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Design of a mortar handling machine for high rise buildings
Student Name & Registration Number:
Tanaka Mugabe

Supervised by:

Engineer W. Mutenhabundo
Mr. M. Wagoneka

A HIT 300 project submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Bachelor of

Technology Honors Degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
August 2014

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction
This project intends to come up with mortar elevating machine that will help in the reduction of the usage of
highly strenuous and costly methods such as wheelbarrows to transfer mortar from a lower level to a higher
level in the construction of high rise buildings. Local contractors are facing stiff competition from wellfunded foreign firms, mainly Chinese companies.(The Standard, 2013). Nevertheless, most of these
construction companies have resorted to hiring a large number of unskilled workers so as to help with the
movement of mortar and associated building materials using menial methods such as wheelbarrows and
ropes, this may prove too costly as there may be high spillages of mortar and a risk of falling on the part of
workers pushing wheelbarrows on unsecured planks.

With the increase in the cost of land and a high rural to urban migration the demand for housing
has increased hence an increase in demand for high rise building to compensate the scarcity of
land (Gwindi, 2012). According to Mutasa (1999) the demand for high rise buildings has also
been on the increase due to the desire for aesthetics in urban settings, prestige and innovation in
structural systems.

Figure 1.1 Builders using a ramp at a government complex construction site in

Lupane(Source:Newsday;Pic by T Mukwazo)
However it is one of the most dangerous risky economic sectors with 5896 accidents being recorded in
South Africa in year 2011of which 504 of these were fatal fall from heights (The Southern Times, 2012).
The picture in figure 1.1 shows construction workers using a ramp to transfer mortar from ground to the first
floor of a government complex building under construction in Lupane (Matebeleland North). The transfer

of mortar and other building materials from the ground to high floors has seen the use of very
strenuous methods (pushing wheelbarrows, pulling ropes and shoveling) and sometimes costly
methods such as cranes. More than 200 000 construction workers in the USA complain of back
strains after being employed in the industry for not more than 2years, (Hunt, 2014).
According to the Zimbabwean ministry of small to medium enterprise (2013), the indigenization policy has
seen a growing number of small to medium construction companies venturing into the construction of high
rise buildings. Though the major concern is that they are failing to break even due to high costs of labor
hence they have struggled to out compete large organization that can afford mechanization and sustain a
high wage bill while still remaining afloat (Mpofu, 2013). Most companies have resorted to the usage of
larders though they have limitations when heights exceed seven meters. Lengthy ladders are a risk on their
own. This project is in line with the government of Zimbabwes economic blue print launched in October
2013 the ZimASSET with one of its four pillars focusing on infrastructure and utilities
development. Among a cocktail of problems facing the construction industry are low project
turnover; an increase in non-professional and unregistered contractors; obsolete equipment,
unfair competition from international companies and a biting liquidity crunch which has brought
projects to a standstill. (Mpofu, 2013)

1.2 Problem statement

Available methods of mortar transfer are labor intensive and costly for small construction

1.3 Aim
To design and fabricate an affordable mortar handling system for the growing construction

1.4 Objectives

To Design a mortar elevating machine that will be easy to dismantle and assemble to

allow for mobility.

To design an elevating mechanism for the machine
To design an adjustable frame that will allow extension and retraction for variances in

To design a bucket system that will minimize spillages of mortar by about 30% i.e. easily

contain mortar
To design a control system of the machine

1.5 Scope
This project is focused on design of a mortar elevating machine for the growing construction
industry. The main focus of this machine will mainly be on elevating mortar and other building
materials such as concrete to higher levels using less strenuous methods.

1.6 Justification
Available methods of mortar elevation have proved to be costly and highly strenuous hence the
intended design will help alleviate small construction companies from high operational cost and
labor intensive activities.

1.7 Research questions

What type of material will be needed for buckets to minimize wear?

What ways of protecting moving parts from clogging due to mortar spillage?
What is the average weight of mortar per kilogram used in the construction industry?
What is average height of buildings constructed by small construction companies?
What problems are associated with current methods of lifting mortar?
What mechanisms can be used to make the machine easy to retract and extend?

