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Pollution Prevention for the

Manufacturing &
Finishing Industry

Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program

This manual was developed with funds from the U.S. EPA Region VII and the
Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
I would like to thank the following organizations for their contribution of
resources to this manual:
Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment (KDHE) for materials from
the Kansas Hazardous Waste Generator Handbook
Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program for the use
of Wood Furniture Makers Compliance Options and Regulatory
Requirements under the Clean Air Act: A Guide for Small Businesses
University of Wisconsin - Extension Solid and Hazardous Waste
Education Center for the use of materials from Wood Products ValueAdded Manufacturing and Finishing: Efficiency, Waste Reduction and
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and
Waste Reduction Assistance Program for use of materials from
Pollution Prevention in the Finishing of Wood Furniture resource manual and guide
Tennessee Valley Authority for resources from the Waste Reduction
Guide-Wood Furniture Industries workbook.

I would like to thank those P2 programs across the nation that developed P2
case studies and manuals used for background information contained in this
manual, and to thank the following people for their contributions to the
development of this document:
Jean Waters and Gene Meyer, for technical reviews
Mary Rankin for reviews and editing
Bob Davis for illustrations and layout design
Sherry J. Davis, Industrial P2 Specialist
May 1999

Table of Contents
Section I: Introduction to P2.........................................................................1
Definition of Pollution ......................................................................................2
History of the Development of P2 ....................................................................3
Principles of a Waste Reduction Program .......................................................4
Section II: Is My Waste Hazardous?............................................................6
Characteristic Hazardous Waste .....................................................................6
Listed Hazardous Waste...................................................................................8
Section III: P2 Strategies for Wood Shops ..............................................10
Section IV: Change the Operating Practice............................................12
Rough Milling .................................................................................................12
Gluing Operations ..........................................................................................13
Product Dimensioning: Machining, Sanding, and Assembly.......................16
Operational Wastes.........................................................................................19
Operator Training .....................................................................................19
Prepare Coatings Properly .......................................................................21
Direct Delivery of Coatings.......................................................................22
Use Heat to Control Viscosity...................................................................23
Equipment Cleaning and Line Flushing..................................................23
Equipment Maintenance ..........................................................................24
Inventory and Scheduling Maintenance ..................................................26
Cleaning and Stripping.............................................................................27
Reuse and Recycling of Finishing Materials ...........................................28
Section V: Change the Material/Change the Technology ....................29
Table One: Typical Coating Processes, Materials, and Wastes....................31
Waterborne Coatings ......................................................................................33
High Solids Coatings ......................................................................................35
Polyester-/Polyurethane-Based Coatings ......................................................37
Carbon Dioxide System ..................................................................................38
HVLP Applications .........................................................................................39
Airless Applications ........................................................................................40
Air-Assisted Applications ...............................................................................40
Electrostatic Technology.................................................................................41
Vacuum Coating..............................................................................................42
Roll Coating ....................................................................................................42
Dip Coating .....................................................................................................43
Flow Coating ...................................................................................................44
Curtain Coating ..............................................................................................44
Dry Coating.....................................................................................................44

Appendix A: Checklists for Success..........................................................45

Employees .......................................................................................................46
Record Keeping ...............................................................................................46
Protect Your Health ........................................................................................47
Personal Protective Equipment .....................................................................47
Work Space......................................................................................................48
Refinishing Safety ..........................................................................................48
Employee Training .........................................................................................49
Coating Applications ......................................................................................49
Cleaning ..........................................................................................................51
Process Changes .............................................................................................51
Appendix B: Kansas Regulatory Levels of Hazardous Waste .............52
Small Quantity Generator .............................................................................52
Kansas Generator ...........................................................................................52
EPA Generator................................................................................................53
Appendix C: NESHAP Work Practice Standard Requirements
Summary .................................................................................55
Application Equipment ..................................................................................55
Operator Training Program ...........................................................................55
Inspection and Maintenance Plan .................................................................56
Cleaning and Washoff Solvent Accounting Program ....................................56
Cleaning and Washoff Solvent Composition .................................................56
Spray Booth Cleaning.....................................................................................56
Gun and Line Cleaning ..................................................................................56
Washoff Operations ........................................................................................57
Work Practice Implementation Plan .............................................................57
Formulation Assessment Plan for Finishing Operations .............................57
Appendix D: Vendor Directory ..................................................................58
Compliant or Low VOC Coatings...................................................................58
Water-based Adhesives...................................................................................58

Section I: Introduction to Pollution Prevention

for the Wood Manufacturing and
Finishing Industry
As wood manufacturers and finishers, you are faced with new and more
demanding regulations which will affect how you will do business today and
in the future. This manual covers pollution prevention approaches for wood
manufacturers and finishers to reduce emissions and regulatory obligations,
while reducing wastes from production processes.

Pollution preventionP2can help your wood shop reduce the following:


Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants


waste disposal costs

raw material purchases
short-term liabilities associated with employee health issues
long-term liabilities from improper disposal or catastrophic events associated with hazardous waste disposal
This manual covers pollution prevention options for the wood manufacturing and finishing industry,
and provides air and hazardous
waste regulatory information.
Waste streams from normal shop
operations are discussed with
accompanying pollution prevention
options. Success stories from shops
using these techniques are included to show how others have
reduced their waste streams and

their regulatory requirements by

using P2 practices and technologies.
How much your company will benefit from implementing any of the
waste reduction suggestions in this
manual will depend on available
resources, and how much upper
management support will be given
to the waste reduction program.

Definition of Pollution
Webster's Dictionary defines pollution as the process of contaminating or
making an environment unfit with man-made waste. Laws have been put
into effect in the last 30 years to help protect our environment. Many of
these were in response to catastrophic events and public demands for new
laws to protect human health and the environment.
Air pollution is regulated by the Clean Air Act (CAA) and its Amendments,
water pollution by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA), and other wastes by numerous laws including the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The appendix of this manual covers
aspects of these regulations that apply to the wood furniture and finishing

History of the Development of Pollution Prevention

Congress began addressing pollution in the late 1800's. The Rivers
and Harbors Act of 1899 made
dumping waste in the Mississippi
River illegal and was one of the
first regulations made to protect
the environment. Since then,
many regulations have been made,
especially during the 1960's when
serious pollution problems began
to affect public health and the
environment. The public and our
government realized that something had to be done to curb the
flow of unchecked pollution in the
United States.

water and surface waters are so

contaminated they are unfit for
use as drinking water or for recreational use. Congress realized a
new approach was necessary to
protect the environment and our
natural resources.
The Pollution Prevention (P2) Act
of 1990 was enacted to change the
way our country viewed waste production, especially hazardous
waste. Instead of treating waste
after it was made, Congress proposed reducing the generation of
the pollution at its source. The P2
Act established "source reduction"
as a national priority to reduce the
generation of wastes-hazardous
and non-hazardous - at their point
of generation.

Congress realized a mechanism

was needed to provide guidelines
for disposal of the ever increasing
amounts of waste produced. The
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) was set up to study the
problems and put together regulations needed to protect the environment, and to enforce those rules
through inspections of businesses.

The Pollution Prevention Institute

at Kansas State University is a
technical assistance program set
up to help businesses find ways to
reduce the amount of waste generated at their facilities through pollution prevention methods and
technologies. Our program is funded by the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment and the
U.S. EPA to provide free, non-regulatory help to small- and mediumsized businesses in the state of

As the years have gone by, disposal

and storage of hazardous waste at
hazardous waste sites has resulted
in soil contaminations and contaminated ground waters (our primary
drinking water supply), and the
surface waters of our country. In
some areas of Kansas, ground

Principles of a Waste Reduction Program

started. It may be a project that
involves everyone if you have a
small shop, or this task may
require a team if you are a large

To be successful in the wood manufacturing and finishing business,

shop owners have to remain competitive. Reducing unnecessary
waste and its associated costs
should be an integral component of
your business plan. Wastes cost
company in three ways: loss of raw
materials, disposal costs, and
increased management costs to
manage and track hazardous

No matter what your shop size is,

if the individual in control of the
organization isn't willing to make
a commitment to waste reduction
and the changes required, there is
less chance of success for measurable savings and waste reduction.

It's not hard to organize a plan, but

it will take some time to get it
When starting your program, keep the following principles in mind:

committed. Owners and managers must be committed to waste reduction before employees will buy into it and they are the ones that will ultimately make it work! Know each type of waste in your shop, where it
comes from, how much of it there is, and whether it's considered hazardous or not. Keep hazardous wastes segregated from nonhazardous
wastes to prevent contamination and promote easier, cheaper disposal or
Know how much your waste is costing you. If it's
hazardous, do you know what your waste hauler
is doing with it?
Train all employees and family members
involved in proper management techniques for
waste; keep everyone informed of your waste reduction methods and goals.
Good housekeeping practices are a must in any waste reduction
programinvest in training and equipment that will prevent the spill
before it happens.
Keep informed! Regulations, new technologies, and new products can
affect how you operate. Use the resources available to you, such as the
Pollution Prevention Institute at Kansas State University, trade magazines, and associations.

Remember: Benefits of pollution preventionP2are not the same for all

companies. Large companies usually have more capital for large investments that will pay them back over 2-10 years in savings on:
energy use
raw materials
hazardous waste, or air emissions.
Smaller companies with limited capital may find it easier to implement
some of the low-cost options presented in this manual, such as increasing
transfer efficiency in finishing operations by changing to a more efficient
spray gun and an operator training program to improve transfer efficiency and reduce material waste and air emissions.

Section II: Is My Waste Hazardous?

The State of Kansas' regulatory
requirements for hazardous waste
generators is different than other
states. There are three categories
of hazardous waste generators:
Small Quantity, Kansas, and EPA
generator, each based on how
many pounds of hazardous waste
is generated during a one-month
calendar period and how much of it
is accumulated at the facility. See
Appendix B for details.

your shop. Hazardous waste is

classified in two ways: by its hazardous characteristics, or it is contained on a "list" related to its specific process use, general process
use, or one of two commercially
discarded product lists.

Remember: Shop owners are

responsible for determining if
their waste streams are hazardous or non-hazardous!
Don't depend on others for this

To calculate your generator status,

you need to know what materials
are considered hazardous waste in

Characteristic Hazardous Waste:

Some hazardous waste streams are classified according to a recognizable
"hazard" always associated with them. If a material is a characteristic hazardous waste, it will have one or more of the following characteristics:
A waste can be hazardous because of its corrosive
nature. This is based on pH value, which can be easily
tested at your facility with litmus paper, a color indicator of pH value.
Liquids with a pH value of 7.0 are neutral; 0-7
are considered acidic; and 7-14 are classed as
caustics or bases. Federal standards mandate
materials with pH values of less than 2.0
and greater than 12.5 must be treated as a
hazardous waste due to their highly corrosive nature. Keep in mind that local
standards can be more stringent;
always check with your local wastewater treatment plants before pouring in
the sanitary sewer and never allow process waters to go to storm sewers
without being permitted.

