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Techniques for Solving
Exponential Equations
Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable
element transforms into a different element, typically
releasing energy as it does so. The half-life of a
radioactive substance is the time required for a sample
of the material to decay to half its initial amount.

The amount, A, in milligrams, of a radioactive

material remaining as a function of time, t, in years,

can be modelled by the equation A(t)  A0 _ 1 h,
where A0 is the initial amount, in milligrams, and
h is the half-life, in years.

In practice, A, A0, and t can be measured for an

element. Once these values are known, they can
be used to determine the half-life.

Example 1 Radioactive Decay

CONNECTIONS Polonium-218 is a radioactive substance that spontaneously decays into
British physicist Ernest Rutherford lead-214. One minute after a 100-mg sample of polonium-218 is placed into
(1871–1937) and others a nuclear chamber, only 80 mg remains.
discovered that radioactivity a) Determine the half-life of polonium-218.
was very complicated. Different
types of decay can occur, but b) Graph the decay function for polonium-218.
Rutherford was the first to realize
that they all occur with the Solution
same approximately exponential
a) Substitute A0  100, t  1, and A(1)  80 into the decay equation and
formula, the half-life equation.
solve for h.

1 h
A(t)  A0 _

80  100( _
1 h

0.8  0.5 h Divide both sides by 100, and write _ as 0.5.
log 0.8  log 0.5 h Take the common logarithm of both sides.
1 log 0.5
log 0.8  _ Apply the power law of logarithms.
h log 0.8  log 0.5 Multiply both sides by h.

370 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

log 0.5
h  __ Solve for h.
log 0.8
h ⬟ 3.1

The half-life of polonium-218 is approximately 3.1 min.

b) Substitute the initial amount and the half-life into the
decay equation to graph the function.

A(t)  A0 _ h
A(t)  100( _
1 3.1
A0  100 and h  3.1.

Use graphing technology. Choose appropriate window settings to view

the graph.

Example 2 Powers With Different Bases

Solve the equation 42x  1  3x  2.

Method 1: Apply Algebraic Reasoning
Take the logarithm of both sides and apply the power law of logarithms to
remove the variables from the exponents.
42x  1  3x  2
log 42x  1  log 3x  2
(2x  1) log 4  (x  2) log 3 Apply the power law of logarithms.
2x log 4  log 4  x log 3  2 log 3 Apply the distributive property.
2x log 4  x log 3  2 log 3  log 4 Collect variable terms on one side of the equation.
x(2 log 4  log 3)  2 log 3  log 4 Factor x on the left side.
2 log 3  log 4
x  ___ Solve for x.
2 log 4  log 3
This is an exact expression for the root of the equation.
Use a calculator to determine an approximate value
for this expression.
The solution to this equation is x ⬟ 2.14.

7.2 Techniques for Solving Exponential Equations • MHR 371

Method 2: Use a Graphing Calculator
Enter the left side of the equation as one function and the right side as
another function. Identify where the graphs of these functions intersect.
Experiment with the window settings in order to view the point of intersection.

Use the Intersect operation to determine the coordinates of the point of


The graph shows that the expressions 42x  1

and 3x  2 are equal when x ⬟ 2.14, which
confirms the result derived algebraically above.

Example 3 Apply the Quadratic Formula

Reasoning and Proving
Solve the equation 2x  2x  4 algebraically, and Representing Selecting Tools
then check the solution using a graphing calculator.
Problem Solving

Connecting Reflecting
Solution Communicating

There is no immediately obvious method of solving this equation. Notice

that if you multiply both sides of the equation by 2x, then a quadratic
equation is obtained in terms of 2x.
2x  2x  4
2 (2x  2x)  2x(4)

2 (2x)  2x(2x)  2x(4)

Apply the distributive property.
22x  20  2x(4) Apply the product rule for exponents.
22x  1  2x(4) Recall that a0  1.
This is a quadratic equation in which the variable is 2x. To see this more
clearly, apply the power of a power law to the term 22x.
(2x)2  1  2x(4)
(2x)2  4(2x)  1  0 Write in standard form: az 2  bz  c  0, where z  2x.
The coefficients of the quadratic expression on the left side are a  1,
b  4, and c  1. This expression is not factorable. Apply the quadratic
formula to determine the roots.

372 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

Method 1: Solve for 2x Directly Method 2: Let k  2x and Solve for k
b  √
b2  4ac k2  4k  1  0
2x  ____
2a b  √
b2  4ac
k  ____
(4)  √
(4)2  4(1)(1) 2a
2(1) (4)  √
(4)2  4(1)(1)

k  ______
4  20 2(1)
2 k2 5 √
4  2 √5
 __ Simplify the radical.
2 Now substitute 2x  k.
 2  √5 Simplify the rational expression. 2x  2  √

This equation appears to give two solutions. Explore each case.