1.8 Limitations
Limited resources in the library for researching
Difficulties in accessing information as government the main tender insurer in the construction
industry has limited projects going on as it is facing financial problems
The time dedicated to the project may limit the depth of findings

1.9 Gantt chart

1.10 Conclusion
The intended design seek to cut the operational costs incurred by small to medium construction
companies in employing a large labor force. This machine will be a once off investment that will
cut the costs incurred in employing and retrenching at every end of a contract. It also seeks to
limit the number of fatalities in the construction industry that have lost lives and parts of their
bodies due to strenuous and risk methods used in the industry.


2.1 Introduction
In this chapter focus will be on the review of literature, a general overview of information
accessed on internet journals and a range of text books. An analysis of the methods being used
currently in mortar hoisting, their working principle the advantages and limitations they bring
about to help bring up a new design that will build on the limitations of the traditional methods.

2.2 Mortar handling machines

According to Lutz(2003) in the early centuries construction within major cities in the world was
completed using bricks and mortar only, as there were no lift elevators and cranes it was not
possible to build higher than scaffolding could reach. In the late 1800's, new civil engineering
methods and technology redefined limits for high rise construction. It became possible to build
amazingly high towers, (Blank, 1994). The advancement came with the advent of lift elevators
and new steel manufacturing processes which produced long beams. Essentially, architects had a
whole new set of building blocks to work with, as relatively narrow, lightweight steel beams
could support much more weight than older solid brick constructed buildings limited to height of
about ten stories (Lutz, 2003).
Blank(1994) reveals that from the late 1900's till this date, high rise buildings have been built
using a standard concept of lifting individual steel beam girders by tower cranes. It is delivered
to workers assembling them together at each floor level in a vertical and horizontal arrangement.
This process is very labor intensive and is very slow. A major challenge that construction
contractors have to contend with is the factor of 'time'. If a project is not completed by scheduled
dates, then huge fines can be imposed and the cost of construction can soar, (Mpofu, 2014).
In the construction industry many methods are currently being used to lift mortar from the
ground to varying heights above the ground. Below is a discussion of the methods being used in
Zimbabwe by small construction companies.
2.2.1 Drop shipping crane
TEREX(2009) in their user manual handbook describe a drop shipping crane as a type of
machine which is equipped with a hoist, wire ropes or chains, and cranes, that can be used both
to lift and lower mortar and to move it horizontally in case of crawler cranes. It uses one or more
simple to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capability of a

humans. Cranes are commonly used in the construction industry for movement of mortar and
other heavy equipment. The first drop shipping cranes were invented by the Ancient Greeks to
load and unload ships. They were powered by men or beasts of burden, such as donkeys. These
cranes were used for the construction of tall buildings (Blank, 1994). Larger cranes were later
developed, employing the use of human tread wheels, permitting the lifting of heavier weights.
In the middle ages cranes were built into stone towers for extra strength and stability. The earliest
cranes were constructed from wood, but cast iron and steel took over with the coming of
the Industrial Revolution, (TEREX, 2009).
According to Blank (1994) the first 'mechanical' power on a drop shipping crane was provided
by steam engines. The earliest steam crane being introduced in the 18th or 19th century, with
many remaining in use well into the late 20th century. TEREX (2009) in their user handbook
explains that modern drop shipping cranes use internal combustion engines or electric
motors and hydraulic systems to provide a much greater lifting capability than was previously
possible. Manual cranes are though still being utilized where the provision of power would be
uneconomic or unaffordable (Mpofu, 2014) .Cranes exist in an enormous variety of forms each
tailored to a specific use. Sometimes sizes range from the smallest jib drop shipping cranes, to
the tallest tower cranes, used for constructing high buildings

Figure 2.1: Drop shipping crawler crane (source: TEREX Handbook)

The drop shipping mortar crane uses a winch mechanism to drop the mortar container which is
then manually loaded using shovels. The winch then pulls back the rope back and the mortar
container is lifted above the ground to the floors above where it then manually offloaded again
using shovels to empty the mortar container. (TEREX, 2009)

According to Zimbabwe Youth Agenda, (2013), most small companies have failed to remain
competitive due to high operational cost. This has also affected small construction companies
that has seen most of them shutting down. The drop shipping crawler crane in Fig 2.1 is one of
the methods being used by small construction companies in Zimbabwe on high rise building. It
will cost an average of $100per hour to hire and $20 a kilometer for transportation (Masimba,

