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A molecule is oxidized when it _____. (p.

changes shape
gains a hydrogen (H+) ion
loses a hydrogen (H+) ion
gains an electron
loses an electron


In cellular respiration, _____ is

oxidized and _____ is reduced. (p.
oxygen ... ATP
ATP ... oxygen
glucose ... oxygen
carbon dioxide ... water
glucose ... ATP


Most of the ATP produced in cellular

respiration comes from _____. (p.
lactic acid fermentation

Incorrect molecule is oxidized

when it _____.
The correct
answer: loses an
Your answer: loses a
hydrogen (H+) ion


Incorrect In cellular respiration,

_____ is oxidized and
_____ is reduced.
The correct
answer: glucose ...
Your answer: glucose ...


Correct Most of the ATP

produced in cellular
respiration comes from
answer: chemiosmosis


Incorrect Which one of the

following best describes
the electron transport
The correct
answer: Electrons pass
from one carrier to
another, releasing a little
energy at each step.
Your answer: Electrons
are pumped across a
membrane by active


Incorrect An electron carrier acts

as an energy-storage
molecule when it is
__________ (for
example, __________).
The correct
answer: reduced ...
Your answer: reduced ...


Incorrect The function of cellular

respiration is to _____.
The correct
answer: extract usable
energy from glucose
Your answer: reduce


Incorrect Which of the following

substances, if any, is
NOT involved in oxidative
The correct answer: All
of the above are involved
in oxidative
Your answer: ATP


Incorrect During the reaction

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6
H2O, ___________.
The correct
answer: oxygen
becomes reduced
Your answer: glucose
becomes reduced


Incorrect The principal hydrogenatom-carrier molecules in

cells are composed of
The correct
answer: nucleotides
Your answer: fatty acids


Incorrect A small amount of ATP is

made in glycolysis
The correct answer: by
the transfer of a
phosphate group from a
fragment of glucose to
ADP (substrate level
Your answer: by the
transport of electrons
through a series of


Correct A chemist has discovered

a drug that blocks
an enzyme that catalyzes
the second reaction in
glycolysis. He wants to
use the drug to kill
bacteria in people with

infections. But he can't

do this because _____.
Your answer: human
cells also perform
glycolysis; the drug might
also poison them


Incorrect In glycolysis, the glucose

splits into two 3-carbon
glyceraldehyde-3phosphate and 1,3diphosphoglyceric acid.
Which of the following
statements is true?
The correct
answer: Glyceraldehyde3-phosphate and 1,3diphosphoglyceric acid
are interconvertible.
Your answer: All of the
carbons in
glyceraldehyde-3phosphate are
immediately converted to
carbon dioxide.


Incorrect Of the metabolic

pathways listed below,
the only pathway found in
all organisms is _____.
The correct
answer: glycolysis
Your answer: the Krebs


Incorrect Of the following

molecules in the
glycolytic pathway (the
process of glycolysis),
the one with the most
chemical energy is
The correct
answer: fructose-1,6bisphosphate
Your answer: glucose


Incorrect During respiration in a

eukaryotic cell, reactions

of glycolysis occur, or are

located, in or on
The correct answer: the
Your answer: across the
inner membrane of the


Incorrect Which of the following

molecules, if any, is NOT
a reactant or product in
the first step of
The correct answer: All
the above are reactants
or products in the first
step of glycolysis.
Your answer: ATP


Correct Most of the NADH that

delivers high-energy
electrons to the electron
transport chain comes
from _____.
Your answer: the Krebs


Incorrect In an experiment, mice

were fed glucose
(C6H12O6) containing a
small amount of
radioactive oxygen. The
mice were closely
monitored, and in a few
minutes radioactive
oxygen atoms showed up
in _____.
The correct
answer: carbon dioxide
Your answer: oxygen


Incorrect In preparing pyruvate to

enter the Krebs cycle,
which of the following
steps does NOT occur?
The correct
answer: The two-carbon

fragment formed after a

carbon atom is released
as carbon dioxide is
called lactate.
Your answer: It is
oxidized by reducing an
NAD+ to an NADH.


Incorrect Why is the Krebs cycle

called a cycle?
The correct
answer: The two-carbon
acetyl CoA binds to a
four-carbon molecule that
is restored at the end of
the cycle.
Your answer: NADH is
cycled down the electron
transport chain.


