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Debate With Homophobia 3

Y= Young Homophobic Adult

Y: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men
who practice homosexuality
Me: The notion of homosexuality being sinful is archaic, homophobic,
discriminatory, and is rooted in hate.
Y: It is none of those things. The bible simply states it as wrong. It never

says to hate those individuals, in fact the bible says to love everyone.
ME: labeling someone as sinful for their sexuality not being heterosexual is not
Y: why not? You don't have to agree with someone on everything to love

ME: There is more to sexuality than just being straight. Not everyone is
heterosexual. Homosexuality is natural and normal too
Y: then why can we only reproduce naturally one way?
ME: Sexuality is not about procreation, it is about coming together on a
romantic level to love one another.
Y: procreation and romantic love are one in the same. It's been scientifically
proven that the chemicals in the brain released during procreation strengthen
a romantic relationship. They are directly connected.
ME: what about people who can't have kids and/or don't want kids
Y: the bible encourages kids, it encourages you to have them. People who
can't have kids have physical problems therefore it's wrong to compare them
to someone with a fully functioning reproduction system
ME: gay families have kids too

Y: not naturally. Do you know how confusing it is to a kid to have two

parents of the same sex? And do you know that it has also it has been proven
over and over again that kids without a mother or without a father have
problems when they're older. Its been scientifically proven that a child
needs both a mother and a father figure in its life in order to grow up
ME: tell that to all the straight single parents and str8s who don't
conceive's not confusing; most people are straight, some
people aren't
Y: straight people have all of the right body parts to conceive naturally.

That's my point. And not once have a heard any of my gay friends say that it
isn't confusing for them. It's confusing. Especially when people change their
ME: Heterosexism--a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of
opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that other
people are heterosexual or that opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the
only norm and therefore superior.
Y: why are you arguing with science? It's all there. It's not discriminative, it's

literally facts straight from science.

ME: your beliefs on sexuality attempt to deny equal rights to another
person due to their sexuality. That is discrimination
Y: I'm not "denying" anyone anything. I will love a human being no matter
what their view point is on sexuality. I don't have to agree with someone on
everything to love them unconditionally. I don't judge people for being gay.
I'll be your friend no matter what you are. God also says he will love you no
matter what you are, because everyone sins. He loves everyone despite
calling something a sin and being discriminative are two entirely different
things. If my friend stole a pencil from me at school, I wouldn't be
discriminative of them. No one is perfect. I would still love them even after
they stole my pencil, because it's just a pencil, and at the end of the day,
we're all human.
ME: gay people havent stolen anything.

ME: if a gay person is wrong to embrace their innate sexual nature,

unlike their heterosexual counterparts how is that love?
Y: it's not nature. It's a choice.
ME: that's my point. You are unwilling to acknowledge any sexuality
that is not straight. that's not love. that's HETEROSEXISM
Y: thats SCIENCE
ME: One of the most dangerous forces in the world is misguided
Y: I'm not "misguided" for following my religion. Have some respect.
ME: Some of the most shameful tragedies in human history have been
committed not by bad people but by good conscientious people. These
people were blind, not bad. Badness is not the only threat in society
blindness can be equally destructive....
Y: how dare you call me destructive for having an opinion, yet still loving
everyone. You are the one in the wrong here when you refuse to accept
someone else's opinion. I'm not doing ANY harm to anyone.
ME: I understand your viewpoint, but I cannot agree with a viewpoint
that discriminates against a person 4 not being straight.
Y: I'm not discriminating. I'm simply disagreeing. My gosh, you wouldn't
even be talking to me right now if it weren't for two straight people.
ME: so what. some people have kids. some people don't. straight
couples continue 2 have gay babies and the world continues
Y: I didn't mean that, I was saying that if it weren't for a male and a female
coming together, you wouldn't have existed
Y: I never said anywhere that gays should be treated differently than any
other human being. We ALL sin in different ways.
ME: labeling their sexuality as sinful is treating them differently.

Y: no it isn't, we literally all sin and all have things we do labeled as sins.
We're human.
ME: what is so wrong about being gay?
Y: hang on I'm going to screen shot an article filled with statistics and facts
real quick


HIV is not a gay disease.

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle, it is a part of life, just like

heterosexuality. Gay people want life, love, and family just
like straight people....
Homosexuality is a natural and normal sexual orientation just like
Characterizing homosexuality as sexual promiscuity, pedophilia
(that is not a sexual preference, that is sexual perversion) etc is
dehumanizing and stereotyping
Unlikepedophilia, thereisnothing inherentlydangerous or destructive
about homosexuality.
Regarding sexual molestation among gay parents is homophobic
Gay people have always been a minority in the population and
their being has never been a threat to human existence. People
cometogetheron aromantic level to love one another; the majority of
those relationships are heterosexual so the homosexualminority won't

makeadent in the population of 7 Billion

Y: you simply cannot argue with the statistics. Calling them "nonsense" is
invalid. They're right there for you to read. and it didn't compare being gay
to pedophilia, it stated that they are starting to be connected, which is FACT.
It gave proof to back up each of its claims. You simply cannot argue with
facts. God doesn't prohibit good. He prohibits things that lead to destruction.
He knows better than us. We are only human. History proves this over and
over again.

