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Application Overview
DATA.CAPTURE is the most basic method of creating accounting entries in T24. The
application allows banking personnel to pass debit and credit transactions to all customer
accounts, internal accounts and profit and loss accounts maintained within T24. It is used to
capture all entries which do not justify a transaction processing system (e.g. recording of
business travel expenses) or for which an automated system is not yet available.
Use of customised screens with VERSION can make this general application specific to
particular accounting requirements.
DATA CAPTURE items are grouped in batches and each batch must have balancing debits
and credits in local currency.

Setting up the System
Unlike other applications in T24 where a single transaction may create multiple accounting
entries, DATA.CAPTURE operates on creating each accounting entry as a single transaction
which, when combined with other transactions, forms a batch. The following sections clarify
the main components.
Individual debits or credits, either STMT.ENTRY or CATEG.ENTRY created by a T24
transaction or DATA.CAPTURE item.
Data Capture Item
A DATA.CAPTURE record which generates one accounting entry. For example: to charge a
simple fee would require one item to debit a clients account, and another to credit the P&L
income account. This is a simple batch.
The groups into which items are separated for control purposes, i.e. a typical batch could be a
single debit to a Nostro account, balanced by many credits to varying client accounts.
DATA.CAPTURE applies most of its accounting updates on-line. Only where a batch has not
been fully authorised, or does not balance, will any entries be generated during the end of day
Unlike the main T24 applications which share a common reference structure, the 10 digit
reference number used in DATA.CAPTURE is comprised of a Department code; Batch
number and Item number. The Department code is derived from the DEPT.ACCT.OFFICER
system table, the full reference is as follows:

The department of the inputter is used as a default, especially when using the auto id function.
However, as it may be a requirement to enter batches on behalf of another department, this
can be entered manually.
When using the reference number or part of it to access batches or item records, leading zeros
are required to ensure the correct length.

The full key has been entered and provided the item exists will be shown regardless of
the user department of the inputter.

The Department code of the user will be defaulted


The next batch number available for that department will be used, and the first item
will default to 001


If an item number is not entered, then the next available item number within the Batch
will be used. Up to a maximum number of 998 items per batch will be allowed. The
item number 999 is reserved in case a difference item needs to be raised during the end
of day processing.

Batch numbers and item numbers can be input specifically but it is more convenient to allow
the system to allocate them in sequence.
The batch total of debits and credits in local currency is shown above the item input so the
batch balance can be viewed during the batch entry stage.
A valid batch must have at least two items. (E.g. One debit and one credit)
If the account is contingent, make sure that the batch is balanced either by setting the field

Suspense account
An internal account used to pass debit or credit entries to when the correct account is not
known or cannot be used. The default suspense accounts to be used in these circumstances are
defined in ACCOUNT.CLASS on the SUSPENSE record. Non-zero balances in suspense
accounts indicate problems and should be rectified as quickly as possible.

Figure 1 - Defining a Suspense Account Record

Application Design
Parameter Files
Account Class

This file is used by most T24 applications where a specific CATEGORY, ACCOUNT or
CUSTOMER type is specified.
The record SUSPENSE contains the category for DATA.CAPTURE items to use when the Close of
Business is run and batches have been left unauthorised. During the Close of Business processing,
all items that have not been authorised are replaced by suspense entries.
Additionally, a balancing item is generated if a batch is found to be out of balance. The internal
account number for this is found by reference to a record identified as DIFFERENCE on the

Figure 1 - Defining a Difference Record on the Account Class File

TRANSACTION codes are low-level codes used by applications when creating accounting entries.
These can indicate whether an entry:

Is a debit or credit
Incurs transaction charges
References to be used on statements.

DATA.CAPTURE uses codes for balancing items of:

98 for Credit
99 for Debit.

