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Interesting lives



In Unit 3, you learn how to

! Use verbs that are followed by verb + -ing or to +
! Tell a story about your life.
! Use participles as adjectives.
! Talk about your expressions, feelings and reactions.

" ! Use expressions / collocations with keep and hold.


Before you begin



Do you know any interesting people?

Why do you think they are interesting?
What interesting things do they do?



Interesting lives




Student book activities



A. Listen to Dans story. Answer the questions.

1. Where did Dan live before he moved to Seoul?
2. Why did he want to go to South Korea?

3. How did he get his job there?

4. What did his new company offer him?

Living abroad:
Dans story
Dan Anderson was born in the U.S.A. He is now living in South
Korea. We asked him, How did you end up living in Seoul?
Dan: Well its a long story before I came here, I spent three
years working for a small company in Tokyo while I finished
doing my masters in business. To be honest I wasnt planning
on living or anything. But one day I happened to be in the
office and one of the salesmen was reading the newspaper.
He knew I was considering going to South Korea someday
you see, my mothers Korean, and Ive always been interested
in the culture and everything- and anyway, he leaned over and said, Dan, this seems to
be the perfect job for you. Check this out.
I looked at the ad, and I remember thinking, Should I bother to apply? But I decided
to go for it even though I didnt expect to get it, and make a long story short, I got the
The company offered to transfer me to Seoul, and they agreed to pay for my Korean
lessons. I started working here two months later. And the rest is history.
I mean, I miss living in Japan, but you cant have it both ways, I guess. Actually, I cant
imagine living anywhere else now!
B. Can you sort the verbs in bold above into the correct categories? Which verbs are followed
by verb + -ing? Which are followed by to + verb?

Verbs followed by verb + ing

end up (living)

Verbs followed by to + ing.

happen (to be)

spend (3 years working)

Verb complements: verb + -ing or to + verb!
He finished reading his newspaper
I spent three years working in Tokyo
How did you end up living here?
I wasnt planning on leaving Japan
They agreed to pay for Korean lessons.
I dont expect to get the job
I stopped talking to him
I stopped to talk to him

Verb + verb+ -ing: consider finish

imagine miss mind spend (time)
Verb + particle / preposition + verb + -ing:
end up keep on think about plan on
Verb + to + verb: agree decide happen
offer seem intend expect
Verb + -ing or to + verb with a different
meaning: remember stop try
Verb + -ing or to + verb with the same
" meaning: begin bother continue start
like love hate

Should I bother applying?

Should I bother to apply?

A. Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs given. Then practice
with a partner.
In conversation
1. A: How did you end up ________________ (study) here?
Begin, bother, continue,
B: My friend recommended this school, so I decided
love, like, and hate are
________________ (sign up) for this class. How about
followed more often by to +
A: Well, I wasnt planning on ________________ (learn)
Start is followed more often
English, but my company offered ________________ (pay)
by verb + -ing.
for my classes, I agreed ________________ (come), and
here I am! I want to keep on ________________ (take)
classes if I can.


2. A: How did you get your current job?

B: Its a long story! I started _________ (work) there as an assistant, and I spent months just
_________ (file) papers. I didnt mind _________ (do) that for a while, but then happened
___________ (hear) about a new sales position. I never intended ________ (be) a sales rep,
but now I cant imagine ________ (do) anything else.


How did you end up doing that?

A. Group work. Has anyone in your group done these things? Find out the whole story.
Ask the follow up questions below, and add more questions of your own.

Then ask :

has taken an interesting class?

used to have an unusual job?
has met a celebrity?
has taken an exotic trip?
used to have a bad habit?
has done something scary?

What made you decide to do that?

How did you end up working there?
Were you expecting to meet him or her?
Are you planning on going again?
What made you stop doing that?
Would you ever consider doing that again?

Interesting lives


Workbook activities

1" Past continuous vs Simple past.

A Circle the correct words to complete the paragraph.


