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revisited version of the project presentation (Link)

To design the diagnosis, here is the proposal we discussed :

List all the costs produced (for each : technical data + quantity + price) and for each cost
the mtier in charge (through an excel file)
1) Presentation of data accountability is going to be done today.
2) Each BO will be on charge of doing a validation worldwide with corresponding key users
to get sure each takes their own responsabilities.

For each cost, each Metier has to :

- Design the macro process using the dedicated template
1) The detailed process will be synteticed into a macro process BO+Garazi. The
processes that have been already modelised have been MPM, SPM and APM.
PLE/EPM still in process of validation. Finance need to be done. (The template
already exists)
On the same time the BO will have the responsibility to list their strengths and
weaknesses and list the needs/improvement leads, the expected added value
and the risks.
(Template to be done)
2) Once this is done each BO will present their macroprocess to AVP/PM and the
corresponding strengths and weaknesses: what are the strengths, weaknesses
of the process regarding the organization, tool and methodology,
3) During an AS IS meeting BO will present their outputs. The date to do this
presentation for the different BOs will be fixed today.

Set up meetings with key stakeholders to present them the approach, collect their point of
view and suggestions and onboard them (Interviews)


We would like to translate these proposals into action plans also
Here are some suggestions that should become Pre-Study deliverables :
A clear and committed presentation of the projects perimeter, planning and Pre tasks

It seemed to us that the project is not focusing enough on the organizational aspect as well as the
Metier database need. We would like suggestions or examples about how we could manage this to
estimate which could be the organizational impact.
Indeed the project is named I Costing Tool and does not express the targeted perimeter
A reliable project organisation
The project team members should be appointed in agreement with all impacted Metiers, while
ensuring that all the Metiers impacted in the Acquisition & Development processes are covered. It
seems relevant to appoint BOs for all Metiers.
The project organisation should ensure a good coordination with BOM improvement and ICM
projects as they are strongly related to our project. A.Marmillon as responsible for ICM would assure
a good coordination in this matter. Regarding to the coordination with the BOM F.Copier should be
part of the communication plan to assure a well integration, this may be done by integrating him in
the second circles of EPM and PLE.
Here are the first steps we suggest to start during the pre study phase :
Set up meetings with the relevant stakeholders for each sub project to design each sub projects
global objectives and perimeter. The deliverable is an assessment for each sub project :
Current processes and ways of doing, job positions and number of people concerned
The current processes and ways of doing are considered to be done by the already designed macro
processes. In regard to the job positions and the people concerned, the second and third circles and
people on which they depend on should be designed by each mtier. On the same way would be the
duty of each mtier checking the working ways with the other regions.
Limits & risks
Needs & expected added value
Set up communication fundamentals in order to ensure the onboarding of all stakeholders
Identification of the stakeholders : design of the stakeholder matrix
Design of the communication package : project presentation, stakes and objectives,
We would like the support of Change Management to consolidate this package

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