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The Top 10 Bene/its of
Implementing the Standard
Complimentary eBook
By James Reyes-Picknell
2014 Conscious Asset

We are thought leaders in physical asset management with extensive experience

managing physical assets and helping our clients manage them beEer. We have
grown over the past ten years in capability and capacity, now delivering
consulHng services, coaching and training through both our own sta and
talented aliated specialist rms around the world.

To Learn More About Our Services Visit

ISO 55000 Top 10 Bene/its of

Implementing the Standard

ISO 55000 is generic and can be applied in any industry. CerHcaHon is voluntary but for a company
that has a signicant investment in physical assets, it is worthy of invesHgaHon. Here are ten
benets of implemenHng the standard. Depending on your industry or where your company stands
in using and opHmizing an Asset Management program, there may be many more benets.


Strategic Planning: the organizaHons strategic objecHves are beEer

integrated into Asset Management objecHves and goals


Financial Benets: based on an esHmated ROI, opHmized process

eciencies and preservaHon of asset value


Reduced Risk: lower nancial losses, improved safety, reduced

environmental impacts, reduced operaHng liabiliHes, lower
insurance premiums


Improved Services and Manufactured Outputs: beEer matching of

customer needs with products or service levels


Improved Corporate or Social Responsibility: beEer able to

demonstrate social and ethical business pracHces


Improved Governance: implementaHon of best pracHces into

operaHng policies and processes


Increased ReputaHon: marketplace recogniHon of commitment to

customer saHsfacHon and best business pracHces


Improved Decision Making: beEer data equals beEer decisions,

decisions are aligned with top-down objecHves


Improved Internal CommunicaHons: clarity of roles and

responsibiliHes, dened noHcaHons, and improved record keeping

10. More Ecient and EecHve Training: beEer dened procedures

and documentaHon facilitates employee training and knowledge

ISO 55000 Top 10 Bene/its of

Implementing the Standard
Complimentary eBook
By James Reyes-Picknell
2014 Conscious Asset

We are thought leaders in physical asset management with extensive

experience managing physical assets and helping our clients manage them
beEer. We have grown over the past ten years in capability and capacity,
now delivering consulHng services, coaching and training through both our
own sta and talented aliated specialist rms around the world.

To Learn More About Our Services Visit


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