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%96 ,,02099S202

~EPA Date:

Address: ..Assistant Administrator, 10,·3146
(MC:5101~T) ,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460 ' '

TO: Fax. No.: 7~3-to3-91f6

Tel. No,: No. or Pages: 3
Comments: ' ~ f-o :
~ ,


N i-b-L..


Prinled Irom OSWFOOlVi. va~~n 3.0

GO'd %96
GG: 0! 800c-W-r4tlf


T":x: Dow Cbanica1 Compaij
:.. c. ~bIssI:r

~S9} 636-5663 (0)



\a:Dl.A..'--u MJ - (......,. 4, 2t08) - The Dow Chemical Company today expressed

::-..lSttIIi~ IOl1 disappou'dDiaII alta hatning that the Environmental Protection Agency.
~~ \' ~.basabruptly o.:rminetoi negotiations of an unprecedented Order
" adctJess!be bisIoric fUr3In aDd di~il1 situation in and along the Tittabawassee River,
.'";C s.p..,.. Rivet and the Saginaw I~y. Agreement on a plan going forw·ard would
• .:J~ rnuJaed in ~J1 spccdiDl', pro~s towatd fC$Olving the $ituation.

~ O'm'cwing 011 EPA's decisioa., Da"id Kepler. Dow's senior vice president said. "We
;ztIIlOI ....W'*'"d Ibt R ~ Admillistrator'$ deeisionto terminate negotiations so

,~~ "e were prepared to comlllit immense human and financial n:sourcc:s on early,

. -a:prchcmivc ~ all ill full coa.plWu:c with EPA guidance WId re~lations. We
,:jed ~ Cade's ci:Ia1aeter i z:3tiCIII ill EPA's ~s release, and are frustrated

.~ EPA cbose to raminm ~u:::Js the vc:ry day we had conunitted to submit a
='.".~ offi:r. T'bis was a real opf)(lt1UIUty to actually acc:.elerate resolving the situation~
:"..'" .e'fe faced wiIb eddibODll biurl'=rs aud d.el3)'S.'"

.~ ~ commiaed ID clearly C(·-nmWlicatins and working with our community,

; ? ' ~bcb!gm Dcranmcnt of Enwil':nJnenW Quality (MDEQ) and other ilcey

;~.ucboktc:n in this procc:s.s.

)ow ~~ ~ from EPA ')0 Octobet 10,2007 that it had a lim~ted option to
":~ "im Ibe AgefJI;:y OD. '5e'ttlCI!1eI'II to conduct an investigation, a'study and
%96 ~0c099Scec cc: O! 8002-LO-rJI:![
:~:::: 2a2 789 6190
~6 r~ ~o: i~~ 8110 BE'\"ERIDGE &. DIA!lO!'lD PC ~ QOJ

-:~ I espoasoc ac:tioas. fof bistoric furan and dioxin contamination in th~ area
.:::bCd,....dy upstJeaID ofDow's Mid.lnd manufacturing site and extending downstream
:. ~ ~ !be Tittaba,.,'"aSSee River 1(1 the Saginaw River, its floodplains land portions of
··-c ~ &y. Dow promptly ac:C(-pced EPA's offer and was provided ~ 60-<1ay time

xnod to ~ aDd submit its goc·l faith offer. ~ time period was later extended
.. :&wirc rbe sUbnussioll of tbe Good Faim Offer.

-.~ submitted iu -SOOd faith.. POJX'tal on December 10, following nego~iation

::~ witb officials from Regior: V EPA aDd the MDEQ. Followingjthis
; .~ the £PA Rq;ioDal Admill ~tor extended. negotiations an additional 30
:l)",-' Dow Iud (OIDIIl i_ to EJl A d..t it would submit in wri1ing • modi1ed pro~.'a1 te' .,
I :~
2.-\ ~'. bul was aocified bdore ~ tl off~ was submitted that the disc~sions had been

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