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for Physik [] Matter

Z. Phys. B - Condensed Matter 63, 1 8 0986)

9 Springer-Verlag1986

Transport and Cyclotron Resonance Theory

for GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures
A. Gold*
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA and
Physik-Department E 16, Technische Universit~it Mtinchen, Garching,
Federal Republic of Germany

Received September 4, 1985; revised version November 28, 1985

A theory for static and dynamic transport of a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs
- A 1 G a A s heterostructures at temperature zero is presented. Charged impurities, separated from the electron gas by a spacer layer, are considered as the dominant scattering
mechanism. Finite extension of the wave function of the two-dimensional electron gas is
taken into account. Multiple scattering effects are included and are shown to lead to a
metal insulator transition at low electron densities. Due to plasmon dynamics the
scattering is strongly frequency dependent, and this dissipative process determines the
width of the cyclotron resonance. The corresponding reactive effect determines the shift
of the cyclotron resonance. It is shown that a correlation between line width maximum
and zero frequency shift of the cyclotron mode exists, in agreement with experimental
I. Introduction

The transport properties of the two-dimensional

electron gas in silicon metal oxide semiconductor
(MOS) systems have been studied experimentally
and theoretically for many years. For a review see
the article by Ando, Fowler, and Stern [1].
Recently new two-dimensional realizations of a twodimensional electron gas between compound semiconductors such as GaAs and A1GaAs became important. For a review see Ref. 2. Because the impurities are separated from the two-dimensional conducting layer by a spacer, a very high mobility has
been found there [3]. The observation of the anomalous quantum Hall effect in these systems [4] gave
new motivation to study the transport behavior.
The mobility of these G a A s - A I G a A s systems has
been studied experimentally in detail [2, 5, 6], Until
now, the dynamic conductivity at zero magnetic
field has not been measured, but the published data
on cyclotron resonance experiments give information
on the dynamic conductivity at finite magnetic fields
[7-13]. Especially in Ref. 12 a maximum in the line
* Present address: Groupe de Physique des Solides de l'Ecole
Normale Sup6rieure, Universit6 Paris VII, Tour 23, 2, place
Jussieu, F-7525l Paris, France

width at a magnetic field, where nearly no shift of

the resonance occurred, was found. In some samples
also a line splitting occurred [12].
The mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in
G a A s - A 1 G a A s has been studied theoretically by a
lowest order impurity-electron coupling at temperature zero [14, 15] and for finite temperature [16] for
various scattering mechanisms. Acceptable agreement was found when the results of these theories
were compared with experimental results. Within a
static screening approximation the line width of the
cyclotron resonance was calculated [17] recently for
strong magnetic fields. Because of the Kohn theorem
[18] no direct change of the cyclotron resonance is
expected for an interacting electron gas.
But the Kohn theorem only holds for systems without scattering. Recently the disorder induced line
width and shift of the cyclotron resonance for integral numbers of filled Landau levels of an interacting two-dimensional electron gas have been studied
in the limit of high magnetic fields [19]. A line shift
to lower frequencies has been found there.
In the following we evaluate the transport properties
of a two-dimensional electron gas within a simple
model for the G a A s - A 1 G a A s heterostructure. The

A. Gold: GaAs - A1GaAs Heterostructures

theory follows the work of Gold and G6tze [20] for

the transport in silicon MOS systems. To discuss the
cyclotron resonance in " l o w " magnetic fields we follow Ref. 21. In Ref. 20 a disorder induced metal
insulator transition [22] was found to be in agreement with experimental results [23]. In G a A s - A 1 GaAs the disorder is weaker than in silicon M O S
systems and multiple scattering effects are expected
at much lower electron densities than in silicon. In
the measured density range the lowest order approximation in the electron impurity coupling seems to
work well, but at low electron densities strong
anomalies are expected. In the work of Ref. 21 the
magnetic field was introduced by a resonance pole
in the dynamic conductivity. But no influence of the
magnetic field on the scattering rate was considered.
Also the density of states was assumed to be the free
electron density of states. Recent measurements of
the density of states give a relatively smooth variation of the density of states with magnetic fields
[24]. So our approximation may not be so bad.
Some additional arguments for our approximation
are given later on.
The paper is organized as follows: I n . C h a p . II we
present our model and the essential equations of our
theory together with a discussion about the validity
of our theory. In Chap. III we discuss the mobility
of such systems and the dynamic aspects of the
current decay. Multiple scattering effects are also
considered in this chapter. The consequences of the
dynamic scattering theory for the cyclotron line
width and shift is evaluated in Chap. IV together
with a comparison with experiments. Some comments on plasmons are made in Chap. V and final
remarks are given in Chap. VI,

