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[_xin Update 012408 Page lof2

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Dioxin Update
• Lone Tree Council and TRW
January 24 th , 2008 #112

DEQ and EPA working together

The link below will take you to a letter from DEQ Director Steve Chester to Region V EPA's administrator, Mary Gade,
mmmarizing the content of their January meeting and mutual commitment to work together to address the dioxin
;:;ontamination and its resolution here iIi our watershed. The resources and expertise which these agencies bring to this"
issue is nothing short of great news.

Freedom of Information

Documents obtained under FOIA are going up on the TRW web site. Many are" there already- others will be added in the
coming week. Go to the left hand column, scroll down to FOIA documents and click to find the documents.

New York Times circa 1983 Dow memo-anxiety over dioxin in 1965

On the front page of TRW web site:

New Your Times article published in 1983 discussing 1965 memos about Dow's efforts tQ keep secret the toxicity of
dioxin. Intriguing how much time, money and effort this company has put into'controlling the dioxin mess':lge for 43

Shortly after the meeting, in Midland, Mich., on March 24, 1965, one of those attending wrote in a
memorandum that Dow did not want its findings about dioxin made public because the situation might "explode"
and generate a new wave of government regulation for the chemical industry

Fearless Accountability -a Statement from Dow's CEO

"Sustainability begins at home, but its destiny is to engage the problems of the world. We will build on our company's
:ich legacy ofleadership in solving the world's most pressing problems with a spirit of fearless accountability, not just for
)ur own footprint on the planet, but the collective footprint we make as part of the human family. It-Andrew Liveris,
'::EO Dow Corporation

[here is nothing fearless let alone accountable about Dow's relentless efforts to push the cleanup of their colossal dioxin
:ootprint behind closed doors. That 52 miles of river and thousands of acres foot print is not to be taken lightly- the
;ollective footprint is impacting the human family, many critters and the economic well being in the watershed. It is
;ontaminating and impairing Lake Huron.

[)ow is proposing (read last week's Dow full color spread in the local papers) the best way to proceed for the community
md the environment is with an Administrative Order on Consent. Odds are these Consent Orders would be behind closed
loors- However Dow's corrective action license ( RCRA ) signed by Dow Chemical and the State of Michigan is still in
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)ioxin Update 012408 Page 2 of2
llay and enforceable. This 'contract' is legal and binding: (,7-135-3312 4118 4240-
iH.24.--,tJO...!-html). Dow's fearless accountability begins with the honoring their contract with the people of Michigan.
lowever, hard as Dow may try and push this issue behind closed doors it cannot happen without the permission of our
:lected and appointed officials. Weare hopeful that those elected to represent the people embrace the notion that the
:itizens are the rightful property owners of these resources and indeed the inhabitants of properties contaminated by
)ow. There are no more important stakeholders.


[he dredge spoils site on the Saginaw River will hopefully be getting more of a critical look by everyone given the 1.6
nillion ppt found in the Saginaw River- As of this past week, DEQ still does not have an Operational Management Plan-
m engineering design plan for the slurry wall has not been submitted, so no cost estimates can be calculated and the Corp
s not going to contract someone without a cost estimate. The permits are still pending in anticipation of Saginaw County
md the Corp of Engineers giving the DEQ something to base the permits on. Does appear that Dow's lobbyists and legal
;ounsel have been in attendance at recent meetings. There is a great deal of unknown information and dealings on this
;ite owned by the taxpayers, imposed on the townships and absent any control by those taxpayers or townships. The Corp
las complete control not Saginaw County. Anyone else think it's long past due for a public hearing to bring everyone up
:0 speed on this site?

~~~ j
Hopefully we will hear some good news at the next DEQ quarterly meeting (Feb. 7th) regarding plans for 2008 and what
:ldditional steps will be advanced to clean up our river and address the properties of residents living along the rivers. In
the meantime get out and about in this watershed. Experience this watershed and decide what natural legacy you wish to
leave future generations.

Best Regards,

Michelle Hurd Riddick

Lone Tree Council

;ource: Lone Tree Council 1 TRW

:;'or additional articles like this one, go to the Tittabawassee River Watch web site for complete
;overage of the Tittabawassee River Dow Chemical dioxin contamination saga.. The source organization's web site link is
isted above. The Newspaper 1 Media page of our site contains an extensive archive of media articles dating back to
ranuary 2002. The Newspaper 1 Media page may be accessed by scrolling down to the bottom of the CONTENTS section
md clicking on the NewspaperlMedia linle

lttn·//www.trwnews.netIDocumentsffRWlDioxin%20Uodate%20012408.htm 1/25/2008

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