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The Distance Delta

Professional Development
Assignment - Reflection and Action
Centre: 10239 The Distance Delta
Date: 18.10.2015
Name: Dragica Zdraveska
Word Count: 993

The Distance Delta

Stage 1
Stage 2

My Beliefs and Practices

I teach in a monolingual environment so I believe that students should be
exposed to a considerable amounts of comprehensible input which is slightly beyond
their current level of competence (Krashen, 1985: 80). Challenged to make sense of it
they engage in the process of hypothesis making and testing which further develops
their interlanguage (Hedge, 2000:11).
My students find it easier to remember and recall language if it is presented in
chunks, so I use a lot of mind maps, tables and graphics. Implementing activities that
help students notice language patterns encourages hands-on language work, and
improves fluency which can be said to be achieved largely by combining chunks
(Lewis: 1997:121).
For grammar presentations I use deductive and inductive methods to cater for
individual needs and preferences. My thinking reflects the outcome of a research
conducted by Ellis (2008) that both types of instructions appear to work with no clear
evidence in favour of either. I familiarize students with the new sounds and language
features by drilling and repetition and to consolidate we practice the language points in
different contexts, thus illustrating the language versatility. I use activities like
retranslations to raise awareness of and highlight the linguistic and cultural nuances
between L1 and English. I have adopted a holistic approach towards learning so
creating warm and welcoming environments is a priority. I prefer having students seated
around me in a circle, because that enables me monitor closely and supports all the
students equally.
Strengths and weaknesses
I take genuine interest in my students and I am very patient and respectful
because I believe that learning only happens in a positive and motivating environment.
I choose interesting topics that challenge students and provide a lot of space for them
to explore and experiment, thus encouraging learner autonomy.
I find it difficult, however, to set a well - balanced pace in the lesson. It can get
rather slow at the language clarification stage or rapid towards the end which can put a

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

strain on the students.The reason for this is me digressing easily which, justifiable as it
may be if the emergent language is managed carefully, affects the smooth transition
between stages. The following are the weaknesses I want to prioritize:
Giving proper and efficient instructions and checking them afterwards. It
is an essential skill that determines the outcomes of the tasks and the activities,
which impacts on the success of the lesson aims in general. If gives confidence
to the students if they properly understand what they need to do and creates
more time. I dont include the actual words for instruction giving in my plan
because I tend to think the right ones would come naturally, which is not always
the case. My instructions are too wordy and complicated and often given all at
once so improving the way I give instructions will also will benefit the lesson
I am not very skilful in clarifying meaning consistently, thoughtfully and
efficiently. It has been pointed out to me on the OC that I need to work on my
language clarification techniques and CCQs. This skill is the one I would like to
improve most of all because I want to avoid students being led to misconstrue
meaning, with me being oblivious to it.
I would like to improve my board work which mirrors my digressions and is
often too cluttered and messy. I would want it to be neater and more organized
because it may provide a better model for my students notes.

An action plan

In order to

I intent to

Time frame

Give clearly formulated -Read - J. Scrivener , 2005, Next weekend

Chapter 3
Watch lessons online and
Choose Over the next month
techniques I consider most
appropriate for my context,
try them out and reflect on
their effectiveness

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

In the next 2 months

Record occasionally with
different groups and levels
and reflecting on that
Ask a colleague to observe
me with a task sheet
(Appendix 2 )

Develop better skills in Read Hedge, 2000, Part 2: First

clarifying meaning and Teaching the language weekend in November
checking system and
2005, Chapter 5 and 10
November/ December
Read Workman.G, 2005
Watch videos on CCQ
online (youtube)
LSA1/ LSA2, several
Write CCQs for the items I
lessons throughout the
clarification and include
them in the lesson plan.
Compare the pre- planned
to those that came up in the
lesson; write them down Throughout the
together with how I have semester
clarified them

Ask a colleague to observe

me with a task sheet
(Appendix 3)
Improve my boardwork Read 10 board tips by
Penny Ur.