An ignitable hazardous waste is a material that has a
flash point of less than 140 F, or spontaneously combusts upon exposure to the environment. In wood
shops, much hazardous waste associated with
ignitables come from solvents used in finishing
and washoff operations.

Reactive wastes may react violently with air or
water, are unstable in normal environmental conditions, react with water or corrosives to produce
toxic gases, or are explosive.

A Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure, TCLP,
commonly called a T-clip test, is required by a
certified lab to determine whether or not waste
material is hazardous due to its toxicity. If the
waste material exceeds the regulatory limits of
specific constituents, it must be labeled with
the appropriate waste code and shipped to a
qualified treatment storage and disposal
(TSD) facility.

"Listed" Hazardous Waste

The Environmental Protection
Agency has assigned certain materials to specific "lists" because of
their predictable hazardous nature
in specific processes.

Two other lists exist which are discarded commercial chemical products and are intended to designate
the chemicals themselves as hazardous waste at the time of their
disposal. The wastes may be offspec chemicals of commercial or
technical grade; obsolete, expired,
or out-of-date products; or any spill
cleanup materials associated with
these chemicals.

Four "lists" of hazardous waste are

designated by letters. These letters are used in the shipping waste
identification form (hazardous
waste manifest).
Some wastes are considered hazardous because they come from a
generic process normally associated with hazardous wastes, such as
degreasing processes. These are on
the "F"-listed waste list. If the
waste comes from a specific
process like the pesticide industry
or wood preservative industry,
then it will be a "K"-listed hazardous waste.

These wastes are divided into two

lists according to the quantity at
which they are regulated.
The "P"-listed wastes, those considered acutely toxic, are regulated
when you have accumulated more
than 2.2 pounds on-site per month.
The "U"-listed waste is regulated
when you have accumulated more
than 55 pounds on site in one

Examples of Listed Hazardous Waste

"F001" : Spent halogenated solvents such as methylene chloride
"K001" : Wastewater treatments sludge from the production of treated wood
"P029" : Discarded Copper Cyanide
"U002" : Discarded Acetone

Mixed Waste
If you mix any non-hazardous waste with a waste that is on the "F-, P-, K- or
U-" lists, all of it becomes hazardous. Even if there is only a very small
amount of listed waste in the mixture, it all must be disposed of as hazardous
waste, so remember to keep your wastes segregated.
Is Your Waste Hazardous?
To determine if your waste is hazardous, check to see if it is on one of the lists
of hazardous wastes. If it is not, you need to find out if it exhibits one or
more of the hazardous characteristics. Check the material safety data sheet
(MSDS) or contact your supplier for information. If you are unsure if your
waste is hazardous, you should have it tested in a laboratory.
Managing Hazardous Wastes
There are very specific requirements for managing hazardous waste from
your business. The requirements you must meet depend on what and how
much waste you generate. You will need to know how much acutely hazardous waste ("P-"listed) and non-acutely hazardous waste you generate each
month. Waste generation cannot be averaged over time. You also need to
know how much of each of these types of waste you have accumulated onsite
at any one time.
Please see the Kansas Hazardous Waste Generator Handbook for "Listed"
hazardous waste lists, and TCLP constituents and their regulated levels.

Section III: Pollution Prevention Strategies

for Wood Shops
The wood furniture and finishing
industries are major emitters of
volatile hazardous air pollutants
(VHAPs) and other volatile organic
compounds (VOCs). The quantity
of air emissions and other wastes
generated from a wood manufacturing process provides an indication of its efficiency: Significant
air emissions are considered a part
of the normal operation of this
industry. Should these emissions

be considered normal if there is

room for improvement?
Source reduction is the primary
aim of any pollution prevention
program and can be done by
increasing process efficiency to
reduce raw material use and waste
generation. Many P2 projects
increase process efficiency, product
quality, and profitability.

Pollution prevention improves a company's bottom line by reducing raw

material use, hazardous wastes produced, operating costs, and other savings
improved working conditions to protect your employees' health and safety
by reduced exposure to hazardous substances
reduced regulatory burdens and long-term liabilities associated with hazardous waste disposal
reduced waste disposal costs
improved public image and product acceptance
improved raw material utilization
less waste management-related costs
Shops may use one, or a combination of
three approaches to pollution prevention:
Change the operating practice, change the
materials used, or change the technology used.

Change the Operating Practice

This approach includes the following:
employee training to increase efficiency of spray techniques
management practices such as standard operating procedures and establishing specific guidelines for operators in the finishing areas
waste segregation
production scheduling
inventory control
material substitutions

In wood manufacturers' and finishers' shops, operators with good spray techniques can save their employers measurable amounts of finishing materials
and consequently reduce the company's emissions and raw material costs
(see "employee training" checklist in Appendix A).
Production scheduling may be harder to implement, but can offer savings in
raw materials use and line-cleaning materials. One company indicated that
10 gallons of finishing material and lacquer thinner was used every day, due
to color changes in their shop, costing them thousands of dollars a year.
Scheduled maintenance practices minimizes emissions from leaks, weak
seals, and inefficient equipment, saving raw materials and reducing cleanup
Change the Material
It may be possible to change to a less hazardous material to produce the
product without affecting its quality or having to change major pieces of
equipment in your processes. In some cases, this can be done by changing
the type of material used to finish a piece, or by changing the type of solvent
used for washoff operations.
Some material substitutions include: higher solids finishes which reduce the
amount of finishing material needed, ultraviolet coatings which have almost
100% transfer efficiency, and waterborne coatings with very little volatile
organics that can be cleaned up with water.
Change the Technology
Many times changes in coating materials also requires the use of new application, drying, and assembling technologies, and so may be considered as
much a technology change as a material change. Technology changes to
reduce waste includes the following:
coatings application equipment changes
increased automation for simple, highly repetitive processes
layout changes to improve work flow
forced air drying systems
Some examples of technology changes for the wood manufacturers' and finishers' industry would be going to a roll-coating system for flat work and
changing to airless, air-assisted, or high-volume/low-pressure (HVLP) spray
guns to increase transfer efficiencies in the finishing process.
The following sections examine each of these waste reduction methods in
detail for wood manufacturing and finishing operations.


Section IV: Change the Operating Practice

Changes in how materials are handled and processed at your facility can
save tremendous amounts of waste at the beginning of the processbefore
labor and materials are applied. This section looks at the cut-up processes
and how to cut wastes from each so that you get the most product out of the
wood you buy.

Rough Milling
The purpose of rough
milling and gluing is to
remove defects and
convert the dried
rough lumber into rectangular shapes or
"blanks" of lumber or
veneer that will be
used to make furniture
or cabinet components.
Typical functions of
rough mill and gluing
gluing and joining
(including lamination)

P2 Opportunities:
Your company can reduce wastes
from these processes by using the
following approaches:
Combine the cutting of multiple
long and short lengths on the
same rough lumber board to
improve yield.
Utilize new equipment and
technology such as "rip first"
methodology, automatic board

Significant wood can be saved if

care is taken when removing
defects as the rough lumber is cut.
Mistakes in finishing processes can
be recovered by re-working a finished piece, but mistakes from cut
up processes are unrecoverable
material and labor losses since the
part is usually ruined.


advancing, and computerized

vision scanning to identify
defects and cutting patterns.

ribbon wood from short
pieces of wood glued together
where unmatched grain pattern
is acceptable.
Use wood with imperfections in
new natural products, selling
them at reduced prices.

These approaches provide better

material utilization for improved
yields, reducing waste wood and
the associated costs of its disposal,
allowing companies to convert lowor no-value wood into higher-value


join two short sticks or

boards end-to-end to form a
longer one, resulting in less
waste and better material utilization. Equipment is available that machines the joints,
applies the glue, and presses
the pieces together and that
quickly cures glued joints using
penetration heating devices
such as radio frequency fields
which speeds the curing and
improves the quality of the

Gluing Operations
Gluing is a value-added process that offers waste reduction opportunities to
save raw materials and reduce labor losses.
There are three situations to check prior to gluing wood together which can
lead to unwanted wood waste:
moisture content of wood
untrue surfaces
inactive surfaces


P2 Opportunities:
Consider substituting solvent-based, urea-formaldehyde and some epoxy
resin adhesives which generate significant air emissions with hot melt,
heat seal, aqueous-based, or PVA adhesives. These glues do not generate
significant air emissions and are considered very good alternatives to solvent-based adhesives.
PVA glues are aqueous-based synthetic latex systems and are the primary glues for solid wood. In these glues, vinyl acetate monomer is regulated; however, it makes up less than 0.4 percent of the adhesive, so
emissions are low. PVA adhesives are widely used in furniture assembly, and their use in veneering and laminating is increasing.
Hot melt adhesives cure as they cool and are used primarily for edge
banding applications. Polyurethane refractive (PUR) hot melts are a
common wood furniture hot melt adhesive.
Heat seal adhesives generally are applied to the back of flexible laminates by the laminate manufacturer and then heat sealed with low temperature and pressure to panels by an automated roller or press system
at the furniture manufacturer. Unlike hot melts, they do not re-flow if
reheated. Water-based heat seals provide a viable alternative for those
laminate manufacturers who wish to reduce their emissions and associated regulatory burdens.
Aqueous-based adhesives are used in laminating, too, typically applied
with spray guns. The adhesives can take 30 minutes or more to adequately set before bonding, and six hours or more for a total cure time
after bonding. However, some of these type adhesives can set and cure in
comparable times to solvent-based adhesives. Standard fan drying
works well but compressed air should be avoided as it tends to dry the
adhesive too quickly.
Check the moisture content (MC) of the wood. When MC is very low, the
liquid in the glue (usually water) is almost immediately extracted from
the adhesive. Unless the glue joint is completed immediately, this rapid
absorption of liquid will lead to a very weak joint due to premature thickening and setting of the adhesive. And the reverse is also true for higher
MCs, the length of time required for the glue to set is extended. If the
joint is not allowed to fully set, the part may fail at the next manufacturing step, wasting wood and labor.
Make sure the wood's MC is in equilibrium with the air's moisture content; if not, the pieces of wood being glued will change size. If they change
size before the pieces are glued together, then it is likely the gap between
the adjacent pieces will exceed 0.006 inches, meaning the glue joint
between them will be weakened causing warping or cracking.
Keep glue containers covered whenever possible to prevent chemical
vapors from escaping, and to keep out moisture and oxygen, prolonging
shelf life.
Perform periodic maintenance and calibration (where possible) of glue
applicators for proper transfer and reduced glue losses.


gluing surfaces thoroughly for evenness.

for untrue or inactive surfaces that reduce effectiveness of gluing.
Let glue completely set before removing the assembly from the press; otherwise, the glued joint becomes a stress point.

