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Adriano Ruseler, Ivo Barbi

Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Power Electronics Institute - INEP
PO box 5119, ZIP code 88040-970, Florianópolis, SC, BRAZIL,

Abstract—This paper deals with the current control of the

bidirectional Zeta-Sepic DC-DC converter. By means of the state
average method, the transfer function representing the ratio of
the input inductor current to the duty-cycle is deducted and val-
idated by simulation. A digital controller is proposed, analyzed,
designed and simulated. The proposed digital controller is tested
on a 50 V input, 50 V, 500 W output and 50 kHz switching
frequency, using a Texas Instruments DSP TMS 320F2812. The
experimental results obtained in the laboratory agree well with
the results predicted by theoretical analysis.
Fig. 1. Operation Modes
Keywords—Zeta-SEPIC, Bidirectional, DC-DC Converter.

In meaning of power flow, the DC-DC converters can be
classified as unidirectional or bidirectional,which can be sub-
divided as isolated and non-isolated. Converters bidirectional
topologies mainly derive from the basics ones. For a buck
and boost non-isolated derived topology, sources may have
different voltage levels because of the fact that in one power
flow direction the converter operates as a step-down and in
other direction as a step-up converter. Fig. 2. Converter conductions losses considered.
This paper presents a non-isolated converter that operates
in step-up and step-down mode no matter in what direction On other hand, power flowing from source Vb to Va the
the power is flowing. The basics topologies used, are the Zeta SEPIC converter is active. For convenience this two states are
converter and the SEPIC converter. The junction of these two called Zeta Mode and SEPIC Mode respectively, as show in
converters forms the Zeta-Sepic bidirectional converter, which Fig. 1.
in addiction is a natural isolated topology [1], [2], [3].
A complete analysis for the Zeta-Sepic converter operating A. Operation principle and circuit states
in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) is made, beginning The converter operates in continuous conduction mode
from converter circuit explanation to a practical validation of (CCM). Using complementary commands there are two circuit
the theoretical study. The state-space averaging technique was states within one switching period. Fig. 3 shows the two circuit
used to model the converter resulting in a compact form to states. Circuit state A occurs when MOSFET Sa is conducting
represent the converter dynamics, being suitable for use in and circuit state B when MOSFET Sb is conducting.
software designed to handle matrices as MATLAB. The union
of the two fourth-order converters results in one third-order B. Main waveforms of the bidirectional Zeta-SEPIC converter
converter, which means a simplest control strategy in compare The Zeta-Sepic converter waveforms are the same of the
of the Zeta or SEPIC control structures. Zeta when in Zeta mode and the SEPIC converter when in
SEPIC mode, as shown in Fig. 4.
The Zeta-SEPIC Bidirectional converter is the composition Sepic converter was modeled using the state space averaging
of two classical converters, the Zeta and SEPIC converters. technique. The converter operates in continuous conduction
What converter is active, depends on what direction the power mode having two power states defined by the switch Sa
flows. For example, if power flows from source Va to Vb , the position. The initial step in the state space modeling is
Zeta converter is active. writing the differential equations that describes the converter in
      
dt −(RV a + RLa ) −RV a 0 iLa 1 0  
diLb va
K dt
= −RV a −(RV a + RCab + RLb ) 1   iLb  +  1 −1  (1)
dvCab vb
0 −1 0 vCab 0 0 | {z }
| {z } | {z } | {z } u
Aa x Ba
      
dt −(RCab + RLa ) 0 −1 iLa 0 0  
diLb va
K dt
= 0 −RLb 0   iLb  + 0 −1
  (2)
dvCab vb
1 0 0 vCab 0 0 | {z }
| {z } | {z } | {z } u
Ab x Bb
   
~ + ~x̂) 
d(X n o    n o  
K =A a (D + ˆ + Ab 1 − (D + d)
d) ˆ  X ˆ + Bb 1 − (D + d)
~ + ~x̂ + Ba (D + d) ˆ  U ~ + ~û (3)
dt 
| {z }
 
| {z }

A Bu

inductors currents and capacitors voltages. The input u vector

contains the independent inputs of the system such as the
sources Va and Vb voltages. The next step is to average each
state equation matrix by the duty of the corresponding circuit
state, for example A = Aa d + Ab (1 − d) being d the duty
cycle. The system equation (4), (5) and (6) represents the steps
for linearization and ac perturb about a quiescent point.
xiT s
K = Ah~xiT s + Buh~uiT s
dt (4)
h~y iT s = Ch~xiT s + Eh~uiT s

hdiT s = D + dˆ
h~xiT s = X~ + ~x̂
Fig. 3. Circuit state A (upper) and circuit state B (lower). (5)
h~uiT s = U + ~û
~ + ~ŷ
h~y iT s = Y
~ ~
K d(X+ x̂)
= A(X~ + ~x̂) + Bu(U
~ + ~û)
dt (6)
Y + ŷ = C(X + x̂) + E(U + ~û)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Defining the output vector y equal to the state vector x, the

C matrix is the identity. For the case in study, the E matrix
is zero, so the working system for modeling the converter is
shown in (3) .
 
