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Ingesting angels by ingesting vegetation (plants)

Angels and Plants are two of the imprints of the Most High Creator, the Lord of the
boundless Universe. The Creator created things and Beings for specific purposes. These
purposes include carrying out divine messages from one plane (realm) to another plane.
These planes may be called dimensions or densities. Density and dimension are related to
Every time we observe plants, we are looking into sacred geometry as well as the alchemical
natures of the Universal Creator. The same is said of other entities including humans,
animals, minerals, etc. This article is about the relationship between humans, plant family
(as the angels) and The Creator. Seen and Unseen natures are the reflections of the Most
High Creator. Since ancient time, plants have become our intermediary or pathway to divine
communication with the Universe. Plants were afforded to us for some reasons, (1) to help
us repair broken links with our Creator, (2) to restore some essence of humanity (human
unity) in humans, (3) to serve as the bridge for restoration of the souls, for in ancient
scriptures and in oral stories, it is said that the leaf of the tree shall be healing for the
Nations. (4), In plants we find the sacred geometry which helps us in atonement and
realignment with self and thereby unity with the Most High Neterus.

The Power of self love (13) in Pyramidal geometry in Kukumba (Cucumber)

When we apply wholistic principles to everything in Nature, we realised that there always
exist the harmonising working definitions of unity manifested in all areas of life. Everything
is designed this way to serve specificity. There is no mistake. Everything by definition is Law,
Universal Laws. Humans, plants, minerals and animals were intentionally created this way.
There are attributes of the Laws of the Universe, the Law of Nature and everything in
between. Nothing exists in isolation. The minerals in plants are wholistics and holistics. I am
not aware of any plants created by The Creator with just a single mineral within it. Plants
contain spectra of minerals with varying characteristics and intelligences. The alchemical
nature left in plants allowed them to change the inorganic minerals found in Earths soil into
organic minerals readily available for human and animal nutrition. The same process allow
for changing minerals to vitaminerals including amino acids (the building blocks of protein),
carbohydrates, fats, micronutrinets, macronutrients, etc. Nature is incredibly alchemical.
The availability of minerals found in plants may largely depends on the soil in which the
plants grow.
Minerals in these plants serve as the blueprints for the messengers (angels) of The Creator.
Examples may be found in land plants and sea vegetations. Just like The Creator is wholistic
so also is the plant. Minerals in plant give nutrition to living things and The Creator gives
nutrition to all things and beings. When human ingest plant nutrients, we are ingesting The
Creators nutrients. The Creators nutrients are the macrocosm of the plants nutrients
microcosm. Through this process, The Creator is sharing her attributes with humans in order
to love and evolve back to our original states. The plants nutrients are energy storedfrom
different planets, suns and stars because the Earth is related to them. From time
immemorial, plants were ingested for religious, medicinal, nutritional and spiritual
purposes. What our ancients ancestors or ancient humanity has, was the comprehension of
plants world which in turn afforded them essence of divine living. Some of their children all
over the Earths plane are trying to do the same. Though things have changed since that
time, the generations of many plant species are still with us today. The modern day children
or modern humanity are not inventing natural tradition, they merely returning to it.
The varying compositions of plants nutrients correspond to the dimensions and realms on
heavens and Earths. Humans emphasise the integrity of certain plants over another because
of the specificity, efficacy and potency. So we have dimension based on usefulness. Again
there are realms in heavens and on earth. That is why people used the terms such as
heavenly realms and earth dimensions or densities. Ancient ancestors knew some plants
were terrestrial and some of them were extraterrestrial on planet Earth. In the
personification of spirit and soul, we found that some plants and planets become the
darlings of ancient Neteru. Mushrooms are believed to have extraterrestrial origins (Orsun).
Ancient and modern stories tell of extraterrestrial Gods descended from higher planes to
seed plants, animals and humans. Some plants were designed to have higher awareness
properties. Some are for lower awareness and some are for both. We are referring to the

totality of the mind, body and spirit, mental, physical and spiritual. Majority of the
vegetation on land are attributes of differing cultures with diverse properties and spiritual
lineage (Ork). Ancient ancestors dedicated festivals, ceremonial rituals to plants and
spiritual entities who watch over them. In addition, ancient and some of their modern
children practiced reciprocity and propriety principles, rooted in sacred rituals. Sea
vegetation is no exception. In Yorb societies, this particular rite is known as dn r
Oko. (Harvesting festival of Forest/plant deity).
Because Man and plant are miniature version of higher being (Neteru), they are
characterised this way to cater to symbiotic relationship immersed in different realms. Just
like man has its origin, so is plant. Man can trace her ancestry back to the universe, plants
can do the same. Living on the Earths surface (epidermal layer) and beneath the Earths
surface (dermal) are found man and the plant worlds with distinctive characters and shared
similarities. Further, plants and Man (Woman) extended into the boundless oceans of our
mother planet as well as the watery Universe. There exist mythical and mystical facts
shrouded in ancient stories and higher science with regards to higher beings in the ocean

