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Background of the Study

In the past couple of decades, computers and technology have
revolutionizedonce-slow processes, saving industriestime and money in ways not
previouslypossible. With todays budget crisis, schools are looking for ways to
use computersto streamline schoolbusiness processes while substantially
loweringtheir cost.
One of the most tediousand costly processes duringthe school year is
student enrollment and registration. For schools that are still using a paper-based
enrollment system, this process is a prime candidatefor becoming a
computerized process. There are many benefits to switching toa computerized
student enrollment system. One of the most obvious and importantbenefits of
replacing paper-based processes with computerized systems is the cost.
With a traditional enrollment system, each student will have several forms
to complete. The cost of printing these forms can be in thousands of pesos. After
the paper forms are returned to the school, it can take monthsto manually enter
them into a student management system. Having several employees working
tirelessly full time to transcribe these forms increases the cost by another large
margin. A computerized student enrollment and registrationsystem eliminates the
physical costof paper forms and the need to manuallytranscribe them.
Consequently, schools can save thousands of pesos each year by

switching to a computerized systemnot to mention the fact that bydoing so,

they become more socially responsible and environmentally friendly.
A school with a computerized studentenrollment system can better
manage itsresources. Under a traditional paper-basedmethod, the number of
newly enrolled studentsand their respective year levels are usually based on
estimations. It is not untilall the registration forms have been processed that the
school can get an accuratehead count, and this is not until afterthe school year
has been in session. Not knowing the total number of studentsin each year level
means not knowing how many teachers need to be allocated to a location or
course, sometimes skewing the student-to-teacher ratio so much that it can affect
the quality of education (Anderson, 2011).
With a computerized student enrollment and registration system, an
administrator can get an accurate, real-time count of the number of students
enrolled by simply logging into an administrative portal. School administrators
can use this information to allocate teachers and other resources where
technology are needed, resulting in an evenand more controlled distribution of
funds. This not only reduces cost byeliminating over-estimation, it increases the
quality of education provided to the students.
A computerized student management system is a great way to access
informationabout enrolled students and manage that data. Manually entering all
of the data into a student management system can be a time-consuming chore,
but a computerized student enrollment system can eliminate this need

completely. A school does not need to change the current student management
system to adopt a computerized enrollment system.
Switching to a computerized student enrollment and registration system
isan obvious next step to bridge thegap between archaic registrationmethods and
computerized studentmanagement systems. The amountof money that can be
saved is enoughto make a difference in the traditional educationsystem.
The Sultan Kudarat State University Institute of Graduate Studies (SKSUIGS) uses manual enrollment. This situation prompted the researcher to develop
a computerized pre-enrollment system (CPS). The computerization will provide
the needed facility in a faster and more convenient way by storing the pertinent
files of the student enrollees. This will also help the students and teachers who
suffer the tedious and time consuming manual enrollment system. The
computerized-based system will benefit the faculty, staff and administration in
terms of its speedy, reliable and accurate school transactions.
Moreover, it will reduce the redundancy of students information; reduce
the consumed time in the enrollment process; and increase the speed of retrieval
of students record. Practically, it will make the work easier and fast. The system
will lessenerrors; reduce costs to an organization from paper work to
computerized working system. This study will provide an efficient computerbased system that will easily record, update, retrieve and maintain students data.
Ultimately, the Graduate School office personnel can accurately, effectively and
efficiently serve their clients in matters related to enrollment.

Conceptual Theoretical Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual and theoretical paradigm of this study. As
shown in the figure, this study is anchored on the Systems Theory and Cognitive
Load and Skills Acquisition Theory. A computerized pre-enrollment system was
developed to replace the existing paper-based enrollment system. This will be
subjected to experts critic employing the adapted evaluation form so as to
ensure the level of acceptability and level of efficiency before its implementation.
Evaluation comes after every revision made until the final system is developed.

Systems Theory

Cognitive Load and Skills

Acquisition Theory

Computerized Pre-Enrollment

Level of


Level of


Revised Computerized PreEnrollment System

Figure 1. Conceptual Theoretical Framework

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop a computer program that will speed up the preenrollment system in the Institute of Graduate Studies of the Sultan Kudarat
State University (SKSU).
Specifically, this aims to answer the following questions:
1. Will the computerized system hasten the pre-enrollment process in terms of:
a. time of completion;
b. redundancy of the subjects the students take;
c. data loss due to slow processing of transactions?
2. What is the level of acceptability of the computerized pre-enrollment system
(CPS) of the SKSU IGS in terms of:
a. construction design; and
b. functionality?
3. What is the level of efficiency of the computerized pre-enrollment system
(CPS) of the SKSU IGS in terms of:
a. Maintainability;
b. Reliability;
c. Usability;
d. Portability;
e. Performance; and
f. Robustness?

