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An instrument that separates particles of different isotropic composition and measure

their individual relative masses.
a. mass spectrometer
b. barometer
c. hydrometer
d. galvanometer
These are compounds containing water molecule loosely bound to the other
a. isotope
b. hydrates
c. ion
d. mixture
If a more active element replaces a less active one in a compound, the reaction is:
a. combustion reactions
b. replacement reaction
c. metathesis
d. neutrelization
If a single reactant if transformed by heat or electricity into two or more products,
the type of reaction is:
a. decomposition
b. combination
c. displacement
d. double displacement
The numerical value for standard pressure of any gas is
a. 76 mmHg
b. 760 cmHg
c. 760 mmHg
d. 7.6 cmHg
Any process extracting the metal in a fused state is called?
a. Calcination
b. Roasting
c. Smelting
d. Froth flotation process
Which of the following does not change with the change in temperature?
a. Volume
b. Mass
c. Pressure
d. Density
A device used to messure density
a. manometer
b. hydrometer
c. spectrometer
d. densimeter

The statement "mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction" is

known as:
a. The law of conservation of mass
b. The law of constant composition
c. The law of multiple proportion
d. The law of chemical reaction
What kind of chemical bond will form in binary compound where the electronegativity
difference between atoms is greater than 2.0
a. Ionic bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Metallic bond
d. Chemical bond
What kind of chemical bond will form in binary compound where the electronegativity
difference between atoms is less than 1.5
a. Covalent bond
b. Ionic bond
c. Metallic bond
d. Chemical bond

The element which has a mass of about 9 amu is beryllium (Be), atomic number 4.
what is the charge on the Be atom
a. +4
b. +8
c. -4
d. neutral

The horizontal arrangement of element of increasing atomic number in a periodic

table is called:
a. period
b. group
c. family
d. row

Refer to atoms or ions, which have the same electronic configuration.

a. isoelectronic
b. isotope
c. isometric
d. isotomic

Which group of the periodic table is known as the alkali metals?

a. Group I

b. Group IV
c. Group III
d. Group VII

Which group is known as the halogens?

a. Group V
b. Group II
c. Group VII
d. Group III

The mass that enters into a chemical reaction remains the unchanged as a result of
the reaction. In precise form: mass in neither created nor destroyed. This is known
a. The law of conservation of mass
b. The law of definite proportion
c. The law of multiple proportion
d. The law of conservation of energy

When the same element can form two different compounds, the ratio of masses of
one of the element in the two compounds is a small whole number relative to a given
mass of the other element. This is known as:
a. The law of consevation of mass
b. The law of definite proportion
c. The law of multiple proportion
d. The law of conservation of energy

The ratio of the density of the test liquid to the density of a reference liquid is called?
a. specific gravity
b. relative gravity
c. specific weight
d. relative weight

How many electrons are there in a covalent bond?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8

The SI unit of temperature is

a. Fahreheit
b. Kelvin
c. Celsius

d. Rankine

The elements that a compound is composed of are present in fixed and precise
proportion by mass. This is known as:
a. The law of constant composition
b. The law of conservation of mass
c. The law of multiple proportion
d. The law of conservation of energy

The mass to the nearest atomic-mass unit of an atom which contains 9 protons and
10 neutrons.
a. 10 amu
b. 19 amu
c. 15 amu
d. 21 amu

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called?

a. atomic number
b. percent abundance
c. atomic weight
d. oxidation number

The measure of the resistance of an object to change in its state of motion is called
a. momentum
b. mass
c. inertia
d. velocity

Refers to the agreement of a particular value with the true value.

a. precision
b. error
c. tolerance
d. accuracy

Refers to the degree of agreement among several measurements of the same

a. accuracy
b. precision
c. error
d. margin

A property of matter that is often used by chemist as an "identification tag" for a

a. mass
b. molarity
c. density
d. volume

Porton and neutron can be broken down further into elementary particles called
a. quarks
b. ions
c. isotope
d. warks

