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Stunning mix-up/noun/impresionante confusin/

Unleash/desencadenar, provocar/ to do or to cause something that has a very
powerful or harmful effect.
Feverish/adj./Apresurado, frentico/extremely excited
Spark/verb/provocar/ to make something happen, especially something
involving violence or angry feelings.
to be flagged/verb/ser referido/
deepen/verb/ahondar, hacer ms profundo
allegedly/adv./presuntamente/ bad situation: get worse
vilify/verb/desacreditar/ to criticize someone very strongly, especially in a way
that is not fair and that damages their reputation.
Impoverish/verb/empobrecer/ to make a person or country very poor.
Toddler/noun/nio pequeo, beb/ a very young child who is learning how to
file for divorce/verb/solicitar el divorcio/ When you file for divorce, you are
asking the court to end your marriage.
cause friction/verb/causar friccin/
to grab sb by the hair/verb/agarrar/tomar del pelo/cabello
stalk/verb/acechar, acosar/ to follow and watch someone all the time in a
threatening way, because of an extremely strong interest in them
harass/verb/abusar, hostigar, atormentar/
a protective order/verb/una orden judicial de proteccin/ protective order noun
defense, guard against danger, order of protection, order to ensure safety,
protection against a danger, refuge, safeguard, safety, sanctuary, security,
shelter, shield, tempooary restraining order.
Mischief/noun/prejuicio/ A specific injury or damage caused by another
person's action or inaction. In Civil Law, a person who suffered physical injury
due to the Negligence of another person could allege mischief in a lawsuit in
tort. For example, if a baseball is hit through a person's window by accident,
and the resident within is injured, mischief can be claimed. It is distinct from
malicious mischief, which is a criminal act usually involving reckless or
intentional behavior such as Vandalism.
Scratch/verb/aruar, rayar/ a thin mark on a surface

a toothy smile/noun/ una gran sonrisa

international abduction/noun/sustraccin/secuestro internacional/
felony warrant/noun/orden de arresto/a felony warrant is a legal
document authorizing the apprehension of an individual suspected of a
felony crime.
international treaty/noun/convenio internacional/ A formal written
agreement between two or more nations.
Grant/ verb/ conceder, otorgar/ agree to give or allow (something requested) to.
Sole custody/ noun/ custodia exclusiva/ the care, control, and maintenance of
a child, which a court may award to one of the parents following a Divorce or
separation proceeding.
Court/ noun/ corte, tribunal/ a tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a
magistrate in civil and criminal cases.
Credible avidence/ noun/ pruebas fidedignas/ is evidence worthy of belief, that
is, worthy to be considered by the jury.
Abduction/ noun/ secuestro, rapto/ the action or an instance of forcibly taking
someone away against their will.
Felony/ noun/ delito, crimen/ a crime, typically one involving violence, regarded
as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment
for more than one year or by death.
Warrant/ noun/ orden/ a document issued by a legal or government official
authorizing the police or some other body to make an arrest, search premises,
or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice.
Felony warrant/ noun/ orden de arresto/ is a legal document authorizing the
apprehension of an individual suspected of a felony crime.
The Hague Convention/ noun/ La Convencin de la Haya/ an international
treaty protecting children from abduction.
Incompliant, noncompliant/ no cumplen las normas
Implementation/ noun/ ejecucin/ the process of putting a decision or plan into
effect; execution.
Judicial decision/ noun/ the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction
on matters submitted to it.
Application for missing/ noun/ solicitud de desaparecidos?

Hire/ verb/ contratar/ employ (someone) for wages.

Schedule/ verb/ programar/ arrange or plan (an event) to take place at a
particular time.
Scar/ noun/ cicatriz/ a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a
wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue
has developed.
Screaming/ adjective/ estridente/ [persona, cosa] Que produce ruido o
PSYCHOLOGISTS / noun / Psiclogos/ Is non-exclusive; in most jurisdictions,
members of other professions can also evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study
mental processes.
BAPTISMAL / noun / Pila Bautismal / Son recipientes en los que se contiene el
agua para impartir el sacramento del bautismo.
CHEESEBURGERS / noun / Hamburguesa con queso / es una hamburguesa
que contiene en su interior unas rodajas de queso procesado (queso
americano) ligeramente fundido.
EMBASSY / noun / Embajada / The position, function, or assignment of an
BARRAGED / verb / Conectar (aban) / A concentrated discharge or
bombardment of artillery, missiles, or firearms.
OBTAINED / Adj or verb / Obtenido / To succeed in gaining possession of as
the result of planning or endeavor; acquire.
UTTERLY / Adverb / Totalmente / Synonym of completely; absolutely; entirely.

Samantha Priscila Mndez de la Cruz

"I just feel devastated," Said the missing girl's mother, Dorothea Garcia,
from her home in Fort Bend County this week. She Said She has-been
vilified in the Mexican media as a kidnapper herself When all she wanted
was to find the daughter she's Been searching for since 2007. "I want my
daughter to know That I'm alive and That I've Looked for her all this time.

"Me siento devastada", dijo la madre de la nia desaparecida, Dorotea Garcia,

desde su casa en Condado de Fort Bend esta semana. Declar que ha sido
difamada por los medios de comunicacin mexicanos al ser tildada como una
secuestradora cuando todo lo que ella quera era encontrar a su hija que ha
estado buscando desde el ao 2007. "Quiero que mi hija sepa que estoy viva y
que lo he estado buscando todo este tiempo".

Just a month after filing for divorce, in April 2005, Garcia filed a protective
order against Diaz. But Diaz repeatedly violated the court order and
eventually was charged with criminal mischief after scratching all over
her car while she was at church.
Tan slo un mes despus de haber presentado la demanda de divorcio, en abril
de 2005, Garca present una orden judicial de proteccin en contra de Daz.
Pero Daz viol repetidamente la orden judicial y, finalmente, fue acusado por
dao doloso despus de rayar su carro mientras ella estaba en la iglesia.

"I just feel devastated," Said the missing girl's mother, Dorothea Garcia,
from her home in Fort Bend County this week. She Said She has-been
vilified in the Mexican media as a kidnapper herself When all she wanted
was to find the daughter she's Been searching for since 2007. "I want my
daughter to know That I'm alive and That I've Looked for her all this time."

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