These P2 options can reduce hazardous air emissions and fire and
health hazards, and reduces glue
use and re-works. Shops should
use care with all gluing operations.
The shelf life and pot life of glues
vary. Be sure to know the shelf life
before purchasing or catalyzing
large quantities of glue as they
could end up as waste.

Hussey Seating Case Study

North Berwick, Maine
Hussey uses adhesives to aid in attaching fabric to chair seats and
backs during the upholstery operation. Hussey also makes wood seats
and backs by gluing several thin pieces of wood together. Traditionally,
all adhesives used at the facility were solvent-based. These contributed
to Husseys air emissions, as well as potential air quality problems with
the plant.
In 1995, Hussey switched all adhesives used at the plant to PVA glues.
No air emission or safety concerns are associated with the new adhesives.
In addition, the glue manufacturer takes back all the waste glue and
cleanup rinse water to use in production process. Therefore, Hussey no
longer has any glue or rinse wastewater disposal issues or costs.
Source: Wood Furniture: The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and
Pollution Prevention Opportunities, The Northeast Waste Management
Officials Association, Sept. 1997.


Halworth Case Study

Holland, Michigan
Halworth is a large manufacturer of all types of office furniture.
Halworth switched to a two-component, aqueous-based, formaldehyde-free
contact adhesive for the manufacture of fabric-wrapped flipper doors for
overhead storage compartments. Halworth had to purchase new spray
equipment to apply the two-part adhesive. The new adhesives instantly
bond a variety of fabrics. Halworth believes the new adhesive system produces a more consistent quality product.
Drying ovens are no longer needed, and spray booth exhaust is now filtered and directed back into the plant. Combined, these greatly reduce
utility requirements. In addition, removing ovens and exhaust stacks has
freed up roughly 600 square feet of floor space and allowed easier layout
The new system has many benefits. Halworth realized an 88 percent
reduction in VOC emissions and a 33 percent reduction in adhesive use.
Utility savings are estimated at $16,000 per year. Quality improvements
result in approximately $18,000 in savings per year.
Source: "Solvent-Free Switch Yields Savings," Upholstery Design &
Manufacturing, July 1996.

Product Dimensioning: Machining, Sanding, and Assembly

The machining room, or sometimes referred to as the finishing machine
room, shapes rectangular strips of wood produced by rough milling and plywood produced by veneering and laminating into the finished dimensions
specified for the furniture part (e.g., cabinet, millwork, etc.).
Sanding takes place on parts before furniture assembly or during finishing in
between coating steps. The typical operations of machining and sanding
include the following: planing, moulding, shaping, cutting, and tenoning.
Assembly is where parts are put together to make furniture or other items.
Typical operations found in assembly are assembly, fitting, repairing, and


The yield of useful parts or dimension from lumber is

dependent on ten major factors:
grade of lumber
drying quality
cutting bill, including part sizes
operator's skill and decision making
part quality required
rough mill layout
edging practices
lumber size
lumber grading rules
A key to evaluating a cut-up operation is to identify the reason why a particular piece of wood is going into the hog rather than into the pile of acceptable
Some of these rejects include the following:
knot, knot hole
planer skip or thinness
cross grain
fuzzy grain
split end
chipped grain
check or honeycomb
wrong moisture content
warp-cup, bow, side-bend, twist
color contrast
open glue joint
leftover (wrong size)
poor vision or lighting
Which factors
are natural?
are caused by drying or machining?
can be controlled? (How can they be controlled?)
Potential wastes, solid and hazardous, generated from the product dimensioning processes: wood, sawdust, sanding belts, machine tools, spent glue,
volatile air emissions from the glue, bolts, nails, and staples.
Remember: Recycling wood waste should be examined very carefully;
local options or on-site recycling operations offer more opportunities for
generating income or appreciable savings. Greater transport distances
reduce the economic potential for off-site wood waste recycling. Some wood
wastes may need to be dried, pelletized, and/or transported before being
used as fuel, which adds equipment and expense. Burning treated or coated wood can release regulated hazardous air pollutants. Brush up on
applicable regulations before installing and operating a wood boiler. Waste
streams should not be combined (i.e., mixing glued wood components with
sawdust from rough mills), as it inhibit optimal secondary use.


P2 Opportunities:
Control moisture content to increase machining quality and reduce rejects
of parts:
High MCs, especially with lower density species such as aspen and basswood, lead to an increase in fuzziness when planing, boring, routing, and
even sanding. On the other hand, higher MCs reduce the likelihood of
planer or roller splits, torn or chipped grain, and raised grain. A very
notable decrease in quality machining occurs at moisture under six percentchipped grain becomes inevitable, shelling (especially in white
pine) increases, and dulling of the tools increases.
Low MC lumber is prone to warp, especially cupping, leading to movement of the pieces when first machined (such as in a gang rip saw). As a
result, edges are not high qualitythey arent flat or straight enough for
many subsequent manufacturing operations. Optimal MC is an average
of 6.25%-7.25%.
Another MC-related machining problem is case hardening (or drying
stress). Case hardening shows up as immediate warp when machining,
rendering the wood unusable, and is due to stresses created when drying the wood.
Install dust collection systems to:
reduce wear on equipment
improve worker health and safety by keeping the dust out of the breathing air and off the floor.
improve sanding efficiency by preventing dust from becoming embedded
in the sanding belt.
collect and keep sawdust from becoming contaminated with dirt and
other contaminants so that it can be recycled.
Explore opportunities to use wood waste. Wood waste can be costly for
companies to dispose of, especially if their local landfill has closed and the
waste must be transported long distances to a waste facility. Recycling
options include the following:
use in particle board, chip core, laminates
shredding or grinding for use as animal bedding, mulch, or decorative
landscaping material (this also reduces storage volume)
use in pulp and paper manufacturing
use as fuel for energy production
use in composting operations

Remember: Proper orifice selections are necessary for adequate face and
collection velocities, and appropriate velocities in the ventilation ducts
must be provided to prevent particulate settling. Energy-efficient systems have dampers to cut off branches that are not needed. Filters, bag
houses, and cyclones are examples of mechanisms to separate dust from
the exhausted air.


Operational Wastes
When examining your finishing operations for waste reduction opportunities,
shops must include the following operations or processes:
operator training
coating preparation
coating delivery system used
coating viscosity adjustments
equipment cleaning and maintenance
inventory and scheduling
cleaning and/or wash-off operations
materials recycling
Many times wastes from these processes can be reduced with very little capital expenditures and great savings potential for companies.

Throughout all training, owners

and managers must emphasize the
benefits of waste reduction.
Discuss health and safety hazards
associated with equipment or
processes and encourage employees to protect themselves with personal protective equipment and to
practice good housekeeping to prevent accidents.

Operator Training
Operator training is now a requirement for those regulated under the
Wood Furniture NESHAP
(National Emission Standard for
Hazardous Air Pollutants). Even if
your business is not regulated,
operator training can save companies money by:
Teaching proper spray techniques to reduce material waste
and excessive emissions.
Increasing product quality.
Reducing reworks from operator error.
Reducing equipment misuse
and injuries.


Remember: Highly skilled operators can save companies thousands of

dollars and are worth the extra money to keep them trained and working
at your shop instead of your competitors!


improve work place safety
reduce incidence of injury (e.g.,
carpal tunnel syndrome)
through ergonomic improvements

When finishing operators are properly trained, they can:

reduce material costs
achieve a higher quality finish
reduce wastes and VOC emissions

P2 Opportunities:
Formal operator training is essential to successful waste reduction and
should include the following:
Communication of safety and health, quality, productivity, waste reduction and energy conservation goals and expectations, and how this will
help the company and the operators.
Use of equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications
such as utilizing proper spray gun air or fluid pressures, coating concentrations, flow rates, and care and maintenance.
Proper spray technique fundamentals such as:
5 percent overlap of the spray pattern
spray gun held six to eight inches away from the work piece
holding the spray gun perpendicular to the work-piece surface
triggering the gun at the beginning and ending of each pass
maintaining a consistent gun speed (general rule approximately 250
Some companies periodically videotape their operators so that the operators can critique themselves and point out where improvements are necessary (see the following case study).
Wiping stains can be applied with a sponge, brush, rag, or roller, instead
of being sprayed. These direct applications have transfer efficiencies that
approach 100%, thus raw material usage can be reduced. Stains are traditionally designed to soak into wood and usually require a topcoat such
as varnish to improve the piece's appearance. Spraying may offer no
appearance advantage in operations where wiping follows spraying of


Ethan Allen Furniture Case Study

Old Fort, North Carolina
Ethan Allen has a training program for spray operators that utilizes
videotaping as a operator training tool. The training consists of three
1-Operators are videotaped while performing their job (It is important to
communicate the purpose of the taping to the operators before video
taping starts so that there are no misunderstandings.)
2-The operators in groups of three, along with their supervisors and technical personnel, review the tapes in one-hour sessions in order to identify ways to improve. Instruction on spray techniques is provided during
the session and follow-up is provided during production on the manufacturing floor.
3-The operators are taped again and given a chance to compare the tapes
and observe the improvements.
The training is conducted twice a year and equipment and coating
suppliers provide technical assistance. The company projects saving
$50,000 to $70,000 annually as a result of 8 - 10 percent savings in material usage. Wastes and VOC emissions are also reduced.
Source: Case Study: Ethan Allen, Inc., North Carolina Waste Reduction
Resource Center, December 1993.

Prepare Coatings Properly

Proper coating material preparation can impact the amounts of material
used and wasted. For example, too much thinning or reduction causes running and sagging, while too little reduction causes defects such as orange
peeling. These defects result in reworks, rejects, and excessive material use.
P2 Opportunities:
Always adding reducer to the
material versus material to the
Add reducer to the material
slowly and test often to determine when you have reached
the desired mixture.
Test for complete mixing by
sampling the top and the bottom layers of the mixture and
placing each on separate pieces
of glass to observe and compare
color and rate of flow.


materials thoroughly
before use and during use to
maintain the desired uniformity.
Keep tanks covered to prevent
evaporative losses and contamination of the contents.
For continuous coating systems,
monitor the viscosity of the
coating in the reservoir so that
the amount of solvent added is
not excessive.


Direct Delivery of Coating to Spray Gun

Direct delivery of coating material to the spray gun or application device
instead of indirect transfer (e.g., filling an interim container from a drum or
tank, transporting the container to the work area, transferring the coating
material from the interim container to the spray gun or application device
reservoir) can provide big benefits and savings.
There are three types of direct transfer systems:
Dead-end delivery supplies materials that do not have settling problems
to the application, without a return line.
Simple flow delivery provides continuous circulation back to the storage
tank through a return line which
prevents settling in the storage
Recirculating delivery circulates the material throughout
the system, including in the
hose of the spray gun, to prevent settling of materials with
high settling rate. This is
especially useful when using
pre-heaters with high solid
coatings in order to maintain
viscosity level.