The principle of constant composition of compounds, originally called "Proust's Law"

is now known as:
a. The law of multiple proportion
b. The law of definite proportion
c. The law of conservation of mass
d. The law of compounds

The mass of an alpha particle is how many time more than that of the electron
a. 1837 times
b. 7300 times
c. 1829 times
d. 1567 times

Atom with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called
a. ions
b. quarks
c. isotopes
d. compounds

The force that hold atoms together are called

a. mechanical bond
b. formula bond
c. atomic bond
d. chemical bond

An atom or group of atoms that has a net positive or negative charge is called
a. ions
b. isotopes

c. positron
d. polymer

A positve ion is called

a. positron
b. anion
c. cation
d. quarks

A negative ion is called

a. positron
b. anion
c. cation
d. quarks

The force of attraction between oppositely charge ions is called

a. ionic bonding
b. covalent bonding
c. polar bonding
d. metallic bonding

The vertical arrangement of elements in the periodic table is called

a. period
b. group
c. series
d. column

If the number of gas molecule is doubled in a certain volume of gas, the pressure
a. is decreased to half
b. is doubled
c. is increased by half
d. remains unchanged

A symbol refresentation to emphasize the valence shell of an atom is called

a. argand diagram
b. canstellation diagram
c. electron dot diagram
d. structural diagram

from which elements do the number of electrons in their outer or valence shell
correspond to their group number?
a. transition group
b. noble gas
c. representative or main group
d. metals

What is the maximum number of electron that can fit into a "p" orbital
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

Which group of the periodic table is known as the alkaline earth

a. Group 1
b. Group 2
c. Group 3
d. Group 4

Which group of the periodic table is known as the noble gases

a. Group 5
b. Group 6
c. Group 7
d. Group 8

The components resulting from the reactions are called

a. products
b. reductants
c. reactants
d. oxidants

Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen are called

a. polumorphs
b. hydrocarbons
c. polycarbon
d. plastics

Which of the following designation means that the amount of solute is expressed in
physical mass units, i.e., grams, and the amount of solution (not solvent) is
expressed in volume units, i.e., mililiters.
a. v/v
b. w/v

c. w/w
d. v/w

The property of liquid which describes their resistance to flow is called

a. viscosity
b. elasticity
c. glueyness
d. stickiness

The anions and cations which are unaffected by the reaction in solution are called
a. neutral ions
b. spectator ions
c. noble ions
d. observer ions

A reaction in which heat is produced is called

a. exothermic
b. isothermic
c. endothermic
d. pyrothermic

A reaction in which heat is absorbed is called

a. exothermic
b. isothermic
c. endothermic
d. pyrothermic

In oxidation-reduction or redox reactions, the component supplying the electrons is

called the
a. reductant
b. reducing agent
c. oxidant
d. acceptor

In oxidation-reduction or redox reactions, the component receiving the electrons is

called the
a. reductant
b. reducing agent
c. oxidant
d. acceptor

A covalent bond formed by the combination of collinear p orbitals is also called a

a. alpha bond
b. sigma bond
c. delta bond
d. gamma bond

The tendency of atoms to attract electrons into their valence shell to form anions is
described by the concept of
a. electronegativity
b. electron mobility
c. electron affinity
d. electron ability

The tendency of an atom to attract electrons are shared in a covalent bond is called
a. electronegativity
b. electron mobility
c. electron affinity
d. electron ability

A covalent bond between atoms or identical electronegativity is called

a. polar
b. bipolar
c. nonpolar
d. monopolar

A formula which describes only the number of each element in the molecule is called
a. structural formula
b. molecular formula
c. empirical formula
d. ionic formula

The formula that describes how atoms are joined together is called the
a. structural formula
b. molecular formula
c. empirical formula
d. ionic formula

The pairs of electrons not shared in the covalent bond are called
a. bonded electron
b. free electron
c. valence electron

d. nonbonded electrons or lone pairs

The word atom comes from the Greek word, atomos meaning
a. unique
b. cannot be cut
c. single
d. cannot be destroyed