II. Model and Theory

In this paper we calculate the transport properties of
a two-dimensional electron gas as realized in G a A s
- A 1 G a A s heterostructures in the presence of
charged impurity scatterers.

a) Model


tz) = ~0

all other z



" "ill/I/i/, I~

c.igpj e





~ ' x ~ -. \ GaAs
\ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~2D
Fig. 1. Geometry of the G a A s - A1GaAs heterojunction

n i is a two-dimensional impurity density. By taking

into account the finite extension of the wave function in z direction within the variational approach,
see Ref. 1, the r a n d o m potential (Ju(0)l 2> for wave
vector q due to the impurities is given by
<Iu (1~/)12>

(2~ze_ 2 1~2
\ eL q] (1+q/b) 6

e_2q 7

(1--e -2qt)




eL is the dielectric constant of the host material, e is

the electron charge, lib is the length parameter for
the thickness of the electron gas (see Ref. 1): b a
mz is the electron mass for the
motion perpendicular to the interface, N * = N o
+ 11n/32, and ND is the depletion charge density,
and n is the electron density. As a simple model for
ne we mostly use a relation of Ref. 14:
(1 + K0)
n~-(1 _ K o ) (n+ND).


Ko=N'A/N~, and N A is the acceptor concentration

and N~ is the donor concentration. For a more
realistic model see Ref. 15. We mention that this
model with K 0 = 0 was successfully applied to mobility measurements in Ref. 25.
For the electron-electron interaction V(q) the finite
extension of the wavefunction is also taken into account

V(q) =

A schematic picture of the system is shown in Fig. 1,

We assume an undoped A1GaAs spacer layer with
thickness ~ and a homogeneous distribution of ionized impurities within a layer of thickness t. Ni(z ) is
the distribution of the impurities perpendicular to
the interface and is expressed as

(not ionized)

2~ e 2 1 \


3 q2

A similar model for heterostructure systems was

used in Ref. 19, but finite extension effects of the
wave functions have not been taken into account.
Our model reduces to the model used in Ref. 19 for
l / b = 0 . But we want to mention that 1/b#O effects
are very important for the high frequency dynamics,
see Fig. 10 of Ref. 20.

A. Gold: GaAs-A1GaAs Heterostructures

The transport mass m in G a A s - A 1 G a A s is equal to

ms, the valley degeneracy is one. So we use in the
following: eL =12.8, m = m . =0.067 me, m e is the vacuum mass of the electron, t = 1 0 0 ~ , K 0 = 0 , and ND
= 5 10 *~ c m -2.

electron gas. With gO(q) as the compressibility of the

free electron gas, the dielectric constant e(q), which
enters (o'(")(q, co) in Eq. (6), is given by

b) Theory

c) Validity of the Theory

Because the theory for calculating the transport

properties is identical to the work done for silicon,
we refer to Ref. 20 for the derivation of the equations. For G a A s - A 1 G a A s heterostructures we use
here a modified form of the random potential, see
Eq. (2~4), with the parameters given at the end of
the last section.
In the memory function approach the real part of
dynamic conductivity a'(co, B) at finite magnetic field
B is given by

In our Eq. (6) we have ignored the influence of the

magnetic field on the current relaxation process. Let
us assume that for the q-integral in Eq. (6) we have



a'(co, B ) = ~ ~ - ((co --coo+ ~

+ M"(CO)2


q (COJr- coc q- M'(CO)) 2 q- M"(co) 2 '



c o ~ = - - is the cyclotron frequency. For zero magm

netic field this equation reduces to the generalized
Drude formula of Ref. 26. M'(co) and M"(co) are the
real and imaginary part of the current relaxation
kernel. M"(co) describes dissipative effects and M'(co)
describes reactive effects of the impurities on the
electron dynamics. M'(co) and M"(co) are calculated
self-consistently [22] within a mode coupling equation, see Ref. 20, and are given by

