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As we know, a long time ago it was really hard to communicate with each other or even people
from outsiders. With the development of technology, at last telephone was made and it is used till
now. Those genius people made many useful stuff such as telephone, mobile-phone, airplane,
computer and so on. However, those kind of items were really rare in the past, but now it is really
common to everyone and almost everyone has it. Presently, there is one useful thing that is used by
everyone to communicate with each other quickly and simplely, which is Internet. Internet is a
browsing system that is use by using a computer or mobile-phons. In fact, by using internet, people
can communicate with others even with a long distance. Moreover, it may also be used for gaming,
web-browsing, chatting, downloading, sharing files, etc.
However, there are many advantages and disadvantages of internet for kids. Firstly, it's good for kids
to know how to use a computer and internet. They can use it for searching good articles and syllabus
for their schools. Furthermore, they can learn new things from the internet. Also they can do their
homeworks on computer instead of wasting time writing down. However, there are also negative
useness. They may open some bad sites like porn, xxx, or even worse. They may be addicted to
games on the computer or even online-games. Those cases may bring bad effects to kids. Because
they learn what they see and do.
In brief, I think Internet is a good way to learn new things. But we must monitor them and telling
them the good things.

9Studies have shown that music provides us with much more than entertainment. Listening
to music can help relieve us from depression and anxiety, lower our blood pressure and help
our bodies heal from brain injuries, strokes and other medical problems. Music can help us
improve our productivity and by diminishing stress and prompting us to think more clearly.
because my life can be chaotic sometimes, just like everyone else's. Unfortunately,
sometimes music can be really distracting for me when I am studying. Music is an important
part of everyone's way of life. Overall, music has many positive and negative effects on my
To start with, music gives me such a positive energy and I feel that improves my
productivity. I like to listen to music while I am doing households chores or while I am
working. Cleaning the house is not the same if I am not listening to music. I even feel that I
clean better when I am listening to music. "Music provides an effective and adaptable for
bringing a sense of pleasure and relaxation to the work environment," music psychologist
Vicky Williamson said in
a statement. Work would be a drag without the music in the background.
Subsequently, listening to music after a long and stressful day at work or at school is the
best way I can end up my day. Some days when I am having a bad day I turn on the radio
and then I found myself singing. In short I feel better, especially if Justin Timberlake is
playing on the radio. Also, nature sounds are very relaxing.

Every person has his own dream or ambition in life. Someone wants to become a
soldier, someone a doctor, some an engineer or a politician and so on. Some others
aspire for the careers of authors, actors or singers. A doctor is someone who can help

someone else in need. There are many

types of doctors, ranging from general pediatricians to specialists. They are

respected people and are looked to when something is wrong. Everyone needs a
doctor at some point, so doctors are very much in demand.
I am interested in this career because I like to help people. Also, it
pays well so I can live off the salary. Another reason is because many of my
relatives are doctors, nurses, or dentists. Even though school and training are
very hard, it pays off in the end, when someone can make a difference in
someone's life. I am not sure if I would like to be a pediatrician, or a
specialist. Specialists probably earn more money, but do not do as much, and
are required to learn more. I do not think I will want to be a surgeon, because
cutting people open and taking things out does not seem very appealing.
To become a doctor, one must endure a lot of training and education. In
college, one must study courses to prepare for medicine, such as biology,
chemistry, and some advanced mathematics. It generally takes seven to eight
years to finish his education. The first four years, one would take pre-med.
classes. Then it's on to medical school, where for four years one learns about
the area of medicine one chooses. After medical school, about one year of
internship is needed. Then he becomes a resident and practice medicine under
supervision of a senior doctor. All together, it is about 11 years before one
actually become an independent doctor.
Doctors will always be needed. Because of this, and because of the
population growth, doctors will always be in demand and the profession will
continue to grow. This way, a doctor will be unemployed less, and will be more
secure, financially.
7. A well-balanced diet provides the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep the body and mind
strong and healthy. Eating well can also aid in the prevention of a variety of diseases and health
problems, as well as helping to maintain a healthy body weight, providing energy and promoting a general

A balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of

energy and nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. A
diet can easily be adequate for normal bodily functioning, yet may not be a
balanced diet. An ideal human diet contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins,
minerals, water and fibre all in correct proportions. These proportions vary for
each individual because everyone has different metabolic rates and levels of
feeling of well-being.