The central part of an atom is called

a. nucleus
b. core
c. hub
d. heart

The mass of a proton is about how many times the mass of an electron
a. 1639
b. 1837
c. 1387
d. 1587

The particles in the nucleus, namely the nuetrons and the protons, are collectively
referred to as
a. positrons
b. electrods
c. nucleons
d. isotopes

The number of orbiting electron is normally _________ the number of protons in the
nucleus of an atom.
a. more than
b. less than
c. equal
d. half

The net electric charge of any atom is

a. zero
b. +1
c. -1
d. dependent on the number of protons in the nucleus

Under normal state, an atom is said to be

a. positively charge
b. negatively charge
c. electrically neutral
d. positively or negatively charge

The word electron comes from the Greek word "elektron" which means
a. cannot be cut
b. amber
c. unique
d. negative

The word proton comes from the Greek word "proteios" meaning
a. of first importance
b. with positive charge
c. unique
d. cannot be cut

A solid which has no crystalline structure is called

a. Non-crystalline
b. Amorphous
c. Fused
d. Immisible

A chemical substance which readily evaporates and readily diffuses at ordinary room
temperature and pressure conditions is called
a. inflammable
b. inert
c. volatile
d. corrosive

Which of the following falls under fluids?

a. solid
b. gas
c. liquid
d. both gas and liquid

The gasses that rarely take part in a chemical reaction are called
a. miscible gases
b. volatile gases
c. noble gases
d. Permanent gases

Which type of ions, metals form when enter into chemical reaction?
a. Negative ions
b. Positive ions
c. Either positive or negative ions
d. They do not form any ions

The chemical name for baking soda is

a. Sodium bicarbonate
b. Sodium sulphate
c. Sodium chloride
d. Sodium carbonate

The subatomic perticle with a negative charge and mass of 9.1 X 10^-31 Kg is
a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. Electron
d. Positron

The subatomic perticle with a negative charge and mass of 9.1 X 10^-27 Kg is
a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. Electron
d. Positron

Neutron was discovered by

a. J.J. Thompson
b. Chadwick
c. Rutherford
d. Einstein

Electron was discovered by

a. J.J. Thompson
b. Chadwick
c. Rutherford
d. Einstein

Proton was discovered by

a. J.J. Thompson
b. Chadwick

c. Rutherford
d. Einstein

The isotopes of an element differ in the number of

a. electrons
b. neutrons
c. protons and neutrons
d. Both

The isotopes of hydrogen is

a. protium
b. deuterium
c. tritium
d. all of the above

The isotope of hydrogen with only one neutron is called

a. Protium
b. deuterium
c. tritium
d. monotium

The isotope of hydrogen with two neutron is called

a. Protium
b. deuterium
c. tritium
d. politium

The atoms having different atomic numbers but the same mass number are called
a. isotones
b. isotopes
c. homologues
d. isobars

The atoms which have the same number of neutrons but different mass numbers are
a. isotopes
b. isotones
c. homologues
d. isobars

Rutherford model on an atom had failed to explain

a. the location of electrons in an atom
b. the position of protons and neutrons
c. the distribution of electrons around the nucleus
d. both (A) and (B)

The concept that electrons revolve around the nucleus in specific paths called orbits
or energy levels was proposed by
a. Rutherford
b. Neil Bohr
c. J.J. Thompson
d. Chadwick

The number of atoms (6.023 X 10^23) present in 12 grams of carbon-12 is called

a. Avogadro's constant
b. Planck's constant
c. Reinhold's constant
d. Bohr's constant

The chemical formula which shows the relative number of atoms of all the element
present in a compound is called
a. molecular formula
b. empirical formula
c. structural formula
d. compound formula

The chemical formula which shows the exact numbers of atoms of all the elements
present in a compound is called
a. molecular formula
b. empirical formula
c. structural formula
d. compound formula

When an atom loses an electron, it forms

a. Cation
b. Either cation or anion
c. Anion
d. Neither cation or an anion

When an atom gains an electron, it forms

a. Cation
b. Either cation or anion

c. Anion
d. Neither cation or an anion

The maximum number of electrons, the first energy level can accommodate in an
atom is
a. Two
b. Eight
c. Sixteen
d. Thirty two