A retractable and extendable jib allows it to reach higher floors

Single operator cuts cost of labor
Short counter jib and a variable working radius permits high productivity in extremely

narrow spaces.
Mobility allows mortar to be hoisted over a horizontal distance


Dangerous to use in windy conditions

Unstable ground or sloppy ground may complicate the use of a crane
expensive to use or higher for small construction companies

2.2.2 Wheelbarrow
Blank (1994) describe a wheelbarrow as a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with just
one wheel, designed to be pushed and guided by a single person using two handles to the rear.
The wheelbarrow is designed to distribute the weight of its load between the wheel and the
operator so enabling the convenient carriage of heavier mortar than would be possible were the
weight carried entirely by the operator. Monarch (2014) in their product catalogue say the typical
capacity of wheelbarrow is approximately 70 liters of material. According to Blank(1994) the
two-wheel type is more stable on level ground, while the almost universal one-wheel type has
better maneuverability in small spaces, on planks. When used on tilted ground a wheelbarrow
would throw the load off balance. University of Sal ford (1992) describe a wheelbarrow as
manual mobile vehicle that consists of a tray or bed composed of steel, wood, or plastic. A
steel brace attaches this bed to steel support legs and to a steel or plastic wheel, with a rubber tire
around it. Three types of wheelbarrow include seamless steel tray, a folded steel tray or a plastic
tray. Monarch (2014) in their process handbook states that the plastic trays are molded from

cross-linked polyethylene. Plastic trays do not rust, and concrete does not stick to them, shovels
do not cut them, and a sledgehammer will not dent them.
In a one or two wheeled models, the wheels may be similar to bicycle tires, complete with inner
tubes. Some handles are metal with foam or hard plastic grips, while some wheelbarrows
intended for the home gardener have solid wooden handles with no grips Monarch (2014).
University of Sal ford (1992) traced the origins of the wheelbarrow back to ancient Greece
between 407 and 408 BC during building of the Eleusis temple. The two wheel wheelbarrow
originates from China during the Han Dynasty in the Sichuan province around 118AD.

Figure 2.2: One and Two Wheeled Wheelbarrows (source: The Origins of the Wheelbarrow)
The wheelbarrow is a very common mode of transporting building materials with over 70%
usage rate in the construction industry in Africa. Though it is the main cause of forced
retirements due to ill condition

(Hunt, 2014). The wheelbarrow basically has caused many

construction companies to suffer loses in a bid to compensate laid off workers. Because theres
no top to a wheelbarrow, some users may think they can keep loading it as long as the material
doesnt fall out but overloading a wheelbarrow is a sure way to lose control of it. Whether the
tray is plastic or steel, a rounded nose will help control pouring. Though it is the most common
method in Zimbabwes construction industry the wheel barrow is one the less efficient and labor
intensive method of taking mortar to higher floors (Mpofu, 2014). Use of wheelbarrows may
cause a loss of cement as it may lead to the segregation of cement during transportation,
(Masimba, 2014)
Advantages of wheelbarrow

It is affordable with a unit cost of about US$23, Monarch (2014).

It is easy maintain

It is easy to use with no qualification needed to operate it

Requires a lot of human effort to move material (laborious)
It has a lower carrying capacity
It is more risk when using it above ground with poor loading leading to a tip over
Segregation of concrete may occur if the route is too bumpy

2.2.3 Bucket and Rope system

It is one of the most traditional methods whose origins can date back to as far as construction can
be traced, having originated from the ancient way of fetching liquids from a depth, (Camillo,
1992). It has moved from manual pulling of ropes to the electrically powered winch system
shown in Fig 2.3. The bucket is hoisted in a bight in the hoisting rope. In the customary hoist one
end of the holding rope is made fast aloft to the trolley or frame work of the hoisting tower
depending on the design and after passing around sheaves in the bucket the other end of each
rope is taken to the closing and holding drums respectively of the hoisting machine. The hoisting
winch is fixed levels above the ground with a motor which helps pull up the mortar bucket using
a rope which is made of a flexible steel wire, TEREX (2009).