Case 1
2x  2  √
log 2x  log (2  √5 Take the common logarithm of both sides.
x log 2  log (2  √5 Apply the power law of logarithms.
log (2  √5)
x  ___ Divide both sides by log 2.
log 2
Use a calculator to evaluate this expression.
One root of this equation is approximately 2.08.

Case 2
2x  2  √
Note that 2  √ 5  0. A power is always a positive number, so it cannot be
equal to a negative number. Thus, this root is extraneous.
Use a graphing calculator to verify these results. Use reasonable window
settings to view the point of intersection.

Use the Intersect operation to determine the

coordinates of the point of intersection.
This confirms the algebraic result.
There is a single solution to the equation
2x  2x  4 and its value is x ⬟ 2.08.

7.2 Techniques for Solving Exponential Equations • MHR 373

Example 3 illustrates an important point: when both sides of an equation
are multiplied by the same non-constant factor, the possibility of obtaining
extraneous roots is introduced. When this technique is used to solve an equation,
the roots obtained must be checked to ensure that they are valid solutions to
the original equation. Any extraneous roots should be rejected as invalid.


An equation maintains balance when the common logarithm is applied
to both sides.
The power law of logarithms is a useful tool for solving for a variable
that appears as part of an exponent.
When a quadratic equation is obtained, methods such as factoring and
applying the quadratic formula may be useful.
Some algebraic methods of solving exponential equations lead to
extraneous roots, which are not valid solutions to the original equation.

Communicate Your Understanding

C1 Refer to the radioactive decay equation A(t)  A0 _ 1 h.
a) Why is there a factor that contains the fraction ?1
b) Explain the significance of the fraction _1 in the 2context of this
C2 The solution to the equation 53x  4x  1 is given below, but in
jumbled order.
x(3 log 5  log 4)  log 4
53x  4x  1
3x log 5  x log 4  log 4
log 53x  log 4x  1
3x log 5  (x  1) log 4
3x log 5  x log 4  log 4
log 4
x  ___
3 log 5  log 4
a) Copy the solution into your notebook, with the steps rearranged
in the correct order.
b) Write a brief explanation beside each step.
C3 Refer to Example 3. Could this equation be solved by taking the
common logarithm of both sides? If so, provide a solution. If not,
explain the problem with this method.
C4 a) What is an extraneous root?
b) How can extraneous roots be identified?
c) Give an example of an extraneous root for an exponential equation.

374 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

A Practise
For help with questions 1 to 3, refer to Example 1.
2. Solve for t. Round answers to two decimal places.
1. Match each graph with its equation. a) 2  1.07t b) 3  1.1t
a) y c) 100  10(1.04)t d) 5  1.08t  2

e) 0.5  1.2t  1 f) 10  _()
1 3t
() ()
_t 6
g) 15  _ 1 4
h) 100  25 _ 1 _t
20 2 2
10 3. Use the decay equation for polonium-218,

A(t)  A0 _ 1 3.1 , where A is the amount
0 2 4 6 8x 2
remaining after t minutes and A0 is the
initial amount.
b) y
40 a) How much will remain after 90 s from
an initial sample of 50 mg?
b) How long will it take for this sample to
20 decay to 10% of its initial amount of 50 mg?
c) Would your answer to part b) change if the
size of the initial sample were changed?
Explain why or why not.
0 2 4 6 8x
For help with questions 4 and 5, refer to Example 2.
c) y 4. Solve each equation. Leave answers in exact form.
40 a) 2x  3x  1
30 b) 5x  2  4x
c) 8x  1  3x  1
d) 72x  1  4x  2
5. Use Technology Find approximate values for
your answers to question 4, correct to three
0 4 8 12 16 x
decimal places.
For help with questions 6 and 7, refer to Example 3.
d) y
40 6. Consider the equation 22x  2x  6  0.
30 a) Write the equation in the form
az2  bz  c  0, where z  2x, and then
20 identify the coefficients a, b, and c.
10 b) Solve the equation using the quadratic formula.
c) Identify any extraneous roots.
0 4 8 12 16 x
7. Consider the equation 82x  2(8x)  5  0.
a) Write the equation as a quadratic equation
of 8x, as in question 6, and then identify the
() ()
x x
i) y  100 _ 1
ii) y  50 _ 4

2 2 coefficients a, b, and c.

iii) y  50( _
iv) y  100( _
1 4
b) Solve the equation using the quadratic formula.
c) Identify any extraneous roots.