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

December/ January
Take photos of my board
and several of my students
notebooks (Appendix 3)

Data Collection Methods

I think that by reading more I will get an insight into the areas of interest and
question my classroom routines. Watching teachers in action will offer me a glimpse into
their classroom life and will showcase different techniques I can choose from and adapt
to suit my needs. I will ask a colleague to observe my lessons with a task sheet focusing
especially on the areas I have chosen for development, and I will refer to these to gauge
my progress. We will discuss the issues afterwards and her unbiased voice will give my
action plan more credibility. I will listen back the recordings to get clear vision of what it
is that I do, and this will help me understand what changes need to be made.
Taking photos of my board work, particularly at different lesson stages during
lessons will inform me when and why it starts becoming messy. Photos of students
notebooks will inform me about what they copy from the board and further questions will
be clarified by oral feedback.
Word Count (993)


Ellis, R . (2008) in Thornbury An E-Z of ELT, Scott Thornbury blog (2011)

available at
2. Hedge. T. (2000), Teaching and Learning in the Language classroom, Oxford
university Press
Krashen, S. (1985) Ch 1 the Input Hypothesis , The Input Hypothesis,
Issues and Implications ss 1-32, IBSN 0582553811, Copyright 1985,
longman group UK Ltp.

[Dragica Zdraveska]


The Distance Delta




Lewis, M. (1997) , Implementing the lexical approach: Putting Theory into

practice. Heinle ELT, Language Teaching Publications (Chapter 7)
Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning teaching, A guide book for English Language
Teachers, Second edition, Macmillan Books for teachers
Somogyi - Toth, K. (2012), Observation tasks, A workbook for language
teachers, a booklet accompanying the article in the Teacher Training Journal,
pg7, Volume 6, N3
Ur,P. (2014), Using the boad, Cambridge University Press, available at
Workman, G. (2008), Concept Checking and Timelines, Gem Publishing

Appendix 1 Observer task sheet- Giving instructions
Appendix 2 Observer task sheet - Clarifying meaning and CCQs
Appendix 3 Personal teachers log on boardwork (questions)
Appendix 4 Pre- course task on teachers beliefs

Appendix 1


Observer task sheet

(please circle the option(s) you choose)
Was there a signal before giving instructions?


How was it marked?


Not sure

a ) By silence
b ) By addressing the students (please give the exact words __________________)

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

c) It wasnt marked
d) Other ________

Were there a lot of sentences?

a) Yes, there were too many and they were not necessary
b) Yes, but it was justifiable because____________
c) No, it was just right
d) No, there were very few and not enough because_________________

4. Were the sentences short and simple

5. To what extent were they logical? (1- illogical 5- very logical )
2 3 4
6. How simple was the language the teacher used? (1- very simple 5 complicated)
1 2 3 4 5
(Please provide further details)_________________
7. Was the language suitably graded and adapted to the comprehension level of the
(1- very much so, 5- it wasnt suitable) 1 2 3 4 5
8. Were there repetitive sentences and unnecessary comments?
(Please specify)

Was the teachers voice clear and properly pitched? Did it sound natural?


10. Did she demonstrate what the students needed to do?

a) Yes, ______
b) No, because__________
11. Did she check understanding?

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

Yes, (please specify how)__________________

No, ______________
12. Write down some of the instruction checking questions that the teacher used?
13. Did the students start the activity after being given the instructions? Did they
check with each other and was it noticeable? (PLEASE PROVIDE MORE DETAILS)

14. Did they ask the teacher what they needed to do again and if so, how did she
respond do that?
15. Did she use L1, when and why?
(adopted from Somagyi - Toth, K. (2012), Observation tasks, A workbook for language teachers, a booklet
accompanying the article in the Teacher Training Journal, Volume 6, N3 (page 16

Appendix 2
Task sheet for the observer
(circle your opinion and please provide fUrther details where required)

Did the teacher clarify the new language items ?

