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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran



: SMA NEGERI 19 Garut

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester


Alokasi Waktu

: 2 x 45 menit (1 Pertemuan)

Aspek / Skill


Standar Kompetensi
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk
recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.


Kompetensi Dasar
5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure.


Tujuan pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti pembelajran ini, siswa dapat:
Mengidentifikasikan generic structure dari procedure text.
Mengidentifikasikan language features of procedure text.
Menjelaskan communicative purpose of procedure text


Materi pembelajaran
Procedure text
A Procedure is a piece of text that gives us instructions for doing something
through a sequence of actions or steps.
Purpose: to describes how something is done through a sequence of the order or
steps. Procedure helps us do a task or make something. They can be a set of
instruction or directions. The sequence of order is marked by the words: first, the
next, after that, finally, etc.

Some Examples of Procedure Texts are:

1. Recipes : How to Make Simple Sandwich
You will need these ingredients to make sandwich:

Two slices of bread

Cheddar cheese
Tomato Sauce

And you will also need these things to make sandwich:

A knife
A plate

Firstly, place a slice of bread on a plate. Then add lettuce on the slice of
bread. Now you add cheddar cheese on the bread. And add some tomato sauce
then. After that you add lettuce again. The last closed it with another slice of
bread and fold it in a half. Your simple sandwich is ready to serve.
1. Instruction Manuals
2. Direction
Generic structure:
1. Goal/title/aim
2. Material and equipment needed
3. Steps
Language features:

Metode / Teknik Pembelajaran



Focus on generalized human agents

Use of simple present tense, often imperative and command
Use of action verbs
Use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering to indicate sequence)

Communicative Learning

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

Aktifitas Guru

Aktifitas Murid



Kegiatan Awal
a) Greetings
b) Asking students condition
c) Checking students attendance

a) Answering the greeting

b) Answering the teacher
c) Answering the teachers

7 minutes


Kegiatan Inti

a. Eksplorasi
a) Giving stimulus about
procedure text.
b) Facilitating the students by
giving sample of procedure
text from media or the others.
c) Discussing the material about
generic structure and language
d) Facilitating the students

a) Paying attention to the

sample of procedure text.
b) Discussing the material with
the teacher.
c) Paying attention on the
material that given by the
d) Answering to the teachers

interaction with the teacher

about the material.
b. Elaborasi
a) Facilitating the students by
giving tasks, discussion to
b) Asking the students to discuss

a) Analyzing and answering

the task given.

the task individually or in

c) Giving chance the students to
think, analyze and do the tasks.

a) Paying attention to the


c. Konfirmasi
a) Giving positive feedback and
confirmation in the form of
spoken, written, gesture as well
as towards the students

a) Accepting an assignment to

70 minutes


do at home individually
b) Preparing to the next

b) Giving confirmation to the



result of exercises that had

done by the students.
Kegiatan Akhir
a) Giving chance students to ask
question related to the topic
b) Giving feedback towards the


c) Giving





assignment concern with the

material about procedure text.
d) Informing lesson plan for next

Sumber dan Bahan:

1. Look Ahead For Senior High School Student Grade X

2. Students English Book Work, Grade X
3. Laptop, LCD, projector
4. Whiteboard, broad marker

1. Video relating to the text.
2. Handout

Pedoman penilaian :

Teknik Penilaian

: Tes

Bentuk Instrumen

: Penilaian tes tulis

13 minutes

Rubrik Penilaian Reading


Jawaban Benar



Jawaban Salah

Skor maksimal
Nilai siswa

= 10

= Skor perolehan X 100 =

Skor Maksimal
= Skor perolehan X 100 =

Instrumen penilaian dengan soal

Hand out materi

Activity 1.
Video on screen.
Activity 2
Read the text and answer the questions.
How To Make Sushi
Lots of people love sushi, but think it can only
be procured outside the home. Here's a simple
guide to making sushi in your kitchen!



Fish, shellfish or other topping

Rice wine vinegar

Sushi rice

Unsalted dried seaweed (layer sheets prepared for making sushi)



Optional condiments:


Pickled ginger

Soy sauce

1. Select 2 types of veggies (cucumbers and carrots) and a fish (for instance
artificial cooked crab). Also, buy some dried seaweed (also known as nori) and
uncooked rice.
2. Place about 2 cups of sushi rice in a rice cooker and then rinse the rice
repeatedly until the rice water is not cloudy. Then fill the rice pot with new
water (how much water depends on the amount of rice of the cooker and the
same goes for how long to cook it; the instructions are usually in the box).
3. Wash the veggies and place them on a cutting board and cut the carrots in half
long wise and then cut them into long skinny strips. Repeat on the cucumber.
4. Cut the crab into little strips and make sure they are pretty even in length.
5. Check on your rice. If it's ready, take it out and put it in a dish.
6. Take a bowl and pour in about two tablespoons of rice wine vinegar. You can
add more or less depends on your taste buds and how separated you want your

grains or rice. It is better to put in less right now and add more lately. Add in
sugar and salt and stir until it dissolves (repeat until it tastes good).
7. Pour the mixture onto the rice and mix thoroughly by "slicing" the rice. Add rice
wine vinegar if needed to make the grains of rice separate easily.
8. Place the seaweed layer on a bamboo mat and then spread rice onto the seaweed.
It should be spread out so there are no empty holes and it should fill the middle
third. Dampen the end edge with rice vinegar so it sticks when you roll it. Place
the strips of the veggies and the crab onto rice.
9. Roll the bamboo into a long roll by first folding the bottom third in then roll it
up. It should look like a tube of some sort. Now remove the sushi roll from the
bamboo and cut out as follows.
10. Cut down the middle of the roll, take each half and place them parallel to each
other. Repeat by cutting both halves down the middle simultaneously, take those
portions and repeat one last time. This cutting technique insures that the ingredients
do not spill out of the roll.
11. Serve and enjoy!

Activity 3
Complete the paragraphs using the appropriate imperative and connector sentences.

These are the steps how to operate your Microsoft Windows XP

First, (1) on your computer. Wait for The Microsoft Windows
XP desktop to appear.
(2)____________ click the START button on the bottom-left corner hand
task bar, (3) . the PROGRAM and click. After that, the Ms Word
screen will appear. (4) _____________, you can start typing.
To save a document or a file, you can start typing. (5)
____________, select and click FILE in the upper-left hand corner task bar.
Then, select SAVE as if you want to save the file for the first time. Name
the file and (6) ____________, click the SAVE button.
Now, after you have finished working with your computer, you may
(7) .

it off by doing the following steps. (8) ________, save your

work. After that, (9).. the CLOSE button. Then, click start and select
TURN OFF button. (10) ____________, the computer will end its program.
Answer Words.
Switch Select click Finally turn Then Second choose and then - Next

Mengetahui :


Oktober 2015

Kepala SMA.......

Mahasiswa Peserta PPL

Hema Yuliana, S.Pd.

Dhea Fery Aprillandi Putra

NIP. 197807172003122013

NIM. 12222078

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