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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
4730 - 4734


Analysis of Web Log from Database System utilizing E-web Miner Algorithm
Mukul B. Chavan

Mrs. Sarita Patil

P.G. Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering

G.H. Raisoni College of Engg & Mgmt, Wagholi
Pune, India

Faculty, Dept. of Computer Engineering

G.H. Raisoni College of Engg & Mgmt, Wagholi
Pune, India

Abstract Enormous content of information on the World Wide Web makes it clear for contender for data mining research. Data Mining
Technique application is used to the World Wide Web referred as Web mining where this term has been used diverse ways. Web Log Mining is
one of the Web based application where it confronts with large amount of log information. In order to produce the web log through portal usage
patterns and user behaviors recognition, this intended work is an endeavor to apply an efficient web mining algorithm for web log analysis,
which is applied to identify the context related with the web design of an e- business web portal that requests security. Because of tremendous
utilization of web, web log documents have a tendency to become large resulting in noisy data files. It can find the browsing patterns of client
and some class of relationships between the web pages. Here we analyze the logs using web mining algorithm. Whatever the result we will get
compare within the Apriori, AprioriAll and E-Web Miner Algorithm. Through the analysis we recognize that web mining algorithm called Eweb miner i.e. Efficient Web Mining performs better considering space and time complexity. It can likewise be verified by comparison,
candidate sets are much smaller and our results show number of database scanning get reduced due to implementation of E-Web Miner
Keywords- Web Mining, Web Log Analysis, Server Log File, E-Web Miner, Apriori Algorithm, AprioriAll Algorithm.



Data mining is a technique used to find useful and

significant information to guide professional decisions and
other scientific research. Predict future trends and behaviors,
allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven
decisions. It is a cost-effective way of analysing large amounts
of information, especially when a human could not analyse
such datasets. Enormous utilization the web has made
automatic knowledge extraction from Web log documents a
need. Web mining is an application of data mining field,
which extract interesting and potentially useful patterns and
hidden information from web documents and web activities.
This can enhance the effectiveness of their Web sites by
adapting the information structure of the sites to the users
behaviour. In web mining information is in unstructured
configuration as Log documents [1]. Log files are some kind
of machine readable semantics. Web Mining can be
comprehensively divided into three different classifications as
per the sorts of data to be mined.
A.Web Content Mining: It is the process of extracting valuable
data from the contents of Web. Content information
corresponds to assembling of facts a Web page was designed
to convey to the users. It may comprise of structured,
unstructured information like text, pictures, sound, video, Emails, HTML files or organized records for example lists and
B. Web Structure Mining:
Web structure mining exploits the additional hidden
information that is often contained in the structure of

hypertext. The structure of Web graph comprises of Web

pages as nodes, and hyperlinks as edges linking between two
related pages. It can be viewed as the methodology of finding
structure data from the Web. This sort of mining can be further
separated into two types based on the kind of structural
information utilized. It may comprise of Hyperlinks,
Document Structure.

Figure 1. Web Mining Taxanomy.

C. Web Usage Mining: It is the use of data mining techniques

to find out interesting usage patterns from Web information, to
understand and serve the requirements of Web based
applications. Usage data captures the identity of Web users
and browsing behavior at a Web site. Catching, Modeling and
analyzing of behavioral patterns of users are the objective of
this web mining category. Web usage mining procedure can be
separated into three independent tasks: Pre-processing, Pattern
discovery and pattern analysis. Web Usage Mining mines the
secondary data like Web server access logs, browser logs,
client profiles, registration data, client sessions or transactions,
cookies, user queries, derived from the interactions of the
users during certain time of Web sessions [5]. Web Usage
Mining understands the user behaviour in interacting with a

IJRITCC | July 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
4730 - 4734

particular web site. Web usage mining uses web logs to record
user access patterns. Log files are created by web servers and
filled with information about user requests on a particular Web
site. We make an endeavor to apply an efficient web mining
algorithm for web log analysis. The results acquired may be
utilized against class of problems; from search engines in
order to identify the context on the basis of association to web
site design of an ecommerce web portal that demands security.
This work intends to illustrate that the E-Web Miner has much
better execution in provisions of time and space complexity
than Apriori and AprioriAll Algorithm and affirms the
appropriateness of result acquired by giving a trace back route
for candidate set pruning for the algorithms. The number of
data base scannings significantly gets decreased in proposed
algorithm and the candidate sets are discovered to be much


