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Leah Allard

BA1a: Fundamentals
You are required to produce a piece of reflective writing (no less than 300 words), Where I
am, this will identify your strengths and areas for development in the contexts of
transferable skills and personal qualities/attributes. See some examples of skills and
qualities on page 2~3. You are also asked to set up achievable and measurable targets for
the first 8 weeks and propose how you critically review your progress.

What are your strengths?

Identify at least 2 strengths.

Use specific examples to discuss why you identify these to be your strengths.

My strengths:
(i) Teamwork and Collaboration.
I would say that I am a confident and friendly person. If I am instructed to work in a team I
will distribute and not be one to sit out on the edge. Im good at conversing ideas as well as
listening to others ideas, therefore I would identify teamwork and collaboration as one of my
(ii) Understanding how things work.
I can be an eager learner when it comes to a subject that I am particularly interested in.
From past experiences, such as learning how to play an instrument, Ive been told and
realised for myself that I am a quick learner; As long as I am particularly keen on the topic
area then I tend to put my mind to it.
(iii) Willingness to take risks and experiment.
Similar to what I answered above to (ii) Understanding how things work, I am always keen
to try new things. I am always up for a challenge and believe that you can only learn by
making mistakes.
What you think you need to improve?

Identify at least 2 areas for development you will actively work on in the next 8

Discuss why you think these areas are your priorities for development.

My improvements:
(i) Time Management/ Setting Priorities
This is a major priority for my to consider within these next 8 weeks because I know myself
that I am terrible with time management. I have a tendency to leave things till last minute
and fail to show the best of my ability because I have rushed a task instead of planning and
working in a reasonable pace.
(ii) Self-reliance
I am never certain for myself and tend to ask others because I have not made notes or
have failed to listen to instructions. I need to prioritise this because I will only get the help
that I need, asking unnecessary questions will only waste my time.
(iii) Assertiveness
As confident of a person I am, I do struggle when it comes to being forceful with my
confidence. I dislike the idea that I may be wrong with my answer/ participation within a
group and fear embarrassment. I need to be not afraid to ask questions and fear that it may
be wrong and know that I will get help. I wish to become more assertive by the end of my
first year.
How are you going to work on the above areas for development?
You are asked to state what methods, ways or strategies you are going to use to critically
review your progress over the next 8 weeks.
In order to work on my areas of improvement I plan to do the following
(i) Prepare and plan work to ensure that I meet the deadline with plenty of time.
(ii) Provide myself with a diary so that I am aware of deadline dates and other
arrangements to fill around my study.
(iii) Take notes during sessions and ask questions if unsure. Listen and concentrate on
instructions given
(iv) Become more outspoken and contribute whether I get the answer right or wrong.

Examples of Personal Qualities/Attributes and Transferable Skills

These are examples and they are not listed in any particular order. If you want to, you can
choose other qualities and skills, which are not shown below, to respond to the task.

Setting priorities

Managing time

Organising work to meet deadlines


Quick thinking

Lateral thinking

Innovation and inventiveness

Setting your own goals

Working independently

Maintaining a high level of motivation

Taking responsibility for your own actions

Learning from your mistakes

Willingness to take risks and experiment


Understanding quickly how things work

Seeing practical applications

Ability to get on with people from different backgrounds

Understanding other peoples points of view

Sensitivity to cultural differences

Consideration of others feelings

Supporting and motivating others

Teamwork and collaboration

Writing reports

Reading complex texts

Enterprise and entrepreneurship

Managing difficult situations and crises

Staying calm in a crisis

Determination and perseverance


Recognising your own needs

Taking care of your health and well-being

Managing stress


Negotiating and persuading

Coping with difficult people

Speaking clearly and to the point

Giving constructive feedback

Attention to detail

Searching for relevant information

Synthesising information

Making decisions

Managing and adapting to changes and transitions

Leadership skills

Taking direction from others

Ability to see the whole picture

Seeing patterns and connections

Working out agendas

Technological skills

Computer literacy

Working with numbers

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