The X-rays were discovered by

a. Madam Curie
b. Pierre Curie
c. Henry Becquerel
d. W.C. Roentgen

At any point along a streamline in an ideal fluid in steady flow, the sum of the
pressure,the potential energy per unit volume and the kinetic energy per unit volume
have the same value. This concept is known as
a. Bernoulli's Energy Principle
b. Fluid Theorem
c. Pascal's Theorem
d. Hydraulic Theorem

The work done by all forces except the gravitational force is always equal to the
________ of the system.
a. Total mechanical energy
b. Total potential energy
c. Total kinetic energy
d. Total momentum

When the two waves of the same frequency, speed and amplitude traveling in
opposite directions are superimpossed,
a. The phase difference is always zero
b. distractive waves are produced
c. standing waves are produced
d. constructive interference always results

According to this law, "The force between two charge varies directly as the
magnitude of each charge and inversely as the square of the distance between
a. Law Universal Gravitation

b. Newton's Law
c. Inverse Square Law
d. Coulomb's Law

It describes the luminous flux incidence per unit area and is expressed in lumens per
square meter
a. Illuminance
b. Luminance
c. Luminous intensity
d. Radiance

The fluid pressure is the same in all directions. This is known as __________.
a. Pascal's Principle
b. Bernoulli's Theorem
c. Ideal Fluid Principle
d. Archimedes Principle

The amount of heat needed to change solid to liquid is

a. condensation
b. cold fusion
c. latent heat of fusion
d. solid fusion

At the boiling point of a liquid, the vapor pressure

a. is equal to external pressure on the surface of the liquid
b. is greater than the atmospheric pressure
c. is less than the atmospheric pressure
d. can have any value

Which of the following thermometers is best suited for measuring a temperature of

nearly 1500 degree Celcius
a. Gas thermometer
b. Platinum resistance thermometer
c. Thermo couple thermometer
d. Mercury thermometer

The energy stored in a stretched elastic material such as spring is

a. mechanical energy
b. elestic potential energy
c. internal energy
d. kinetic energy

In Physics, if LF and LV are the latent heat of fusion and vaporization, respectively,
which of the following equations is apply in detemining the amount of energy needed
to freeze a liquid.
a. Q = -mlf
b. Q = -mlv
c. Q = mlf
d. Q = mlv

Which of the following is true? The density of water

a. is maximum at 4 degree celcius
b. Decreased as the temperature is increased
c. is minimum at 4 degree celcius
d. increased with temperature

When the pitch of a note is raised then, its

a. frequency decreases
b. wavelength is increased
c. frequency increases
d. none of the above is true

Cohesion is the attraction between like _______.

a. atom
b. element
c. compound
d. molecule

The quantity known as specific heat is based on:

a. The increase in temperature due to induction
b. The heat needed for one pound of water to boil
c. The heat needed to increase the temperature to one gram of substance one
degree celcius
d. The amount of heat required to melt on kg of lead

On decreasing the pressure, the boiling point of water will

a. increase
b. remains unaffected
c. decrease
d. may increase/decrease depending on the pressure

When sugar is added to water, its boiling point

a. increases
b. remains unaffected
c. decreases
d. Any of the above is possible

Which of the following processes of heat transfer requires the presence of a liquid
a. conduction
b. convection
c. radiation
d. none of the above

When salt is added to water, its boiling point

a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains unaffected
d. may increase/decrease depending on the pressure

Which of the following propagates with the same speed as the speed of light?
a. The sound waves
b. The heat waves
c. The shock waves
d. The Beta rays

Which of the following is not true about sond waves

a. they transmit the energy
b. they are propagated as a series of compressions and rate fractions
c. they travel faster in air that in solids
d. they produce interference

Sound waves in air are

a. Longitudinal
b. Neither longitudinal or transverse
c. Transverse
d. Stationary