Various algorithms have been developed in recent years

for web log analysis according to client and server
perspective. Apriori algorithm introduced by Dunham in 2003
then some progressions are permitted to sorting of
information according to Userid and Timestamp which
available in log data base related to each user worked with
WWW. Basic differentiation among Apriori and AprioriAll is
that AprioriAll algorithm utilizes full join of candidate set and
in case of Apriori forth join is used so AprioriAll is more used
in usage mining.
P.Lopes, B.Roy proposed a system providing real
time dynamic recommendation to all visitors of the website
independent of been enlisted or unregistered [2].Action based
rational recommendation technique is proposed that uses
lexical patterns to generate item recommendation. H. Sha,
Qin, Sun, Liu[3] in their paper focus on the data cleaning
problem and proposed a new filtering method EPLog Cleaner
in order to further improve data quality by removing specific
irrelevant requests which share the same time characteristic
from proxy log. In our approach, we confirmed that such
requests are much more regularly and even periodically than
others, and this can be used as the characteristic in
distinguishing them from others. By using such characteristics,
researchers may further reduce irrelevant items in proxy log
while still ensure the remaining items are valid.
Wang Tong HE Pi-lian [4], exhibited that the
probability and importance about applying Data Mining in
Web log mining and demonstrated few issues in the routine
searching engines. After that it offers an improved algorithm
based on AprioriAll algorithm, which has been used in
Weblogs mining widely. Most system outcomes show the
improved algorithm has a less complexity of time and space.
Wen-Hai Gao acquainted the strategy how to utilize data
mining technique to excavate the client behavior pattern from

Web log, and play an importance on analyzing client behavior

pattern recognition system and its application [6]. In this
article, they analyzed a particular case in which
operationalized website-based variables to understand R&D
activity, amongst others [7]. The processes of data retrieval,
preparation, cleaning and analysis for web content data are
more complex compared to conventional data sources. Care in
the interpretation of the website data is particularly important.
Approaches to searching that are too simplistic and overlook
context can lead to false positives or incorrectly dropping
A.V. Krishna Prasad and Dr. S. Ramakrishna, details
regarding an experience utilizing open Web Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) that has been made accessible
by major Internet companies in a project to teach Web
applications [8]. The observations of the performance and a
survey of the APIs show that we achieve project objectives
and acquire valuable experience in leveraging the APIs to
build interesting Web applications. B. Mobster, R. Cooley, J.
Srivastava [9] illustrates a methodology to usage-based Web
personalization considering the full spectrum of Web mining
techniques and activities. Approach heavily utilizes data
mining techniques, thus making the personalization process
both automatic and dynamic. [10] Grace, V.Maheswari, D.
Nagamalai in their work gives a detailed look about log files,
their formats, their creation, access procedures, their uses,
various algorithms used and the additional parameters that
can be used in the log files which in turn give way to an
effective mining. It also provides the idea of creating an
extended log file and learning the user behaviour. U. Patil, S.
Pardeshi, presented paper that underline on user future next
request prediction using web log record, click streams record
and user information. The aim is to offer past, current
assessment and update in web usage mining- future request
prediction [11]. This paper presents the Prediction of User
navigation patterns using Clustering and Classification
(PUCC) from web log data. [12] In the first stage PUCC
concentrates on isolating the potential clients in web log data,
and in the second stage clustering process is used to group the
potential clients with comparable interest and in the third
stage the results of classification and clustering is utilized to
foresee the client future solicitations.


Web log analysis software (also known as web log analyser) is

a type of Web Analytic software that parses a server log file
from a web server, and taking into account the values
contained in the log file, derives indicators about when, how,
and by whom a web system is visited. Usually reports are
generated from the log files immediately, but the log files can
alternatively be parsed to a database and reports generated on

IJRITCC | July 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
4730 - 4734

This system is an attempt to apply an efficient web mining
algorithm for web log analysis. The results obtained from the
web log analysis may be applied to different problems of
search engines in order to identify the context and to design
web site of an e-commerce as per the users behavior.
Generally, the main objective of this project is to Web Usage
Mining process, specifically:

To preprocess server logs files from the Web servers

for determining and discovering the user access pattern.

To apply algorithms and analyze the outputs usage

patterns and user behaviors from the Web Usage Mining
implementation process.