Weeds (seaweeds and landweeds)

It is becoming common knowledge that sea vegetation is superior in nutritional and
medicinal values compared to land vegetation. This being the matter, sea and oceans
dwellers in the form of intelligence and higher sense could be said to have superior
intelligence and higher vibrational energy compared to land dwellers including humans. A
lot of humans are fascinated with the water world. Ancient ancestors were fascinated with
the water world too. For the mere fact that we came from the oceans of water womb, it is
reasonable to say that there exist greater affinity for water and some fear of water bodies
as well. This may be due to majority of humans who do not want to return to physical
mothership and/or our cosmic mothership (smile).

There are many plants on land that are perceived as weeds which are too numerous to
mention here. Some of them are medicinal, therapeutic or nutritious. Dandelion, burdock
and nettle are some of these weeds, very plentiful on lands and ingested by people who
valued their nutritive and tonifying properties. A while ago, somebody commented on one
of Youtubes documenteries on Seaweed: why are we so fascinated or crazy about eating
seaweeds when we refused or shying away from eating land weeds? I can relate to this
statement because it is right on the money. In my personal opinion, I feel and think that we
are scared to ingest these land weeds because (1), we have been programmed to do so. (2),
these plants appeared too easily to us that we do not strive for them for ingestion. (3), it

clearly shows that we have so far removed from Nature thereby creating cultivation and
domestication of plants that are available to us today. (4), majority of humans in general,
citified people in particular, are ignorant of plant world and chosed to remain this way.

Wild Dandelion Greens

So for us to be fascinating with ocean or sea plants (seaweeds), we must have mastered the
land weeds first thereby giving us the knowledge and feelings to interact with with the sea
community. Why? Because the sea community know what our relationship is to the plants
on land (smile).
Many researches have shown that cultivated human-made plants are inferior in nutrients
quality compared to wild (free) plants afforded to us by Mother Nature. Mother Natures
food is supreme. And they are created to serve different purposes. They are also designed
to harmonise with the Universal law including the seasons We need to have more
interest in so-called land weeds, study them, listen to them, communicate with them and
humbly ask them to give or release their nutrients for us to use for specificity. And we need
to start thanking them for giving up their nutients. Remember the thanksgiving for dn
r Oko. On a personal note, I feel like the word weed is related to word (communication),
world (earthly realm), wild (free), weird (mystery) wind (life/change) wand (change), etc.
Just a thought.

Wild Stinging Nettle

Another interesting facts pointed out by one of my brethren is the deplenishing of nutrients
in the Earth because of the way we harvest or dug out minerals including diamond, gold,
silver for customised wear. Gaia Earth reminded humans that those minerals which are vital
to the maintenance of human life are meant to be in the Earth in order for plants to absorb
them and bring them to the surface for humans and and other animals to ingest on. This
information is on point for the fact that loads of us are deficient in many vitaminerals which
are essential for our wellbeing. We must remember that the plants retain the ability to
convert inorganic minerals to organic minerals in the soil (earth)thereby made available to
them and eventually to animals and humans for bioavailability, digestibility and
When you are studying plants, you are studying some aspects of your characters. So study
the plants, protect their essence by discouraging the use of poisoning agents including
pesticides and herbicides. Every time pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on the plants,
you are spraying these chemical on your essence and Mother Essence. Be watchful and
cautious when you are picking or foraging for wild plants in order to possibly minimise
exposure to unnecessary chemicals.
So when you around some land weeds including dandelion and nettles, show them
respect and thanked them for supporting human lives and the lifes of those seen and
unseen Beings. They will release their nutrients for us which will gives us more access to
angels and higher Beings nutrients through Mother Nature.

Thank you for reading

This article is a compliment of m gb Mtla and Wmikmpt.

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