Fig 2.3 A winch system used to hoist a mortar bucket (source: TEREX Handbook)
Camillo (1992) describes a winch as a mechanical devices used to pull a heavy loads upwards.
They are used to pull in, let out, or otherwise adjust the tension of a rope or cable. Simple
designs consist of a rope or cable wound around a drum or barrel. The drum rotates in a
horizontal axis and may be powered by steam, a hydraulic motor, or an electric motor. Industrial

winches are designed to move heavy loads and come in a variety of configurations. Most winch
drums are made of fabricated steel and designed for a specific loading capacity. Great
communication is needed between the operator and the people offloading and loading the mortar
bucket. Great skill is needed especially on securing a heavy load. More than 30% of first time
users of a winch in the South African construction industry get injured, with 70% losing their
middle fingers due to poor rigging skills (Hunt; 2014)

Smooth in operation minimizing segregation of mortar

Few people can operate it thereby cutting cost of labor

Large quantities of mortar can be hoisted with minimum human effort
It has fail-safe feature such that in the event that power is interrupted a fail-safe brake is
automatically engaged


It is costly to install
It poses danger to inexperienced users

Many other methods can also be used besides the ones discussed above though these methods
such as mortar buggies (mortar tubs with wheels and handles) which are usually loaded at
ground level then hoisted or fork lifted to the scaffold then rolled onto an inside support floor,
wheeled to workers for offloading. This method is usually used big organization who can afford
fork lifts. Some buggies are engine powered.


Fig 2.4 An engine powered mortar buggy (source: The Origins of the Wheelbarrow)

2.3 Mortar Characteristics

The word mortar comes from a Latin word mortarium which means crushed. Aspdin (1824)
defined it as workable paste used to bind building blocks such as bricks and concrete masonry
units together, fill and seal the irregular gaps between them, and sometimes add decorative colors
or patterns in masonry walls. Pretoria Portland cement (1999) defines mortar in its broadest
sense as an inclusion of pitch, asphalt, and soft mud or clay, such as used between mud bricks.
Mortar bonds individual brick together to function as a single element. Mortar is composed of a
thick mixture of water, sand, and cement. Water is used to hydrate the cement and hold the mix

Fig 2.5 A bucket of cement mortar (source: Bed rock industries; pic by: P McDonald)
The first mortars were made of mud and clay. In the early centuries because of lack of stone and
an abundance of clay, Babylonian constructions of around 6500BCE were made with lime or
pitch being used as mortar. The earliest evidence of mortar usage were in the Harrapa city in
Pakistan around 2600BCE where they used kiln fired bricks and gypsum as mortar (Aspdin,
1824). Gypsum mortar also called plaster of Paris requires a lower firing temperatures so it is
easier to make than lime mortar and sets up much faster (Portland Cement ;2012). Gypsum
mortar is not as durable as other mortars in damp conditions. Mud and clay with either lime or
gypsum were used in the construction of Egyptian pyramids around 2500BCE.
Mortar is mainly is described as a glue that holds bricks together made from cement, lime, water
and sand. Its main job is to provide stability for the bricks or stones on a wall (Portland cement;


2.3.1 Types of mortar

Mortars are classified based on compressive strength and their bonding properties and flexibility,
(Aspidini;1824). These two properties are very important because they will help in handling and
provide the strength on masonry. Each mortar mix has cement, hydrated lime and sand
proportions. Choosing a mortar mix is based on its viscosity, strength, adhesion and sealing
requirements. Below is a discussion of the three types of mortar available and their
characteristics according to Construction Essential (1994)
2.3.1a Mortar mix type N
Usually recommended on exterior and above grade walls that are exposed to severe weather and
high heat. It has a medium compressive strength and it is usually described as a general purpose
mortar used in above grade, exterior and interior load bearing installations. These is the mortar
used by most home owners.
2.3.1b Mortar mix type O
A mix with low compressive strength of 350psi used for interior or non-load bearing walls. Its
exterior use is limited because of its law structural capacity. It can be used as an alternative to
type N for areas with severe cold weather. It is easy to apply and is ideal when repointing due to
its consistency. Used in above grade and non-loading bearing situations both interior and exterior
2.3.1c Mortar mix type S
Has a very high compressive strength of a bove1800psi and a high tensile bond strength ideal
product for masonry at or below grade It performs well to fight soil pressure and wind. This
mortar mix type can be used for below grade areas e.g. foundations and brick pavements.
2.3.1d Mortar mix type M
Usually recommended for walls with heavy loads, masonry below grade, foundations, retaining
walls and drive ways. Has about 2500psi in compressive strength yet it has poor adhesion.
The rheology of the different mixes of mortar discussed above have to use a cement with specific
specification for them to be easy to transport for example adhesion, flow and frictional resistance
against container surface, resistance to settlement and resistance to segregation.