P2 Opportunities:
Volume cost discounts for bulk coating purchases.
Less waste from: spills during transfer, container residues, and evaporative losses.
Less employee exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Better finish quality through uniform material consistency.
Increase productivity and lower labor costs because of reduced transfer
Lower solvent cost and reduced solvent
wastes because interim containers do not
need to be cleaned.


Larson Juhl, Inc. Case Study

Ashland, Wisconsin
Larson Juhl, in its finishing operations for wood picture frame mouldings, was using 8-10 gallons of xylene/day to clean out the paint
piping/gun system. In addition, paint color changes occurred 30-45 times
a day, sometimes with lighter colors following the dark.
To reduce disposal costs which had increased 400 percent, the company removed paint distribution manifolds and excess piping. Additional
valving was installed for a closed loop system. Colors now run from
lighter to darker as the day progresses, as well.
The payback was immediate, resulting in $50,000 savings/year.

Use Heat to Obtain Desired Coating Viscosity

Traditionally, viscosity adjustments to coatings have been made by adding
organic solvents as a reducer to the coating material. Ambient temperature
changes in the workplace changes the viscosity of the coating being applied,
which causes operator problems and necessitates gun adjustments. Heat,
instead of solvent, can be used in some cases to adjust and maintain the
incoming coating to the desired viscosity.
P2 Opportunities:
Less solvent usage.
Less waste solvent and VOC emissions.
More consistent viscosities.
Faster, more consistent curing.
Facilitates the use of higher solids coatings.
Improves coating flow and finish appearance.

Equipment Cleaning and Line Flushing

Finishing equipment cleaning is usually needed when a process is completed,
for changes in coating materials or colors, and when maintenance is required.
The more cleaning that takes place, the more wastes generated. Also, solvents are often used to clean equipment and lines, generating waste solvents
and increasing VOC emissions.
P2 Opportunities:
Clean only as necessary rather than by schedule only.
Minimize the number of cleanings of the equipment by finishing with a
light coating first, then progressively use darker coatings whenever
Flush equipment first with dirty solvent, then with clean solvent.
Reuse cleaning solvent until solvency is lost.


clean solvent as final equipment cleaning, then use as coating reducer.

air to blow lines free of coating back to pots.
Use bubble injection and pigs to aid line flushing.
Centralize solvent cleaning operations to reduce losses and standardize
cleaning methods and type of solvent used.
Use mechanical cleaning such as scraping and wiping before solvent
Utilize Teflon lined tanks to improve drainage and minimize waste coating build-up on tank walls.
Use rubber wipers to remove coatings off tank walls instead of rags.

Equipment Maintenance
Regular care and maintenance must be performed on all equipment, especially spray equipment, to keep it in optimum working condition, and to prevent
breakdowns or malfunctions and waste.

Remember: Wood working shops use many pieces of equipment that

require routine maintenance for maximum product quality and safe operations. Good maintenance procedures can reduce emissions, raw material
waste, and equipment downtime and contain many of the following components:

air pressure at the

spray gun with the air pressure
of the coating tank to maintain
proper air pressure.
Perform solvent pump maintenance to prevent leakage.
Prevent spray gun leakage by
placing only the front end of the
gun in solvent when cleaning,
lubricate bearings and packings
of the spray gun daily.
Whenever possible, do not
spray different types of coatings
in the same booth as it may
make the resulting wastes
mixed and more difficult and
costly to dispose of or recycle.
Use enclosed paint gun cleaning units to control VOC emissions and exposure

P2 Opportunities:
Keep feed tanks clean of contamination such as dirt, dried
coating particles, and dust, by
keeping them covered whenever
Keep tanks agitated to prevent
skim from forming and solids
from settling.
Locate the compressor where it
can intake clean air and maintain it properly by checking filters and draining condensate.
Select the appropriate spray
gun attachmentsneedle, nozzle, air capfor each coating utilized.
Maintain proper fluid and air


should be cleaned
as soon as possible after use
before coating cures and is
more difficult to remove.
Scheduled inspections and
repairs for all equipment to
maximize safety and operating
Perform routine leak inspections, with timely repairs to
minimize material loss and
cleanup materials.
Develop standard operating
procedures for each process and

a training program for operators. This is especially important for spray operations where
gun tip size, adjustment of
spray patterns, and ideal air
and fluid pressures can reduce
raw material use and waste.
Develop high efficiency equipment set up guidelines to
reduce material handling, saving labor costs and reducing
damages to wood parts or products.

Remember: If the spilled material must be disposed of as a hazardous

waste, all cleanup materials used must also be disposed of as hazardous
waste, greatly increasing your disposal costs.

Ethan Allen Furniture Case Study

Old Fort, North Carolina
1-Cardboard filters used for all coating operations were replaced with
metal filters. The cardboard filters were disposed of as waste, while the
metal filters were cleaned in a solvent tank. The waste solvent/coating
mix was distilled and the overspray was drummed for disposal, while the
solvent was reused. The metal filters used for capturing lacquer and sealer overspray were wiped by hand and the dust was sent off-site for recycling.
Cost: $57,000; Waste Reduction: 10,000 lbs. per year; Savings: $48,125.
2-A fabricated, sloped polyethylene trough replaced absorbent and wood
shavings to catch coating. The overspray was squeegeed from the trough
into a pan for disposal, eliminating the absorbent as a waste material.
Cost: $400; Waste Reduction: 6100 lbs. per year; Savings: $38,430.
3-Polyethylene covers replaced cardboard covers for the pallets that transferred products through coating operations. The overspray was peeled off
the pallet cover and drummed for disposal and the covers reused.
Cost: $2050; Waste Reduction: 3700 lbs. per year; Savings: $7450
4-Racks used to transport product are now cleaned of overspray periodically by the watchman during his free time. The racks can be reused
instead of disposed of as hazardous waste.
Cost: $200; Waste Reduction: 1900 lbs. per year; Savings: $8250.


Inventory and Scheduling Management

Controlling the purchasing and handling of materials can reduce material
use and waste generation significantly. These management methods usually
require no capital input and result in:
less raw materials stored and used onsite
less waste disposal costs
more available floor space
storage of smaller amounts of hazardous materials
reduced waste coatings and cleaners from color changes
P2 Opportunities:
Inventory all supplies to spot
unnecessary accumulation.
Rotate inventory to use oldest
materials first before product
deteriorationresulting in total
loss of material and disposal
Establish inventory control scheme by keeping
inventory under lock and
key, having a stock person check material out, or
by issuing a set amount
of material to each worker or process.
Work with suppliers to
set up just-in-time deliveries. Too much inventory
or lack of inventory control for materials can
result in waste in the
form of material never
used (inventoried more
than needed) or material
that deteriorates before use
(exceeding shelf life). Work
closely with material suppliers
to provide just-in-time (JIT)
material delivery and order
accurate amounts needed for
the job.
Consolidate product types, such
as cleaning solvents, where possible to reduce variety of prod-

ucts on hand and enhance bulk

purchasing options.
Return unused materials or
samples to your vendors (Make
arrangements up front before
the purchase and get it in writing.).


production schedules
to reduce color changes by
grouping parts requiring the
same finish can eliminate substantial amounts of waste from
gun cleaning and line flushing.
Efficient production scheduling
can maximize the usage of coatings with short pot life.


Remember: When supplies are unlimited for employees, they are usually
used in wasteful quantities; but when materials are limited, most workers
can accomplish the same quality results with less waste generation.
Establish a material checkout system to help track material use and abuse.
If you end up with an excess of coating material, consider the following:
Return unused materials to the vendor (Make arrangements with the
vendor up-front before purchase.).
Trade or give to other finishers to use.
Contact a waste exchange to see if someone might be able to use the material.
should consider the following stripping solutions:
N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), a
water soluble, biodegradable
solvent that has relatively low
toxicity, is nonflammable and
non-carcinogenic (but may need
to be reported to EPA). This
compound may be associated
with ill health effects and
should be used with adequate
inhalation protection.
Gamma-Butyrolacetone, a
water soluble, biodegradable
solvent that is FDA approved
and has tested non-carcinogenic
in rats and mice.
Acetone, a highly effective
stripper and delisted VOC that
is associated with few health
effects, but is considered very
dangerous because of its
extreme flammability.

Cleaning and stripping costs companies excessively in wood, coatings loss and wasted labor, not to
mention the materials and labor
involved in reworking the piece, if
its possible. The P2 opportunities
provided in the change the practice section, if followed, will help
shops drastically reduce the
amount of reworks needing to be

done. Methylene chloride, the

active ingredient in many coating
strippers, has come under increasing scrutiny for its potential damage to health and the environment.

P2 Opportunities:
Keep washoff tank covered
when not in use.
Minimize dripping by tilting
and/or rotating the part to drain
as much solvent as possible.
Allowing sufficient dry time for
the part.

Alternative stripping materials

have been developed that have less
potential for damage. When
reworks do need to be done, shops

Reuse and Recycling of Finishing Materials

There are many opportunities for the recycling of finishing materials.
Recycling reduces the amount of waste to be treated and disposed of, and the
associated disposal and compliance costs. It also reduces the amount of new
materials needed.
P2 Opportunities:
Extend solvent life by settling, filtration of solids, and using for jobs not
requiring virgin solvent (e.g., rough cleaning).
Distill solvents, either on-site or off-site, for re-use.
Collect and reuse staining operations overspray.
Capture overspray in the spray booth wash water, returning both the
coating material and wash water back to the process (Coating material
that is immiscible in water can be separated from the booth water wall by
settling and ultrafiltration.).
Reuse clean-up solvents or solvent sludge for coating secondary surfaces,
where appearance is not a factor.
Exchange wastes with other companies

Medallion Kitchens Case Study

Waconia, Minnesota
Medallion Kitchens manufactures kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities. The company's desire was to reduce raw material costs, reduce VOC
emissions, minimize hazardous waste disposal costs and associated liabilities, and decrease labor costs. Overspray from sealer and topcoat applications was a problem. About 75 gallons of sealer was used per day and 50
gallons of hazardous waste sludge was generated per day.
The company invested in a reclamation system for sealer . The system
consists of two holding reservoirs and some minor plumbing. The system
is designed to catch most of the overspray before it falls into the wash
water tank. A cooling water system is applied to the collection trays to
minimize solvent evaporation; collected material is agitated to prevent
"skinning;" the reclamation trays are removed and replaced easily; and a
non-stick coating is applied to the collection trays. After about five gallons
of overspray is collected, the overspray is removed and solvent and catalyst is added to the material to obtain the desired coating properties. It is
then added back to the spray system to be reused.
The system cost about $2500 per installed booth. Savings include
$23,000 annually from reduced material usage. Waste sludge has been
reduced from 50 to 25 gallons per day, saving the company $30,000.