Malnutrition results from an unbalanced diet, this can be due to an excess of

some dietary components and lack of other components, not just a complete lack
of food. Too much of one component can be as much harm to the body as too
little. Deficiency diseases occur when there is a lack of a specific nutrient,
although some diet related disorders are a result of eating in excess. An
adequate diet provides sufficient energy for the performance of the body to

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide energy. Proteins are a provider of

energy in an emergency, but are primarily used as building blocks for growth and
repair of many body tissues. We also need much smaller amounts of other
nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Despite the small quantities needed
these are essential to provide a healthy diet.
Within the cells of our body, the nutrients ingested are converted to other
compounds, which are then used for metabolism and other cellular reactions.
Starch, a major carbohydrate is converted to glucose which can be then
synthesised into fat for storage, proteins are synthesised from amino acids, and
phospholipids are made from glycerol and fatty acids.
Carbohydrates are a rapid source of energy; they are the body's fuel. The bulk of
a balanced diet should be made from carbohydrates. If eaten in an excess of the
dietary requirements carbohydrates are easily stored as fats in the cells.
6. Some people wonder if there are other exercises besides running on the
treadmill or working out, that are easy and beneficial. Swimming is one of the few
exercises people can do to work all parts of their body. It's an effective exercise
that will help you to keep in good shape, lose weight and remain healthy.
Whether youre with friends, or on the swim team, swimming is very beneficial to
the body.
To begin with, if you swim the correct way, you should be using all parts of your
body. This includes arms, legs, and lungs. Your aerobic capacity is increased
because all parts of your body are being exercised simultaneously. Also,
swimming helps strengthen your heart. Heart muscle is built. Therefore, this
allows it to pump blood at a much faster rate. Your blood circulation is also
increased, which is critical to ones health.
In addition, swimming helps obtain a healthy life. Studies have proved that
people who dont usually swim seem to develop heart problems, joint problems,
and obesity. People who swim regularly less likely to have these problems.
Youre provided with more endurance as swimming helps strengthen your body
muscles, which helps you avoid some serious health problems that could make
your life harder in the long run. Also, you are able to develop stronger muscles

when swimming because you have to work much harder in the water when
compared to working on land.
Ultimately, not only does swimming help you with your wellness, it also is the
solution to several things. For example, if someone had joint pains, swimming
would help reduce that. When professional athletes suffer injury, they usually use
water for rehabilitation purposes. Finally, swimming is good for your wellness, but
it could also save lives. If you know how to swim, it could save you from
drowning. Also, not only could it save your life, but it could save someone who
doesnt know how to swims life. You could help someone out if you know how to
swim and...

My favorite subject in school is Mathematics. It is my favorite because I never have

difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests.

I suppose I am lucky to be born with a clear-thinking brain. So ever since

young,manipulating numbers and figures came easy to me.
The wonderful thing about Mathematics is that, besides some formulae, there is
nothing else to remember. Every step in solving a problem is done logically. Other
subjects like History and Geography require a lot of memory work. Remembering
dates and other facts is hard work compared with the ease and simplicity of
mathematical reasoning.
While Mathematics is simple to me, some of my friends have great difficulty with it. I
do not really understand why. They get stuck with simple problems and often give up.
So I help them out when I can.
The one advantage I have in being good in Mathematics is that I do not have to spend
a lot of time on it. Homework and tests are a breeze. So I have plenty of time left over
to study other subjects. Sometimes I feel sorry for my less fortunate classmates who
get scolded in class for not completing their Mathematics homework.
Anyhow I have come to realize that human beings can be so different in their abilities
while they look similar otherwise. Some of us are lucky to be good in some things.
Others may not be so lucky.
4. The levels of pollution have begun to rise rapidly. The use of plastics and other forms of non

degradable substances has only added to it. One way to combat this is to reduce the use of such
objects, recycle and reuse them. Hence the concept of reduce-reuse-recycle has become popular
world over. Reuse is using an item more than once.