Incorrect In the Krebs cycle, the

energetic production per
glucose molecule is
The correct
answer: 2ATP, 6 NADH,
Your answer: 38 ATP


Correct What is the name of the

process in which glucose
is converted to pyruvate?
Your answer: glycolysis


Correct During respiration in a

eukaryotic cell, reactions
of the Krebs cycle occur,
or are located, in or on
Your answer: the matrix
of the mitochondrion


Correct How many ATPs are

gained by substrate-level
phosphorylation from the
complete breakdown of a
single molecule of
glucose in the presence
of oxygen?

Your answer: 4ATP


Incorrect The major (but not sole)

energy accomplishment
of the Krebs cycle is the
The correct
answer: formation of
Your answer: formation
of CO2


Correct After completion of the

Krebs cycle, most of the
usable energy from the
original glucose molecule
is in the form of
Your answer: NADH


Incorrect When pyruvate is

converted to acetyl CoA
The correct
answer: CO2 and NADH
are formed
Your answer: CO2 and
ATP are formed


Correct Which one of the

following serves primarily
as a hydrogen-atomcarrier molecule in cells?
Your answer: FAD


Correct The energy given up by

electrons as they move
through the electron
transport chain is used to
Your answer: pump
H+ through a membrane


Incorrect The ATP synthase in a

human cell gets energy
for making ATP directly
from _____.

The correct answer: the

flow of H+ through a
Your answer: sunlight


Incorrect When a poison such as

cyanide blocks the
electron transport chain,
glycolysis and the Krebs
cycle soon grind to a halt
as well, because _____.
The correct
answer: they run out of
NAD+ and FAD
Your answer: electrons
are no longer available
from the electron
transport chain


Incorrect The enzyme ATP

synthase forms ATP
The correct
answer: due to the
potential energy of a
concentration gradient of
hydrogen ions across a
Your answer: due to


Incorrect Most of the high-energy

electrons released from
glucose by cell
respiration _____.
The correct
answer: none of the
Your answer: are used
to form ATP by the Krebs


Incorrect In respiration, which one

of the following does the
electron transport chain
(or its components) NOT
do directly?
The correct
answer: phosphorylate

ADP to make ATP

Your answer: carry


Incorrect During oxidative

phosphorylation in
eukaryotic cells, ATP
synthase catalyzes the
phosphorylation of ADP
to form ATP. The energy
needed for this
endergonic reaction
comes from _____.
The correct answer: the
movement of hydrogen
ions from the
intermembrane space to
the mitochondrial matrix
Your answer: the
fermentation of pyruvate
to form lactate


Incorrect Which part of the cellular

catabolism of glucose
requires molecular
oxygen (O2)?
The correct answer: the
electron transport chain
Your answer: the Krebs


Incorrect During aerobic

respiration, molecular
oxygen (O2) is used
The correct answer: at
the end of electron
transport chain to accept
electrons and form H2O
Your answer: at the end
of glycolysis to switch
from the fermentation


Incorrect If humans did not breathe

in O2, we would not
The correct
answer: make enough
ATP to meet our energy

Your answer: have
enough enzymes to
catalyze reactions


Incorrect Which one of the

following is the source of
the energy that produces
the chemiosmotic
gradient in mitochondria?
The correct
answer: electrons
Your answer: ATP pump


Correct During respiration in a

eukaryotic cell, the
electron transport chain
is located in or on the
Your answer: cristae of
the mitochondrion


Correct Each ATP molecule

contains about 1% of the
amount of chemical
energy in a single
glucose molecule. Cell
respiration produces
about 38 ATP from one
glucose. What happens
to the rest of the energy
in the glucose?
Your answer: It is
converted to heat.


Incorrect The overall efficiency of

respiration (the
percentage of the energy
released that is saved as
high-energy phosphate
anhydride bonds) is
approximately _____.
The correct
answer: 40%
Your answer: 100%


Incorrect Fermentation is
essentially glycolysis plus
an extra step in which
pyruvate is reduced to

form lactate or alcohol

and carbon dioxide. This
last step _____.
The correct
answer: enables the cell
to recycle NAD+
Your answer: extracts a
bit more energy from


Incorrect Sports physiologists at an

Olympic training center
wanted to monitor
athletes to determine at
what point their muscles
were functioning
anaerobically. They could
do this by checking for a
buildup of _____.
The correct
answer: lactate
Your answer: ADP


Incorrect How much ATP can a cell

make from one glucose
molecule in the presence
of carbon monoxide?
The correct
answer: 2ATP
Your answer: 38 ATP


Correct In glycolysis in the

absence of oxygen, cells
need a way to regenerate
which compound?
Your answer: NAD+


Incorrect Muscle tissues make

lactate from pyruvate in
order to _____.
The correct
answer: regenerate
(oxidized) NAD+
Your answer: enable
you to get drunk


