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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD (OCN) is an anxiety disorder where the patient
experiences intrusive irresistible thoughts (obsession) that produces anxiety, fear,
uneasiness. Patient ends up doing repetitive behavior (compulsion). Patient may realize
that their thoughts and actions are irrational and may become further distressed. It is also
called Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis (OCN).

It is fourth most common mental disorder. OCD may affect children, adolescent as well
as adults. One in 60 adults all over world has OCD.

Causative factors

Hereditary - OCD in family. Genetic factors form major cause of OCD, which at
times may not be clearly understood.
Environmental factors - Abuse, illness, death of loved ones, etc
Brain disease - Tissue changes in brain (temporal lobe lesions, low level of
neurotransmitters) may cause OCD
Personality factors - Person with Obsessive traits or lack of confidence may suffer
from it.

Symptoms of OCD
Obsession (thoughts)

Fear of dirt or contamination by germs

Fear of dirt or contamination by germs

Hand washing or bathing

Fear of thieves

Checking latches

Need for order, symmetry or exactness

Arranging and rearranging things

Fear of being embarrassed

No interaction with society

Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts

Continuous praying and preaching

Intrusive sexually explicit or violent

thoughts and images

Excessive sexual activities

Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas

Praying and worshipping.

Diagnosis of OCD
Generally such patients are brought to the psychiatrist by relatives. It is diagnosed on the
basis of symptoms. There are also some assessment tools to diagnose OCD. These tools
include questions and the answers by patients are given rating scales concluding the
severity of disease.

Treatment of OCD
OCD can be treated with

Conventional treatment
Homeopathic treatment.

Conventional Treatment - Antidepressant, anti anxiety medicines, neurotransmitters,

electroconvulsive therapy or even surgery may help patient. Surgery can have its own
complication where as medications may have side effects on various organs in body.
Antidepressants generally work by blocking emotional responses. Unlike homeopathic
remedies, dependence builds up quickly, and once a course of antidepressants has begun,
it is often a step down a long, slippery slope to dependency
Psychotherapy - Cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, decentralization
technique, meditations may help in a supportive role.

Homeopathic treatment for OCD:

Homeopathy works better in the early cases of OCD. In our experience at Life Force,
homeopathy does not work effectively in the chronic cases, especially who are dependent
on the strong doses of conventional medicines

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