Normal range of the frequency of sound, when the human beings can hear, is
a. less than 20 Hz
b. more than 25,000 Hz
c. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
d. all of these

The loudness of sound depends upon its

a. Wavelength
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude
d. All of the above

Sound above the frequency of 20,000 Hz is called

a. Supersonic sound
b. Infrasonic sound
c. Hypersonic sound
d. Ultrasonic sound

The surface of the thermos flask is silvered for minimizing heat transfer by what
a. conduction
b. radiation
c. convection
d. vaporization

Water starts boiling when

a. its temperature reaches 100 degree Celcius
b. Its vapor pressere equals 76 cm Hg
c. Its saturated vapor pressure equals the external pressure on its surface
d. its saturated vapor pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure

500 gm of water at 4 degree Celcius occupies acertain volume V. Which of the

following statements is correct?
a. It will weigh less than one pound of water at Zero degree Celcius
b. It will weigh more than 500 gm of water at zero degree Celcius
c. Its volume will decrease when its temperature is lowered
d. its volume will increase when its temperature is lowered or raised

Heat will flow from one body to another in thermal contact with it, when they differ
a. mass
b. specific heat
c. density
d. temperature

The amount of heat which is absorved during the change of state of a substance
without rise in its temperature is called its

a. specific heat
b. latent heat
c. thermal conductivity
d. water equivalent

The scientist who systematically demonstrated the equivalence of mechanical energy

and heat was
a. Joule
b. Boltzmann
c. Faraday
d. Kelvin

On a sunny day at the beach, the sand gets so hot and the water stays relatively cool
is due to the difference in _____ of water and sand
a. density
b. specific heat
c. depth
d. thermal conductivity

The instrument, which measures temperature by radiation, is called

a. thermopile
b. thermometer
c. pyrometer
d. hyrometer

When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased at contant pressure.

a. the potential energy of molecules increases
b. the potential energy of molecules decreases
c. the kinetic energy of molecule increases
d. the kinetic energy of molecule decreases

The root mean square speed of the molucule of the gas is

a. independent to its pressure P
b. directly proportional to square root of P
c. directly proportional to the square of its temperature T
d. proportional to T

At what temperature do both the centigrate and fahrenheit thermometers shows the
same reading?
a. -38 degrees
b. -40 degrees
c. -42 degrees

d. -50 degrees

A mercury thermometer is constructed at

a. room temperature
b. a temperature higher the the maximum range of the thermometer
c. a temperature lower than the minimum range of the temperature
d. atmospheric pressure

The boiling point of water on plains is 100 degrees Celcius. At hills it will be
a. 100 degrees Celcius
b. less than 100 degrees Celcius
c. More than 100 degrees Celcius
d. may be any of the above

It is hotter over the top of a fire than at the same distance on the sies because of
a. convection of heat
b. conduction of heat
c. radiation of heat
d. conduction, convection and radiation of heat

The density of water is

a. same at all temperature
b. maximum at 4 degrees Celcius
c. Minimum at 4 degrees Celcius
d. maximum at zero degrees Celcius

When a substance is heated, its

a. molucules move more slowly
b. molecules move more rapidly
c. there is no change in the speed of its molecules
d. its temperature always increases

When common salt is sprinkled on ice the temperature of ice

a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains unchanged
d. none of these

The minimum temperature which can be measered with mercury thermometer is

a. Zero degrees Celcius

b. -273 degrees Celcius

c. -39 degrees Celcius
d. -143 degrees Celcius

A wave in which the particles of the material move up and down as the wave goes
from left to right is called a
a. longitudinal wave
b. transverse wave
c. standing wave
d. none of these

When waves goes from one point to another they transfort

a. Energy and Matter
b. Wavelenght and Matter
c. Frequency only
d. Energy only

The phenominon of damping results in decrease in

a. frequency
b. velocity
c. wavelenght
d. amplitude

Echo is formed as a result of

a. refraction of sound
b. diffraction of sound
c. interference of sound
d. reflection of sound

The characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish two musical notes having
the same frequency and loudness is called
a. pitch
b. intensity
c. timber
d. decible