This study assumes that the panel of experts who will evaluate the
computerized pre-enrollment system has a very satisfactory rating in the
qualification standards set for program developers. This assumption is necessary
to establish the credibility and validity of the tests to be conducted.

Significance of the Study


The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work
easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using computers. It reduces costs to
an organization for paper works with the use of computerized working system.
This means that our manual enrollment transactions can be computerized by
using software applications. Thus, it will benefit the following:
Administrators, so they will be able to reduce operational expenses from
longer working time to a faster one and from bulky paper works to a
computerized working system thereby, maximizing their output and services to
their clients.
The staff, especially the registrar can keep up-to-date and accurate
records of student enrollment, such as their personal data, grades, subjects
taken and no yet taken, drop-outs, failures and earned units. The dean can easily
access students record and could easily change the same every enrollment time.
The students can benefit from a computerized pre-enrollment system due
to its speedy and efficient transactions, such that if they want to clarify or verify
their records, it can be easily retrieved.
This study will serve as model in the school community and the locality as
well, that through computerization of pre-enrollment transactions time can be
saved as well as, money and effort. It will also awaken the minds of educators to
promote this kind of endeavor because it will accelerate the efficiency and
productivity of every educational institution.

Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted at the Sultan Kudarat State University, City of
Tacurong on April May 2014.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is intended only for the Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS) of
the SKSU. This will not affect and/or involve the current enrollment system. The
development of the program will start on April 2014. It will be tested and
evaluated using the students data gathered during the second semester of the
academic year 2013 2014 and is limited only on the following functions: data
entry, editing and pre-enrollment.

Definition of Terms
The following terms used in the study are theoretically and operationally
defined as follows:
Computerized refers to be mechanism in which students data and
information are entered, processed, or stored in a computer or system of
Level of Acceptability this refers to a standardized criteria used to
measure the acceptability of the construction design and functionality of the
computer program.
Level of Efficiency this refers to a standardized criteria used to measure
the maintainability, reliability, usability, portability, performance and robustness of
the computer program.

Pre-enrollment is the registration of students occurring or carried out

prior to enrollment, or pertaining to the period prior to enrollment.
Computerized pre-enrollment systemrefers to a computer-based preenrollment system.


This chapter presents the discussions of related findings and studies on

which this study is anchored. This chapter discusses first, the theories which
support the development of a computerized pre-enrollment system; second, the
studies which reinforce as well as oppose the same; and lastly, the different
criteria in evaluating the development and implementation of a computerized preenrollment system.

Systems Theory
Systems theory is a science which has the comparative study of systems
as its object. This study utilizes the type of systems theory applicable to
machines particularly computers. Such type presupposes a highly general
concept of systems, for which numerousfeatures have been proposed: the
interdependency of the parts of a system; the reference ofany structure and
process in a system to the environments of the system; self-organization of a
system as the principal way it responds toexternal intervention; complexity as
trigger mechanism for system-formation and as the formwhich describes the
internal network structures of connectedness among system elements (Stichweh,
Systems theory in an understanding related to this definition developed in
the yearson the basis of suggestions from information theory (Shannon, 1997;
Wiener, 1998; Ashby, 1998). Particularly the idea by Shannon and Wiener to
define information as a selection amongalternative possibilities turned out to be a
generalization transcending heterogeneous systemsand pointing to systems
theory as a kind of general selection theory. This was connected tothe strictly
binary way of operation Pitts and McCulloch (1997) postulated in a paper for the
nerve cell. This idea that at any branching of nerve cells there are only two
alternative states available proved to be the most simple suggestion of how to
make use of a network ofcells for long chains of numerical operations. From this,
came the computer and at the sametime more general ideas regarding the
operational realities of any observing system whichsoever.

