrium between gel and sol, the colloidal suspension maintains its
continuity an life continues. Move the suspension too far toward gel, or too far toward
sol, and life ends. Any chemical that gets into brain, changes the gel-sol balance, and
consciousness is accordingly influenced. This chemicals are called psychedelics. The
changes in consciousness are also psychedelic. ALL OF OUR IDEAS ARE
Every computer consist of two aspects, known as hardware and software. In speaking of
the human brain as an electro colloidal bio-computer: the hardware is inside the human
skull, the software seems to be anywhere and everywhere. The software are made of anything that has ever impacted upon the brain. Of course, if consciousness consisted of
nothing but this undifferentiated information, we would have no individuality, no center,
no Self. We want to know how out of this universal software ocean a specific person

The programs gets into the brain. Each set of programs consist of four basic parts:
1. GENETIC IMPERATIVES the totally hard wired programs or instincts.
2. IMPRINTS, these are more-or-less hard wired programs which the brain is
genetically designed to accept only at certain points in its development. These
points are known as times of imprint vulnerability.
3. CONDITIONING These are programs built onto the imprints. They are looser
and fairly easy to change with counter-conditioning.
4. LEARNING this is even looser and softer than conditioning.
In general, the primordial imprint can always over-rule any subsequent conditioning or
learning. Imprints are the non-negotiable aspects of our individuality. Out of the infinity
of possible programs existing as potential software, the imprints establishes the limits,
parameters, perimeters within which all subsequent conditioning and learning occurs. As
soon as the first imprint is made, structure emerges out of the creative void. The growing
mind becomes trapped within this structure. It identifies with the structure, it becomes
structure. Each successive imprint complicates the software which programs our
experience and which we experience as reality. Conditioning and learning build further
networks onto this bedrock of imprinted software. The total structure of this braincircuitry makes up our map of the word. It is that our Thinker thinks, and our Prover
mechanically fits all incoming signals to the limitations of this map.
We shall divide this brain hardware into four circuits.
1. THE ORAL BIO-SURVIVAL CIRCUIT imprinted by the mother or the first
mothering object and conditioned by the subsequent nourishment or threat. It is
primarily concerned with sucking, feeding, cuddling, and body security. It retreats
mechanically from the noxious or predatory- or from anything associated (by
imprinting or conditioning) with the noxious or predatory.
toddling stage when the infants rise up, walks about and begins to struggle for
power within the family structure. This mostly mammalian circuit processes
territorial rules, emotional games, or cons, pecking order and rituals of
domination or submission.
3. THE TIME-BINDING SEMANTIC CIRCUIT is imprinted and conditioned by
human artifacts and symbol systems. It handles and packages environment,
classifying everything according to the local reality tunnel. Invention, calculation,
prediction and transmitting signals across generations are its functions.
4. THE MORAL SOCIO-SEXUAL CIRCUIT is imprinted by the first orgasmmating experiences at puberty and is conditioned by tribal and social taboos. It
processes sexual pleasure, local definitions of right an wrong, reproduction, adult
parental personality, sex role and nurture of the young.

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