Which of the following could be a longitudinal wave?

a. electromagnetic waves
b. a sound wave in air
c. a water wave
d. wave on a vibrating string

A Decibel is a
a. musical instrument
b. highest frequency emitted by a tuning fork
c. a measure of intensity level
d. a measure of clarity of sound

A collision in which the total kinetic energy after collision is less than before collision
is called
a. off center collision
b. inelastic collision
c. straight line collision
d. elastic collision

Whenever a net force acts on a body, it produces acceleration in the direction of the
resultant force, an acceleration that is directly proportional to the mass of the body.
This theory is popularly known as
a. Newton's Second Law of Motion
b. Newton's First Law of Motion
c. Hooke's Law of Equilibrium
d. Faraday's Law of Forces

To maximize the horizontal range of the projectile, which of the following applies?
a. Maximize velocity
b. maximize the angle of elevation and velocity
c. maximize the angle of elevation
d. The tangent fuction of the angle of trajectory must be equal to one

The moment of inertia of a plane figure, _______.

a. increase as the distance of the axis moves farther from the centroid
b. is maximum at the centroidal axis
c. is zero at the centroidal axis
d. decrease as the distance of the axis moves farther from the centroid

A measure of a resistance of the body if offers to any change in it's angular velocity,
determined by its mass and distribution of its mass about the axis rotation is known
as _____.
a. moment of inertia
b. friction
c. torsion
d. angular acceleration

Momentum is the product of mass and ______.

a. acceleration
b. velocity
c. force
d. time

Centrifugal force is _______.

a. directly proportional to the radius of the curve
b. directly proportional to the square of the tngential velocity
c. inversely proportional to the square of the tangential velocity
d. directly proportional to the square of the weight of the object

According to htis law, "The force between two charges varies directly as the
magnitude of each charge and inversely as the square of the distance between
a. Law of Universal Gravitation
b. Coulomb's Law
c. Newton's Law
d. Inverse Square Law

When the total kinetic energy of the system is the same as before and after collision
of two bodies, it is called
a. Plastic collision
b. Inelastic collision
c. Elastic collision
d. Static collision

In a polar coordinate system, the lenght of the ray segment from a fixed origin is
known as ______.
a. amplitude
b. radius vector
c. hypothenuse
d. minimum point

Momentum is property related to the object's _______.

a. motion and mass
b. mass and acceleration
c. motion and weight
d. weight and velocity

The study of motion without reference to the force that causes the motion is known
as _____.
a. statics
b. dynamics
c. kinetics
d. kinematics

Varignon's theorem is used to determine _____.

a. location of the centroid
b. moment of inertia
c. mass moment of inertia
d. moment of area

The periodic oscillations either up or down or back and fourth motion in the straight
line is known as ______.
a. transverse harmonic motion
b. resonance
c. rotational harmonic motion
d. translational harmonic motion

A freely falling body is a body in rectilinear motion and with constant ______.
a. velocity
b. speed
c. deceleration
d. acceleration

What is the charge in the gravitational attraction between an orbiting object and the
earth if the distance between them is doubled?
a. no change
b. one half
c. double
d. one fourth

with reference to the thermodynamics diagram of temperature - entropy (TS), what

is represented by the area under the diagram?
a. work done
b. enthalpy
c. temperature difference
d. heat transferred

What is the standard acceleration due to gravitational force?

a. 32 ft/sec/sec

b. 980 ft/sec/sec
c. 32 m/sec/sec
d. 98 ft/sec/sec

Which of the following collision is an elastic collision?

a. Two bodieas move towards each other, collide and then move away from each
other. There is a rise in temperature
b. Two bodies collide and the sound of collision is heard by a blind man
c. Two steel balls collide such that their kinetic energy is conserved
d. A man jumps on to a moving cart

A mass is revolving in a circle which is in the plane of paper. The direction of

centripetal acceleration is along the radius:
a. away from the center radius
b. toward the center
c. at right angle to angular velocity
d. none of the above

