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At 10 oclock in the morning, the activity started with an opening remark from the

GAS Division Chief Ludmilla Rellores. She encouraged the participants to enjoy the
two-day activity. Then, she welcomed and thanked the resource speaker Ms. Bebeth
Mampen for lending her time to orient the group with the proper way of drafting
Individual Performance Contract.
Ms. Bebeth Mampen discussed the purpose of IPC, relation of IPC with the OPC of
RD, difference of performance and management, the three key result areas and its
respective success indicators, and other important matters in drafting IPC.
To ensure attentiveness of the participants, she asked some topics question from
the participants

B: Asked Flor what is the difference of performance and management

F: Performance is the act of doing the task and management is how to do the task.
B: Asked R what are her other other accountabilities?
R: Attendance in flag ceremony and retreat and other meetings.
B: Other accountabilities: submission of PDS and e-PDS every end of the year, DTR
every 5th day of the following month, SALN every end of the year, compliance of
dress code
B: How to relate WFP into immediate supervisors IPC?
B: Program staff-concurred by A/B/C and RPC then approved by ARD
B: Regular staff-concurred by A/B/C and GASS chief the approved by RD
L: How to articulate the strategic goal in special and other accountabilities
B: show sample on preparing
B: Asked Bi of her functions as FA III?
L: assist in preparing WFP by consolidating individuals WFP, supervision, updating
B: elaborate other sample as a member of a committee i.e. TWG: no. of docs
checked with complete attachments within the year 2015
B: Jelly-releasing check free of errors and with complete attachments within 24
hours upon availability of the check
B: everyone aiming to be included in the top 5% because of the benefits one
benefit is salary increment
J: are MOA included?
B: For regulars-contractuals only

E: NPMO of Kalahi did not pursue the contractualization of their staff because of the
possible diminution of salary
Main role-AO 2+TOR
On or before 10th day of the month finance can easily get the full 5 points for as long
as they can submit on time thats the Advantage on finance
For special cases like Fayez, main function for supply-main role as AA 2 of
procurement and special accountabilities-budget role directed by division chief
different from the main function of the post hold is
Two columns of IPC-Key result Area and Success/performance indicator
Key result area includes Main role, Special assignment, and other accountabilities
Strategic goal-affected staff-how to appear opc of RD in IPC?
Conservative Estimates based on previous year recorded number of vouchers
Role being in accoutnig How to alleviate poverty being kalahi staff-process vouchers
on time, remit tax on time admin support align task to the 2016 strategic goalenumerate other task in the performance indicator

ARD: came from east asia royale hotel wherein a national activity held regarding the
SG 3. Asked the sg 3, said that we shall also know those SGs to appreciate our work
and relate it to the SG though we are not directly involved finance-absorptive
capacity in OPC of RD, liquidation of LGU lodged in fincnce, operation and finance
work hand in hand to attain the 3 SGs ate beth look in to IPC to align it to the OPC
of RD the activity is to de-stress staff because of the 3 rd quarter is near-busy
work How can we help MSWDO to avail of magna carta? They shall reduce in
writing i.e. signature campaign so the office has a basis can refer it to central
office office has no direct authority to the local, office can only provide assistance
on how to prepare wfp.

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