This file has only one record and it is used to control the printing of advices from within the
DATA.CAPTURE module. The production of advices is requested via input in a LOCAL.REF field
at the transaction level during DATA.CAPTURE input. This item specifies which of the LOCAL.REF
fields is to be used to request the production of an advice, which will subsequently record the
delivery reference for the advice produced.

Figure 2 - The DC Advices File controls printing of advices from within the Data Capture

Overview of Input and Processing
Data Capture Navigation
In T24 you will be accustomed to using the List and Exception functions to show records that have
been, or need to be, authorised. Since standard transactions are individual records the display will
show the record details on the screen.
With DATA.CAPTURE you are dealing with batches that comprise of multiple records, therefore
the Exception and List will show the batches that have been, or need to be authorised.
The example below shows three unauthorised batches with the user requesting an Exception list of
records in that batch.

Figure 1 - Display unauthorised batches via Data Capture Navigation

In the GUI version of T24 this functionality is replaced by the use of an ENQUIRY called
The screen that would then follow would be similar to the one below:

Figure 2 - Use Enquiry Data Capture Batch in GUI version of T24

Deleting an Entry
A direct deletion can be made if you know the record id, conversely you can request a list of the
unauthorised batches, enter the Exception function against the relevant batch and then use the
Deletion function against the record of your choice.
Adding entries to a batch
To add an entry to a batch you will need to view the unauthorised batches, DC E and enter the Input
function against the appropriate batch. The next available record id will then be used and a blank
record ready for input will appear.
You can also use a direct command i.e. DC I 3000100003 would take you to the third record in
batch 100 of department 3000, if it has not already been used the record will be blank.

Figure 3 - Add an entry to a batch

Amending an Entry
If you need to change an unauthorised record in a batch you will need to view first the unauthorised
batch list, DC E, and then use the Exception function against the appropriate batch. A standard list
of the records in the batch will appear and you can then use the Input function against the one you
need to amend.
The direct command i.e. DC I 3000100001 would take you to the first record, if you did not create
the record you will receive the standard warning that you are overtaking the input of another user.
Authorising Entries
Authorisation is normally made on a batch basis. To view the unauthorised batches type DC E and a
list will appear. Against the batch you should enter the Authorise function and the first record will
be displayed for your review. You may press F5 and validate that record, then request the next for
approval using the F3 key. Alternatively, you can use the F6 key as this validates the current record
and retrieves the next for you automatically.
Departmental Batches
The section above covers batches produced within the same department of the user. To access
batches from other departments, whether for input or authorisation, requires the user to provide
either the specific department or the value all for every department.
Providing the USER profile permits access to other departments, batches from other areas can be
accessed as follows:

All Departments
Similar to the commands above you can access all batches as below:

List all authorised batches by department, F5 to get the next list

List all unauthorised batched by department, F5 to get the next list

Specified Department
Assuming that the user is not part of department 0200:
DC L 0200
DC E 0200

List all authorised batches of department 0200

List all unauthorised batches of department 0200

Figure 4 - Listing information by Department

Foreign Currency Entries
Where the items are in foreign currency then a local currency equivalent is required. This can be
entered directly or the foreign amount and a rate can be entered or the middle rate from the currency
file can be used. There is no check that foreign money amounts balance within a batch.
For large amounts (as defined on the currency file) a rate must be negotiated and the item is crossreferred to the FOREIGN.EXCHANGE module.

Value Date
The value date is the date from which the entry is included for calculation of interest. A default can
be calculated based on the BC.SORT.CODE record if a sort has been entered or calculated based upon
the settings derived from the TRANSACTION record.
Exposure Date
The exposure date is the date on which a credit entry is included in the available balance of an
account. A bank may wish to pay interest on funds which have not technically cleared, the use of
the exposure date will allow the funds to receive interest but generate an override if the funds are
withdrawn before the exposure date has passed.

