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Stability of Power
A Unied Approach to Assessment and Control

Rishika Chavala

What is transient stability?
Numerical integra4on methods are used to assess it accurately such as
4me-domain methods-(calcula4ons of the systems dynamic equa4ons
were carried out manually to compute the machines swing curve).

Another way of tackling is a graphical method called equal-area
criterion(EAC)-(It is used to assess the systems stability margins and
limits, for evalua4ng the inuence of various system parameters).
The EAC energy concept is a par4cular case of the Lyapunovs general
Lyapunovs method is promising as it covered prac4cal stringent needs
that T-D approaches cannot meet sa4sfactorily.

Security: DeniAon and Study Context

What is power system security?
Power system security is usually sub divided into sta4c and dynamic
Power system stability currently refers to the dynamic part of stability.

It is a mul4faceted problem depending on many factors :

The 4me span(short term or long term)
The size of disturbance considered(large or small)
Physical nature of resul4ng instability

Types of power system stability phenomena

Dy Liaccos diagram-denes dierent operaAng modes

OperaAng Modes
PrevenAve security assessment is concerned with a ques4on whether a
system in its normal state is able to withstand every plausible con4ngency.
Emergency state detecAon aims at assessing whether the system is in the
process of losing integrity following a disturbance-(response 4me cri4cal,
economic considera4ons secondary).
In the restoraAve mode, the task of the operator is to minimize the
amount of undelivered energy by re-synchronizing lost genera4on ASAP
and picking up the disconnected load.

Common needs of Power System relaAve to the parAcular eld of applicaAon

1. General Modeling
Dynamic 4me constants in power systems range from frac4on of
microseconds to hours. The dynamic behavior is governed by two sets of non-
linear equa4ons:
x. = f(x, y, p)
o = g(x, y, p)

The dimension of vector x is lower bounded by twice the number of
system machines(typically>=50). The dimension of vector y is lower
bounded by twice the number of nodes of the power system model.
Vector p represents parameters whose inuence on dynamic security may
be studied.

StaAc and Dynamic Models

Suppose that the system is in an acceptable steady-state pre-fault
opera4ng regime,
The sta4c part of security assessment consists in evalua4ng the proper4es
of post-fault equilibrium state, by checking that it leads to viable opera4ng
The dynamic part of the security assessment considers whether the
system would be able to reach its post fault opera4ng condi4ons.

Transient Stability Models

Machine state variables
Load state variables
Special devices

Transient Stability-Time Domain Approach

What is a disturbance?

So, to assess the system robustness with a given disturbance, the T-D
approach simulates the system dynamics in the during-fault and post-fault
congura4ons either by
Fixing a clearing 4me, te, and assess whether the system loses
Or by assessing stability limits: CCT for a given pre-fault opera4ng

Strength and Weaknesses of T-D methods
T-D methods cannot meet the major needs iden4ed rela4ng to
control(preven4ve or emergency type).

Direct Approaches and ApplicaAons

The deciencies of T-D methods gave an impetus to the development of
direct methods like Lyapunov(started in 60s) and automa4c learning
A]rac4ons were :
Capability of restric4ng T-D simula4ons solely to the during-fault period
and providing sound stability margins.
The basic procedure of Lyapunovs direct method is to generate a scalar
energy-like func4on(V-func4on) for the dynamic system and examine its
4me varia4on.


under preassigned stability condi4ons(i.e., a preassigned disturbance and

its clearing scenario) assess whether the system entering its post-fault
congura4on is stable.
Upon construc4ng a Lyapunov func4on for a post-fault system, the value
of V(x(te)) is computed where x is computed for during-fault trajectory and
the system is stable if it is smaller than VL=V(xu); unstable otherwise.
x(te)-values taken by the components of system state vector at te
xu - the value that the components of the system state vector take at a point
located on the boundary of stability domain

Transient stability problem in the realm of power system security, its
opera4ng modes, applica4on context and corresponding needs is dened.
Transient stability phenomena and modeling is elaborated.
Strengths and weaknesses of the conven4onal 4me-domain approach is
conven4onal direct approaches and their applica4ons are reviewed.

Chapter 2: IntroducAon to SIME

Single Machine Equivalent rst aimed to combine the advantage of T-D
and direct methods.
It belongs to the general class of transient stability methods which rely on
a one-machine innite(OMIB) bus equivalent.
OMIB may be viewed as a transforma4on of the mul4dimensional mul4-
machine dynamic equa4ons into a single dynamic equa4on.
SIME is a transient stability method based on a generalized OMIB.
The SIME coupled with T-D approach is named as Preven4ve SIME, which
operates in preven4ve mode(prior to disturbance) while the emergency
SIME aims at controlling the power system acer a disturbance.

Principle of SIME

SIME relies on two Proposi4ons.
ProposiAon 1: the mechanism of loss of synchronism in a power system
originates from the irrevocable separa4on of its machines into two
groups: one composed of the cri4cal machines (CMs), which are
responsible of the loss of synchronism, the other of the noncri4cal
machines (NMs).
ProposiAon 2:SIME may be viewed as a means of compressing mul4-
machine data to extract informa4on about transient stability margins and
cri0cal machines.

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