On the basis of these elementary distinctions Parsons worked for further

three decadeson a social theory which identified in any concrete social system
these four universalfunctional aspects (adaptation, goal-attainment, integration,
pattern maintenance) which oftenconstitute autonomous subsystems of the
respective system. In an analogy to economics hethen added input/outputanalysis. Systems and subsystems are interrelated via the input andoutput of
resources which are either the result or the precondition of ongoing
systemprocesses. Among these resources are the cognitive and motivational
resources ofparticipants, and the rights and values which are attributed to them.
These different types ofresources are transferred in exchange processes
between systems. For analyzing theseexchange processes going on between
systems, without which systems would never be able toprocure the resources
they need for their functioning, Talcott Parsons created a theory aboutmedia of
Parsons started again with an analogy to economics in theorizing about media
ofexchange. He postulated that there is first of all money in its economic function
as a mediumof exchange, well-known to economists. Then he added power and
argued that it is bestunderstood when analyzed as analogous to money, as an
exchange medium which mediatesthe transfer of resources (decisions, support,
responsibility etc.) important in politicalprocesses. And after having written
theories for power and money, Talcott Parsons addedfurther media of exchange
for input/output-processes between systems, among whichinfluence and value












In continuing this work on media of exchange between systems which he
did fordecades, Parsons affirmed once more the cognitive starting point of
systems theory: Systems theory as an interdisciplinary endeavor making use of
intellectual resourcesas well from the sciences as from the humanities, and
which as such is always focused onstrategies for comparing heterogeneous
systems and diverse system processes.
Luhmann (1998) writings always presupposed what Parsons had done.
But it is aswell true that he started systems theory anew. For him the
system/environment distinction asinspired by Ludwig von Bertalanffys theory of
open systems was a much more importantstarting point than it was for Parsons.
Whereas for Parsons the environment of a social systemalways consists of other
systems, in Luhmann a phenomenological understanding ofenvironment is far
more prominent, which looks at the difference between system andenvironment,
environments being structured in a completely different way than is the case
insystems. Order from noise, the formula of Henri Atlan, Luhmann later on very
often cited,gives a good idea of concepts of environment which look for contrasts
and for differences andnot for a simple plurality of other systems.
From the start, complexity was another central term in Luhmann. Systems
processcomplexity, they arise by establishing and stabilizing a complexity
difference towards theirenvironments. As is the case in Norbert Wiener and









communications, and as such they are based on a way ofprocessing information

which Luhmann calls meaning. Meaning is formally similar toinformation as it is
based on something being a selection among plural alternatives. But whatis
characteristic of meaning and thereby constitutive for social and psychic
systems, as thetwo types of systems making use of meaning, is that the
alternatives not chosen are stillremembered. One can come back to them, one
can criticize selections in pointing to thealternatives which were available, one
can write history on the basis of this dual structure ofmeaning.
For Luhmann, too, systems have a functional orientation. They specialize
on certainproblem solutions characteristic and constitutive of them. But he
completely refrains from afinite catalogue of basic functions which have to be
dealt with everywhere. Instead, everysystem is conceived to be singular in
fulfilling the functional need which somehow was thecatalyst around which the
process of system formation came about as a historical and acontingent process.
Cognitive Load and Skills Acquisition Theory
Skills in computer programming can be classified as recurrent and nonrecurrent (van Merrienboer, 1992). Recurrent skills exhibit minimal variation in
differing problem situations, for example, selection of a basic language
command. Non-recurrent skills vary from problem to problem, for example,







approaches should take these differences into account.

Teaching in technical areas is often based on the formula of presenting a
new topic, showing a few examples, and assigning practice exercises. Some









accommodate cognitive load theory. To learn recurrent skills, declarative

knowledge of the abstract concepts on which the skills are based, as well as
procedural knowledge of the procedures or rules necessary to perform the skills,
should be simultaneously in working memory. Both the concepts and the
procedures that use those concepts to solve problems should be presented
together. One approach to this is to partition the information into smallsegmentsto
prevent overload, then demonstrate application of the concepts within each
segment (van Merrienboer, 1992).
In contrast, non-recurrent skills can be taught by presenting heuristic
approaches and strategies, independent of domain reference (Robertson, 2000).
For example, consider the following repetition rule. In indeterminate looping, use
a WHILE loop when 0 iterations are possible, and use a REPEAT UNTIL loop
when at least 1 iteration is necessary. In this situation of high element
interactivity, presentation in the form of knowledge structures can aid elaboration
of existing schemas. For example, decomposition into a hierarchy of component
goals or plans is a form of knowledge structure.
Examples provide explicit information to facilitate initial and correct
schema formation (Cooper, 1998) and can initiate association of declarative and
procedural knowledge. Following presentation, students can work through
several examples with the teacher or examine multiple problems with integrated
solutions, then immediately practice problems of the same type. By repeating this
process with each type of problem, students can build schemas, and reinforce


