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Deep foundation- Piles

Deep foundation- Piles

Purpose: to transmit structural loads to greater depths
Used when:
(1) soil beneath structure has insufficient strength- therefore
used to transmit a foundation load to a solid ground
(2) non-uniform soil or structural loads would give rise to
unacceptable differential settlements
(3) excavation to a firmer stratum would be too expensive
(4) resistance to lateral loads or uplift is required

Deep foundation- Piles

Components include a pile cap and piles
Concrete, steel and (timber)
Piles are driven, drilled or bored, jacked into the ground and
connected to pile caps.
Cost estimates often justifies the choice for piles against other
ground improvement methods.
Piles also resist horizontal loads
Used for structure constructed over water- jetties and bridge

Deep foundation- Piles

Classification of piles used: Construction and installation
method; load transmission and functional behaviour

Classification of piles used- From the installation method:

Driven piles
Driven and cast in place piles
Jacked piles
Bored and cast in place piles
Composite piles

Deep foundation- Piles

Classification of piles used- From the construction method:
Large displacement piles
Small displacement piles
Non displacement piles

Deep foundation- Piles

Deep foundation- Piles

Classification of piles used- From the construction method:

Deep foundation- Piles

Classification of piles used- From the load transmission
End bearing piles
Friction piles
Combination End bearing and friction

Deep foundation- Piles

Phases during the life of a pile

Reconsolidation of soil around pile
Driving depth: Influenced by the magnitude of load, nature
of load, stiffness and strength of soil

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles

The unit shaft friction qs usually varies with depth

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

Undrained- Total stress analysis

Clay soils, it is usually necessary:
Calculate the capacity of the pile in both the undrained
condition (using a total stress analysis and the undrained
shear strength failure criterion)
In long term using effective stress and frictional failure

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

qf = scNccu + q

Qbu = Ap(scNccu)

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

scNc Pile limits to 9

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- in cohesive soils


Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- Drained analysis

Effective Stress (Drained) Analysis

qf = sqNq q +1/2 BsN + scNc c
Qbu = Abqb = Ap(Nq q )

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- drained analysis

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- drained analysis

qs = Ks. v .tan

Ultimate Load capacity of Single piles- drained analysis

Qs = As qs

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