Figure 5 - Setting an Exposure Date

General Accounting
Override messages are generated for entries that affect or create overdrafts and/or forward cash flow
A compensating suspense account item can be automatically generated for any unbalanced batch,
for example if a large debit amount covers small payments to numerous credit accounts and one
entry had not been authorised a suspense item will be raised rather than rejecting the whole batch.
It is also possible to automatically balance a batch; this is to handle instances where, due to
exchange rates, there may be a minimal difference in the local currency totals but the foreign
currency amounts balance.
Reversals are not possible in DATA.CAPTURE, however in order to refund a client without
impacting interest, charges or statements a special field REVERSAL.MARKER can be set which will
offset the original entry. Unless the statement has already been issued the original and reversing

entries will not appear on a clients statement. If the original transaction incurred a turnover or
transaction charge, this will be cancelled.

Figure 6 - General Accounting Reversing an Entry

The following reports are produced as standard part of the DATA.CAPTURE module:

A hard-coded report, which uses a routine called DC.REP.PH to produce a report during the end of
day process for DATA.CAPTURE. The report details the batches input for each department for
audit purposes.

This report is hard-coded and uses a routine called DC.SUS to produce a report as and when the end
of day process checks for any differences in DATA.CAPTURE. A report is produced even if no
difference entries are raised.

This report is also hard-coded and uses the same routine DC.SUS to produce a report as and when the
end of day process raises suspense items for DATA.CAPTURE. A report is produced even if no
suspense entries are raised.


This report is derived from an ENQUIRY called DATA.CAPTURE.JOURNAL, which is produced during
the Close of Business run in the BATCH record called EOD.DATA.CAPTURE.
It can also be run on-line by using the Verify function on the ENQUIRY.REPORT record.
The report details all batches by department and the entries in each batch. Users may modify the
report contents by making, and changing, a copy of the ENQUIRY to suit local requirements.

This ENQUIRY for DATA.CAPTURE shows the entries, dates and totals of specific batches. It is
also used to provide a hard-copy report during the Close of Business processing.

Figure 7 - Enquiry: DATA.CAPTURE.JOURNAL

Treat a batch as one transaction
This feature is available if the blocking options have been set in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER.
The ACCOUNT.PARAMETER file has a single record, SYSTEM, which is used to control the
behaviour of the ACCOUNT module. In addition, it has a field DC.BALANCED, an indicator for the
DATA.CAPTURE application that all batches input must balance before they may be either
authorised, or put on hold, the options being LOCK, YES OR BLANK - NO.
The blocking options in DC.BALANCED enable authorisation of all items in the batch to occur
consistently so that all items of the batch will have the same status after the batch has been

Figure 8 - Treat a batch as one transaction in Accounting Parameter Record

Blocking options when leaving the Batch

If the DC.BALANCED is set to LOCK the batch cannot be left unbalanced, the user is then prompted
with the option to delete, hold the batch, or continue inputting until the batch balances.
If set to YES, the batch may be left unbalanced after the user has been prompted with the options
to delete or hold the batch.
If the batch balances then a message will be displayed to indicate this prior to exiting the batch. A
batch is balanced if the net of local debits and credits is equal to zero.
Zero Authoriser

In Zero authoriser modes, the items will be written and authorised only after the whole batch has
been input and the features of the blocking options have been applied. The authoriser will be
displayed as the inputter followed by /A. If the batch is left unbalanced then all items of the batch
will be in an unauthorised status.

Individual items will not be written to the journal and the whole batch will not be authorised until
all items of the batch have been viewed and committed. If the batch is left in the middle of
authorisation the committed items are aborted.

No authorisation is allowed if:


Batch is unbalanced
There is at least one item in hold status in the batch
If Authoriser has input at one least item in the batch

Override Class

If the authoriser does not have the class to override at least one item in the batch, then all items of
the batch will have the status NAO after the 1st level authorisation.

This will hold a list of the items on hold under ITEMS.ON.HOLD, a list of the inputters to the batch
under INPUTTERS and list of the override classes required for the batch under OVERRIDE.CLASS.

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