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Interrogation and Admiration, The brackets and Quotation marks in Spanish.

Interrogation and Admiration (?!):

Question marks and admiration are put at the beginning and end of the sentence that must take:
Where are you ?; What you come ?; I see you tomorrow?; What amazement !; Oh my!
If the sentences with question or admiration are several, short, straight, no need, except the first,
start with a capital: Where have you been ?, what have you done ?, how many days you did not
put on track so you got my letter ?; How much deception !, perfidy !, what imprudence!
When written after interrogation or admiration complement whatever the question or admiring
phrase, will not begin with a capital letter: Say I have no reason ?, said Blas Diego; To arms !, they

shouted all.
The first sign of admiration or question should be placed where the question or start admiring
sense, although there no period begins; v. gr .: Private rational discourse, what is man but a
helpless creature, less than gross? And if the fickle fortune soars in high station, how many tears
and debris and blood will surround him around!
The first sign of admiration or question reflects the movement of intonation in sentences like this,
gives clarity to writing, and should not be deleted imitate, with bad agreement, spelling, foreign
language, which only uses the final sign .
There are clauses that are at par interrogative and admiring, and in them you can be admired note
to mark the beginning and end, or vice versa: What is man denied knowing when the hour of his
death be? What is this persecution, my God!

The brackets:
The parentheses are used to insert a clause that interrupts the speech and to enclose explanatory
information: news, dates, explanations of acronyms or abbreviations, etc. For instance:
The protesters (there were an estimated 40,000) they were shouting against the government.
The European Union (EU) has appointed President.
The line:
The line is used to separate the dialogue and narration to indicate the change of interlocutor:
Look at these examples:
Come on, 'I begged Continue Iigo.
'It was so hard he explained the man in black, and I'm tired.
Also, similar to the parentheses is written line before and after a phrase whose meaning
It is detached from the discourse in which it is sandwiched. For instance:

These actions should be -cuntas unknown - are intended to help the exiles.

The Quotation marks

Quotation marks are used to enclose an appointment or reproduced verbatim the words to give a
or special emphasis ironic expression, to highlight a word that belongs to a slang or other
language and to highlight the titles of works of art. For instance:
A philosopher said: << We live our desires rather than our works >>.
The telefonino >> << and the Italians call the mobile, is called in the jargon cheli the mancuentro
<< >>.
Have you seen the film << City >> wonders?

To Learn spanish you can also use some other useful resources like : BBC spanish Portal, Rae
Spanish Dictionary , Spanish tutorial. However I would like to recommend you that the best way
to learn spanish is in an inmersive environment like in a spanish course in malaga.
I hope you will like this comma Spanish orthography course tutorial

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