Y: God doesnt discriminate, and neither do I :)

God does not create a person with homosexual desires. The Bible
tells us that people become homosexuals because of sin (Romans
1:24-27) and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may
be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some
people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That
does not excuse the persons choosing to sin by giving in to sinful
desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to
anger/rage, does that make it right for him to give into those
desires? Of course not! The same is true with homosexuality.
However, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a greater
sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just
one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a
person from the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, Gods
forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an
adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises
the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those
who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians
6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13).

ME: Heterosexism--a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of

opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. It can include the presumption that other
people are heterosexual or that opposite-sex attractions and relationships are the
only norm and therefore superior.

Y: as soon as you start bringing up definitions, you have lost the

argument. Here you are categorizing me for "categorizing" There are
way too many facts supporting my claim to say that it's wrong. Have a good
night and a happy new year (:
ME: likewise
[20 minutes later]
Y: hey, I'm sorry to bother you again but I encourage you to read this article.
It's lengthy but worth it.
Me: Ive got something for you to read as well
**sends Dear person who believes homosexuality to be sinful letter**

Anything But Gay: The Deadly and Dangerous Homosexual Lifestyle

Because of the bias manner in which homosexuality is portrayed by the media, the
general public has little understanding of the true nature of the homosexual lifestyle.
Most have been deceived into believing the average homosexual lives a perfectly normal
and healthy way of life.
To suggest otherwise is considered hateful and homophobic. But the facts paint a dark
picture of homosexuality much different from the clean, harmless image most people see
in the positive portrayals of homosexuals on television and in movies. The silence of the
media has hidden the seedy, dangerous and disgusting behavior typical of homosexuals
which would stagger the minds of decent people.
Just like the rest of us?
Gays behave just like everybody else except for the minor difference that they happen to
be attracted to people of the same-sex, right?

Wrong. Although there certainly are exceptions, the general rule is that homosexuals
pursue a sexual perversity which defies imagination. The impression we are given is that
homosexuals are involved in committed relationships comparable to typical heterosexual
relationships, but the truth is the homosexual lifestyle is, by its very nature, extremely
promiscuous. According to surveys of homosexual men, the average homosexual may
easily have thousands of sexual partners in his lifetime. According to Jeffrey Satinover:
A 1981 study revealed that only 2 percent of homosexuals were monogamous or semimonogamous-generously defined as ten or fewer lifetime partners. And a 1978 study
found that 43 percent of male homosexuals estimated having sex with five hundred or
more different partners and 28 percent with a thousand or more different partners.
Seventy-nine percent said that more than half of these partners were strangers and 70
percent said that more than half were men with whom they had sex only once.
Of gay men and anonymous sex, George Grant and Mark A. Horne point out in their
book, Legislating Immorality: Worse, many-if not most-of all homosexual encounters
are anonymous Homosexual bathhouses-or as they are sometimes called, without a hint
of irony, health clubs-cater specifically to this perverse hankering for anonymity. Is it
any wonder that Paul calls this behavior vile and unseemly?
Reaping the fruits of sowingperversion
A tree is known by its fruit (Mat. 12:33). What, then, are the fruits of homosexual
behavior? To encourage young people to embrace homosexuality as normal and to
remove from their minds any possible inhibitions toward it, pro-homosexual propaganda
in public school courses and special programs leads them to believe that homosexuality is
merely an alternative lifestyle, as healthy as heterosexuality. The awful truth that
homosexuals want to bury beneath a faade of normalcy is that homosexuality is
destructive to health and hygiene.
In Romans Paul speaks of homosexuals receiving in themselves that recompense of their
error which was due (Rom. 1:27), suggesting that there are grave consequences to
perverting the divine order. There is undeniable evidence to support this point.While we
often think of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) when considering health
issues related to homosexuality, most people are not aware that AIDS is but one of many
diseases afflicting homosexuals.
David Smith, M.D., gave the following statistics concerning the medical consequences of
homosexual behavior:
A survey several years ago revealed that seventy-eight percent of homosexuals have been
affected at least once by a sexually transmitted disease.... Although the percentage of
homosexuals in the United States is less than five percent, they are responsible for half of
the cases of gonorrhea of the throat and of intestinal infections. Major outbreaks of
ambiasis and hepatitis A infections in San Francisco and Minneapolis have been

associated with diseased homosexual food handlers in public restaurants. There is a