La 0 0
K =  0 Lb 0  (7)
0 0 Cab
A. Steady state analysis, the DC model
A steady state analysis is required in order to specify the
Fig. 4. Main waveforms of the Zeta-SEPIC bidirectional converter operating converter components and implement a prototype. Developing
in Zeta Mode (left) and in SEPIC Mode (right). equation (3) and collecting the DC terms, the system (8) is
archived. Note that to obtain the steady state for the converter
including or not the nonidealities the only change is made in
each circuit state. The equation (1) represents the differential matrix Aa and Ab , this characteristic justifies the use of state
equations for the State A, including the conduction losses. averaging technique to model the converter.
In the same way, the differential equations are represented The system unknowns for the converter operating in Zeta
in matrix form (2) for the State B. mode are D, ILa and VCab . For the converter operating in
Let the x vector be the state variables, which are the SEPIC mode they are D, ILb and VCab .
 
0 = [Aa · D + Ab (1 − D)] ·  ILb  + [Ba · D + Bb (1 − D)] · (8)
−1  

x̂(s)  ~ + (Ba − Bb )U
H(s) = = K · s − [Aa · D + Ab (1 − D)] (Aa − Ab )X (9)

d(s) | {z } | {z }

A Bd
 
(D − 1) · RCab − D · RV a − RLa −D · RV a −1 + D
A= −D · RV a −D · (RV a + RCab ) − RLb D  (10)
1−D −D 0
 
(RCab − RV a ) ILa − RV a · ILb + VCab + Va
Bd =  −RV a · ILa − (RV a + RLa ) ILb + VCab + Va  (11)
−ILa − ILb

Parameter Value Resistance
Parameter Zeta Mode SEPIC Mode
La 347 µH 0.17 Ω
Lb 233 µH 0.197 Ω ILa 12.6537 A -10.4167 A
Cab 58 µF 0.003 Ω ILb 10.4167 A -12.4356 A
Va 48 V 0.2 Ω VCab 47.9010 V 47.3210 V
Vb 48 V 0.2 Ω D 0.5485 0.4558

As an example, the static gain can be obtained solving For the converter operating in SEPIC mode the transfer
(8) for the ideal converter resulting in equation (12) which function relates the inductor Lb current with the duty cycle
is identical to the static gain of the Zeta and to the SEPIC as in (2.10).
Vb D 4.289e5s2 + 9.83e8s + 1.242e13
= =G (12) GiLb,sepic (s) = (14)
Va 1−D s3 + 2000s2 + 3.093e7s + 3.957e10
B. Modeling the converter dynamics Model validation is made by the use of ac analysis (Fig.
The converter dynamics model is obtained by manipulating 5) in PSIM software. The start frequency is 12.5 Hz and end
equation (3) and selecting the first-order terms. Applying frequency of 12.5 kHz, with 51 data points and excitation
the Laplace transform and manipulating the system to relate source amplitude of 0.005. The PSIM generate data are
the state variables against the converter duty cycle drives to imported into MATLAB and displayed together with bode
equation (9). diagrams of the modeled system. As shown in Fig. 6 the
perfect data fit validate the converter ac small signal model.
C. Converter non-idealities A graphic Bode plot and pole-zero map comparison is made
As an attempt to simplify the controller design, the converter in Fig. 7 for the converter operating in Zeta mode and in Fig.
conduction losses are considered. The MOSFET is considered 8 for operation in SEPIC mode. The pole-zero map shifts to
to be ideal because he operates as a diode or as a switch de- the left when considering the non-ideal converter parameters,
pending on the current direction, avoiding unnecessary model turning the current plant more damped as confirmed in the
complexity. Doing so, the system (9) remains the same in bode diagram.
Zeta and SEPIC modes. Table I lists the prototype parameters
values and Table II lists the steady state values necessaries to
obtain the converter model. A closed loop control is needed to drive power from one
Applying the parameters listed in Table I and Table II for source to another. The diagram in Fig. 9 show the block
the converter operating in Zeta mode in equations (9), (10) diagram for the current control loop and delimits the analog
and (11) the transfer function (13) that relates the inductor Lb and digital signals. The proportional integral controller is
current with the duty cycle is obtained. chosen to obtain a zero error to step reference signal.
To interface the analog signal from the current sensor with
3.917e5s2 − 7.43e8s + 7.788e12 the ADC module, an auxiliary circuit is required. This circuit
GiLb,zeta (s) = (13) consists of an MSB low pass filter [4] at 5 kHz, following
s3 + 2133s2 + 3.331e7s + 4.302e10
Fig. 8. Comparisons between ideal converter model and non-ideal converter
model operating in SEPIC Mode

Fig. 5. Setup used to validate the dynamics model with losses.

