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Jun 22 2001 5 11P No. 0920 N.


P0 Box 857, Buffalo, NY 14205 Website:


Name: ( ti 7G

campanign Address: 45 .W4 GIo ] I g2.13

Aa tie 't Evenin Phone • ( (7 " 2O 'i4

Pax Number: l-mai it It C) aLo

Before you Continue, please understand that:

Stonewall betnocrets of WNY they publicize your responses in press releases and voters' guides, on our web site, and
via other channels of ec mmut ication Stonewall Democrats of WNY will also identify candidates who fail to respond to
this qucstio anaixc.
Stonewall Democrats will hold you publicly accountable for actions inconsistent with your responses during your
campaign and if elected during y w term in office.

Please submit you typewritten responses to the following questions on a separate cheek

1) Why are you seeking this office?

2) Why are you seeking the endorsement of the Stonewall Democrats of WNn
') What three issues do you consider to be most important to the people seared by the office you seek? For each issue:
a) Provide an example of specific action(s) you have previously taken—tither as a public official or as a private citizen-
-to bring about positive change relative to this issue; and
b) Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to propose if elected to the office you seek.
4) What three civil rights issues do you perceive to be the most important to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
(GLBT) community? For each issuer
a) Provide an example ofspeci$c action(s) you have previously taken-either as a public official or as a private citizen-
-to bring about positive change relative to this issue, and
b) Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to propose if elected to the office you seek.
5) Stonewall Democrats of WNY stmtgiy believes that candidates have a responsibilUy to provide voters with tuthfr 1. fair
and dean campaigns far public office and to conduct t onseh es in a manner emtduclve to a civil, issue-oriented debate
with their fellow candidates. will you sign a written pledge to conduct your campaign accordingly?
6) If endorsed by the Stone wall Democrats of WJ TY, will you list the endorsement on all applicable campaign literature
(i_e., all literature listing any other endorsements)?
7) if endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you attend a GIRT community forum to introduce endorsed

Although the office you seek has no direct authority in non-county legislative matters, if elected you will have the ability to
indirectly inflvcnee the region's local, state and ledcml elected officials. Please indicate your support or opposition fort

Leghtlatlanhlssne ST'PORT OPPOSE

A458415.3753 - GEN (AD Duane/Gortfried): Prohibits discrimination
based on ceder Identity or expression; defines "gender identity or
expression" as having or being perceived as having a gender identity, self
image, appearance, behavior or expression whether or not that gender
udantity, self image, appearance, behavior or expression is different from
that traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth;
further includes offenses regarding gender identity or expression within
the list of offenses sub 'ect to treatment as hate crimes.
Jut. 11 20U/ h' l IPM No. 092U F. 2

A 1613 - SAFETY Act (Scarborough): Authorizes the office of children

and family services to establish policies and procedures allbrding all
children in OCFS facilities an environment free of harassment and
discrimination based on actual or perceived race, national origin, ethnic
group, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex-, requires
reporting harassment and diserlmination.
Marriage Equality Bill (Duan&ODonnell): The domestic relations law
is amended by adding a new section to read as follows: A marriage that is
otherwise valid shall be valid regardless of whe her the parties to the
marriage are of the same or different sex.
51835/- Equal access to Putrid Courts for domestic
(Damme):Provides that orders of protection maybe entered against any
member of the same family or household; expands the definition of
"members of the same family or household", for purposes of issuance of
orders of protection and temporary orders of protection and the
concurrent jurisdiction of family courts and criminal courts, to former
spouse whether or not living together and unrelated persons who
continually or at regular intervals reside in the same household or have
done so in the past, and persons who are or have been in a dating or
intanate relationship whether or not they have ever lived together.
A349615.1571- Dignity For All Students Act; Enacts the "Dignity For
All Students Act' ; authorizes the commissioner of education to establish
policies and procedures affording all students in public schools an
emrironment free of harassment and discrimination based on actual or
perceived race, national origin, ethnic group, religion, disability, sexual
orientation, gender or sex; requires reporting harassment and
discrnnlnation to such commiasion,' makes
S 2800/A 4978- New York State Defense of Marria ge Act (DOMA)
(Maltoae/Serninerlo): Makes a marriage absolutely void if contracted by
two persons of the same sex
A5945 - Workers Comnensationbefits for domestic nartners (john);
Includes domestic partners in certain provisions concerning disability
bets and defines the term domestic partner.
A 2196-Bereavement Leave for domestic partners (Glick): Provides that
bereavement leave be granted to individuals involved in same-sex
relationships on the same basis as those granted to employees who are
A38691S28bb - Domestic Partnership (Glick): To provide legal status for
domestic pazittrrships and to extcad provisions of laws that currently
apply to spouses or next-of-kin to domestic