2.4 Details to consider in design of a mortar handling machine

The intended design will be used in handling different mortar mixes and concrete which may
need to be cast well above ground level. Mortar mixes and concrete though used interchangeably
they do differ, mortar mixes are the ingredients that glue other components such as stones
together to form concrete. Though they are different kinds of concrete normal concrete has a
density around 2400 kg/m3 with cement mortar having an average density 3120kg/m3 (Bill
Nye,1996). Hanna and Hillier (1994) describes density a physical characteristic, and as a
measure of mass per unit of volume of a material or substance.
Design of a mortar tub that ensures safety and compliance to construction site standards. A
lightweight crane able mortar tub which is rigid, strong and durable. The tub should have flexible
body to facilitate easy cleaning. Mortar tub is manufactured using UV stabilized medium density

Design Calculations of Mortar handling devices

Strength of rollers
In this method, design is carried out so that stress at any location of the roller should not exceed
the material yield stress. However, no consideration for roller deflection and roller twist is
included. The stress at any point on the rollers depends on the nature of load acting on it. The
stresses which may be present are as follows. (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)
2.4a Basic stress equations:
Bending stress

(Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

M: Bending moment at the point of interest
do: Outer diameter of the roller


k: Ratio of inner to outer diameters of the shaft ( k = 0 for a solid shaft because inner diameter is
zero )
Axial Stress
(2) (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

F: Axial force (tensile or compressive)

: Column-action factor(= 1.0 for tensile load)
The term has been introduced in the equation. This is known as column action factor. What is a
column action factor? This arises due the phenomenon of buckling of long slender members
which are acted upon by axial compressive loads.
Here, is defined as,
.. (3) (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

for L/K <11

2.4b Stiffness of rollers
Basic idea of design in such case depends on the allowable deflection and twist of the roller.The
stress at any point on the shaft depends on the nature of load acting on it. The stresses which may
be present are as follows.
Stress due to torsion
. (4) (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

T: Torque on the roller
: Shear stress due to torsion
Maximum shear stress theory

Design of the shaft (roller) mostly uses maximum shear stress theory. It states that a machine
member fails when the maximum shear stress at a point exceeds the maximum allowable shear
stress for the shaft material. Therefore,

... (5) (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

Substituting the values of x and xyin the above equation, the final form is,


(Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

Therefore, the shaft diameter can be calculated in terms of external loads and material properties.
However, the above equation is further standardized for steel shafting in terms of allowable
design stress and load factors in ASME design code for shaft. (Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

2.4c Design for shaft diameter

[Torque (Nm) RPM]9549 = Kw.(7)
9549 is just a conversion number, Nm=Kw at 9549.
Conversely, Kw 9549/RPM = Nm
2.4d Design of weld
Q= [(60VI)/1000S] * Efficiency

I = current (A),

S = welding speed (mm/min).

V = voltage (V),

Q = heat input (kJ/mm),

The efficiency is dependent on the welding process used, with shielded metal arc welding having
a value of 0.75, gas metal arc welding and submerged arc welding, 0.9, and gas tungsten arc
welding, 0.8

2.4e Design of chain drive

Chain drives are an effective power transmission system. With its main advantages being that the
shaft center distances are relatively unrestricted. The center distance between two chained
sprockets vary from 50% to 300% or more of the pitch diameters (Hannover, 2002). Chains also
perform better than gears under shock loading conditions
Roller chains are constructed using link plates, pins and rollers and connecting them in an
endless chain using a connecting link.

Fig 2.6 A dismantled roller chain (source:; picture by: unknown)

Roller diameter (Dr) =

x Pitch. (8) (Khurmi and Gupta,


Using sprockets the simple rule is that the of the diameter ratios


. (9) (Khurmi and

Gupta, 2005)


Pitch Diameter calculations



(Khurmi and Gupta, 2005)

PD = pitch diameter
P= chain pitch in inches
N= number of teeth on the sprocket

2.5 Conclusion
This marks the end of the literature review a chapter where an overview of the current
methods used in the hoisting of mortar in the construction industry. Focus was mainly placed
on the methods used by small construction companies in Zimbabwe. Some analysis was also
on the different types of cement mortar, their characteristics and how best they can be
handled. Formulas outlined in this chapter will be of great use in chapter five of this
document. In the following chapter an overview will be made on the research methods that
that will helped the researcher conceptualize the best design that will help bring what the
market is envying for.

