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Policy: 1B.4


It is the policy of the Falls Church City Public Schools to maintain a

working and learning environment that is free from sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is deemed unacceptable conduct in the employment
and educational environment and will not be tolerated. It shall be a
violation of this policy for any student, employee or agent of the Falls
Church City Public Schools to harass another student, employee or
agent of the school division through conduct or communication of a
sexual nature as defined below. It is no defense to a claim of sexual
harassment that the alleged harasser did not intend to harass.

Sexual harassment in the school environment violates Title VII and Title
IX and thus violates the right of employees and students to work or
learn in an environment free from all forms of discrimination.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome advances, request for

sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a

term of condition of the individual's employment or right to an
education or academic advancement;

b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used

as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, an
individual's employment or academic standing or is in violation of a
student's rights, or;

c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably

interfering with an individual's performance or academic performance
creating an intimidating, unsafe, hostile or offensive working, learning
or social environment.

Behaviors that Constitute Sexual Harassment

Adopted: 11/5/96 Revised: 10/11/00


Falls Church City Public Schools


Policy: 1B.4

Sexually harassing behaviors may include but are not limited to the
following actions:

• unwanted verbal harassment or abuse of a sexual or gender-related


• pressure for sexual activity;

• repeated remarks to a person with sexually demeaning implications;

• unwelcomed touching;

• suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by

implied or explicit threats concerning one's employment, grades,
honors, programs, or activities available at or through the school;

• verbal or physical harassment to which a person deems it necessary

to succumb in order to maintain personal safety;

• display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures that are sexually

suggestive or offensive.

Relationships and Situations that can Constitute Sexual


Sexual harassment in a school setting can include relationships between

staff and students as outlined below:

Staff to Student Harassment

1. For the purpose of this policy, staff to student "sexual

harassment" is defined as any welcomed or unwelcomed sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal, visual, written
or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Adopted: 11/5/96 Revised: 10/11/00


Falls Church City Public Schools


Policy: 1B.4

2. To prevent harassment from occurring and because it is the policy

of the Falls Church City Public Schools to foster healthy teacher-student
relationships, amorous relationships between a school district employee
or agent and a student are prohibited.

3. A substantiated charge against an employee or agent of the

school division shall subject such employee or agent to disciplinary
actions which may include but are not limited to verbal warnings, letters
of reprimand, transfers, suspension with or without pay, and dismissal.

Student to Student Harassment, Staff to Staff Harassment and Student

to Staff Harassment

1. For the purposes of this policy, student to student, staff to staff

and student to staff "sexual harassment" is defined as any unwelcomed
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other inappropriate
verbal, visual, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature, whenever
such harassment occurs on school property or at a school-sponsored

2. A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that

student to disciplinary actions including verbal warnings, reprimand,
counseling, suspension or expulsion, consistent with the Student Rights
and Responsibilities Policy 9.34.

3. A substantiated charge against an employee or agent of the Falls

Church City Public Schools shall subject such employee or agent to
disciplinary action which may include but not limited to verbal warnings,
letters of reprimand, transfers, suspension with or without pay, and

Procedures for Reporting a Complaint

Procedures for reporting and/or filing complaints are cited in the

Adopted: 11/5/96 Revised: 10/11/00


Falls Church City Public Schools


Policy: 1B.4

accompanying regulation.

Retaliation Prohibited

1. The school division will discipline any individual who retaliates

against any person who reports alleged sexual harassment or who
retaliates against any person who assists in an investigation or
proceeding relating to a sexual harassment complaint.

2. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation

or reprisal.

Legal Authority
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Act of 1991.

Adopted: 11/5/96 Revised: 10/11/00


Falls Church City Public Schools


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