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Proposed Regulation Feedback

Alternative Placement Definition- If a student is alternatively placed in a DE district, and

moves to another DE public school, must the student fulfill the alternative placement in
the receiving school?
Expulsion Definition-The 3rd sentence-Regardless of whether without or with services,
including Alternative Placement, the expelled student is not eligible to enroll in any
Delaware public school during the period of the Expulsion and until any reasonable
terms of the Expulsion are fulfilled.
o Does this mean that if a student is expelled, for example, in Colonial and the
student moves to a different district during their expulsion timeframe, that the
student is not able to register in new district but rather continues in the district
of expulsion and if the home district chooses to provide educational services,
that the home district must also provide transportation from the out-of-feeder
o If a student is in a district and commits an expellable offense before a move but
for one reason or another no intake or hearing is completed, who is responsible
for the expulsion hearing and follow up, the district the student was enrolled in
at the time of the offense, or the new district when made aware?
4.2.1-If a district deems a student as a threat to the health, safety, or welfare to persons
or property within the School and is immediately removed until the initial due process,
is there a number of days not to be exceeded while investigating and how should the
student attendance be coded? Excused Non Chargeable? Also is this only for regular
education students, should Special education students be handled differently?
10.5.1- Calculation of Time. For school days, should we count days in summer as time
served or do we only count receiving district approved Student Calendar days that the
expelled student could have attended or is this saying if they attended school for
example 20 days while in YRS they would only be expelled 160 days no matter the time
of year?
o If a student is located at a YRS facility, would the district wait until released to
continue due process or will the district be required to hold the due process at
the YRS facility?
10.3.12 In lieu of a formal Expulsion hearing, waive the hearing. Does this mean if the
student and parent/guardian sign a waiver and admit to the charges that the district
does not need to hold an expulsion hearing at all and can just provide the waiver and
supporting documentation to our board to vote to expel, or does the hearing still take
place with these as exhibits?

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