To reduce number of database scanning by

implementation of E-Web Miner Algorithm and decrease
candidate sets size.
System Overview

Fig 2: System Overview

Server Log File: The server log files are retrieved from the
server. Web log file is automatically created and kept by a web
server. Every hit to the Web site, including every
observation of a HTML document, image or other object, is
logged. The unprocessed web log file format is essentially one
line of text for each hit to the web site. Thus server log file are
been chosen for further analysis. The information in web log
file keep up a correspondence to the access patterns of

different users of the overall web traffic, ranging from singleuser, single-site browsing behaviour to multi-user, multi-site
access patterns. A log file record contains essential
information about a request: the client side host name or IP
address, the date and time of the request, the requested file
name, the HTTP response status and size, the referring URL
[12], and the browser information.
Data Selection: In the data selection phase, selection of the
server log files must be done carefully; there are several
facilities such as My Portfolio and Resources. The server log
file also includes the mix of log file for every transaction
between the facilities in the Web portal.
Data Preprocessing: Data Pre-processing comprises of all
the considerable actions taken before the actual pattern
Analysis phase process starts. The pre-processing steps
include cleaning, user identification and session identification.
Cleaning is the process which removes all entries which will
have no use during analysis or mining. The major task in this
phase is includes handling missing values, identifying outliers,
smooth out noisy data and correct inconsistent data. The large
amount of server log file data becomes the most challenging
problem to handle during the Data Preprocessing phase. We
use Clean and Sort in our implementation. It gives total no of
users in Particular Log.
Pattern Discovery: The pattern discovery has three major
operations of concern, Association (i.e. which pages to be
accessed collectively), Clustering (i.e. finding groups of users,
transactions, pages, etc.), and Sequential analysis (the order in
which web pages tend to be accessed). Here all the algorithms
are applied to the preprocessed data.
In session wise view we undergo following type of log
User Agent: This is nothing but the IP address from where
the user sends the request to the web server.
Date: The time or date when the user surf web page from
the web site. This is identified as the session.
URL: The resource accessed by the user. It may be an
HTML page, a CGI program, or a script.
Request type: The method used for information transfer is
noted. The methods like GET, POST.
Response Type:
Pattern Analysis: Pattern analysis the inspiration is to filter
out uninteresting rules or patterns found in the earlier phase.
During the Pattern Analysis phase, the descriptive method is
being used to analyse the data after the various algorithm

IJRITCC | July 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
4730 - 4734

implementations such as general summary of the Web usage
and customer behaviours. The analysis also tries to find out the
top visitors for each facility or option that being provided by
the portal. Beside the option analysis, the sever log files also
trace the information of documents that was downloaded.
Applying Algorithms: Apriori, AprioriAll and E-Web
Miner Algorithm are applied individually to similar log file
and then results are calculated with respect to time and Log
records. It also describes differences between all algorithms in
terms of time and space complexity.
Security: Here we are going secure the log analysis result
using AES. In this module the analysed data will be gathered
in encrypted format so its not be attacked or reveal by any
attacker. This data can be viewed by only authenticated person
by the authentication process such as Admin who holds the
desired decryption Key.
AES Public key Encryption Algorithm:
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), is a
specification for the encryption of electronic data established
by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology in
2001. AES is based on the Rijndael cipher developed by two
Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen,
who submitted a proposal to NIST during the AES selection
process. Rijndael is a family of ciphers with different key and
block sizes. For AES, NIST selected three members of the
Rijndael family, each with a block size of 128 bits, but three
different key lengths: 128, 192 and 256 bits.
AES has been adopted by the U.S. government and is now
used worldwide. It supersedes the Data Encryption Standard
(DES), which was published in 1977. The algorithm described
by AES is a symmetric-key algorithm, meaning the same key
is used for both encrypting and decrypting the data. The block
cipher Rijndael is designed to use only simple whole-byte
operations. Also, it provides extra flexibility over that required
of an AES candidate, in that both the key size and the block
size may be chosen to be any of 128, 192, or 256 bits. During
an early stage of the AES process, a draft version of the
requirements would have required each algorithm to have
three versions, with both the key and block sizes equal to each
of 128, 192, and 256 bits. This was later changed to make the
three required versions have those three key sizes, but only a
block size of 128 bits, which is more easily accommodated by
many types of block cipher design. In our system we
implement it for the result generation phase of analysis. Only
the desired user will be able to view the analysis.
Results: As stated above, this implementation will focus on
Web Usage Mining of Portal. The results of this study are