1 Leigh Hudson tells us how she seemed / ended up /

decided being an editor.
Well, after I imagined/ finished / bothered taking my law school
entrance exams,I still wasnt sure if I wanted to be a lawyer. I already
had a degree in English and was considering /expecting / agreeing
training to be a journalist. Then one day, I saw a newspaper ad for an
editorial assistant at a publishing company, and I offered /expected/
decided to apply for it. After the interview, the manager said I was
right for the job and offered / ended up / considered to pay me a
good salary. I immediately agreed / finished / missed to take the job.
Anyway, Ive been working at the company for over five years, and
now Im a senior editor. I absolutely love my job I cant agree /
expect / imagine doing anything else!

2 George Allen explains how he became a chef.

I wasnt really agreeing/ missing / planning on being a chef. I spent /bothered / decided
four years in college studying electrical engineering. After I graduated, I agreed / happened /
started working at an engineering firm and had a great salary, but a lot of responsibility. After
six months, I intend / remember / miss thinking, Am I really happy being an electrical
engineer? I decided I wasnt happy at all, so I quit my job and applied to a local cooking
school. After I finished training, I opened a small restaurant. Ive never ended up / missed
/offered working at my old job not once. And that was 15 years ago now!



B. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs.

How I ended up living in New York City?

A lot of people ask me how I ended up ___________ (live) in New York City. Well, actually, I
wasnt planning on ____________ (be) here. Its just that the opportunity came up when my
friend Samuela happened ____________ (move) here for college. She needed a roommate, so I
agreed ___________ (share) an apartment with her in the city. We were only in the apartment
a couple of months when Samuela started ___________ (miss) home. She said she missed
_____________ (be) wither family. I guess she couldnt imagine _____________ (stay) three
more years and ___________ (be) happy. So, she decided _____________ (complete) the
semester, and then she transferred to a college back home. Anyway, I kept the apartment and
found a great job. Ive been here for over six years now, but Samuela and I are still great
friends. Weve never stopped __________ (write) each other, and we call each other all the
time. We just live in different cities - thats all!

C. About you. Answer the questions with true

1. Where do you think youll end up living in a few
years time?
2. What are you planning on doing when you finish
this English course?
3. Have you started reading a new book recently?
4. Whats something fun you remember doing as a child?
5. Have you ever decided to do something and then regretted it?
6. Do you expect to get a good grade in this class?


Student book activities


What happened?



Listen and practice.

Roger: Do you want to see a movie tonight?



Carl: Hmm. Maybe. Whats playing?

Roger: How about the new Star Trek film? I hear its really
Carl: Actually, the last one was boring.
Roger: What about the movie based on Stephen Kings new novel?
Carol: I dont know. His books are usually fascinating, but I
dont like horror movies.
Roger: Well, what do you want to see?
Carol: Im interested in the new Sandra Bullock movie. It looks
Roger: Thats fine with me. Shes a wondeful actress.

Listen to the rest of the conversation. What happens next? What do they decide to do?


1. Grammar Focus

Adjectives ending in ed
can describe how you feel
about someone or something.

Adjectives ending in -ing
can describe someone or something

Im bored with my job.

Im interested in gastronomy.
I get annoyed with my sister.
Im excited about my vacation.
Im scared of spiders.

My job is very boring.

I think Astronomy is interesting.
She does a lot of annoying things.
My vacation is going to be exciting.
But: I think spiders are scary.

In conversation
interested, amazing,
scary surprised,
worried, scared,
excited, exciting and
boring are all in the
top 2,000 words.

A Choose the correct word to compare the sentences.

1. Im really excited / exciting about my vacation. Im going to Africa.
2. Im annoyed / annoying with a friend of mine. He never returns my phone calls.
3. I saw a really bored / boring movie last night. I slept through most of it.
4. I wasnt able to get tickets to the concert. I was so disappointed /disappointing.
5. I get frustrated / frustrating when I try to read maps. I find them confused / confusing.
6. I get really embarrassed / embarrassing when I forget someones name.
7. I heard something amazed / amazing. A woman just crossed the Pacific Ocean in a canoe.
8. My mother forgot my birthday. I was surprised / surprising. Well, actually, I was shocked
/ shocking.

