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Who and what are you? When you talk about yourself, who are you really talking about?
The mind-identified self that daydreams and thinks all day? The body-identified self that
associates itself as being this flesh blog vehicle?
We live our lives as these thinking bodies that travel through space, and sometimes dont
step to question what this I really is. We react, we speak, we do what we need to do, all
as a mind-body. We get so comfortable with how it feels to be a mind-body that we forget
about a 3rd aspect of our being. The soul. The soul is not separate from you. It is not some
abstract thing that you have. Its what you are. But in our society its so easy to feel
disconnect from our TRUE self (the soul), that we often times mistake it for being the voice
of God or a Higher Self that exists in some other plane of existence.
Your Higher Self is actually you, beneath the egoic self that confuses its identity with the
thinker and the body. Some people believe the Higher Self to be the part of you that exists
in the ether, and this may be true, but wouldnt the soul exist within the ether as well?
After all, its non-physical and most exist on some level of reality.
This Higher Self is morally perfect, wise, and is guiding you through this journey as you
pretend to be a human being for a little while. It is constantly sending us signs that will
point us in the direct of evolution, love, and truth. These are signs that are from You
beneath the conscious level, to you at the conscious level. Here are 3 signs that your
Higher Self has been giving you:

1) Synchronicities




You may notice that there are some

coincidences that are happening in your life
that just CANT be attributed to chance.
Looking at the clock and seeing numbers
repeat over and over again is a very
common sign people experience as they
begin to get in touch with the deeper
aspects of themselves. This is always a sign
that you are on the right track. Maybe your
friend calls you right after you were
thinking about them, or you get a new job oppurtunity right when you were thinking about
quitting your job.
More important than individual cases of synchronicities is the general vibe that life seems
to be working with you for a change. OR, the general vibe that things arent ever working
for you. One is a sign from your Higher Self to continue on doing what you are doing, and
one is a sign that you need to stop, reflect, and get centered. I personally stub my toe and
break stuff a lot when I am trapped in my head entertaining angry or resentful thoughts.
Its so uncanny. I will be arguing with someone and coming from an unconscious space
and will start stumbling over my words or will trip on something.
Maybe you have been complaining all day, and keep noticing misfortunes keep happening
over and over the more you complain. Pay attention to little things like this. Our Higher
Selves are always in our corner trying to direct us with little signs like these back to a state
of higher consciousness.

2) Intuitive Feelings
This is the most subtle yet powerful sign of
all. You know when you get a gut feeling
about something for absolutely no reason?
Im not talking about seeing a guy with a
black trench coat on with an upside down
cross drawn in between his eyes and
feeling like you should stay away. Nor am I
talking about a girl with snakes in her hair
and wreaks of beer who rubs you the wrong way for some reason Im talking about




someone with a clean respectable appearance who still gives you this feeling inside like
you need to stay away, and later on you find out they have a history of domestic abuse or
drug addiction. Please pay attention to this feeling, and MAKE SURE its actually your
intuition and you actually arent just thinking about things.
Learning how to listen to this kind of intuition about people and opportunities will save
you a boatload of hardships and headaches. Its your Higher Selfs way of letting you know
about something that you wouldnt be able to know through reason and experience. Its
giving you knowledge that you couldnt have gotten on your own. This intuition comes in
another form as well, which is just as subtle and just as important. Its a deep, quiet feeling
you get inside from the way you behave and think.
It could be as simple as the quiet sense of sadness you might get if you are too sharp or
stern with somebody, or the feeling of nausea you might get if you did something behind
someones back that you know would have hurt them. Maybe you feel dirty inside after
having a heated argument with a loved one, or feel polluted after filling yourself with
certain kinds of entertainment. These are all your Higher Selfs way of telling you that you
NEED to stop and listen to what it is saying. Your soul is literally screaming at you to look
inside yourself and pay attention to what that feeling is trying to teach you about yourself
and the situation.
The next time you get a feeling like this after performing an action or behaving a certain
way, dont resist it. Sometimes, the ego wont want to surrender to that feeling because it
would then have to admit defeat. But life is so short. Dont let the ego trick you into
slowing down your evolution so your shortcomings dont have to be exposed. Listen to
your intuition. Its the GPS system of your soul. The voices in your head will lead you all
over the place, but the voice of your soul will never lead you off the path.







3) Your Passion/Calling

You may find that you are discontent with your life situation. Most people are, and not
everybody will have the opportunity to live the life of their dreams. But everybody has a




chance to try, and NOBODY has an excuse not to follow the little voice inside them that is
pulling them towards what they truly desire to do. Take a moment to ask yourself these
questions. What am I good at, and how can my skills/talents benefit the lives of others?
What am I passionate about? What REALLY interests me? If you notice the answer to
these questions yet dont follow up with them, your Higher Self will attempt to snap you
out of it in several different ways.
1) Inside, you will feel empty. When you neglect your calling, how can your soul not suffer
at least a little bit? Dont fill yourself with more entertainment and comfort, go inside
yourself and actually explore why it is you feel that way. What can you start doing each
day to make your dreams a reality and express your passions?
2) You will feel bored, or dead before you die.It doesnt matter if you have all the money
and toys in the world, you will feel like something is missing in your life. You arent missing
more things or even people. You are missing fire in your life. We need you and your
passion to bring this world alive.
3) You will feel guilty for not pursuing what you really love and for living your life for
somebody else. This guilt is present to propel you into action to do what satisfies your
soul and your intellect. Every soul that lives on this planet came here with a purpose, and
some came here with a purpose to fulfill a mission of serving humanity and the planet.
Those who came here on a mission will possess certain gifts and an undeniable passion for
certain things which can be used for the greater good. If you choose to live your life to
impress your parents and your peers, you will feel a deep-rooted guilt. It may be
inexplicable to you because you havent done anything you need to be guilty of. But when
it comes to your Higher Self, guilt is more often present for what you DONT do.
This doesnt mean you need to quit your job and change your whole life, but you need to
nurture your passions and skills just as you need to water a flower.
These are 3 common ways that our Higher Self will try to guide us through our daily lives.
Its nothing too mystical or complicated. All it requires from us is that we look for signs in
our life and learn to detect and follow the inner guidance system it is piloting for us.
Meditate. Get still. Allow yourself to become a vessel for what you already know.
Hope this helps!




Steven Bancarz,
Team Spirit





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