M'(")(co) =2/~m q~ q2((u(q))2) ~'(")(q' co)"


da'(")(q, co) is the real (imaginary) part of the densitydensity relaxation function for the disturbed interacting electron gas. ~b'(")(q,co) depends via the
self-consistency on M'V')(co) and the equations for
M'("~(co) have been solved numerically [20]. The
interaction of the electrons is treated in random
phase approximation with local field correction. The
disorder is treated within the self-consistent current
relaxation theory [22]. The local field correction
G(q) is expressed in the Hubbard form [27]

G(q)=2 ]/-~e +k2


with k v as Fermi momentum. Local field corrections

decrease the screening behavior of the interacting

e(q) = 1 + V(q)[1 - G ( q ) ] gO(q).

qR~ ~ 1



and R~=VF/co c is the classical cyclotron radius with

v F as Fermi velocity. Because our current relaxation
function doesn't depend on the magnetic field, we
have ignored magnetoplasmons, but the collective
plasmon modes of the interacting electron gas with
dispersion copooCl~ have been taken into account.
So we expect that our theory should be qualitatively
correct, if

0020 >~COc"


With Eqs. (9) and (10) we find that our theory contains the essential physics for such magnetic fields,
that [28]


2t/~E ~


n 1/2,




g~ is the valley degeneracy and Ec is a measure for

the Coulomb energy of the system. So our theory
should be a good approximation for low magnetic
fields and high electron densities. With the free electron gas relation between density and density of
states the Eq. (11) can be rewritten into the form
v>> \qT-~! gv'


v is the filling factor, given by v=2gv(eF/hcoc) and eu

is the Fermi energy, qs is the Thomas Fermi wave
number. For G a A s - A 1 G a A s we get 2kF/qs=2.53
and 0.80 for n = 1 0 *2 cm -2 and 1011 cm -2 respectively. It is clear from Eq. (12) that for silicon MOS
systems the condition is easier satisfied than for
GaAs - A1GaAs heterostructures.
It has been shown in Ref. 29 that the random phase
approximation is no longer valid at high q and high
magnetic fields, but we mention that high q values

A. Gold: GaAs - A1GaAs Heterostructures

are considerably suppressed in the q integral of

Eq. (6) due to the finite extension effects in Eq. (2)
and due to the spacer layer.

Ill. Transport Properties

In this chapter we discuss the mobility and the frequency dependence of the current relaxation kernel.

a) Mobility
At frequency zero the mobility # is given by #
=e/(mM"(O)). In Fig. 2 we show the density dependence of the mobility in various approximations.
The full line is due to the self-consistent theory and
the dotted line shows the result, when self-consistent
effects are neglected, see also Ref. 20. The dashed
line is for G(q)=0 and corresponds to the theory of
Ref. 14. Local field effects decrease the screening, see
Eq. (8) and the mobility decreases. The dashed dotted line corresponds to l / b = 0 [19]. Finite extension
effects of the wave function perpendicular to the
interface of the G a A s - A 1 G a A s increase the mobility considerably, because the averaged distance
between the electrons and the impurities is increased
by the finite extension effects. For n approaching zero
n~ goes to a finite density: 5 x 10 l~ cm -2. At about n
=2.2 x 10 a~ cm -2 the mobility drops to zero, a metal insulator transition occurs. So I predict a metal
insulator transition in G a A s - A 1 G a A s at low elec-

tron density. Experimentally sometimes no mobility

at low electron density is observed, but a cyclotron
resonance can be measured [30]. This phenomenon
may be due to localization because localization is
mainly a low frequency effect. It may be that no
mobility is observed because the electrons are localized. The mobility edge can be increased by greater
K o or higher depletion density.
In Fig. 3 we show the mobility versus spacer thickness for fixed electron density in comparison with
experimental results [6]. At low spacer thickness our
calculated mobility is in reasonable agreement with
the experimental results. For higher spacer thickness,
where the experimental data scatter drastically, then
an additional scattering mechanism must be expected. It is clear from our model that the mobility
increases with increasing spacer thickness. But Fig. 3
demonstrates that our model gives the correct order
of magnitude for the mobility.

