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Bilharn- The Challenges Game System by Tom Moldvay Introduction The Challenges Game Systemoffers an easy-to-play alternative to fantasy game systems which are becoming increasingly complex. Allof the basic information needed for play is organized into 8 pages, instead of scattered among hundreds of pages of several expensive books. The Challenges Game Systen®is intended to be a foundation, Game Masters and players can add whatever they like to the system. They can change any rules they want, But the 8 page guide wil stil remain a basic reference aid, a place where essential information ‘can be quickly found, The Challenges Games Systen’can be especially useful when playing or Game Mastering any of the various fantasy role-playing adventure modules published by Challenges International, Inc. Abbreviations Ars Armor Rating jue That Is At: Attack LP: Life Points Base: Score needed to hit an Luck: Luck Roll Score: armor rating of 0 Mi: Morale CHAR: Charisma Score MUS: Muscle Score D: Damage My: Movement d: Dice itype of die used) sp: Silver Piece DEX: Dexterity Score STA: Stamina Seore ‘eg For Example GM: Game Master 4p: Gold Piece initiative Bonus WILL: Willoower Score WIS: Wisdom Score XPr Experience Points Character Information Each player character (Le. assume one roll is always a 6) has six ability scores: Muscle, Dexterity, Stamina, Willpower, Wisdom, and Charisma. The scores are generated by random die rolls based fon 36 per score (ie.3-18). Player characters are heraes,not average individuals. To generate the six ability scores it is suggested that players roll 2d6 +6 (Le. assume one roll is always a 6) nine times and choose the best six rolls. Players can assign the rolls to any ability Scores they choose. If any score of 18 was ralled then the player should roll percentage dice to further modify the roll Muscle-(MUS): Muscle is a measure of overall muscular ability and physical prowess. It is sometimes called “steength’”. It is the prime requisite for the Warrior profession, Dexterity-(DEX): Dexterity is 2 measurement of basic agility and manual dexterity. It is the prime requisite of the Thief profession, Stamina-(STA): Stamina is a measure of general health and physical well-being. Stamina is sometimes called “constitution”. Willpower-(WILL}: Willpower is the basic ability to influence the environment by sheer force of will. Willpower is sometimes called “intelligence. tis the prime requisite of the Sorcerer Mirager profession. Wisdom-(WIS): Wisdom is a measurement of intuition and subconscious intelligence. It is the prime requisite of the Cleric profession. ‘Charisma-(CHAR): Charisma is a measurement of the effect a ppetson has on others. Charisma can be related to physical looks, but does not have to be. ‘The six ability scores can modify various aspects of role-playing ‘To see haw ability scores affect role-playing consul the Ability Score Adjustment Table, Player characters will mainly be concerned with the effects of above average