Fig. 9. The comparison with simulated point against the equated model

continuous up/down mode. The timer period register (TxPR)

determines the switching frequency and the maximum value
of the compare register, limiting the resolution of the PWM
module by log2 (TxPR) bits [7]. The compare register value
Fig. 6. The comparison with simulated point against the equated model
represents the duty cycle, value in a Q format chosen as the
ceiled value of the PWM resolution (Q11). The DSP clock
frequency is 150 MHz and the switching frequency is 50 kHz.
The ADC module gain for control loop and the PWM module
gain can be evaluated by the equations (16) and (17).
(212 − 1) 1 4095 ∼ 1
GADC = 12
= = (16)
3 2 3 · 4096 3

2QnP W M 211
GPWM =  = = 1.365 (17)
fDSP clock
round 2f 1500

Fig. 7. Comparisons between ideal converter model and non-ideal converter B. Proportional integral current controller design
model operating in Zeta Mode The PI controller was designed in MATLABs toolbox for
the converter operating in Zeta Mode with the set point in
by an inverter with offset of 1.5 V and a limiter voltage CI 10 A, by locating the zero at 1.8 kHz and adjusting the gain
(0-3V). For control design the equivalent transfer function of to obtain a first order response. For digital implementation,
the current conditioner circuit is (15). the controller is discretized with Tustin method and sampling
frequency of two times the switching frequency. The PI con-
2.408e007 troller (18) obtained was designed for the converter operating
CondI (s) = (15)
s2 + 1.692e004s + 1.605e008 in Zeta mode.
A. Fixed point considerations (DSP TMS320F2812) 0, 002693z − 0, 002403
CiLb,zeta (z) = (18)
A fixed point DSP was used to implement the digital z−1
controller. In order to optimize his numeric performance, fixed The step response for the converter operating in both modes
point arithmetic and C28x IQMath Library were studied [5]. are shown in Fig. 10. Using the same controller in SEPIC
As the ADC module has 12 bits [6], the Q format for the mode shows a similar behavior and proves that the same
ADC variables was chosen to be Q12. A symmetric PWM controller can be used to control the converter in both power
waveform is obtained by configuring timer 1 to count in a flows directions.
Fig. 10. The comparison with simulated point against the equated model.

Fig. 13. Experimental results for the converter switching from Zeta mode to
SEPIC mode.

Fig. 11. Full featured simulation structure of the implemented converter.

Fig. 14. Experimental results for the converter switching from SEPIC mode
to Zeta mode.


A prototype was implemented in order to validate all
theoretical study. The converter was designed to handle 500
W of nominal power. Batteries where used as voltage sources
bidirectional in current. To validate the converter operations
modes, the current reference was set to put the converter in
Zeta and in SEPIC Modes. The current in inductance Lb is
measured and the results are showed in Fig. 13 and in Fig.
14. The waveforms obtained in the laboratory agree well with
the results predicted by theoretical analysis presented in Fig.
Fig. 12. Simulation result for the converter switching between operation The converter exhibits a nonlinear behavior near zero cur-
rent point crossing. This phenomenon is caused by the dead
time of the drivers. To minimize this effect, the dead time
was set to a minimal value adjusted experimentally in the

A simulation of the circuit (see Fig. 11) with all parameters
cited above has been carried out in the software PSIM. The This paper presented a completed analysis of the bidirec-
simulated results shown in Fig. 12 are in accordance with the tional Zeta-Sepic DC-DC converter. A brief analysis shows
expected step response illustrated in Fig. 10. that this converter behaves in the same way as the classic Zeta
converter when power flows from source Va to source Vb and
as the SEPIC converter when power flow changes. The state-
space averaging technique was used to model the converter
dynamics and to find the steady state operation point, without
increase of modeling complexity when the conduction losses
were considered. Modeling the converter with non-idealities
brings advantages for the controller design mainly because
the dumping effect introduced by the consideration of the
converter resistances.
The experimental results obtained validate the theoretical
study previous made. The outline shown in this paper can
be used to model, control, simulate and implement almost
all DC-DC converters operating in continuous conduction
mode. This converter is a possible candidate to substitute
the conventional bidirectional buck-boost converter in some
practical applications, such as renewable power supply systems
and electric vehicles.
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