Seciton V: Change the Material/Change the

In the wood manufacturing and
finishing industry, changing materials used to produce the same
product is many times considered
"changing the technology," and is
usually associated with coatings
and coating delivery system
changes. These systems may
involve substituting more efficient
coatings or those with less emissions for traditional coatings and
changing equipment to improve
transfer efficiency. Since many
material changes are also associated with equipment and process
changes, these P2 options will be
handled together in this section.

designed to provide a pleasing

appearance, feeling of smoothness,
and protection of the wood from
physical and chemical damage and
natural degradation.
Coating materials traditionally
used by the wood products industry contain a substantial quantity
of solvents that volatilize to the air
within the plant and/or are directly
vented to the outside, usually without treatment. Basic operations of
the typical finishing process
include the following:
glue sizing or bleaching
cleaning / stripping
rubbing / buffing
equipment cleaning
repair / touch-up

The finish of finely crafted wood

furniture, cabinets, and millwork is

If there is one general category of

pollution prevention options with
significant source reduction potential for the wood manufacturers
and finishers industry, it is coating
reformulation. Finishers must
take into account the following factors: appearance, productivity,
environmental regulations, costeffectiveness, and durability when
choosing coatings.


The search for coatings that offer

reduced environmental impacts
has followed three main routes:
formulation of organic solventbased coatings with higher
solids content
development of alternative
resin/solvent systems (e.g.,
water-based emulsions)
elimination of volatile solvents
altogether, such as UV coatings

Waterborne coatings research has

aimed toward increased solids content, more positive dry, and harder,
smoother films.
New-generation, multi-component
reactive liquid coatings utilize
small amounts, if any, of volatile
solvent. When combined or catalyzed, the components react at
varying speeds depending on the
particular chemistry. These coatings are being used by some wood
finishers and will probably see
greater use in the future.

Increasing the solids content of

conventional nitrocellulose formulations has been limited because as
the solids content rises, viscosity
increases which inhibits deliverability.

Remember: Carefully evaluate a new coating or material for use in your

own shop operations. Does it provide an acceptable or better finish ? Is it
safer to use? Do you have the resources to invest in training, if needed?


Typical Coatings Process, Materials, and Wastes from Finishing Processes


Typical Material

Typical Materials Used

General Types of
Wastes Generated

wood cleaning and wax


petroleum distillates,
white spirits

petroleum distillates,
mineral spirits

ignitable wastes,
spent solvents,
volatile emissions


paint removers, varnish

removers, enamel
removers, shellac
removers, paint solvents,

acetone, toluene,
petroleum distillates,
methylene chloride,
alcohols, ketones,
oxygenated solvent

ignitable wastes, ignitable

paint wastes, solvent still
bottoms, volatile emissions



mineral spirits,
alcohol pigments

ignitable wastes,
spent solvents,
solvent still bottoms,
volatile emissions


enamels, lacquers, epoxy,

alkyds, acrylics

toluene, pigments,
titanium dioxide,
epoxyester resins,
aromatic hydrocarbons,
glycol ether,
halogenated hydrocarbons,
vinylacetate acrylic

ignitable paint wastes,

ignitable wastes,
solvent still bottoms,
paint wastes containing
heavy metals,
volatile emissions


varnish, shellac,
lacquers with residues

denatured alcohols, resins,

petroleum distillates,

ignitable wastes,
spent solvents,
solvent still bottoms,
volatile emissions

cleaning brushes,
spray gun and spray
equipment, and overspray
from spray booths

paint thinners, enamel

reducers, varnish
removers, shellac
removers, white spirits,
strippable spray booth
coatings, paper

acetone, toluene,
petroleum distillates,
methylene chloride,
isopropanol, mineral spirits,

ignitable paint wastes,

ignitable wastes,
spent solvents,
solvent still bottoms,
volatile emissions,
booth coatings, paper

gluing, cleaning adhesive

application equipment

adhesives, glues

methyl isobutyl ketone,

methyl ethyl ketone,
xylene, toluene,

volatile emissions,
hazardous wastes


The following section on coatings chemistry has been included for those who
wish to know how coatings are classified and their mechanism of action.
Coatings Chemistry
Coatings are generally either liquid or powder compositions that
are applied to substrates. Coating
systems include the coating, the
application method, and the drying
or curing process. Coating chemistry, along with desired build and
appearance, are the primary determinants for the technical feasibility of any particular application
method. The drying or curing
process is dependent on the coatings constituents.

Composition and Classification

Coatings may be classified as
primers, sealers, topcoats, or color
Primers may be either pigmented
or clear and are applied directly to
the substrate followed by intermediate steps, then one or more topcoats.
Sealers are intermediate
coats of 12 to18 percent
weight solids content.
Conventional liquid coatings consist of binders
(resins), pigments,
organic solvents
(active, latent, and
diluent), and additives.

Solvents serve two functions: they act to dissolve and dilute resin
systems, and, based
on their evaporation
rates, control drying times of the
finish. Solvents
used in conventional coatings
typically have
been alcohols,
ketones, ester
solvents, glycol
ethers, aliphatic solvents, and aromatic solvents.

stains often
consist of dyes
dissolved in
methanol and
are generally
one to five percent solids.
lacquer topcoats are
nitrocellulose-based, solution coatings of 18 to 24 percent solids.
High-solids coatings contain less
solvent than low solids coatings
per unit volume.

Organic solvents release VOCs in

ambient air which reacts with photochemical oxidants such as sulfur
and nitrogen, to produce air pollution known as smog. Most coatings
alternatives are associated with
less VOC and HAP emissions, and
are therefore better for human
health and the environment.

Coatings may be also be divided

into those that dry by solvent loss
(lacquers); or those that cure and

chemically cross-link to form a

reaction product (conversion coatings). Curing is affected by a catalyst or, in the case of ultra-violet
(UV) radiation-cured coatings, a
photo-initiator. The catalyst is
either present in the can as delivered for slow curing, pre-catalyzed
coatings or added near application
time for faster curing coatings.

each other and, after sufficient

evaporation, the film will dry and

Non-conversion coatings are said

to be thermoplastic, because they
flow above a given transition temperature but retain their chemical
composition when cooled and solidified. Lacquers have a relatively
high degree of plasticity and are
generally easier to rework or
repair than conversion coatings.

Waterborne Coatings
Water, instead of conventional solvents, is the major carrying medium for the coating solids in waterborne coatings.

Conversion coatings, on the other

hand, are often harder and said to
be thermosetting. When some
thermosetting resins are exposed
to heat in the presence of a catalyst, they chemically cross-link.
After solidification, the reaction
product is relatively stable when
exposed to heat and relatively hard
to rework or repair.
Liquid coatings come as solutions,
dispersions, or emulsions.
Coatings with the binder in solution (e.g., nitrocellulose) have been
applied traditionally by conventional air spraying with a volume
of solvent five to eight times that
of the coating. When nitrocellulose
resins are dissolved in a volatile
solvent, their molecules are loosely
intertwined and in constant
motion. As solvent evaporates, the
polymer molecules draw closer to

coatings, or
"hybrid" coatings with a combination of water and conventional solvents, can significantly reduce
VOC air emissions and reduce
associated wastes, especially from
cleanup processes.


Since 1980, the acceptability of waterborne coatings has improved markedly.

Waterborne coatings have long been thought to be acceptable for low-end
products. Waterborne coatings have been used successfully on wood furniture for children and on futon frames. Their use in higher-end, medium-tohigh quality products is expanding slowly. Office and institutional furniture,
including chairs and cases, can be finished with full waterborne systems,
although the technology is still developing. More frequently, however, waterborne coatings have been targeted selectively at coatings/steps with the
greatest emissions: stains, sealers, and topcoats. A system that utilizes conventional coatings on some steps and waterborne coatings on others is
referred to as a hybrid waterborne system.

ventional coatings on a per gallon basis; overall benefits often

outweigh the increased cost.
The finish is often less soluble
due to its higher molecular
weight and more difficult to
repair than conventional finishes as a result.
Proper drying must be achieved
to ensure acceptable print resistance, and may require reconfiguration of lines or additional
drying requirements.
Surfactants and emulsifiers in
waterborne wastes can disrupt
the operation of POTWs by
killing bacteria that are necessary for wastewater treatment.
Store at room temperature for
proper solubility and freeze protection.
Clean equipment immediately
after use (in some cases).
Use corrosion-resistant equipment; costs of conversion can be
Control moisture content of
substrate and finish room
Raising of wood grain possible;
may require finer sanding to

P2 Opportunities:
Higher transfer efficiencies.
Reduced VOC emissions.
Reduced liquid and solid waste
disposals and costs.
Moisture resistant finishes.
Improved impact and abrasion
Conventional application equipment used.
Reduced employee exposure to
VOC vapors.
Decrease in fire hazards.
Clean up with soap and
water=savings from reduction
or elimination of organic solvent used for line flushing and
cleaning, that requires disposal
as a hazardous waste.
Waterborne coatings are very different than traditional solventbased coatings and shops exploring
these coatings may have to work
extensively with their suppliers to
achieve a satisfactory finish.
Shops should be aware that waterborne coatings have been associated with the following factors:
Water-based coatings cost
between 25-50% more than con34

reduce grain raising.

surface must be free of
oils and dust for good adherence properties.
High gloss finish sometimes difficult to obtain; increased rub-

bing effort needed.

atomization difficulties,
increased runs and sags, tendency to foam
Refinishing is sometimes difficult.



Madison Pre-Hung Doors and Pre-Finishing Case Study

Oregon, Wisconsin
The company switched from solvent-based to water-based finishes in
both manual and automated spray applications of the wood products.
VOC's were reduced from 115 tons/year to six tons/year, while nearly doubling production.
Madison Pre-Hung Doors and Pre-Finishing experienced cost savings
through reduced insurance premium costs, savings from avoiding purchasing an after-burner, and elimination of waste disposal costs.
The major challenge lay in achieving a comparable quality to that of a
solvent-based finish. The water-based finish was refined as they worked
with their paint supplier.
Source: "Madison Pre-Hung Doors and Pre-Finishing Converting to a
Water-Based Wood Finish," Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,

High Solids Coatings

Approximate VOC and Solids Content of Commercial Coatings

VOC Content
(lbs./gal less water)

Solids Content
Percent by Volume




5.1 5.8

18 26


1.3 2.3

26 30



30 60

Polyester (Acrylic)


30 50

Polyester (Styrene)



0 3.1

56 100

UV or EB Cured


Compliant coatings, those with higher solids content, have far lower amounts
of VOCs than standard solvent-based systems. Higher solids content with
solvent- and water-based carriers are associated with the following:
Higher temperature curing may
be required in narrow time and
cure windows to maintain same
production flow.
Overspray is tacky and difficult
to clean.
Reduced shelf and pot life, especially with catalyzed coatings,
short pot life for two component
May require heaters to control
Cannot use effectively in dip or
flow-coating applications.
Wood surface must be clean.
Difficult to control film thickness and sagging; may require
heat dry.
Sensitive to ambient temperature and humidity.
Finished piece difficult to
Odor and slow flash-off require
use of vented flash-off zones.