This includes conventional reuse where the item is used again for the same function and new-life
reuse where it is used for a new function. In contrast, recycling is the breaking down of the used item
into raw materials which are used to make new items. Reuse can have financial and environmental
benefits, either of which can be the main motivation for it. The financial motivation historically did,
and in the developing world still does, lead to very high levels of reuse, but rising wages and
consequent consumer demand for the convenience of disposable products made the reuse of low
value items such as packaging uneconomic m richer countries, leading to the demise of many reuse
Current environmental awareness is gradually changing attitudes and regulations, such as the new
Packaging regulations, are gradually beginning to reverse the situation. The classic example of
conventional reuse is the doorstep delivery of milk in reusable bottles. Other examples include the
retreading of tires and the use of plastic delivery trays (transit packing) in place of cardboard cartons.
Recycling is the reprocessing of materials into new products. Recycling generally prevents the waste
of potentially useful materials, reduces the consumption of raw materials and reduces energy usage,
and hence greenhouse gas emissions, compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key concept of
modern waste management and is the third component of the waste hierarchy. Recyclable materials,
also called "recyclables", may originate from a wide range of sources including the home and
industry. They include glass, paper, aluminum, asphalt, iron, textiles and plastics.
Biodegradable waste, such as food waste or garden waste, is also recyclable with the assistance of
micro-organisms through composting or anaerobic digestion. Recyclates are sorted and separated
into material types. Contamination of the recylates with other materials must be prevented to
increase the recylates' value and facilitate easier reprocessing for the ultimate recycling facility.
This sorting can be performed either by the producer of the waste or within semi- or fully-automated
materials recovery facilities. There are two common household methods of recycling. In curbside
collection, consumers leave presorted recyclable materials in front of their property to be collected by
a recycling vehicle. With a "bring" or carry-in system the householder takes the materials to
collection points, such as transfer stations or civic amenity sites.
The term recycling does not generally include reuse, in which existing items are used for a new
purpose. The communication and identification are laid out in International Universal Recycling
Codes. These codes outline what material an item is made from, to facilitate easier reprocessing.
Recycling and reuse are ways to help combat the increasing pollution. But primarily one concept that
can help negate the pollution rise is reducing the usage of non degradable wastes.
This includes use of paper bags (these must be usable again, because increase in paper demand leads
to wide spread aforestation) while shopping, refusing plastic on a larger scale, using bio degradable
items and many more. The proper use of this concept can help reduce pollution which in turn can

help to combat global warming. So let us all rethink our ways of handling commodities and reducereuse-recycle.

There are many festivals and holidays observed in Malaysia. The diverse cultural and
racial mix is evident the variety of observances, of which a few are listed below.

Hari Raya Puasa (Aidilfitri) is a joyous and important Muslim holiday that is celebrated
throughout the Muslim world. It is the end of a month month of fasting and each day is
started with children asking their parents forgiveness for anything they have done
wrong, before they go to prayers. It is a time for special food, visiting friends and
relatives and the children are given gifts of money.

Chinese New Year is a very festive time for Malay Chinese and is observed on
the first day of the first moon on the Chinese calendar. The date of this
celebration will vary from year to year depending on when this time falls on
the lunar calendar and usually lasts for about 15 days. Sometimes this event
is in January, other times in February, since it follows the lunar calendar, not
the solar calendar. It is celebrated with a traditional dinner on New Year's Eve
and subsequently continues with visits to family, friends and the honoring of
the elderly. Packets of money called ang pow are given away at this time as
well. Deepavali is an important Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of
good over evil, particularly that of Lord Kirshna over a demon king
(mythological). It is observed with prayers in the morning, followed with visits
to friends and relatives with delicacies served. In the evening, lanterns are lit.
2. The word 'discipline' means a training that produces obedience or self-controlled behaviour to the
orders of a proper authority. In every walk of life, discipline is of supreme importance. When a
number of people are engaged to perform some colossal work, they must observe certain rules and
obey the persons placed over them. That is called 'discipline'. If they do not obey the rules or their
superiors, the work is likely to suffer.
In a battle-field, every soldier must obey the command of his higher officers. If not, the army, lacking
discipline, is likely to lose the battle. It is only that a disciplined army is found to march forward and
win the war. There are thousands of such examples in the pages of history.
Discipline is the backbone of character. Without discipline, nothing great can be achieved in life. A
person is normally found to be disciplined from his childhood. It is a habit that one acquires from his
environments, or by way of training. A child must be trained to observe discipline from his early
years. His habits, manners, movements, speeches- everything should be guided by the term of
discipline so that a good personality can be acquired in his later life that helps one in one's

A person must show his sense of discipline to his family, and then to his country. It is very important
to enforce discipline also into the family life. Then, one is able to appreciate and accept the blessings
of discipline in public life, too. Discipline is an essential habit that everyone should possess as a
civilized citizen.

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