b) The Frequency DependenceofM"(~) and M'(o)

As discussed in Ref. 20, the current can decay into
the elementary excitation of the interacting electron
system. For co<e v the decay into electron-hole excitation has only a weak frequency dependence. Due
to the plasmon dispersion in two dimensions the
decay into plasmons is strongly frequency dependent


\an/ \GZ"




G a A s - AIGaAs




is the dissipative part of the current relaxation kernel due to the decay of the current into





GaAs- AIGaAs/o
oo ~



,I ~


Fig. 2.
are the

n (1011cm -2)

M o b i l i t y versus density according to our self-consistent

as full line. The dotted, dashed, and dashed-dotted lines
zero order results for our theory, for G(q)=0 [14] and for
[19], respectively. All curves for c~=50





Fig. 3. Mobility versus spacer thickness according to our theory.

The futl line is for n = 3 x 1011 cm -2. The circles are experimental
results for n = 3 x 1011 cm -2 according to Ref. 6

A. Gold: GaAs - A1GaAs Heterostructures














w (meV)

plasmons, when self-consistent effects are neglected.

For high frequencies the electrons cannot follow the
field and the dissipation goes to zero. This behavior
is shown in Fig. 4a. The frequency dependence of
M"(co) includes a non-zero M' and a frequency dependence of M'(co). This is also shown in Fig. 4a.
Notice that M'(co) changes sign when the frequency
increases. Notice that the maximum of M"(co) is
nearly five times the zero frequency value.
With decreasing n the maximum in M"(co) moves
according to Eq. (13) to lower frequencies and the dc
relaxation rate increases near n = 0 . 3 x l 0 1 1 cm -2
The dynamic conductivity can be calculated from
our Eq. (5) and the Fig. 4a. Because the conductivity
in the case of Fig. 4b is lower than 10-s/f2 for co > 2
meV measurements of the dynamic conductivity are
very difficult. But we mention that for the density of
Fig. 4a two peaks are found in the dynamic conductivity, see Fig. 4b. One is at co=0 and corresponds to the Drude peak, and one is at about
6 meV and corresponds to the opening of the plasmen decay channel. In silicon MOS systems only an
enhanced conductivity in comparison with the
Drude result has been found [-20], but no structure
with two peaks emerges. Unfortunately the second
peak in the case of Fig. 4b has a conductivity at
about 3 x 10-6/f2 and may be difficult to observe.
If we assume that the plasmon channel becomes
important for Mo'p(col)=O.lh/~ and ~ is the dc relaxation time, then we find with Eq. (13) that plasmen dynamics become relevant for co>col and

0) 1 = ~p(O.1 h/a F z)t/s (8 n/Tcni) 1/5 (kF/qs) 2/5.

OaAs- AIGaAs

1V. Cyclotron Resonance

a) General Aspects
It has been shown before [31, 21] that for
t (coo)l, M"(coc) the resonance & of the cyclococ>>lM
tron line is shifted to

& = coc-M'(coc)


I ~,

5 10 20
~ (meV)

Fig. 4. a Real and imaginary part of the current relaxation kernel

as function of frequency for n = 3 x 10 I1 cm -2, n~=5.8 x 101I
cm 2, and c~=150A. The dashed line is according to Eq. (13).
The arrow indicates the Fermi energy, b Conductivity versus
frequency for n = 3 x I 0 1 1 cm -2, n i = 5 . S x 1 0 1 1
cm -2 and c~



and the line width F, defined as half width at half

maximum (HWHM) is given by
F = M"(coc).