7.2 Techniques for Solving Exponential Equations • MHR 375

B Connect and Apply
8. A 20-mg sample of thorium-233 decays to 13. Alchemy is the ancient study of turning
17 mg after 5 min. substances into gold using chemical, or
a) Determine the half-life of thorium-233. sometimes magical, means. When platinum-197
undergoes a nuclear process known as beta
b) How long will it take for this sample to
decay, it becomes gold-197, which is a stable
decay to 1 mg?
isotope. The half-life of platinum-197 is 20 h.
9. A 10-mg sample of Reasoning and Proving a) How long would it take to turn 90% of a
bismuth-214 decays Representing Selecting Tools 1-kg sample of platinum-197 into gold?
to 9 mg in 3 min. Problem Solving
b) Do you think this is a viable “get-rich-quick”
a) Determine the Connecting Reflecting
scheme? Why or why not?
half-life of Communicating
14. The probability, P, in percent, that a person
will respond to a certain advertisement can be
b) Graph the amount of bismuth-214 remaining modelled by the equation P(n)  1  20.05n,
as a function of time. where n is the number of days since the
c) Describe how the graph would change if advertisement began on television. After how
the half-life were many days is the probability greater than 20%?
i) shorter ii) longer 15. Lana has purchased a minivan for $24 000.
Give reasons for your answers. The value, V, in dollars, of the minivan as
d) Describe how the graph would change if the a function of time, t, in years, depreciates
initial sample size were according to the function V(t)  24 000 _ 1 3.
i) greater ii) less How long will it take for Lana’s minivan
Give reasons for your answers. to depreciate to
a) one quarter of its initial value?
CONNECTIONS b) 10% of its initial value?
The element bismuth is used in making chemical alloys, medicines,
16. Chapter Problem One important characteristic
and transistors.
of an electric guitar is its sustain, which is
related to the length of time a plucked string
10. Does the equation 42x  2(4x)  3  0 have
continues to sound before the sound dies out.
any real solutions? Explain your answer.
One particular guitar can hold a certain note

11. Solve and check for extraneous roots. Where according to the relation I(t)  I0 _ 1 12 ,
necessary, round answers to 2 decimal places. 2
where I is the intensity of the note as a
a) 32x  7(3x)  12
function of time, t, in seconds, and I0 is the
b) 5x  3  52x initial intensity of the note when it is struck.
c) 8(3)2x  3  24 a) How long will it take for the intensity of
d) 18  2(9)2x  1 this note to decay to
e) 3x  1  56(3x)  0 i) half of its initial value?
f) 4x  3  18(4x) ii) 10% of its initial value?
12. Use Technology Check your solutions to b) Sketch a graph of the sustain function.
question 11 using graphing technology. c) Suppose that the design of the guitar is
improved so that its sustain is increased.
What effect will this have on the
i) equation? ii) graph?

376 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

✓Achievement Check
17. One day, a controversial video is posted on the
Internet that seemingly gives concrete evidence
of life on other planets. Suppose that 50 people
see the video the first day after it is posted and
that this number doubles every day after that.
a) Write an expression to describe the number
of people who have seen the video t days
after it is posted.
b) One week later, a second video is posted
that reveals the first as a hoax. Suppose that
20 people see this video the first day after it
is posted and that this number triples every
day after that. Write an expression to
describe the number of people who have d) If you solved the equation in part c)
seen the second video t days after it is posted. algebraically, check your answer using
c) Set the two expressions from parts a) graphing technology. If you solved it
and b) equal and solve for t using tools graphically, check your answer using
and strategies of your choice. What does algebraic reasoning.
this solution mean?

C Extend and Challenge

18. When platinum-197 undergoes beta decay, 21. Math Contest If 2a  5 and 2b  3, what is the
it becomes gold-197. The half-life of value of log3 10?
platinum-197 is 20 h. b1
A __
a) Develop an equation for the amount of a
gold-197 produced as a function of time for b1
B __
the given scenario. a1
b) Find the domain and the range of this a1
C __
function. b
D _
19. a) Perform some research on the carbon fusion
cycle. Describe the steps of the cycle and
E _
how energy is produced. a
b) Pose and solve two problems related to the
carbon fusion cycle that involve exponential 22. Math Contest Given a function h(x) that
equations. satisfies the equation h(2x  1)  2h(x)  1
for all x, and h(0)  2, what is the value
20. Math Contest If 4x  4x  1  24, what is the
of h(3)?
value of (2x)x?
A 5 √
5 B 25 C 125 D 25 √

7.2 Techniques for Solving Exponential Equations • MHR 377

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