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1) Heading Tags

2) Paragraph Tags
3) Anchor Tags
4) Adding Image
5) List Tags
6) Doctype
7) Horizontal Rule
8) Meta Tag
9) Tables
10) Forms
11) Using the span tag
12) Break tag
13) Preformatted text tag <pre>
14) Adding a CSS to a HTML file
15) Subscript tag
16) Superscript tag
17) Delete tag
18) Adding Video
19) Adding audio
20) Different attributes of input tag
21) Abbreviation tag

22) Some basic and important entities

23) iFrames
24) Targetting an anchor tag to open in an iFrame
25) Marquee
26) Bold-<strong>, Italics-<em>(emphasized), Underline-<u>
27) Fieldset and Legend tags

1) Text-Decoration, text-decoration:none (To remove the underline under a link), overline, linethrough, underline
2) Color
3) Font-size
4) Font-weight Normal, Bold
5) Font-family
6) Background-color
7) Background-image
8) Padding
9) Border, Border-collapse:collapse
10) Margin, margin-left:auto, margin-right:auto
11) Text-transform, Text-transform:uppercase, lowercase or capitalize
12) Display, display:inline, block, none(Hides up the element without consuming any space)
13) Float, float:left, right (This property floats off the element far to the left or right)(Completed)
14) Background-repeat, background-repeat: repeat-x (Repeats an image many times along the xaxis), repeat-y, no-repeat

15) target = _blank This opens the link in a new tab or window
16) List-style-type and list-style-image for ordered lists
17) Box-Shadow
18) Text-Shadow
19) Vertical-Align Text-top, text-bottom, middle
20) Caption tag to tables This caption tag is added after the <table> tag
21) rowspan, colspan for tables
22) Position

Things I have learned:

1) Placeholder: Used in forms so that when something is typed, the text disappears automatically.
Ex: <input type= text placeholder= Type here/>
2) Input types Radio Buttons, Checkbox, Text, Password, Submit
3) The text area created by the <textarea> tag can be edited
4) To have a dropdown list, we use the <select> and <option> tags
5) We can target an anchor link to open in an iFrame. For example, <a href =
target = new_frame> Click here </a>. But we should notice that the target is to new_frame. So,
the frame that is present should also be given the same name by <iframe name = new_frame
src = # width = 500 height = 500/>
6) The main attributes of marquee that are to be remembered are loop, scrollamount and
direction. Loop determines how many times the text have to repeat (if it is set to 0, then its an
infinite loop), scrollamount determines the speed of the text that is to be moved and direction
maybe left or right based on how we want it whether from right to left of left to right respectively
7) HTML Entities: The general code for using an entity is &entity_name;

Some of the basic and important entity names are: nbsp(non-breaking space i.e. space), lt(Less
Than), gt(Greater Than), amp(Ampersand &), cent, pound, euro, yen, copy(Copyrights),
reg(Registered Trademark), etc..

8) There are 3 ways to insert a style sheet into a HTML document. They are 1) External Style
Sheet 2) Internal Style Sheet 3) Inline Style Sheet
1) External Style Sheet: This is to be done in the <head> tag of the HTML file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">

2) Internal Style Sheet: In this case the style sheet is directly added to the HTML file in the head
section under the <style> tag.
3) Inline Style Sheet: In this, the code is added directly to the tags itself with the style attribute

*In these 3 ways, the first one is mostly preferred

The order of priorities if more than one style sheet is available is: Inline Style Sheet > Internal or
External Style Sheet > Browser Defined Style

9) After starting a video tag, we must have to video controls, so we add controls as an attribute
to it and we can also specify the height and width. Then we can also add autoplay which is
useful for playing the video as soon as its loaded.
Then we add the source of the video by using the <source> tag and src attribute in it and finally
close the source tag

10) We add a audio clip just like we have added a video clip. But the difference is only that the
height and width are not specified as they are not required and the remaining part remains same

We add a value that is set to the type of file whether its an audio or video. This make the
website recognize better. Like audio/mpeg, video/mp4, etc.

11) Box-sizing: Border-boxGenerally, elements are arranged according to the size of the
content. Now if we add this to a div element, then this includes the size of content, border and
the padding. So, the boxes width and height which are specified will remain the same no matter
what the padding, border and content sizes are.

12) Its better to specify the height and width of the elements as a percentage so that they will
occupy the same space on every device

13) Always specify the width and height of an image. If they are not specified, the page will
flicker while the image loads

14) When you specify the height and width of an element in percentage, 100% occupies the full

15) Background-color can be set to transparent

16) Hiding an element can be done by setting the display property to "none" or the visibility
property to "hidden". However, notice that these two methods produce different results:
visibility:hidden hides an element, but it will still take up the same space as before. The element
will be hidden, but still affect the layout
display:none hides an element, and it will not take up any space. The element will be hidden, and
the page will be displayed as if the element is not there
17) In input tag, for type equals to text, the following properties can be used readonly, disabled,
size, maxlength..

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