When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angular momentum is
directed along:
a. the radius
b. a line at an angle of 45 degrees to the plane of the rotation
c. the tangent to orbit
d. the axis of rotation

A solid iron sphere A rolls an inclined plane, while an identical hollow sphere B slide
down the plane in a frictionless manner. At the bottom of the inclined plane, the total
kinetic energy of sphere A is:
a. less than that of B
b. more than that of B
c. equal to that of B
d. sometimes more sometimes less

Which of the following has the highest moment of inertia when each of them has the
same mass and the same radius?
a. A hallow sphere about one of its diameter
b. A solid sphere about one of its diameter
c. A disc about its central axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc
d. All of the above have the same moment of inertia

When a planet move around the sun,

a. the angular momentum remains conserved

b. the angular speed remains constant

c. the linear velocity remains constant
d. the linear momentum remains constant

What keeps an earth satellite moving on its orbit?

a. Gravitational attraction between satellite and earth
b. Ejection gases from the exhaust of the satellite
c. Burning of fuel
d. Gravitational attraction of sun

The value of universal gravitational constant G depends upon:

a. nature of material of two bodies
b. heat content of two bodies
c. acceleration of two bodies
d. none of these

If the mass of an object could be doubled, then its inertia would be

a. halved
b. doubled
c. unchanged
d. quaddrupled

It shows the forces acting on an isolated object.

a. force diagram
b. schematic diagram
c. free body diagram
d. force polygon

A wagon is uniformly accelerating from rest. The net force acting on the wagon is
a. zero
b. increasing
c. constant
d. decreasing

If the mass of an object were doubled, its acceleration due to gravity would be
a. doubled also
b. unchange
c. halved
d. fivefold

Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

a. force
b. energy
c. weight
d. velocity

Which of the following is not a scalar quantity?

a. time
b. work
c. temperature
d. displacement

The resultant of two concurrent forces is minimum when the angle between them is
a. 0 degree
b. 90 degrees
c. 45 degrees
d. 180 degrees

As the angle between two concurrent forces decreases from 180 degrees, their
a. decreases
b. increases
c. unchanged
d. cannot be determined

The maximum number of components that a single force may be revolved into is
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

The momentum of an object is the product of its

a. mass and displacement
b. mass and velocity
c. force and displacement
d. force and time

If the direction of an object's momentum is west, the direction of the velocity of the
object is
a. east
b. west
c. north

d. south

The direction of an object's momentum is always the same as the direction of the
a. inertia
b. mass
c. weight
d. velocity

The moment of inertia of a triangle with respect to the base how many times its
moment of inertia with respect to its centroidal axis
a. 1/2
b. 3
c. 1/4
d. 5

When two objects collide, which of the following is always true?

a. the velocity of each object does not change
b. there is no change in displacement of each object
c. there is no change in the kinetic energy of each object
d. there is no net charge in the total momentum of the objects

The study of motion with reference to the force that causes the motion is
a. ballistics
b. kinematics
c. kinetics
d. dynamics

What is the moment of inertia of a circle of radius r?

a. pi x r^4/4
b. pi x r^4/12
c. pi x r^4/15
d. pi x r^4/16

The moment of inertia of a rectangle with respect to the base is how many times its
moment of inertia with respect to the centroidal axis?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

The moment of inertia of a triangle with respect to its base "b" is

a. b^2 x h^2 / 12
b. b x h^3 / 6
c. b x h^3 / 12
d. b x h^3 / 3

The moment of inertia of a circle with respect to its tangent is how many times its
moment of inertia with respect to its centroidal axis
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

The moment of inertia is also called

a. Moment of mass
b. Moment of center
c. second moment of inertia
d. moment of volume

One newton is equivalent to

a. kg-m/s
b. kg-m/m/s
c. kg-m/s/s
d. m/s^2 per kilogram

Thess are forces whose lines of action all pass through a common point
a. collinear forces
b. couple
c. coplanar forces
d. concurrent forces

The radial distance from the axis to the point of application of the force is called
a. radius vector
b. lever arm
c. normal
d. displacement

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