learning by retrieving and refining those schemas. Eventually practice with a

mixed set of problems elaborates the schema even further by strengthening
associations. A variation on this approach is to provide partially-completed
examples for students to finish. Another is to gradually reduce the amount of
information and support for each task, so that as learning increases with practice,
less information is required.
One approach to practicing recurrent skills is to decompose them into
successively smaller components in the form of domain-specific, algorithmic
steps. Low element interactivity simplifies initial schema construction.
Each component is practiced individually, and then parts of the whole are
practiced until the entire skill can be integrated. For example arithmetic
expressions are learned with presentation of entire expressions, then separate
presentation and examples of firstly constants, then variables followed by
operations. Next arithmetic expressions with constants and operations
arepracticed. Finally, the three components of constants, variables and
operations in complete arithmetic expressions are practiced together.
It is generally agreed by computer science educators that introductory
computer science courses tend to have high attrition rates, and that the lack of
problem-solving skills is a contributing factor. This phenomena is discussed from
various viewpoints in Beaubouef , Lucas, and Howatt (2001), Shultz (2000),
Roberts, Kassianidou, and Irani (2002), Thweatt (1994), and in Wilson and
Shrock (2001).


Problem-solving is usually approached using means-ends analysis. With

experts who can rely on extensive schema acquisition and formation in long-term
memory, this heuristic is applied by reducing differences between the current
problem state and the goal state. This strategy seems especially effective in
computer programming.
However, novices often apply it by working backwards from the goal to
the initial state, then forward to the goal, resulting in a high cognitive load
(Sweller, 1988). Cognitive load could be reduced if novices learning to apply
means-ends analysis are given problems that have no goal (Owen &Sweller,
1985). Rather than focusing on the desired result, one is forced to focus on the
initial state. Since much of computer programming is goal-oriented, this learning
approach would appear to be difficult to implement, but might have significant
value in an intermediate learning stage.
Another approach to reducing cognitive load is to increase working
memory capacity by utilizing verbal and visual channels. However, redundant
information can increase cognitive load by increasing the number of associations
that have to be made between the different sources of information (Chandler
&Sweller, 1991).

Paper-Based Enrollment Workflow

SKSU IGS is a state university with 500enrollees at present, so they are
able to handle their needs more simply than larger universities. The IGS is in
charge of campus-wide course and classroom scheduling, and all student


enrollment. All procedures related to scheduling and enrollment is currently

managed on paper. This section describes the workflow presently used for
managing scheduling and enrollment. At the conclusion of each semester,
planning for the next semester begins. The dean of the IGSprovides a list of
courses that need to be offered in the next semester, along with the maximum
capacity of each course. This capacity is based primarily on instructor, teaching
assistant, and grading support; courses for which fewer resources can be
devoted will have smaller capacities.
The IGS compiles a list of all courses that need to be offered campus-wide
and their capacities, then matches the courses to available classrooms. For each
course, every attempt is made to ensure that itsclassroom is large enough to
accommodate the maximum capacity of the course; realistically, there are times
in which the available classrooms are not large enough for some courses.
Faculty members have no input about meeting times; they are expected to
be able to teach courses at any time from 7:00am-5:00pm on any weekends. No
courses are ever scheduled on weekends. Once courses have been scheduled
into classrooms, students begin arriving for pre-enrollment, which is required for
all students before each semester. After the pre-enrollment, the IGS staff begins
scheduling students into courses manually, attempting to balance course
capacities, classroom capacities, meeting times, and student preferences.
Naturally, not all students are placed into their first-choice courses, but every
attempt is made to provide the best set of student schedules possible. At the
conclusion of the process of scheduling students into courses, printed copies of


students schedules are available in the IGS; students come by and pick these
schedules up in person. Once schedules are determined for each student,
changes are again entertained and thus make the system chaotic and tedious.
Because of the manual nature of the current workflow, mistakes are made
fairly often: students are enrolled in the wrong courses, too many students are
enrolled in a course, courses are enrolled into classrooms that are too small, and
so on. In the previous six semesters, 6% of courses were scheduled incorrectly
and 9% of students had at least one mistake in their schedules.