Chapter Three
Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction
In this chapter called the methodology an overview is made of all the methods used by the
researcher in gathering information that helped bring up the final design. Various methods were
used in order to bring up as much information available that could make this project a necessity
in the construction industry. The researcher utilized relevant data from the construction sites
visited and a database was compiled in order to analyze the existing designs and mortar handling
mechanisms being used on tall structures, so as to arrive at a more complete and relevant
efficiencies for this machine. Packages in data capturing and simulation were used to carry out
experiments e.g. Microsoft excel. Experiments were done in accommodate all the ergonomics to

make the design safe that will cut labor intensiveness in this industry while leaving the
organization with a competitive edge.
Methods discussed below helped to bring up information in chapter four (results and findings)
about all permutations considered in coming up with the final design.

3.1 Data collection

Qualitative and quantitative data were used though more bias was on using the qualitative
approach. Research instruments such as informal interviews, questionnaires and site surveys
were construction was ongoing were used to collect relevant data. Usage of internet and visits to
the library helped on the desk research in a bid to fine tune survey and interview findings.
Methods used explained below
3.1.1 Observations
A visit to a construction site in Lupane Matabeleland north region where Masimba construction
is raising a three story government complex. These was in a bid to observe the efficiency the
wheelbarrow and ramp method that were being used at the site.

3.1.2 Informal interviews

Informal interviews were conducted at sites that were undergoing construction before the
finalization of this document. Interviews were done with people of different levels from the
general worker to the site managers on how the current methods of hoisting mortar fell short on
end users expectations. Informal interviews were carried in conjunction with observations in a
bid to understand the complaints raised by users of current mortar handling machines and any
improvements they wish to see on the next machines.
3.1.3 Questionnaires
A questionnaires is a formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents.
The main objective being to translate the researchers information needs into a set of specific
questions that the targeted respondents carry vital information and are willing and able to answer
correctly and eloquently. Questionnaires were prepared and shared among the illiterate in
different level thus from the general hand to the site boss at every visited site so as to get their

views on this project being done by the researcher. Questions were structured to give the
researcher relevant information which can be considered in the intended design.
3.1.4 Library research
Many texts books and newspapers were used in the library for the purpose of calculations of the
various components of the intended design. More so it gave the researcher access to the
engineering handbooks and journals for some design aspects and calculations they may need
consideration. Information collected from newspaper helped in accommodating the safety issues
that need to be looked at in the intended design
3.1.5 Internet
The internet which has made the world a global village help bring information on problems
being faced in the construction industry in some parts of the world. Information from the internet
helped the researcher gather information of past designs their working principles, their
shortcomings and strengths which the researcher wish to build upon. It provided a wide range of
information from which experiments were conducted to help to bring up the final design. The
internet proved a good research instrument with vast information though some information could
have been tempered with hence its reliability was questionable.

3.2 Engineering tools and courses used

AutoCAD-used in the development of working drawings of the prototype and 3D

drawings of the conceptual ideas.

Design used in the calculation of chain length, sprocket ratios, shaft speeds and strain
they can withstand. The researcher used knowledge gained in design lectures to bring

up the design.
Materials engineering-the knowledge gained in the course and from texts from this

course was used to help in the material selection.

Electronics engineering knowledge gained from this course helped in calculating
control requirements and circuit design to help regulate rotation of the mortar allowing

maximum time to load and offload

Solid mechanics helped in the design of the frame to withstand loading
Ergonomics knowledge gained in this course helped the researcher understand the risks
that are brought up to users of existing methods.

3.3 Conclusion
Information gathered through methods mentioned in this chapter and tools stated came in handy
to the researcher in compiling this document. The results of experiments and researches done can
be fully revealed in the findings chapter. Having used all the above methods discussed above the
next chapter will discuss the results and findings brought about. All the discussed methods were
used to try and build up towards a design that will make a niche in the range of methods that are
currently available in the construction industry.


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