2. Were the items for clarification chosen in advance?
Did she check with the learners whether they knew the items first? If so

Did the students ask for other items and how did the teacher react to that?
Which techniques did the teacher use for clarification? (you can circle more
than one)
a) Used concrete example

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

b) Offered synonyms (and / or antonyms)

c) Provided visuals
d) Gave definition
Tied the term to a previously learned information and reminded the
students of that
f) Provided translation into L1

How successful was her technique(s)? ( observe students at this point) 1

2 3 4
(1 very much 5- not at all)
Did she board the new language and did she write the explanations/
translations on the board?
8. Did she checked understanding after she clarified the language?

What technique did she use?

a) She asked the students if there was anything they didnt understand
b) She asked them to translate some items from L1 into English
c) She asked them to translate the items into L1
d) She asked CCQs
10. To what extend did they cover the main concept features of the items? (1they did 5- they didnt) Provide further details
11. Was the number of questions appropriate?
12. Was the set of questions appropriate?
14. Did the students get understanding of the all the aspects of meaning or only
a part of the meaning and if so why?

Appendix 3
Questions for personal reflection as a teacher log after class

What did I use the board for?

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta


Was it effective?
Was it organized well and according to what did I organize it?
Were the ss copying while I was writing or afterwards?

(source Wajnryb.R 1992 Classroom Observation, CUP)

Appendix 4
Belief questionnaire from the pre- Course task
I try to talk as much as possible to my learners. On my initial training
course we were told to keep our talking time to a minimum
I actually talk quite a lot in class because I believe that students will benefit
from being exposed to a considerable amount of comprehensible input, and
for some of my learners it is the only English they get. I sometimes feel that I
am talking too much, though, especially with lower levels. I feel they are in
need of constant scaffolding and support and that adds to my talk. I came to
realize that I am echoing my students sentences, quite unconsciously, which
is unnecessary and I have decided to attend to it and work on it aiming to
eradicate it eventually
2. I still drill my students but I feel guilty about it because my colleagues
think it is a waste of time
I use drills especially with YL and beginners because it think they are useful
and help students get used to the sounds of English language. If varied they
can be used for presenting- revising consolidating and I dont feel guilty of
using them but I am careful not to overdo them.
I rarely teach grammar anymore. I think language is all about learning
lexical chunks
On changing my approach and using more and more the lexical approach I
noticed that students could make better sense of the language if classified
and organized in patterns. I found grammar rules very difficult to explain, not

[Dragica Zdraveska]

The Distance Delta

because the students didnt like to learn them but because of the many
exceptions and my doubtfulness when it came to decide what to include in
the explanations. My students have been used to being given explicit
explanations because that is how they were taught their L1 or before so I
provide pedagogic grammar explanations in the need to overburden my
I dont teach grammar to YL (6-12) because I have realized that it is to no
avail. They benefit more from different methods where grammar points are
revealed and dealt with in a different manner.
I dont correct as much as I used to. I think communication is more
important than accuracy
I would say that it depends. With very YL learners I remodel and rephrase
and I never overtly correct when a students is speaking. I might deal with the
mistake somehow afterwards via some activity but if the mistake is about to
become an error or if it really impedes communication. I believe that
correction can only be effective when the students has reached to a certain
level of language competence, is open and ready for the error correction
process and welcomes it and really benefits from it. Correcting elementary
students leads to anxiety which seems to relate to negative experience in
speaking activities (Hedge, 2000: 13).

I use course books a lot more now and put my energy into exploiting
them rather than looking for material
Actually I use them less and less. I find them too overwhelming, cluttered and
inappropriate for my context. I havent discarded them completely and I
sometimes find many interesting things in them but I adapt them and modify
them to suit my students needs.


I always teach my students phonemic script; I think getting the sounds

right is the most important part of pronunciation
I have started to teach the phonemic script in a systematic way and present it
all at once rather than teaching random sounds scattered around the
coursebooks and divided randomly. It didnt make sense to the students to
learn 3 symbols and then another 3 in 3 weeks.

Stage 3
Stage 4

[Dragica Zdraveska]


The Distance Delta


[Dragica Zdraveska]


The Distance Delta

Stage 1
Write here

Stage 2
Write here

Stage 3
Write here

Stage 4
Write here

[Dragica Zdraveska]


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