The CPS Proposed Workflow

CPS will assist in managing information about, and relationships between,
three entities: (1) classrooms, (2) courses, which are scheduled into classrooms,
and (3) students, who are enrolled into courses. Rules governing these
relationships are implemented in CPS, so that, for example, students cannot be
enrolled in courses that are full and two courses cannot be scheduled into the
same classroom simultaneously. It is expected that CPS will dramatically reduce
the number of mistakes made while scheduling courses and enrolling
students.Rather than providing the single view of the data that is available on
paper, CPS allows multiple views of the same data (e.g., all courses scheduled in
a classroom, all students enrolled in a course, all students who prefer a course,
etc.). It is expected that this flexible presentation will allow SKSU IGS manual
enrollment process to scale up as the number of students increases. CPS is
intended to be self-contained; it is not expected to be integrated with any of


SKSUs other software systems. IGS staff will be the only users of the system. So
deployment of the system, ultimately, should be relatively seamless, so long as
the workflow of scheduling and enrollment is preserved.


This study on computerized pre-enrollment system for SKSU IGS will

employ developmental research as its method. Developmental research is a
systematic study of designing, developing and evaluating programs, processes
and products that must meet the criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness
(Richey, Klein and Nelson, 1994). This study complies with the nature of the


research method for it aims to develop and evaluate a computer-based program

used in the pre-enrollment process.

The materials to be used in this study are the following: 1) computer
system units with complete accessories this will be used to develop the
computerized pre-enrollment system; 2) pre-enrollment information from the
students of the Institute of Graduate Studies these are the data which will be
processed and stored in the system.

Following the developmental research design, this study will have four
phases: Phase 1 Development of the Computerized Pre-enrollment System
(CPS). The program will be developed using Visual Basic Platform and MySQL
Database. Phase 2 CPS will be subjected to a standardized evaluation on the
Level of Acceptability in terms of construction design and functionality. This will
be done by a panel of experts consisting of three (3) independent IT experts.
Phase 3 CPS will be subjected to a standardized evaluation on the Level of
Efficiency in terms of maintainability, reliability, usability, portability, performance
and robustness. This will be done by the same panel of experts who will evaluate
the level of acceptability. Phase 4 Revision of the CPS. The CPS will be revised











recommendations of the IT experts. The results of each phase will be reported







symbols in




developmental research design.

Research Environment
The study will be conducted at the Sultan Kudarat State University
Institute of Graduate Studies, Tacurong City which has a total of 500students
currently enrolled.

Respondents of the Study

Since the study follows a developmental research design the respondents
of the study will only serve as beneficiaries of the CPS. They will not be
physically subjected to anything nor will they use the CPS. However, their
student data will be used to determine the level of acceptability and level of
efficiency of the CPS. Hence, the respondents of this study will be the IGS
students who will undergo the pre-enrollment process.

Sampling Technique
This study will employ a 5% margin of error in choosing the respondents
of the study which means 218 pre-enrolled students out of 500. This sampling is
independent of gender and courses enrolled.
Data Gathering Procedure


To present the details on how this study will gather, process and analyze
significant data, this section discusses the steps in the gathering of data which
will be executed in the conduct of the study.
Gathering of Data. In developing the learning device, four stages will be
conceptualized: the design stage, level of acceptability assessment, level of
efficiency evaluation and the revision stage.
Design Stage. Prior to the design stage, the researcher will assess the
current paper-based pre-enrollment system which will be used in the
development of CPS. The transactions incorporated in the CPS will be patterned
to the current workflow. This program will be designed to cater the growing
number of enrollees in IGS.
Level of Acceptability.The level of acceptability of the CPS will be
assessed using the following criteria: construction design and functionality.
Level of Efficiency.The level of efficiency of the CPS will be assessed
using the following criteria:
Reliability: how often the results of a program are correct. This depends
on conceptual correctness of algorithms, and minimization of programming
mistakes, such as mistakes in resource management (e.g., buffer overflows and
race conditions) and logic errors (such as division by zero or off-by-one errors).
Robustness: how well a program anticipates problems due to errors (not
bugs). This includes situations such as incorrect, inappropriate or corrupt data,