P2 Advantages
Reduced air emissions and less
hazardous waste generation.
Less material required to coat
the same amount of board feet.
Fewer spray applications needed to achieve the same coating
Higher transfer efficiency.
Reduced inventory, less handling, and shipping costs.
Less material required to coat,
reduce solvent usage and costs.
Reduce inventory, less handling
and shipping costs, additional
available floor space.
Less fire risk, potential reduction in fire insurance premiums
(in some cases).


Polyester-/Polyurethane-Based Coatings
Radiation cured coatings, such as ultraviolet (UV), electron beam (EB), or
infrared (IR) cured coatings are conversion coatings that are thermosetting
(form very stable chemical cross-linked finishes). The curing reaction is initiated by exposure to intense ultraviolet light or accelerated electrons which
begin a very rapid polymerization. This is completed in a matter of a few seconds or less. In general, these materials may require less energy and less
time to cure, and contain less volatile materials than conventional products.
Use of these coatings result in a dramatic reduction of VOC air emissions
over nitrocellulose solvent-based coatings. Polyester-based coatings include
styrene derived polyester of 100 percent solids which is cured by ultraviolet
(UV) radiation, and acrylic polyesters (30-50 percent solids) which are cured
by catalytic reaction or UV radiation. These coatings are typically applied by
conventional spray guns or flat-line applicators. Curing may require an initiator such as an organic peroxide or UV radiation.

May require a clean room.
Coated piece is difficult to
Polyester is chemically incompatible with nitrocellulose
materials, cannot be used in the
same system or on the same
piecepotentially explosive:
Short pot life potential (1-6
Respiratory protection may be
required (for exposure to isocyanates).
UV radiation curing may be difficult for non-flat surfaces since
energy transfer is along "line of
sight"; 3D set ups are not easily
Some users report "plastic"
looking finish.
Higher capital costs than conventional ovens.
Exacting process to achieve
acceptable results.

P2 Advantages
Very high solids content.
Greatly reduced solvent usage,
consequent air emissions, and
disposal costs.
High film thickness with fewer
Very durable finish.
Small ovens that can be easy to
install or retrofit.
Low air movement reduces dust
Fast drying, less floor space
Resistant to heat, chemicals,
High gloss with polyurethane.
Multiple application methods.


Carbon Dioxide System

In this system, super critical carbon dioxide is used to decrease viscosity and
enhance atomization and replaces all or a substantial amount of the solvents
used in the conventional spray application of coatings. The system's specially
designed spray guns and nozzles enable the resin concentrate to be mixed
with the carbon dioxide. The coating cures by air drying or baking. Use of
carbon dioxide (CO2)-based coatings can reduce VOC emissions by 50 percent
over nitrocellulose solvent-based coatings.
Limited suppliers of system
Technology still in the developmental stage with limited experience.
Lower fluid delivery rates than
air spray guns.
Gun and tubing is bulky.
Royalty costs.
Use of equipment requires

P2 Advantages
Reduce solvent usage and associated costs.
Reduce VOC air emissions, solvent wastes and associated
compliance and disposal costs.
Reduce worker exposure.
High quality finish.
High solids content.
Nitrocellulose resins can be
used and do not need reformulation.
Fewer coating applications
High transfer efficiency.
Sometimes reduces sanding
Easy to repair.

Ethan Allen Inc. Case Study

Old Fort, North Carolina
Ethan Allen, who manufactures dining and bedroom furniture,
replaced air-assisted spray guns with HVLP equipment. Each operator is
required to attend annual technical training provided by the spray gun
Spraying efficiency has increased and the quantity of material to be
filtered has been reduced. The investment was $3000 (12 guns @ $250).
Raw materials were reduced by $15,000 to $20,000 per year, and costs
associated with waste management and disposal were reduced.
Source: Case Study: Ethan Allen, Inc., North Carolina Waste Reduction
Resource Center, December 1993.


High Volume, Low Pressure (HVLP)

Spray Gun Application Technology
HVLP spray guns atomize materials with warm, dry air between 0.1 and 10
psi, while conventional spray guns usually atomize materials at 60 to 100 psi.
The low pressure air of HVLP systems transfers the coating to the substrate
with low velocity and prevents the rapid expansion of spray caused by higher
pressure, resulting in less overspray, less bounce-back, and better transfer
efficiency (40 -70 percent) to the part.
Less complete atomization;
atomization may not be sufficient for fine finishes.
Slower application rate may
affect high production rates.
Worker training is a must for

P2 Advantages
Increase transfer efficiency,
reduce overspray.
Reduce worker exposure from
bounce back.
Reduce VOC air emissions.
Lower booth clean-up costs.
Reduce filter replacement costs.
Decrease booth wastewater
treatment costs.
Sprays well into cavities and
Can be used for a variety of
coatings (e.g., waterborne, high
Finish as good as conventional
spray guns with low to medium
viscosity coatings.

Tiz's Door Sales (TDS) Case Study

Everett, Washington
TDS manufactures interior and exterior doors and frames, window
and base moldings, and stained railings. HVLP spray guns were purchased to replace 20 percent efficient conventional spray guns on manual
spray lines. Along with the conversion to HVLP, TDS also installed automated flat line spray equipment which increased application efficiency,
recycled overspray, switched from toluene-based coatings to less hazardous coatings, uses heat instead of solvents to thin coatings, uses dedicated pumps and lines for each type of coating, blocks gun nozzles, and
blows air back through guns and delivery systems to reduce waste during
TDS has reduced coating use by one half (199118,000 gallons saved ~
$180,000) and experienced significant savings in labor and waste disposal


Airless Spray Application Technology

Airless spray systems atomize the coating by increasing the coating's fluid
pressure (ranges from 500 to 6500 psi) without introducing a pressurized air
flow. These guns are well suited to high speed lines where coating must be
applied quickly to keep up with production. Operators should use proper safe
guards, such as duck bills around the nozzle and goggles when using airless
applicators, to prevent personal injuries.
P2 Advantages
High transfer efficiency (35-65
Reduce coating usage.
Reduce air emissions and
High rates of paint flow, can
move gun faster.
Greater productivity, less operator fatigue.
Ability to apply highly viscous
No air hose providing increased
gun handling versatility.

Reduce spray pattern.
Relatively poor atomization.
Expensive nozzles.
Coatings limitation.
Tip plugging.
Danger of skin injection.
Increase training and maintenance
Capital costs

Air-Assisted Airless Spray Application Technology

Air-assisted airless spraying combines compressed air atomization with airless atomization. About 85 percent of the atomization of the coating is provided by fluid pressure (150-800 psi) as in airless, and the remaining 15 percent is provided by air pressure (5-30 psi) supplied at the nozzle.
P2 Advantages
High transfer efficiency relative
to conventional (40-70 percent).
Finish comparable to conventional spray.
Reduce material usage.
Less overspray and bounce

Not compatible with some coatings.
Risk of skin injection.
Increase maintenance.
Increase operator training.
Capital cost.


Electrostatic Technology
During electrostatic coating, coating particles are given a negative electric
charge and the piece to be finished is either grounded or given a positive
charge. This electrostatic action causes the coating particle to be drawn to
the piece creating a high transfer efficiency of 35-70 percent for spray guns,
and 60-90 percent for rotary disk (centrifugal force) applicators. This allows
each piece to be coated with fewer passes and less coating material and associated waste. The particle velocity and electrostatic charge must be balanced
to achieve optimum coating.

Pieces sometimes need to be
coated by humidity-sensitizing
agent as pieces must be conductive.
Safety/fire risk.
Extra cleanliness essential.
Touch up coating buildup at
high points and skips (uncoated
areas) in corners caused by
Faraday effect.
Bulky and delicate spray guns.
Relatively high cost.
Wrap-around may overcoat rear

P2 Advantages
High transfer efficiency.
Reduce material usage and
associated VOC emissions and
Uniform film thickness.
Good wrap around coating and
edge cover.
Can apply a variety of coatings
(e.g. solvent-/water-based, high
solids, radiation curable).

Thomasville Furniture Case Study

Thomasville, North Carolina
Thomasville Furniture was realizing an 80 percent loss of finishing
materials (20 percent transfer efficiency) from their conventional air
spray guns on their chair finishing line. In 1979, the company installed
five hand-held airless electrostatic sprayers in an effort to reduce the
amount of coating material wasted.
Clean up of the spray booth is now conducted once a week instead of
once per day. Material waste was reduced by 30-40 percent and associated
wastes and VOC emissions were reduced. The walls of the spray booth
are grounded so that overspray is attracted to the walls, keeping the
remainder of the area clean. The greatest savings occurred in the lines
wiping stain where stain usage was reduced from 12 ounces per chair
(dipping process) to three ounces per chair. In spite of some difficulties
with humidity problems and higher coating prices, a payback period of
one year was realized.


Vacuum Coating
Pieces are passed through a coating chamber under a vacuum. Coating
material fills the chamber, coating the piece as it proceeds through the chamber. An air jet removes excess finish. Film thickness is controlled by varying
the coating viscosity, vacuum magnitude, and air jet velocity. The technology
is limited to pieces with the same silhouette along their entire length. In theory, there is no wasted material as the chamber recycles excess material.
Water-based coatings can build up solid coating on reservoir walls and other
parts that require cleaning.
Piece must have uniform silhouette.
Thinners and water can be
removed from the coating by
the vacuum causing viscosity
Some tendency to foam.

P2 Advantages
Excellent transfer efficiency
(~ 100 percent).
Waste coating and VOC emissions essentially eliminated.
High production rates.
Low labor costs.

Roll Coating
In roll coating, coatings are applied by rollers to a flat surface of the piece.
The roll coaters that apply the coating are often times engraved so as to produce a wood grain effect onto the piece of fiberboard or plywood.
P2 Advantages

transfer efficiency.
Reduce material waste.
High production rates.
Allows the use of high solids
Lends itself to UV / EB curing.