Because M'(co) as function of co changes sign, one

gets positive and negative shifts of the resonance.
For M'(co)=0 no line shift exists. In Fig. 5 we have
shown the frequency co*, where M'(co*)=0, versus
density. In frequency sweep experiments for fixed

A. Gold: G a A s - AIGaAs Heterostructures

I ~


~0 (meV)
30 15 10 7 6 5

> 10










~:I -u.1

GaAs- ALGaAs


0.2 ~





n (1011cm -2)



Fig. 5. o9" where M'(co=co*)=0 versus density as a full line (~

= 150/~). The crosses are experimental results from Ref. 12 and
give the frequency of the line width m a x i m u m as function of the
electron density. The arrow indicates the density nr where the
metal insulator transition occurs

Fig. 6. M'(co)and M"(co) versus filling factor (versus frequency via

COc=2SF/V) for n=2.25x 1011 cm-2 as full lines (e=150A). The
crosses are experimental results of Ref. 12

density and magnetic field a line splitting or a width

m a x i m u m was found at a certain magnetic field, and
so at a certain frequency [12]. The experimental
results for this frequency versus density are shown in
Fig. 5 as crosses. The measured line width m a x i m u m
correlates with c5-coc~0, see Ref. 12, and so to
M'(co*)~O. The agreement between theory and experiment is quite good. We note that in Ref. 12 the
relation o)*=Ec, see Eq. (ll), was used to describe
the measured frequency of line width m a x i m u m versus density. If multiple scattering effects are neglected, one has M'(co)~n i. For M'(co*)=0 then the frequency o~* should not depend on n i.

applicable for v < 2 . Notice from Fig. 6 that for

v--,oo the dc relaxation time should be reached.
Because of the high mobility in GaAs/A1GaAs this
prediction can be very easily tested. For G a A s - A 1 GaAs the relation between the mobility and the
relaxation kernel is the following: /~ x Vs/cm 2 =1.73
x 104 x meV/M"(0). For # = 5 . 9 x 105 em2/Vs one
finds M"(0)=0.029 meV, while the theoretical value
for Fig. 6 is M"(0)=0.039meV. For n = l . 5 x l 0 it
cm - z and 1.6x 10 it cm -2 the experimental results
are # = 4 . 4 x 105 cm2/Vs and 4.5 x 105 cm2/Vs respectively, according to Ref. 30. Our theoretical result for the parameters of Fig. 6 is /~=3.8x105
c m 2 / V s and 3.3 x l0 s cme/Vs for n =1.5 x 1011 cm -2
and 1.6 x 1011 cm -2. So it appears that the density
dependence of the mobility is in agreement with our
The line splitting found in some samples [9] was
proposed to be due to plasmon mode and cyclotron
mode interaction [12]. This effect cannot be explained within the present model. We mention that
line shifts and line width m a x i m u m have also been
found in silicon M O S systems [32].
In Fig. 7 we compare our line width versus filling
factor with other experimental results [13]. The
agreement between theory and experiment is very
good and the m a x i m u m in the linewidth is due to
the plasmon peak in the relaxation spectrum. The
experiment has been claimed E13] to be explained
by screening anomalies due to filling up a Landau
level. But in this theory [17] the dynamics of the

b) Comparison with Experiments

In Fig. 6 we compare the shift of cyclotron resonance and the width of the resonance as a function
of filling factor for fixed density with experimental
results from Ref. 12. As already mentioned, M'ocn i
and M"ocni, if multiple scattering effects are ignored. We used in the theory n~=2,75 x 1011 cm -2.
The corresponding mobility is 6.3 105 cm2/Vs. The
measured mobility was about 5.9 x 105 cme/Vs [30].
So we think that our theory is in reasonable agreement with the experimental results of Ref. 12. For
low v the experimental H W H M becomes finite,
while the theoretical M"(co) goes to zero. The finite
temperature in the experiments could be the origin
of this behavior. But perhaps our theory is no longer

A. Gold: G a A s - A1GaAs Heterostructures

quency cop for G a A s - A 1 G a A s is given by [21]


GaAs- AlOaAs


3 q
cop=copo 17~4qs



0.59f(kv) q +O(q2)} (16a)