unavailability of needed resources such as memory, operating system services

and network connections, user error, and unexpected power outages.
Usability: the ergonomics of a program: the ease with which a person can
use the program for its intended purpose or in some cases even unanticipated
purposes. Such issues can make or break its success even regardless of other
issues. This involves a wide range of textual, graphical and sometimes hardware
elements that improve the clarity, intuitiveness, cohesiveness and completeness
of a program's user interface.
Portability: the range of computer hardware and operating system
platforms on which the source code of a program can be compiled/interpreted
and run. This depends on differences in the programming facilities provided by
the different platforms, including hardware and operating system resources,
expected behavior of the hardware and operating system, and availability of
platform specific compilers (and sometimes libraries) for the language of the
source code.
Maintainability: the ease with which a program can be modified by its
present or future developers in order to make improvements or customizations,
fix bugs and security holes, or adapt it to new environments. Good practices
during initial development make the difference in this regard. This quality may not
be directly apparent to the end user but it can significantly affect the fate of a
program over the long term.


Efficiency/performance: the amount of system resources a program

consumes (processor time, memory space, slow devices such as disks, network
bandwidth and to some extent even user interaction): the less, the better. This
also includes careful management of resources, for example cleaning up
temporary files and eliminating memory leaks.
This stage will consist of IT experts feedback which will be collected with
the use of standardized evaluation instruments Possible improvements will be
done in relation to the result of the evaluation.
Revision Stage.The IT experts feedback will be carefully considered in
revising the CPS prior to its full implementation. Re-evaluation follows every after
revision has been made to ensure its acceptability and efficiency. Strengths will
be emphasized more while weaknesses will be bridged along the implementation
of the CPS.

Experimental Lay-out
CPS Workflow.The Computerized Pre-enrollment System will follow the
following workflow as illustrated in Figure 2.


Figure 2. CPS Workflow

Dummy Tables
Table 1. Level of Acceptability for Construction Design
Test No.

Test Description

Expected Result/s


GUI Testing

Stress Testing

The graphics, buttons,interface of the

CPS shouldbe displayed clearly for
The application should be able to run
with 3 4 users at the same time.

Table 2. Level of Acceptability for Functionality

Test No.

Test Description

Expected Result/s


The buttons that the usersclick
FunctionalityTesting must respond in alogical result.
All the features should be
Depth Testing
functioning well.

Table 3. Level of Efficiency for Maintainability

Test No.

Test Description

Expected Result/s

System Lifetime

The amount of data the system can

store will be tested and how the
system maintenance works.
Reactive modification of a software
product performed after delivery to
correct discovered problems

Table 4. Level of Efficiency for Reliability

Test Description
Expected Result/s
SmokeTesting(Basictesting) errors.All the functionalities
of the application should be
in order.
Each operation in the
software is executed once.
Interaction between the two
Feature Testing
operations is reduced and
each operation is checked
for its proper execution.




Table 5. Level of Efficiency for Usability

Test No.


Test Description

Expected Result/s


The users should be able to

understand what is going on in the
Usability Testing
application, should beable to
navigate to anywherethey desire
completely integrated system to
verify that it meets its requirements.
Tests the logon interface, then
Usability Testing
creates and edits an entry, plus
sending or printing results, then

Table 6. Level of Efficiency for Portability

Test No.

Test Description





Expected Result/s


The application should be able to

run smoothly on the computers with
any operating systems that support
Visual Basic Script and its platforms
The application should be controlled
easily with the keyboard or allocated
peripherals available

Table 7. Level of Efficiency for Performance

Test No.

Test Description




Load Testing

Expected Result/s


The application will run from the

start, and should be able to display
the stored information.
The loading time should not take
longer than 5 seconds in any
executions of the application.


Table 8. Level of Efficiency for Robustness

Test No.

Test Description




Branch Testing

Expected Result/s


It should run smoothly if the code

has been made sure that it has error
management protocols and routines.
We will test the application from
beginning to end. Well make sure
every single command from the
application is being used. There
shouldnt be errors, should be
running smoothly and no irrelevant
or unused code present


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_____________________________________________________, a graduate
student with the course ___________________________________, major in
__________________________________, as to its research design, statistical
tools and analysis and other related requirements.
This certification is granted to meet the requirement for his/her Outline
Defense/ Final Defense.
Issued this _____ day of _____________, 20___, at Sultan Kudarat State
University, College of Graduate Studies, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City.








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