twenty to fifty fold greater rate of hepatitis B among male homosexuals and a much
higher rate of hepatitis A [than heterosexuals]; between one-half to three-fourths of
homosexual men have had hepatitis B. If you look at rates of chronic or recurrent
infections with herpes virus, CMV, and hepatitis B, you would find them in ninety
percent of homosexually active men.San Francisco passed gay rights laws and saw a
rate of increase of twenty-two times over the national average of venereal disease over
the first ten years.
AIDS: Gay disease or everyones problem?
It is politically incorrect to label AIDS as a gay disease. In the 1980s and 90s a
massive propa-ganda campaign was implemented to convince the public that all of usheterosexuals and homosexuals alike-were at equal risk of contracting the disease. It is
true that there are many innocent victims of the disease who are not homosexualespecially in Africa, which has been ravaged by an AIDS epidemic. But the impression
left by the media that the average citizen faces as great a risk of contracting the disease as
a homosexual cavorting in a seedy bathhouse with dozens of other homosexuals is a lie.
The publicity surrounding AIDS has hidden the fact that it is a lifestyle specific disease
which, in our nation, is primarily spread by and mainly afflicts homosexuals. In fact, it
was first called GRID-Gay Related Immuno-Deficiency-because it existed almost
exclusively among homosexuals and was correctly understood to be the result of highrisk behavior typical of homosexuals.
The truth is, AIDS is basically a homosexual disease. The evidence suggests that all of
the misery and death which it has brought to mankind is ultimately due to the pursuit of
the perversion of homosexuality. This fact is painfully obvious, yet few dare to point out
the truth that homosexuals are responsible for introducing AIDS to the world. Since the
symptoms of AIDS and other lifestyle specific diseases are the product of rejecting Gods
will, the cure for them is not to be found in a laboratory, but in repentance. Abiding by
Gods word is the only effective AIDS prevention program. Respecting Gods will for
sexual fulfillment as revealed in his word would, in a matter of time, eliminate AIDS
from the face of the earth.
Different lifestyles, different lifespans Few people understand that homosexuality is not
only unhealthy, it is deadly.
Just how deadly is revealed by Dr. Paul Cameron, who has noted: The median age of
homosexual men dying from AIDS is thirty-nine. The median age of homosexual men
dying from all other causes is forty-two (compared to seventy-five for married men
generally and fifty-seven for unmarried men generally). Only one percent of male
homosexuals die of old age, compared to seventy-three percent of men in general who
live to be sixty-five or older. Less than three percent of all homosexuals are over the age
of fifty-five.
The median age of lesbians at death is forty-five compared to seventy-nine for married

women, and seventy-one for unmarried women generally. The International Journal of
Epidemiology reported on a study to assess how HIV infection and AIDS impacts on
mortality rates for gay and bisexual men.
Vital statistics were obtained for a large Canadian urban center from 1987 to 1992.
RESULTS: Age-specific mortality was significantly higher for gay and bisexual men
than all men aged 30-44. Life expectancy at age 20 for gay and bisexual men ranged from
34.0 years to 46.3 years.The probability of living from age 20 to 65 years for gay and
bisexual men ranged from 32%to 59%These figures were considerably lower than for all
men where the probability of living from 20 to 65 was 78%. CONCLUSION: In a major
Canadian center, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years
less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that
nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently age 20 years will not reach their 65th
birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban
center are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in
Canada in the year 1871.
Despite these grim statistics, homosexuals persist in their dangerous behavior. After a
decline in the early 1990s in the number of AIDS cases, in the last few years the number
has been increasing again. Safer-sex education instructing homosexuals on how to
reduce the risk of contracting disease and encouraging them to use caution in practicing
their perversion appears to have been largely ineffective. This should not surprise us,
since homosexuality has nothing to do with responsible conduct but has everything to do
with wanton pursuit of sexual fulfillment, regardless of the risks. But to choose sodomy is
to choose slavery-bondage to the lusts of the flesh and all of the awful consequences
which result from pursuing them.
Why are our children not given the type of information noted above in health class? They
may be-and often are-instructed in condom use and creative methods of fornication, as
we shall document later. But information like this-which could be vital to their physical
and emotional well-being-is kept from them. The reason is obvious: promoters of the
homosexual agenda do not want them to see the indisputable connection between sexual
sin and suffering.
We reap what we sow. When we sow to the flesh, of the flesh we reap corruption and
destruction. The reckless abandoning of Gods will to embrace the excesses of pagan
hedonism carries a high price. It is past time to expose the lie that we should celebrate the
homosexual lifestyle as natural and healthy In fact, it is a disgusting and deadly way of
life which enslaves and destroys those who practice it. Everything about it is anti-family,
anti-God, anti-Christ.
By Tyler Young
Me: that's

one of the most homophobic articles I've ever read.

Y: The facts are there. it is proven over and over and over. Open your
eyes. I wish you the best, but you will never be able to waver my opinion.
it's not coincidence that the U.S. condition is declining right as its people are
beginning to promote homosexuality. what's funny is that it is also proven
that nations to accept homosexuality in the past have gone down in flames.
Look it up.
Me: those aren't facts. Those are heavily biased insular

homophobic outdated opinions.

Y: [blocks me on twitter]

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