Fig. 7. Full width at half m a x i m u m (FWHM) versus filling factor

(versus density via e F = 8 9
) for co=12.9 meV (c~=100A,). The
dots are experimental results of Ref. 13

scattering has been neglected. The theory gives no

explanation for shifts of the resonance, besides the
shift due to damping, as for a damped oscillator. But
within a model of a damped oscillator only shifts to
lower frequencies are expected. At v ~ l a positive
frequency shift of 1.5 cm-1 and at v ~ 5 a negative
frequency shift of 0.5 cm -1 is predicted from our
theoretical results and the parameters relevant for
the experiment of Ref. 13.
We mention that for lower frequency the maximum
in Fig. 7 goes to lower values of v and the maximum
is stronger. These results arc in qualitative agreement with experiments [11]. Because the parameters
of this experiment seem to be unclear [11], we have
not tried to fit our theory to this experiment.
We remark that the decrease of co* in Fig. 5 to zero
at a finite electron density may be interpreted as a
precursor to localization. Near the metal insulator
transition and in the insulator phase
is always
negative and co* =0.
Finally we want to mention that our theory should
also be applicable to some heterojunction superlattices, and some experimental results [33] give evidence for this suggestion.


V. Plasmon Anomalies

In two-dimensional systems the plasmons have a

dispersion for q--~0. For a review of plasmons
in silicon MOS systems see Ref. 34. For q ~ 0 the
plasma frequency c%o of an undisturbed interacting
electron gas is given by


= ( 2~re2
_ _
\ ,?,r m





1 q
4k F


Because of the finite extension of the electron wave

function in z direction [27, 35], because of local field
corrections [27], and because of higher order terms
in a hydrodynamic expansion [36], the plasmon fre-

But we mention that in our numerical calculations

the full q-dependence has been taken into account.
For silicon MOS systems the reduction of the plasmon frequency in comparison to Eq. (15) is due to
disorder effects [20, 21]. Because of this, the clean
G a A s - A 1 G a A s is a better system to test the correction terms of Eq. (16) in comparison to the silicon
MOS system. For recent experiments [37] in GaAs
- A 1 G a A s with n = 7 x 10 I1 cm -2 the positive and
the negative contributions of Eq. (16) nearly cancel
each other. The positive term in Eq. (16) is independent of the electron density. One can increase the
negative term in Eq. (16) by lowering the density.
For n = 2 x 1011 cm -2 the expected corrections are
in a range, where present experimental resolution is
Additional softening of the plasmons due to disorder
is also expected and the plasmon should be seen at
the frequency [20]

= cop- M'(%).


VI. Final Remarks

We have calculated the static and dynamic transport

properties of a two-dimensional interacting electron
gas, realized in G a A s - A1GaAs heterostructures.
The application of this theory to cyclotron resonance experiments demonstrates the relevance of the
theory. Especially we give an explanation for the
correlation between line with maximum and zero
frequency shift of the cyclotron resonance. Furthermore the theory explains the strong increase of the
line width in cyclotron resonance experiments in
comparison to the inverse relaxation time determined from the mobility. This effect is due to the
fact that the current can decay into plasmons and is
essentially a lowest-order effect in the electron impurity coupling.
But we have to say that the line splitting found in
Ref. 12, and the line width oscillations with filling
factor found in Ref. 10, cannot be explained within
our theory. However, these experimental findings
have not been reproduced till now in other samples.

F r o m Fig. 3 one easily sees that for n = 2 . 2 x 10 l~

cm -2 a zero dc-conductivity is predicted. But a cyclotron resonance experiment at high enough magnetic field should give a signal. Measurements at low
electron densities and low temperatures would be
very helpful to determine multiple scattering effects
and the predicted metal insulator transition in this
system. A small spacer thickness would increase
multiple scattering effects at a fixed density.
In the metallic region a dynamic conductivity should
be found with a peak at zero, and a peak due to
plasmon dynamics at finite frequency. Such an experimental observation would confirm the importance of plasmon dynamics in two-dimensional systems.
I thank Prof. J. Hajdu and Dr. F. Stern for comments on the
manuscript and Dr. S.J. Allen and Prof. F. Koch for discussions.
This work has been supported by the Siemens AG within the
Ernst yon Siemens Stipendium.

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A. Gold
Groupe de Physique des Solides
de l'Ecole Normale Sup~rieure
Universit6 Paris VII
Tour 23
2, place Jussieu
F-75251 Paris

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