Please itdiaato whether you would sponsor, co-sponsor, vote for andlor vote against the following proposed cot ter


County GENDA - Gender -Disempinationiron Act:
Prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or
expression; define "gender identity or expression" as
having or being perceived as having a gender identity.
self image, appearance, behavior or expression that is
different from that traditionally associated with the sex
County Dome t c rutcrshio sla_ciun; To provide
legal staves for domestic partnerships and to extend
of laws that currently apply to spouses or
next-of-kin to domesticpartners.

2onemo Democrats WNY— Brie C ity LegislcrLra 2007 Quesunnnatre, page 2

Jun. 22, 2HI 5:12FM N©. 92J Y. •

C .B veinent Leave fo domes :

Provide that bereavement leave be granted to
individuals mvalved in same-sec relationships on the
same basis as those greiited to employees who era
marfl .

I attest that this questionnaire represents my opinion of the issues an this questionnaire:

Candidate's Signature:

Data: 1,L . - ,

o to:
Please complete the attached issues surveys, sign below and return questionnaire, surveys and your r sum
Stonewall Democrats of WNY
PO Box 857
Buffalo, NY 14205-0857
Or fax to: (716)462-5052

Sa nei a1I Demacrnts WNY- Erie County 2007 Questinnriaire, j ge 3

Jun, 22. 2)UI h' 12 M No. 0920 F 4

Endorsement Questionnaire for the Stonewall Democrats of WNY

1. Why are you seeking this office?

Simply put, I am punning for reelection to continue my important work on the Erie County
Legislature as both the 6th District representative and the Democratic Majority Leader. My
seat allows me to pursue measures to revitalize neighborhoods plagued by poverty, illiteracy
and unemployment rates, as well as improving areas just beginning to experience increased
levels of crime, violence and blight.

Most importantly, I am running for reelection because I know effective government can
indeed lead to neighborhoods free from drugs, violence and blight, increased job
opportunities for all, more quality youth prong, and thriving commercial districts. As
the Democratic Majority leader, I often lead the effort to solve chronic community problems
in a fact-based, scientific fashion. I work each day to dissect the underlying causes of these
problems, and together with my staff research and implement successful models of
addressing them from other regions in the nation (e.g. Genesee County in Flint, Michigan
and their Landbanking program). As an elected official, I also have the opportunity to
organize effective community and government partnerships. Having served five years as
Execrative Director of the Coalition for Economic Justice and realized the challenges of the
not-for-profit sector, I particularly enjoy enhancing the efforts of community organizations
through governmental collaboration.

2 Why are you seeking the endorsement of the Stonewall Democrats of WNY?

I strongly believe in the values of the Stonewall Democrats—equality, tolerance, respect,

integrity and openness. These values should be embedded in our government and society as
well as virtues that we personally strive to achieve. In addition to championing issues
important to the GLBT community, I aim to be an important ally in the passage of legislation
and policy important to the Stonewall membership.

3. What three issues do you consider to be most important to the people served by the
office you seek? For each issue:
a. Provide an example of specific action(s) you have previously taken— either as
a public official or as a private citizen—to bring about positive change
relative to this issue; and
b. Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to propose
if elected to the office you seek.