Incorrect In brewing beer, maltose

(a disaccharide) is

The correct answer: the

substrate for alcoholic
Your answer: one of the
enzymes for alcoholic
Incorrect When protein molecules
are used as fuel for
cellular respiration,
_____ are produced as


The correct
answer: amino groups
Your answer: fatty acids
Correct A gram of fat oxidized by
respiration produces
approximately _____ as
much ATP as a gram of


Your answer: twice

1 of 20
In the complete oxidation of glucose, 6 CO2 molecules are formed per
glucose oxidized. Choose from the list below the correct numbers of
CO2 molecules released by glycolysis (gly), the citric acid cycle (CAC) and
pyruvate oxidation (pyr).
a. gly 1; CAC 3; pyr 2
b. gly 2; CAC 2; pyr 2
c. gly 1; CAC 4; pyr 1
d. gly 0; CAC 4; pyr 2
e. gly 0; CAC 6; pyr 0

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.5 Why Does Cellular Respiration
Yield So Much More Energy Than Fermentation? p. 153

2 of 20
Which of the following reactions is not an oxidationreduction reaction?
a. NADH + O2 + H+ NAD+ + H2O
c. FAD + H2O FADH2 + O2
d. NADH + acetaldehyde NAD+ + ethanol
e. AH2 + B A + BH2

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.1 How Does Glucose Oxidation
Release Chemical Energy? and 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways
of Glucose Metabolism? pp. 139142 and pp. 145147
3 of 20
The end-product(s) of glycolysis is/are
a. pyruvate.
b. pyruvate, ATP, and NAD+.
c. acetyl CoA, ATP, and NAD+.
d. pyruvate, ATP, and NADH.
e. acetyl CoA, ATP, and NADH.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways
of Glucose Metabolism? p. 142
4 of 20
Triglycerides are major energy storage molecules. How is the complete
oxidation of triglycerides to CO2 and water related to the oxidation of

a. They are unrelated.
b. Both the oxidation of triglycerides and that of glucose use the citric
acid cycle.
c. Acetyl CoA is an intermediate in the breakdown of both glucose and
d. Only glucose oxidation uses the glycolytic pathway.
e. Both b and c

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.6 How Are Metabolic Pathways
Interrelated and Controlled? p. 154
5 of 20
The electron transport chain of mitochondria
a. is present in the outer membrane of the mitochondrion.
b. contains cytochromes and proteins containing flavins (FAD).
c. reduces NAD+.
d. generates an H+ gradient such that the outside of the mitochondrion is
more basic than the inside.
e. makes ATP.

1 out of 1
Correct. Textbook Reference: 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 148150
6 of 20
Most of the ATP that is made during the complete oxidation of glucose to
CO2 and water

a. is made by the mitochondrial ATP synthase.

b. results from substrate-level phosphorylation.
c. is synthesized by the sodium/potassium-ATPase.
d. is synthesized in the cytosol.
e. is made directly by the citric acid cycle.

1 out of 1
Correct. Textbook Reference: 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways of
Glucose Metabolism? pp. 144145, 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 149150 and 7.5 Why Does Cellular
Respiration Yield So Much More Energy Than Fermentation? p. 153
7 of 20
Acetyl CoA is
a. formed within mitochondria by the reduction of pyruvate.
b. formed within mitochondria by the oxidation of fatty acids.
c. formed in the cytoplasm by the oxidation of glucose.
d. used for the synthesis of fatty acids.
e. Both b and d

Question not answered

8 of 20
a. results in the formation of lactic acid or ethanol.
b. completely oxidizes glucose to CO2 and H2O.

c. is not coupled to ATP synthesis.

d. occurs under aerobic conditions in yeasts.
e. is endergonic.

1 out of 1
Correct. Textbook Reference: 7.3 How Is Energy Harvested from
Glucose in the Absence of Oxygen? pp. 147148
9 of 20
a. is the conversion of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate.
b. is an exergonic reaction.
c. uses ATP in its initial steps.
d. is an oxidation/reduction process.
e. All of the above

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways
of Glucose Metabolism? pp. 142144
10 of 20
Reagents, such as dinitrophenol, increase the permeability of the
mitochondrial inner membrane to protons. The addition of dinitrophenol to a
suspension of animal cells should
a. decrease the rate of oxidation of NADH.
b. inhibit mitochondrial ATP synthesis.
c. increase lactic acid production.

d. decrease the rate of pyruvate oxidation.

e. stimulate ATP synthesis by mitochondria.