Limited to flat work.
For solvent-based coatings,
potentially large amounts of
VOC emissions as the rollers
have to stay wet.
Will not coat cavities or hard to
reach areas.
"Ribs" resulting from poor flow
of the coating are sometimes
created on the substrate.


Dip Coating
Parts are dipped into a tank of coating material. This provides better coverage and causes less waste than conventional air spray systems. Dipping can
be manual or pieces can be loaded onto a conveyor that dips the piece into the
tank. Excess coating drips off the piece and drains back into the tank.
Optimize viscosity for desired coating thickness. If solvent-based coatings
are being applied, the system should be enclosed to prevent VOC emissions
from escaping the tank

Finish is viscosity sensitive.
Not suitable for pieces with hollows or cavities.
Color change is difficult and
Appearance is poor to fair compared to spray finishes

P2 Advantages
Excellent transfer efficiency.
Reduce wastes.
Low labor requirements.
High production rates.


Flow Coating
In flow coating, many individual streams (10-80) of coating are directed at
the surfaces of the piece as it passes through the flow coating chamber.
P2 Advantages
High transfer efficiency.
Reduce wastes.
High production rates.
Low labor requirements.
Low installation costs.

Poor to fair finish appearance.
Coating viscosity controls film

Curtain Coating
Curtain coating coats flat pieces by moving the pieces through a continuous
flowing "waterfall" of coating material. The coating material flows at a controlled rate from a reservoir onto the pieces which are conveyed through the
stream at high rates of speed. The excess coating material is trapped in a
reservoir and re-circulated with minimal waste

Suitable for flat work only.
May require clean room.
Foaming and curtain breaks
are sometimes associated with
waterborne coatings.

P2 Advantages
Excellent transfer efficiency.
Reduce wastes.
Very high production rates.
Uniform coating thickness.
Lends itself to UV / EB curing.

Dry Coating
Dry coating can be achieved with a formulated granular wax that is tumbled
with the parts needing to be coated. This allows for reduction in amount of
VOC's generated while giving adequate coverage on the parts. The pieces
actually rub the surfaces of one another to create adequate coating. Great for
coating small pieces such as wood buttons, napkin rings, and balls.

P2 Advantages
Reduce material waste.
No VOC's.

Parts must be uniform in size
with no sharp edges or irregularities in shape.

Appendix A: Checklists for Success

The following section can be copied for use at your facility periodically, and
can help you identify areas that you may need or want to include in your pollution prevention or employee health protection plans.
Using open tanks in your shop can have potential harmful effects on your
employees. Be aware of what to watch for:
Are tanks well-ventilated? Tanks of paint remover emit potentially
harmful vapors, especially compounds with methylene chloride.
Proper ventilation and inhalation protection is required under
OSHAs worker safety rules. Make sure you know whether the vapor
from your stripping material is lighter than air or heavier than air.
(Some remover vapors are lighter than air; methylene chloride vapor
is heavier than air.)
Are exhaust fan intakes located accordinglyhigher than the work
surface or near the floor for methylene chloride.
Are remover tanks tightly covered at all times when not in use? This
will save loss through evaporation and minimize your exposure to
Do you periodically remove stripped finish from your paint remover
tank to promote the efficiency of the stripping process?
Is your tank at its optimal operating temperature? Make sure the
paint remover in your tank is working as effectively as possible.
Observe the temperature recommendations provided by the manufacturer. Most paint removers work most effectively at more than 70
degrees Fahrenheitand only half as efficiently at 50 degrees.


Do your employees know when inhalation protection is needed? Be
especially careful to avoid breathing vapors from a caustic tank. Most
old furniture finishes contain lead. Lead is dissolved by caustics and
will be contained in caustic vapors.
Do your employees wear proper personal protective equipment?
Protect eyes and skin from contact with remover from tanks. Wear
goggles, rubber gloves, long sleeves, and an apron while working
around a tank.
Is there a source of clean, fresh water near the paint remover tank so
that remover can be quickly and thoroughly rinsed from skin and
eyes in case of accidental contact?
Cut Costs Through Record Keeping
Here's a checklist of items to keep your record keeping in order for regulatory
purposes and cost savings.

Is there an accurate record of any paint removers or finishes that are



Do you calculate the cost of this waste as a percentage of your operating expense?


Does this cost warrant action to reduce waste?


Is your shop wasting material due to deterioration; are containers

available that can be sealed more tightly?


Can you buy in quantities adequate to your operation? Are they currently too large or too small?


Can your shop change operating practices or purchase new equipment

in order to reduce remover and finish purchases?


Protect Your Health in the Refinishing Shop

When using chemicals such as volatile organic compounds or hazardous air
pollutants, keep on top of health issues affecting your employees.

Are Material Safety Data

Sheets (MDSD) on hand
to know what is contained in paint removers
and finishes in case of an


Is there a wash area close

by to rinse chemicals
from eyes or skin in case
of accidental contact?


Have you educated your employees on the hazards of smoking in the

work place? If you smoke, recognize that you are particularly susceptible to injury from exposure to paint
remover, solvent, or finish vapors. Smoking materials
are a fire hazard. Don't smoke when working in the
refinishing shop.


Have you asked your suppliers periodically about availability of less

toxic, non-flammable paint removers, solvents, and finishes?


Do you have a medical surveillance test schedule for those employees

subject to serious inhalation hazards? Seek the advice of your physician about preventative measures, and ask about periodic blood tests
to assure no ill effects from exposure to chemicals.

Personal Protective Equipment

Do employees always wear protective clothing and equipment?
Do employees remove contact lenses when using paint removers?


Work Space
Are work areas well-ventilated? An exhaust fan should vent vapors
from paint removers outdoors. Give your shop a fresh air intake vent
with a capacity of two cubic feet per minute, per square foot of shop
space. Make sure that a fresh air duct in the work area is adequate to
replace all air drawn out of the room by exhaust fans located near the
stripping area, the rinse area, or in a paint booth. Without adequate
fresh air intake, exhaust fans may draw air from the furnace flue or
the hot water heater flue. Worker exposure to combustion gases,
including carbon monoxide, will result. Adequate ventilation with
fresh air will also prevent the buildup and possible ignition of combustible gases.
Are covers on tanks closed when not in use?
Does your shop use HVLP spray guns? If you process a high enough
volume of product to use sprayers when applying finishes, consider
high volume, low pressure (HVLP) sprayers to get more of the finish
onto the product and reduce employee exposure to the atomized finishes.
Do you use a spray booth for all spraying operations? If you use
sprayers, consider installing a booth with an adequate exhaust fan.
Is there a strict "No Smoking" rule in the work areas of your shop?

Refinishing Safety
Are MSDSs that come with stripping, rinsing, and finishing materials
available to employees?
Do employees know how to read MSDS's? Make sure you know the
"flash point" of the materials you are using. The lower the flash point,
the more easily a material is ignited. Some materials used in stripping and rinsingthinners and petroleum distillatesare a fire hazard.
Does your shop use methylene chloride strippers? Methylene chloride, a common stripping material, is not easily ignited, but many of
the paints and other finishes that become mixed with methylene chloride as it is used are ignitable. After considerable use, methylene chloride contaminated with other materials will burn and may produce
very toxic gases in the process.

Employee Training
Have operators been trained to
use proper spray techniques?
Spraying technique affects
transfer efficiency and finish
quality just as coating formulation does.
There should be a 50% overlap of spray pattern.
The spray gun should be
held six to eight inches from
the work piece.
The operator should hold
the gun perpendicular (at a
90-degree angle) to the work piece.
Make sure that the fan size isn't too big for the part being coated.
Use the minimum air pressure that still produces a good spray pattern.
Have operators been trained to prepare coatings properly? Reducer
should be added slowly and the mixture should be tested often to
determine when the desired mixture has been reached.
Do operators test for complete mixing by sampling the top and bottom
layers of the mixture and placing each on separate pieces of glass to
observe and compare color and rate of flow?
Are materials mixed before use and during use to maintain desired
Coating Application
Do you change spray pattern with piece configuration? Spray pattern
and technique should be optimized for a given work piece's size,
shape, and orientation. For example, coat slender pieces with a narrow spray pattern
Do you position work pieces to minimize overspray and for maximum
comfort? The work piece should be positioned to minimize overspray.
It should also be positioned to make spraying as comfortable as possible for the operator. This will increase the likelihood that good spray
techniques are used.
Do you use an application method which has a higher transfer efficiency than that of the conventional spray gun? HVLP, airless sys49

tems, and air-assisted airless systems have higher transfer efficiencies than conventional spray guns. Higher transfer efficiencies reduce
coating usage and VOC emissions. HVLP spray guns atomize materials with air at much lower pressure than conventional spray guns.
Airless spray systems atomize the coating by increasing its fluid pressure without introducing a pressurized airflow. Air-assisted airless
spraying combines compressed-air atomization with airless atomization.

Do you use direct applications for stains whenever possible? Wiping

stains can be applied with a sponge, brush, rag, or roller, instead of
being sprayed. These direct applications have transfer efficiencies
that approach 100%, thus raw material usage can be reduced. Stains
are traditionally designed to soak into wood and usually require a
topcoat such as varnish to improve the piece's appearance. Spraying
may offer no appearance advantage in operations where wiping follows spraying of stains


Do you use roller application or brush application for coatings on a

non-critical surface? For non-critical surfaces, where protection is
more important than appearance, direct application methods provide
the necessary protection while reaching transfer efficiencies near


Is the coating delivered directly

to the spray gun from its original container? Deliver coating
directly to the spray gun
instead of filling an interim
container between the coating
drum or vessel and the application equipment. This eliminates potential for spills during
transfer, reduces raw material
loss as container residue and
evaporative losses, and decreases employee exposure to hazardous chemicals. If an interim
step is required, use hand
pumps or spigots to remove the
coating material from its bulk


Do you alter viscosity by heating coatings? Heating coatings instead

of solvent addition should be used to alter coating viscosity whenever
possible, thus reducing solvent usage, solvent waste, and VOC emis50

sions. This method also allows for more consistent viscosity, faster
curing time, and use of higher solids coatings.

Do you use coatings that reduce VOC releases? There are several
alternatives to high VOC coatings used in most wood finishing operations. Waterborne coatings can be used to reduce air emissions and
hazardous waste generation. High solids, solvent-based coatings are
35% to 40% solids. These coatings reduce air emissions and have
higher transfer efficiency than conventional solvent coatings.