B. Pair work: Make the sentences above true for you. Have conversations.
A: Im excited about my vacation. Im going to India.

B: That sounds really interesting. What are you going to do there?


2. Word power


A. Complete the chart with synonyms from the list.








B. GROUP WORK. Share your opinions about a movie, an actor, an actress, a TV show, and a
book. Use words from part A.
C. GROUP WORK. Write five sentences like the ones in Exercise 1 using the words from the
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________

A.""""""Listen to people talk about books and movies. Check ( ) the adjective that
best describes what they say about each one.
1. ! fascinating
! silly
! strange

2. ! wonderful
! odd
! boring

3. ! boring
! terrific
! dreadful

4. ! ridiculous
! interesting
! exciting



Workbook activities





Participles as adjectives / reactions

A. Unscrambled the adjectives. Then use the letters in the boxes to answer the question

Scrambled up

1. z a d a e m
2. y a n e o d n
3. n c e i t g x i

__ __


__ __ __

__ __ ! __ __ __ __
__ ! __ __ __ __ __ __

4. r s n a t f r t i g u __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ! __ __
5. i o r g n b

__ ! __ __ __ __

6. r u r s i p i s g n

__ ! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

7. a c s y r

! __ __ __ __

How might you feel the first time you try something new? a __ __ __ __ __ __
B. Complete the sentences with the other form of the adjectives in part A.
1. Someone who upsets you or makes you slightly angry is ___________.
2. If someone gives you a present for no reason, you might be ______________________.
3. If you have nothing to do, you might feel ___________________.

4. When youre very afraid of something, you might feel ______________________.
5. Someone who learns to speak 6 or 7 languages is truly _______________________________.
6. When youre going to do something fun, you are ______________ about it.
7. When you cant remember a word in English, you probably feel __________________________.
C. Complete the e-mail messages. Use the correct form of the adjectives.
Good news, bad news.


Students book activities



1. Grammar Focus
Expressions / collocations with keep and hold"
Expressions with keep and hold
hold a party
hold hands hold ones breath keep a secret
Keep an eye on
keep in mind
keep ones promise
We use the verbs hold and keep in many different ways and with many
different meanings. Only when the meaning is to prevent something from
moving can they be used interchangeably:


Hold / keep the ruler steady so that I can draw a straight line.
Keep / hold still while I put this necklace on you.
Her talk was so boring that she was unable to hold / keep my attention.
This is a firm arrangement which cannot be changed. I'll hold / keep you to this.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb keep and hold.
1. Its amazing that Adam can ________ his breath for two whole minutes.
2. _______ in mind that Mr. Betts has very little time to spare, so make sure, that you are not late.
3. Make sure you _______ my hand so that we dont get lost in the crowd.
4. Our dad ______ his promise and took us to the county fair.


Workbook activities

1" Expressions / collocations with keep and hold.

A. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of keep or hold
1. The old married couple ________ hands as they went for a walk along the beach.
2. John, cant you _________ a secret? I told you not to tell anyone.
3. A: Can you speak to Mr. Smith?
B: Yes of course, please ________________.
4. Sarah is a reliable person; she always ______________ her promises.
5. Im going to _____________her in mind for the new position; she gave an excellent
interview and she scored the highest on the test.
6. Im _____________ a party for Jane on Saturday; she is moving to Australia.


7. Ill stay and ____________ you company if you like; I dont want you to be alone on your
8. How long can you ___________ your breath for?
B Look at the phrases below and decide which you keep and which you hold.

1. A straight face


2. Someone's hand

3. A diary

4. A promise

5. A demonstration

6. Someone responsible for something

8. Fit


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