1) After nearly two years of addressing constituent concerns at my office and knocking on
more than 3,900 doors in the summer of 2005, I believe that neighborhood revitalization is an
essential issue in the 6 a' District. This issue is interrelated to many facets of life including the
problem of vacant properties/absentee landlords, access to quality public education, access to
Jun.22. 2007 5 12P No. 0920 N. 5

convenient public transportation, crime and drugs in the community, suburban sprawl, and
job growth/economic development. Progress needs to be made on all these fronts to secure
and promote neighborhood revitalization. I include in my victories the passage of the
Framework for Regional Growth, a document outlining smart-growth policies for
municipalities throughout WNY. I am also a strong advocate for a City of Buffalo Land
bank. I worked to pass a resolution on Land banking in the Legislature and will no doubt
fight to make this a reality whether reelected or not.

2) Fiscal stability has been and remains a top priority. On this issue, I have initiated and
championed the following: comprehensive revisions to Erie County's charter, malting
government more transparent and instituting important checks and balances; developing mid-
year budget hearings, the. first of its kind in Erie County; and working tirelessly to pass a
balanced budget on time. I am continuing to pursue new revenue sources, want to fight for
greater tax fairness, and will no doubt work throughout my next terra to bring more
transparency to the budget process.

3) Additionally, I have made youth programming one of my key issues. Here in the 6th
District, thousands of young people go without meaningful activity during the after-school
hours and summer months. Often, without structured programming, they turn to criminal
activity and violent behavior. This affects the quality of our neighborhoods and lives as well
as our pocketbooks. With so much attention focused on the County's fiscal crisis, it is
important to note that the County spends $70,000 per year, per inmate to incarcerate an
individual. Quality youth pro wig costs us a fraction of that amount and helps us build
strong, prosperous, and stable co mmuni ties. The 2007 budget, as sent to the Legislature by
the County Executive, did not include any money for summer youth programuatng. I. worked
hard to get my colleagues on board with a substantially bigger allotment and ultimately
dedicated $250,0 00 in money for youth programming. Next year, I hope to dedicate more.

4. What three civil rights issues do you perceive to be the most important to the gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLNT) community? For each issue:
a. Provide an example of specific action(s) you have previously taken— either as
a public official or as a private citizen— to bring about positive change
relative to this issue; and
b. Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to propose
if elected to the office you seeks.

I recently met with the Legislative Committee of Stonewall Democrats to discuss this
exact issue. As an outcome of the meeting, we identified that the following three civil
rights as a priority for County Government: Domestic Partner Benefits, EEO Policy that
includes the transgender community as a protected class, and passage of the Dignity for
All Students Act.
Jun.22. 2007 5:13PM1 No.l9'2U P 6

My commitment to these issues is demonstrated in several ways. First, I have been a

proud participant of the Pride Festival (which champions these issues and others) every
year I have lived in Buffalo (since 2000). Additionally, I have been an outspoken
advocate for national health care and in testimony provided at the WNY Health Care
Campaign Legislative Breakfast, discussed Domestic Partnership legislation as an
important policy needed to ensure greater health care coverage for all Americans while
the debate around national health care continues. I also consider myself a strong
advocate for EEO. My mother has been. an EEO Officer in Federal Service for over 30
years and made the belief in equal opportunity a part of my upbringing. Furthermore, I
have occasionally voted against appointments from the county Executive when I felt that
EEO issues were not considered. With regard to the Dignity for all students Act, I
consider myself to be an advocate of strong youth programming. youth empowerment,
and fostering youth leadership and was the invited Key Note speaker at the Youth
Empowerment Luncheon held by the SICA Coalition earlie r this year.

In all cases I am willing to sponsor or co-sponsor legislation on these issues in County


5. Stonewall Democrats of VM believe strongly that candidates have a responsibility

to provide voters with truthful, fair and clean campaigns for public office and to
conduct themselves in a manner conducive to a civil, Issue-oriented debate with
their fellow candidates. Will you sign a pledge to conduct your campaign


. If endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you list the endorsement on
all applicable campaign literature (i.e. all literature listing any other endorsements)?


7. If endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you attend a GLBT

community forum to introduce endorsed candidates?

Yes, please contact Whitney Crispell at 860-0054 to inform me of the date on which it is
to be held.

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