Do you sequence finishing projects in a way that reduces cleaning
needs? Reduce the frequency of cleaning equipment by staining or
painting all products of the same color at the same time. Schedule
batch processing of lighter shades of finish prior to darker shades of
finish so that equipment need not be cleaned between batches.
Do you reuse lacquer thinner used for line cleaning in the paint spray
booths? Capture lacquer thinner and reuse it.
Do you drain paint gun lines prior to solvent cleaning? Lines should
be drained of all coating materials before cleaning with solvent. This
prolongs the solvent's life. Air pressure may be used to evacuate the
Do you use self-contained solvent recirculating gun washers? Selfcontained gun washing systems are ideal because this minimizes
VOC emissions and employees' exposure to solvent. A recirculating
washer maximizes use of solvent and prolongs solvent life.
Do you keep spray equipment feed tanks agitated to reduce solvent
use? Keeping tanks agitated prevents a skin from forming and solids
from settling. This will reduce the amount of solvent necessary for
cleaning equipment and, in turn, reduce VOC emissions.
Process Changes
Do you inspect parts before coating or painting? Reduce raw material
use by eliminating reject pieces before they're coated.
Have you installed a purification system for your booth water curtains? Install a purification system to reduce water content of paint
sludge generated through treatment of wastewater from the water
curtains in the sealer and topcoat spray booths. This decreases the
volume of hazardous waste that must be disposed of.

Appendix B: Regulatory Levels of Hazardous

Waste in Kansas
Small Quantity Generator (SQG)
Small quantity generators in the state of Kansas are those generators that:
create less than 55 pounds of hazardous waste in a one month period
accumulate no more than 2200 pounds of hazardous waste, or no more
than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste or no more than 55 pounds of
debris and cleanup materials from acutely toxic waste spills.
SQG's are required to handle the hazardous waste they generate in an environmentally sound manner and they are not subject to any notification or
reporting requirements. Small quantity generators may use any of the following alternatives to handle their hazardous wastes when disposed of in quantities less than 25 kg: recycling, reuse, reclamation, disposal at a permitted
sanitary landfill, neutralization and discharge to the sanitary sewer only
with permission of the city, and disposal at a permitted hazardous waste disposal facility.
Hazardous wastes such as solvents, sludges, and pesticides are not suitable
for discharge to the sanitary sewer. Small quantities of hazardous waste may
NOT be disposed of by dumping on the surface of the ground or into surface
waters, burying in the ground at an unpermitted site, or by using wastes
such as solvents for killing weeds. The small quantity generator regulations
are located at K.A.R. 28-31-4(m).

Kansas Generators
Kansas generators are those that:
create between 55 and 2200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calendar
month, and
generate no more than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste or 55
pounds of debris and cleanup materials from acutely toxic waste spills,
accumulate no more than 2200 pounds of hazardous waste, or no more
than 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste, or no more than 55 pounds of
debris and cleanup materials from acutely hazardous waste spills.
Kansas generators must comply with the following regulatory requirements:
A. Determine which wastes generated by the facility are hazardous.
B. Obtain an EPA identification number by submitting a hazardous waste
notification form to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
C. Prepare a manifest for all shipments of hazardous waste. Package, label,
mark, and placard all shipments of hazardous waste in accordance with

pre-transportation requirements.
D. Prepare and maintain the following records for three years.
1) A signed copy of all manifests initiated.
2) Annual and biennial report(s).
3) Manifest exception report(s).
4) Hazardous waste analyses.
5) Weekly inspection reports.
E. Meet all storage requirements for containers and/or tanks.
F. Meet emergency preparedness requirements.
G. Report all international shipments of hazardous waste to the Kansas
Department of Health and Environment and the Environmental
Protection Agency.

EPA Generators
EPA generators meet any of the following requirements:
create or accumulate more than 2200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calendar month at their facility, or
generate or accumulate 2.2 pounds or more of acutely hazardous waste, or
generate or accumulate more than 55 pounds of hazardous waste and
debris from cleanup of hazardous waste spills.
EPA generators are subject to all regulations for Kansas Generators, except
for the emergency preparedness requirements, as well as the following additional requirements:
A. Provide a personnel training program to ensure that facility personnel
are able to respond effectively to a hazardous waste emergency. The program must include:
1) A director trained in hazardous waste procedures.
2) Instruction which teaches facility personnel about the location of
emergency response and monitoring equipment; maintenance and
operation of such equipment; communications procedures and
response procedures for fires; explosions, and contamination incidents. Training must be completed within six months after the date
an employee enters a position.
3) An annual review of the initial training.
4) Development of job titles, job descriptions, a description of training
to be given each job title, and a record of all training which occurs.
B. Adequately provide for preparedness and prevention with the following
1) Proper maintenance of facilities to minimize releases of hazardous
2) Where appropriate for the type of waste generated, provide an
internal communications or alarm system, a telephone or two-way
radio, and fire extinguishing and control equipment. All required

equipment must be tested and maintained to ensure proper operation.

3) Provide personnel working directly with hazardous waste with
immediate access to communications and alarm equipment.
4) Maintain aisle space sufficient to allow passage of personnel and
fire, spill control, and decontamination equipment.
5) Make arrangements with the local hospital, police department, fire
department and emergency response team to familiarize them with
the plant layout and hazards involved with the wastes generated.
Such arrangements should be documented.
C. Prepare a contingency plan and implement emergency procedures to
ensure that releases of hazardous waste are properly handled. The contingency plan must provide for:
1) A description of the actions facility personnel must take to respond
to a release.
2) A description of the arrangements made with local authorities for
emergency services.
3) Designation of primary and secondary emergency coordinators and
listing of their addresses and phone numbers. Assure that an
emergency coordinator is on site or on call at all times.
4) A list of all emergency equipment on site, its capabilities, and its
5) An evacuation plan where the potential need for evacuation exists.
6) Copies of the contingency plan to be maintained at the facility and
submitted to the local police department, fire department, hospital,
and emergency response team
7) The contingency plan to be periodically reviewed and maintained
as current.
The above list is an abbreviated version of the requirements that hazardous
waste generators must fulfill to be in compliance. For a complete listing of
requirements associated with hazardous waste, please consult the Kansas
Hazardous Waste Generator Handbook and the Kansas Statutes Annotated,
Article 34, and the Administrative Regulations, Article 31.


Appendix C: NESHAP Work Practice Standard

Requirements Summary
Application Equipment Requirement

facility does not use conventional air spray guns.

The facility operates conventional air spray guns, but only in the following cases:
If they are using the guns to apply coatings that have a VOC content no
greater than 1.0 lb. VOC/lb. solids, as applied.
If they are using the gun for touch up and repair that occurs either after
the completion of the finishing operation or after the application of stain
and before the application of other types of finishing materials. In addition, any materials used for touch up and repair after the stain application must be applied from a container with a volume of no more than 2.0
If the guns are automatic.
If the guns are used in a spray booth or other application station where
emissions are directed to a control device.
If the guns are only used for applying small quantities of finishing materials. The total amount of finishing material applied with the conventional air spray gun must be no more than 5.0 percent of the total
amount of finishing material used in that semiannual period.
If the gun is used to apply stain and the facility has demonstrated that
it is technically or economically infeasible to use another spray application technology.

Operator Training Program

The facility has developed an operator training program that contains the
list of job descriptions and current personnel that must be trained;
outline of the subjects to be covered for each job description;
initial and refresher training program; and
description how the facility will document personnel's successful completion of the program.


Inspection and Maintenance Plan

The facility has developed an inspection and maintenance plan that:
addresses equipment leaks;
includes a monthly visual inspection to ensure there are no equipment
leaks of all equipment used to transfer or apply finishing materials or
organic solvents;
specifies how a facility will document the date, result, and repairs of an
inspection; and
assures first attempt at leak repair within five days and final repair within 15 days, unless repair requires replacement of the equipment in which
case the facility is allowed three months to complete repairs.

Cleaning and Washoff Solvent Accounting Program

The facility has developed a program that tracks:
the amount of organic solvent used for cleaning and
washoff each month;
the quantity of spent solvent generated from each
cleaning or washoff operation each month;
the amount of spent solvent reused or disposed; and
the number of pieces washed off and the reason for
the washoff.

Cleaning and Washoff Solvent Composition

The facility has discontinued the use of solvents that contain
known or probable human carcinogens.

Spray Booth Cleaning

The facility does not use cleaning compounds that

contain more than 8.0 percent VOC by weight,
unless operators are cleaning conveyors, continuous coaters and their enclosures, or metal filters.
The facility's solvent use is limited to 1.0 gallon per
booth for preparation of booth surface for

Gun and Line Cleaning

Gun and line cleaning solvent is collected into a

closed container.
Containers associated with cleaning are covered
when not in use.


Washoff Operations

washoff tank is covered when not in use.

The facility minimizes dripping by tilting and/or rotating the part to drain
as much solvent as possible.
The facility is allowing sufficient dry time for the part.

Work Practice and Implementation Plan

The facility has developed a plan to implement these work practice standards
and maintain on-site.

Formulation Assessment Plan for Finishing Operations

The facility has established a baseline level for each VHAP of potential concern; tracks annual usage VHAP of potential of concern; and reported all
exceedences of baseline level, if any.


Appendix D: Vendor Directory


Compliant or Low VOC


3M Adhesives Systems
Industrial Tape & Specialties Div.
Bldg. 220-7E-01
St. Paul, MN 55144

2377 Riverfront Road
Kansas City, MO 64120
Contact: Alan Ott 800-521-6671

Tapes and Tools

PO Box 1195
High Point, N.C. 27261

Matrix Coatings
2124 Valley Dri.
Des Moines, IA 50321

Uniroyal Inc., Adhesives and

Sealants Co.
PO Box 2000
312 N. Hill St.
Mishawaka, ID 46544

Minuteman Inc.
115 N. Monroe St, Suite 151
Waterloo, WI 53954
Lily Industries
733 South West St.
Indianapolis, IN 46225
Midwest Lacquer
9353 Seymour Ave.
Shiller Park, IL 60176


Corbett Industries
P.O.Box 212
39 Hewson Ave.
Waldwick NJ 07463-1819
Fax: 201-445-6316
Contact Person: Robin Todtman
industrial ovens, dryers, furnaces, kilns, air heaters, fume
incinerators, spray booths, parts
cleaning equipment

Contrast Equipment Company
1449 N. Topping
Kansas City MO 64120
Fax: 816-241-4134
Contact Person: Bob Brown
solvent reclamation, spraying
equipment and systems, powder
coating systems, parts washer, oil

Dll International
1808 Windsor Dr.
High Point, N.C. 27262
dust collection systems

DeVilbis Equipment
7801 W. 110th
Overland Park, KS 66210
paint booths, HVLP spray equipment and systems, conveyors,
enclosed gun and hose cleaners

Atlanta Machinery Corp.

36 South End Plaza
New Milford, CN 06776
dust collection systems

Advanced Equipment Systems

312 Otterson
Chico. CA 95928
full line of finishing, adhesives
application, HVLP, robotic and
automatic, and powder equipment

Scientific Dust Collectors

4101 West 126th St.
Alsip, IL 60658-1996
dust collection systems


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