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This article is purely out of an idea, the incidents mentioned in here could

be incorrect, since the article purely stands for the point and percept. The
pure purpose of this article is not to mock, hurt or comment on any soul
community or organization, it is purely a thought of perception. Any
reference to a person living or dead is purely a coincidence. Pardon me if I
have been hard on it.
Dear Feminine
It is with a regret I inform that the rape cases in our country is increasing day by day
not just women even Kids as victims, the time has gone where a girl was raped by a
guy or a group just once. People have transformed from a state of an animal to
scavengers, on the other hand people have started protesting (which we usually do)
for the government to take action against the murderers, some people even
comment to hang them till death. It is good that we all guys and girls standing
together for the justice of female society!
Since the outcome of Delhi incident there have been lot of conflicts in and around
the city, people discuss how unfair the society has become for feminism. Among
that one such caught my attention it all began when a random politician (not sure of
that) commented on Clothing of later female society and its cause for the issue,
people (especially Girls and some broad minded guys) erupted started making
comments on it in internet and other communicative platforms such as newspaper,
articles in magazines etc. Well thats completely fair on their part how can a
clothing (which just partially exposes) can be the reason behind the issue? And I
completely agree with them too. Only stupid and narrow minded jerks will talk like
that! I even saw a post lately you raped her because her clothes provoked you I
should break your face because your stupidity provokes me Bravo! I mean these
guys deserve it.
Come on we are in the 21st century where girls doesnt even have this basic
freedom of clothing?
Provoking it seems, bullshit!
Why should the girls have to cover? Why not guys? Are girls harassing or teasing us
when we wear tight clothes, or gay t- shirts? May be the guy shouldnt look at all if
he feels that uncontrollably provoked! (But his basic freedom of looking?) Who
cares, they should control thats all!
I have been thinking is female gender alone in a threat? Or the rape incidents have
occurred only to them? Well in that case it is not them alone, A 16 year old guy was
allegedly raped by his relative, and similar cases which went unnoticed because the
kid was from some rural state. The point Im trying to make here is a victim can be
anyone for a rapist who just seeks sexual pleasure out of anything if provoked.
I would like to state an another example here, now a days you see people with
smart phones and gadgets everywhere not just that, they have spent on some
expensive covers to avoid breakage when it falls. That gave me a moment to think,
why would they do that? Cant they leave it free as it is? Come on she had got a

gorgeous phone and she ought to show it and the pink cover that she uses spoils
the beauty of the phone dont you think so? Why that is a cover so important that
place? Was it just the price it holds? No it is because how important it is to them.
Not only that every valuables you have is under your keen protection except
yourself, why? Arent you feel you are worthy? Some people claim if you got
beauty then show it, whats wrong in wearing short skirts? they call themselves
Practical Thinkers and Broad Minded Being modern is the blanket they are hidden
onto, which will misguide you into a world where these plagues (People like rapist)
are in common. Every Society has plagues, it is up to us whether to get affected by
it or not.
Oh Feminine! We never ask you to cover so that we can bring down your freedom, it
is because we want you to be safer, because you are so precious, and because we
care about you so much. We love you and we want to protect you because we came
to the world from your womb whom we trusted from our very first breath, it is you
who introduced us to our own dad and so we called him dad. We ask you to cover
not just because we saw you in our mom, you were born with us as sister, never just
stopped there we met you in our schools and colleges as a friend, fell in love with
you as you can only be the girl we dream of, we want to marry you as our other half
and We want to give birth to you since we love you the most and only you can make
us the happiest man in the world.
Phone! Thats some 30 thousand worth piece of hard ware and we cover it million
times stronger. And you are one price less gem just imagine how much we would
want to protect you, to be frank we would never mind staying with you all day but
then we understand that you got your life (Freedom) too. So by asking you to be
covered we never degrade you, we are only trying to maintain your value since all
the beautiful things of nature are found covered, you can find a diamond only after
digging kilometers underground, a pearl can be found only in the sea bed covered
by a shell, the musk is hidden in a deer.
Beauty is something that is rare and not any one can have it! We call you Beautiful
only because of that.
No matter how deep you get offended, no matter how you take it. But all we got you
say is: we love you and whatever we say is to protect you.

- Anonymous
(A Brother, a Friend and a Lover A Stupid Pervert)

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