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What is invitation: Everyone has a meaningful voice in the context for a new economy.
We went around the room and introduced ourselves, and in our introductory story, a lot of
grief and trauma emerged . . we are in touch with it . . our voice is connected to our grief . .
start reflecting on how that grief not expressed doesn't get healed or transformed and un
turn creates more ills . . part of the get on with it culture . . . part of population has
PTSD . .
The way in which Nicki told her story could be used by other groups . . we asked: why was
she so effective, what made her voice so powerful and resonant? Are there story telling
techniques we can all learn?
Each of us telling our story . . going beyond our own story . . including the other . .
oppression all around us . . trauma and then the horror of whats going on in our natural
world . . huge sense of disconnect . . grief . . use the pain and grief were experienced to
cross over into other cultures . . work on ourselves so we dont have anger . . how to
network . . learning how to tell our story . . allowed us all to be related . . through practice
we learn the details that are most effective . . "take aways" are important .. are what move
story forward . .
Center for story based strategy: the narrative that supports the movement . . sharing
creates a sense of power . . it redefines where the power is . . from hierarchy to where its
spoken . . We should ask each other: what is a narrative you are trying to change .. what
underlying assumptions within that story can you use your own story to challenge and
dispel . .
To do this well is a matter of practice . .
Summing up: to shift towards an economy in the service of life:

here wounds and resulting grief bring about healing instead of separation
From stories that correct or oppress to stories that connect
to move away from the breakdown and isolation caused by trauma, we resource
ourselves, in supportive networks . .
From fragmented lives to integrated lives. . from my story to our story
We learning story telling skills to connect and build networks, use those stories to
dispel assumptions of the narrative we want to change.

Organizations: Center for story based strategy and Million person project


How do we shift to an economy in service to life . .Who are we? What comes up for us? We
sat in a circle and each of about 25 people spoke up to answer Donna's question:

Plants passions
How to empower girls and women
Economics in college was insane radical change
Deal with relationship with money in psychotherapy . . break taboo
Emotional Currency
Respect all life
Life is a generative force that generates life: economy that moves towards that
Ecology is economy
Permaculture . . leading edge of thousand year economy . . we can recover . .
As women we must learn to lead from our diaphragms
Antidote to economy being distasteful, it needs to be about what we love and what
we value
Random kindness and senseless acts of beauty is her book . . generosity.
Our antidote to consumption is creation and beauty . .
Cambodian grandmothers kept their people alive when there was no currency
Marxist economics professor made her love economics . nature disrupts towards
life . .
Dont know shit . . work with Hazel Henderson to work with Janine Benyus
Work with kids to incorporate permaculture into childrens world redefining
wealth . .
Nature is basis of creativity . . move through this transition with grace . .
Here to learn . . I know what I long for and that's justice . .
Eco-credit private social investment . . local lending . . coop to refinance student
debt . .
Ask what would be a good death . . for corporation, for non-profit, and for us
personally . . because what drives the drive the imperative for growth is the denial
of death
We are all economists . .
Do I belong here? Given everything away . . poorest people in the world are the
spiritual basket of the world
Here to learn about fabulous new word Feminomics . . here to contribute . .
Women on the frontline, in the indigenous tent, the grief of that
A new economic paradigm . . exciting and different picture from 15 years ago . .
Environmental education in
Were all super-connected . . mama earth . . magical action .. patterns of design . .
sacred power of the seeds . .
Renegade . . Self invested in myself to learn an earth wisdom tradition . .
Harvesting hearing peoples voices . . passionate about how we manifest from the
ultimate textbook of economy which is the earth itself . . biomimicry . .
Listening for the best way to join the resources I have to evolve an economy that
makes sense . . Re-balance the way Im doing it . .

Donna: what I hear is that to move to an economy in service to life are two big thought
clusters . .
First: This is not for me . . Im not a finance person . . economics distasteful, system of
destruction . . A profound grief in that and pushing through fear and death . .
Second: On the other side of claiming this space of grief . . is all those things we love . . our
library is wild places . . regeneration, beauty, creativity, permaculture and biomimicry.

We're on the edge of next thousand years.

We give ourselves permission to invite ourselves . . now we can be powerful inviters . .
process we used to overcome our fear or money and economy . . that knowledge we hold is
what we can share . . how do we support each others vision, living the love and
connection . .
Story: Indigenous group of women didnt know how to stop the mining, but they planted
themselves there where the mine was to be built and practiced their. traditional weaving .
. . . they were able to keep miners out . . the medicine for our time . . the notion of being a
collaborator with earth, with the seen and the unseen, we have notion we dont know how
to do that but we do know how . . it begins with ceremony, valuing self and prayer.
Chief Oren Lyons said: we begin with prayer and we end with prayer . . a leap in our
wisdom occurs . . encourages us to engage in life that way . . relational . .
The Dragons in this cave of finance . . you have to do both, do ceremony and work your
altar . . when you touch money, you need to go in knowing the power of money, it doesnt
have to eat you . . how do you ride that dragon . .
WITH ONE VOICE: documentary of mystics around the world . . they all said consistent
daily practice . . meditation, singing, weaving, ritual . . sing in the shower . . whatever it is
that connects you to that which is greater.

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