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People tend to misconcept about the decision they make and not thinking the

How to not regret for every decision that has been made later on? What must be
Give your tought about it and an example to support for what youve explain!

Why do people look back at decisions that they regret that the ideas they
embraced 10 years ago they would now rush to reject? Dan looks at a
misconception of time that we have turned into the person we are over time, but
will stay as we are now into the future.

People change less as time goes on the older the person is, the less they change.
Dan asks people to predict how much they will change over the next decade and
compare it to people of the same age who say how much they changed over the
last decade. The finding was that people greatly underestimate how much they will
change in the future.
This same pattern can be seen in a number of things their best friend, favourite
vacation, favourite band, their personality traits, their level of success in life. People
expect their values right now will persist into the future, while in truth they will
Dan suggest this is because it is much easier to remember who we were, rather
than imagine or predict what they will become. So because it is difficult, we assume
it will not happen.
This leaves us with an illusion that right now is a special moment where we become
the person we will always be. Human Beings are works in progress that mistakenly
think they are finished.

setiap dari tindakan yang telah kita ambil akan mempengaruhi diri kita dimasa
depan, baik itu merupakan hal-hal yang menurut kita tidak akan memiliki pegaruh
sama sekali sampai hal yang menurut kita memiliki pengaruh yang besar seiring
berjalannya waktu. Dan Gilbert menyatakan bahwa seiring berjalannya waktu maka
perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada diri manusia akan semakin berkurang.
Perubahan tersebut merupakan perubahan yang bersifat mental dan bukan pada
fisik. Perubahan fisik yang terus dialami tidak serta merta mempengaruhi
perubahan pola pikir dimana seperti contoh yang telah dijelaskan hasil dari survey
bahwa pilihan yang telah diambil dari beberapa tahun sebelumnya maupun pilihan
yang akan diambil tidak memiliki nilai konsistensi dan akan selalu berubah. One
thing in life that has consistency is change jadi perubahan akan selalu terjadi

bahkan pilihan maupun tindakan yang telab diambil diwaktu sekarang akan
berdampak maupun berbeda di kemudian hari.

Kenapa kita sering mengambil keputusan yang nantinya akan kita sesali?

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