divided into two areas where the first section will discuss
about the general descriptions of the access pattern and users
behaviours of Portal (descriptive statistic). Another section
will display the supports and confidences of the different level
in Portal. All the results will display using certain chart such
as graphs and tabular data result to make it easier understand.
Proposed Algorithm
E-Web Miner is the improvisation of Web mining algorithms
which removes the loopholes in the Apriori-All Algorithm.
Following are the steps of the algorithm.
1. Make the set of web pages in the ascending order for the
various users.
2. Now assign the set of pages in the string array a for the
user u.
3. Initialize the f=0, max= 0, where f is frequency and max is
4. Consider I vary from 1 to n; also J varies from 0 to (n-1)
5. If substring (a [I] ; a [J])
b [I] = f;
If max f
Max = f;
6. Find out the positions in array b, where the value is
nearly equal to maximum value and choose the
corresponding substring from array a.
7. Repeat the step 6 and produce output for all the
substring with their positions, which is intended output.
Mathematical Model





Calculating the set of web user

WU = {wu1, wu2, wu3}
Where WU is main set of Web user like wu1, wu2,
Identify the set of logs visited
V F = {vf1, vf2, vf3}
Were VF is main set of logs visited like vf1, vf2, vf3. .
Calculating the set of logs after Pattern Analysis
AF = {af1, af2, af3}
Where AF is main set of logs after Pattern Analysis
like af1, af2, af3. . . .
Calculating the set of logs after Pattern Discovery using
UF = {uf1, uf2, uf3.}
Where UF is main set of logs after Pattern Discovery
using Apriori like uf1, uf2, uf3. . .
Calculating the set of logs after Pattern Discovery using

IJRITCC | July 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 7

ISSN: 2321-8169
4730 - 4734



FE = {fe1, fe2, fe3}

Where FE is main set of logs after Pattern
Discovery using AprioriAll like fe1, fef2, fe3..
Calculating the set of logs after Pattern Discovery using
E-Web Miner.
M = {m1, m2, m3}
Where M is main set of logs after Pattern Discovery
using E-Web Miner like m1, m2, m3. .



The authors would like to thank the researchers as well as

publishers for making their resources available and teachers for
their guidance. We also thank the Computer Engineering
Department of G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and
Management, wagholi, Pune authorities for providing the
required infrastructure and support. Thanks to all those who
helped me in completion of this work knowingly or
unknowingly. Finally, we would like to extend a heartfelt
gratitude to friends and family members.

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Abdullah Gok , Alec Waterworth , Philip Shapira, Use of web mining

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Personalization Based on Web Usage Mining ACM, Volume 43 Issues
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ri A








Time (ms)

A. Dataset
In this work we have used Server Log file as input to
B. Results
As per this proposed System, we can achieve various
Performances for log analyzer like Time and space Efficient
Web mining Algorithm, Free up User Behavior, Secure result
From below graph, it proves proposed E-Web miner
system performs better than existing Apriori, AprioriAll
system in which time required for analyzing log. Which
proves that proposed E-web Miner has lower time complexity
as compared to rest of mining algorithms.

Future work is to carry out path analysis on this data.

This analysis technique is utilized for determining the most
often visited paths in a web site. We can make use of the user
transactions, maximal forward transactions and user sessions
to perform this analysis.

Al gori thms Appl i ed

Fig 3. Comparison Graph of various Algorithms implemented.



Proposed procedure for programmed web log data mining

by E-Web Miner algorithm is more effective. It stands above
other web mining algorithms. The Proposed new Web Mining
Service can avail private log file of different website to
general public. This log information will be helpful for Ecommerce. E-Web Miner may take into consideration the
support and the confidence of any sequential pattern of web
pages of users. This may give further refinement in the result
of candidate set pruning. The number of data base scannings
drastically gets reduced in E-Web Miner and the candidate sets
are found to be much smaller in stage wise comparison with
Apriori, AprioriAll Algorithm.

[10] L.K. Joshila Grace, V.Maheswari, Dhinaharan Nagamalai , Analysis of

Web Logs and Web user in Web Mining, International Journal of
Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.3, No.1, January
[11] U.M. Patil and S.N .Pardeshi. A survey on user future request
prediction: Web Usage Mining (UETAE) International Journal of
Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol.2, pp. 121-124
March 2012.
[12] V. Sujatha, Punithavalli, Improved User Navigation Pattern Prediction
Technique from Web Log Data, International Conference on
Communication Technology and System Design, Elsevier 2011.

IJRITCC | July 2015, Available @


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