1 out of 1
Correct. Textbook Reference: 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 148151
11 of 20
The mitochondrial electron transport chain
a. is the site of most of the reactions of the citric acid cycle.
b. synthesizes ATP.
c. pumps protons into the mitochondrial matrix during electron
d. oxidizes the intermediate electron carriers, NADH and FADH2.
e. oxidizes water to O2 and 2 H+.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 150151
12 of 20
The activity of the glycolytic enzyme, phosphofructokinse, is subject to
regulation. Which of the statements given below about this regulation
is true?
a. ATP is both a substrate and an allosteric effector of the enzyme.
b. The activity of the enzyme would be high when the ATP to ADP
concentration ratio is high.
c. The activity of the enzyme is inhibited by ADP.

d. Citrate activates the enzyme.

e. Citrate likely binds to an active site.

Question not answered

13 of 20
The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi is a _______ reaction. In
mitochondria, ATP synthesis is driven by the flow of _______ down the
concentration and electrical gradient established by _______.
a. endergonic; Na+ ions; electron transport
b. exergonic; protons; glycolysis
c. endergonic; protons; the electron transport
d. exergonic; Na+ ions; glycolysis
e. endergonic; protons; the citric acid cycle

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 151152
14 of 20
Cyanide inhibits the enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain
that reduces O2 to water. Suppose that you add cyanide to a suspension of
muscle cells from a rat. Which statement given below is the most accurate
with respect to the effects of cyanide on glucose catabolism?
a. The citric acid cycle and glycolysis would be inhibited.
b. The citric acid cycle would be inhibited, but glycolysis would not.
Ethanol accumulates.
c. The citric acid cycle and glycolysis would be stimulated.

d. The citric acid cycle would be inhibited, but glycolysis would not.
Lactic acid accumulates.
e. The citric acid cycle would not be inhibited, but glycolysis would.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.3 How Is Energy Harvested from
Glucose in the Absence of Oxygen? pp. 147148
15 of 20
The conversion of malate to oxaloacetate in the citric acid cycle takes place
with the conversion of NAD+ to NADH. In this reaction, NAD+ is
a. the reducing agent.
b. the oxidizing agent.
c. reduced.
d. oxidized.
e. Both b and c

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways
of Glucose Metabolism? pp. 146147
16 of 20
What is the metabolic fate of pyruvate in anaerobic muscle?
a. It is converted to acetyl CoA.
b. It is decarboxylated.
c. It is oxidized.
d. It is reduced to lactate.

e. It is converted to ethanol.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.3 How Is Energy Harvested from
Glucose in the Absence of Oxygen? pp. 147148
17 of 20
The mitochondrial ATP synthase
a. is an entirely integral membrane protein.
b. couples the synthesis of ATP to the flow of protons across the inner
membrane from inside to out.
c. is a soluble protein located in the mitochondrial matrix.
d. makes ATP at the expense of the proton gradient established by
electron transport.
e. usually hydrolyzes ATP to establish a proton gradient.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.4 How Does the Oxidation of
Glucose Form ATP? pp. 150151
18 of 20
Which of the following statements about the citric acid cycle is false?
a. The cycle releases less energy than glycolysis.
b. CO2 is released during operation of the cycle.
c. The cycle takes place in the mitochondrial matrix.
d. The cycle requires NAD+ and FAD.
e. The cycle does not operate under anaerobic conditions.

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.2 What Are the Aerobic Pathways
of Glucose Metabolism? pp. 145147
19 of 20
A suspension of yeast supplied with glucose as its source of energy was
transferred to an anaerobic environment. What would happen to the rate of
glucose utilization and the rate of ethanol production after the transfer?
a. Glucose usage would decrease; ethanol production would increase
b. Glucose usage would increase; ethanol production would decrease
c. Both glucose usage and ethanol production would increase.
d. Both glucose usage and ethanol production would be unchanged.
e. Glucose usage would not change; ethanol production would increase

0 out of 1
Incorrect. Textbook Reference: 7.3 How Is Energy Harvested from
Glucose in the Absence of Oxygen? pp. 149150
20 of 20
Which of the compounds listed below link (or links) glycolysis and the citric
acid cycle to the mitochondrial electron transport chain?
b. ADP and Pi
c. FADH2
d. ATP
e. Both a and c

1 out of 1

Correct. Textbook Reference: 7.1 How Does Glucose Oxidation

Release Chemical Energy? pp. 141142 and 7.2 What Are the
Aerobic Pathways of Glucose Metabolism? pp. 144145 and 7.4 How
Does the Oxidation of Glucose Form ATP? pp. 148&ndash:149

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