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Drag force

Flow past

From this experiment, it is known that the purpose of this experiment was solely to
understand and determine the pressure profile and flow characteristics for flow around a circular
cylinder. In this experiment, angles and heights were the only variables that recorded in the table
and the rest were calculated from the data obtained. By using the difference in manometer
heights, the pressure gradient should be easy to calculate. Measurements of static pressure
coefficient on the cylinder surface were used to determine the curve in the graph above which
later will be discussed on.
Results are presented in figures where each variables and parameters were represented
in test 1 and test 2 respectively. In the table shown, the angle can be determined by the locations
tabulated starting from 00 to 180o. By reading the multi-tube manometer, each pressure taping
position can be obtained corresponding with the pressure measurement. In this experiment the
density of the fluid was given at . Hence by multiplying density, difference in taping position and

the gravity value at sea level, the pressure coefficient can then calculated with the presence of
velocity. Thus, the should be easily determined using the angle recorded.
This experiment was done using two different speeds each at 10m/s and 20m/s.
The however fixed at 240mm. Based on the calculated data, the table was completed and a
graph for both test was constructed. In the graph, the variables used for y-axis is the pressure
coefficient, Cp where for the x-axis is represented by the location on the circumference of cylinder
The coordinate system used is shown in graphs plotted where in the first test the Cp
started with a decrease through 0 o to 15o. The curve at a velocity of 10m/s was then increased
rapidly all the way from 16o to 80o. Before increase steadily in between 90 o to 100o, the coefficient
of pressure was again decrease in steady manner. The fluctuation manners in this state may
happen due to the unstable red fluid in the manometer which unable us to get the accurate data
from the manometer. The pressure coefficient was later kept a constant pace at Cp = 2.00. It was
found out that in this test, the maximum and minimum coefficient of pressure were 0.75 and -1.50
In the second test, it was observed that the curve line is smoother compares to the first
test and it initially have a slight decrease as low as Cp = -1.44 before the pressure coefficient
started to increase at 200 location of the circumference of the cylinder. It is believed that the
smooth pace of the curve may happens due to the stable manometer fluid at manometer and the
machine have fully warmed up thus loaded its full capacity. After reached its maximum pressure
coefficient of 0.81, the Cp began to decrease and formed a constant value from 90 0 to 1300 in
which after that increased and repeating the same manner from 140 0 and lastly started to fall for
the last angle location at 1800.
Now describe each of the plots in turn, using a separate paragraph for each. State what each plot
shows (e.g. "surface pressure coefficient distributions at two Reynolds numbers compared with a
theoretical distribution computed assuming unbounded potential flow"). Mention, and attempt to
explain, any imperfections in the experiment revealed by these data (e.g. are the measured
distributions symmetrical, is the pressure coefficient at the stagnation point 1). Describe the
shapes of the curves. To help in your discussion you can then introduce any auxiliary
measurements that have a bearing on the flow (e.g. the unexpected form of the pressure
distribution on the cylinder may be partly explained by three-dimensionality in the flow. Figure ??
shows a spanwise profile measured in the cylinder wake at x/D=...").
Make sure your results and discussion include (and justify) the conclusions you want to make and
that those conclusions connect with your objectives. Also remember to include any uncertainty
estimates in derived results. You should reference a table (copied out of your Excel file) or
appendix containing the uncertainty calculation.


Begin this section with one or two sentences summarizing what you did (e.g." Surface pressure
and .... measurements have been made at .... in ...."). Then draw your conclusions which should
be numbered, each starting on a separate line. Most conclusions should be a single sentence
that summarizes an important piece if information which you did not know before the experiment
(and that has already been explained in the Results and Discussion). Make sure you include
conclusions that address the same points as your objectives, if not, change the objectives.


8.0 Conclusions
From the refrigeration laboratory, the pressure, enthalpy, and temperature were calculated at the four
state points of the vapour compression refrigeration cycle (VCRC). With the state point properties and
the power drawn by the compressor the COP can be determined. However the COP can be
determined from the work input to the compressor, or as the work applied to the working fluid.
In comparison with the ideal VCRC, data obtained and calculated from the laboratory (actual results)
differed from those of the ideal cycle. The differences are a result of the assumptions made when
working with the ideal cycle to simplify the calculations. The assumption that the compressor is
isentropic shows the greatest impact on the variation of the ideal and the actual cycle.

A relevant source of error involves the accuracy of the measuring equipment and of the methods used
in obtaining the measured values. The actual cycle would greatly approximate that of the ideal cycle if
the assumptions could be reached, such as constant pressure heat transfer across heat exchangers,
and the reduction of heat transfer to and from the environment due to insinuated


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