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SENATOR mov THE SENATE amen STATE OF NEWYORK se October 20, 2018 naan Commissioner MaryEllen Elia "New York State Education Department 89 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12234 Dear Commissioner Elia: ‘Asa longtime supporter and advocate of eommunity schools, I want to commend and thank you for your call to expand this successful program that provides additional services to students and their families, especially in underachieving districts. Increased investment in community schools isa common sense way to help at-risk stunts ‘overcome difficulties and traly unleash their potential. As you know. the 201-16 Enacted State ‘Budget included, beeause of Democratic advocacy in both the Senate and Assembly. $75 million to help tum around persistently strugeling schools; one ofthese strategies for accomplishing this {goal was the creation of community school programs. While this is a good start, much more must be done-which is why I have le the fight to provide additional resourees to community schools throughout the state. Legislation was introduced in both houses of the Lexislature this year, including the bill I sponsored, Senate Bll S.5447. to establish the Community Schools Grant Program as part oF an overall education legislative package advanced by my colleagues in the Senate Democratic Conference. {believe itis critically important forthe children of our state to provide additional funding to eligible school districts to establish even more community schools. These schools would provide high quality. culturally relevant curiculur; health, social and emotional service in high needs ‘communities for both students and ier families; and share best practices across the state ad ‘ation. While stil relatively new in New York state, the community school program has already demonstrated its value here and nationally by increasing student performance and reducing levels of violence, bullying and other problem behaviors, continued) ° Commissioner MaryEllen Elia Page 2 October 20, 2015 ‘According to the Children’s Aid Society, based in New York City. students participating in after- school programs through community schools scored significantly higher on their math tests than students in other eity schools. Additionally, a study of San Mateo County. California by the County Sehool District. found that 35 percent of students at community schools improved theit seores on the English Language Arts exam and over 36 percent improved their STAR math test scores: both figures are considerably higher than the improvernent rates for students who did not participate in community school programs. Given your stated support for increasing aid to community schools and expanding this successful program throughout New York, l ask that you join me in advocating for greater resourees in community schools inthe 2016-17 State Budget. We must build on the investments made in the current fiscal years state budget by ensuring even more resources get provided, so more siruggling schools can be transformed into these models of academic success. 1 look forward to ‘working together with you in ensuring that all New York students, especially those in at-risk communities are able io receive the quality education they deserve and will need in order to succeed in the new economy. Sincerely, Ondbrse. Kesar (Ceestine 35" District ~ NYS Senate Democratic Conference Leader ASC:mm

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